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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar is currently working to address our customers concerns A technician was at the home today 4/4/performing further diagnostic work, a follow up appointment has been scheduled for 4/12/ A consistent effort will continue to be put forward as we work to address all
customer concerns.

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because the "solutions" that
Vivint has offered are not benefitting me in anywayThe company advertises a savings of 10-40% off your monthly electric bill and I am currently saving less than 2% per monthWith that little amount of savings that according to the representative that has been corresponding about this matter claims that Vivint doesn't gaurentee anyone a savings, should automatically null and void my year contract! Why would a customer volunteer to install solar panels on their home if they weren't going to save money monthly?!
*** ***

We were able to work with the customer and resolve the issue

Vivint Solar has attempted to reach out to the customer regarding the complaintWe emailed the customer, called and left a voicemail on 10/7/Damage Resolutions will continue to reach out to the customer to schedule a Damage Assessment and come to a resolution within the terms of the

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer regarding their complaintOur Fleet Performance department has submitted a credit to the customers billing account, for the time the system was not operationalThe credit is in the process of being appliedWe have also request to remove the customer from
auto pay until after the credit has been appliedVivint Solar is currently working with the customer to come to a satisfactory resolution, within the terms of the contract.

Vivint Solar spoke to our customer todayWe are arranging a 3rd party contractor to stop by and complete an inspection on the roof and interior to further determine the fault of the leak at the home

Vivint Solar contacted the customer and scheduled an appointment for 9/to repair the systemVivint Solar will ensure that the appointment is met to repair and troubleshoot all necessary equipment

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 8/and 8/and offered personal assistance to explain system performance and system benefitsVivint Solar will provide the customer with this information by the mutually agreed upon date

Vivint Solar has attempted to contact the customer via telephone and via email on 9/29, 10/4, and 10/with no responseVivint Solar will continue to contact the customer regarding their complaint to discuss a resolution within the terms of the agreement

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
Thank you.We are definitely NOT happy We have tried for over a year to get these solar panels fixed, via phone calls and emails to Vivint, and nothing has been resolved We have absolutely NO confidence that Vivint will ever resolve the issue We would like the panels removed, at no cost to us, and we are requesting arbitration We have already made three payments on a system that hasn't worked and we are tired of getting monthly billing notices for a system that STILL DOESN'T WORK On a side note, there are several consumers on the Vivint Facebook page that are complaining of the same problems This is ridiculous. Thank you.
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Vivint Solar spoke with the customer on 7/6/in regards to her complaintWe have come to a resolution and will stay in contact with the customer until the issue is resolved.

Vivint Solar reached out to the customer on 11/18, we were able to leave a voicemail to address her concernsWe have also emailed her, requesting that she reach out to us to come to a resolutionVivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer to come to an amicable resolution within the
terms of the agreement

We were able to work with the customer and resolve the issue

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Vivint only sent their email today requesting a response on how they are doing (survey scale), nothing indicating want to discuss resolution
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Vivint Solar is with in the rights of the Power Purchase Agreement the customer took ownership of by signing a Transfer Agreement on 8/4/Vivint Solar is taking the concerns of the customer seriously and scheduled an appointment for 6/to inspect the electrical system and the metersVivint
Solar shows the system has produced power as it was estimated to produce
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
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Complaint: ***
I am rejecting
this response because: they have been attempting to resolve the issue since July 2015. We have on numerous occasions requested they remove their equipment from our home as we feel they have breached the contract. Their resolution is nothing new
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Vivint Solar spoke with the customer on 10/11/and provided a resolution for their billing concernsA credit was applied to their billing account to reflect the actual production that the customer's system produced

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:until the technicians
show up on the scheduled date of Dec14, as guaranteed by Vivint and complete all necessary work to my satisfaction and adjust my bill which means during the summer months my breaker was off and I paid in full to my electric company without the discount of my solar service every and all aspects I demand reimbursement in full from Vivint for all my five months of payments which means Vivint must track The prior years Of summer months when my electric bill would be the highest Until this entire fiasco on Vivints part is resolved to my COMPLETE satisfaction I will not pay a dime nor will I consider this complete If need be I will hire an attorney to collect what is due to me and the stress and aggravation this has caused for five months This company should be embarrassed by their lack of customer service which unfortunately I have found out I am not the only one which once they contract you they don't give a damn what happens afterwards My advice would be if they call or show up at your house run as fast as you can away from these people they are no good I am so sorry I got involved with them this was the worst decision ever !!!
*** ***

A case has been opened, we are currently attempting contact with the customer via phone and email, to address the customer's concerns.

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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