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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer, and we have agreed on a resolution.

Vivint Solar is continuing diligent efforts to find the best possible solution to this customer's concernsAlthough the issues are not yet full resolved, we are continuing to work towards a resolution

Vivint Solar is working to get both property's Solar Systems up and runningThe property located at *** *** ** ** *** is scheduled for a Final Inspection on 06/17/Your Customer Success Manager will be following up with you regarding the other property, and will update you on the current
status, and what the next step is

We have reached out to the customer and are working on resolving her issues She is working to provide us
with the paperwork necessary for us to assist her The paperwork initially provided was illegible and the customer will be sending a clearer copy The customer's case remains open until we are able to come to to an amicable resolution within the terms of their signed agreement

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
*** ***
I provided a bill from my previous address and month at this address , Zac J*** does work there he is suspended for weeks I was told by him , it seems funny that happened when I made this complaint....I never asked to lower my kilowatt I ask for panels to be removed they are going about this for something I didn't ask for.I will provide the paper from Zac saying if I'm not happy they will remove the panel's and another thing I have reached out to vivint solar by phone times to Derak and no answer or call backI will keep trying until the panel's are removed as told Also I will take the loss from my overage and pay the bill from my pocket as I was told by vivint solar they will not pay the billJust remove the panel's

Vivint Solar has approved the customers request, and the check is being processedPlease allow 4-weeks for processing

Vivint Solar attempted to reach out to the customer regarding the complaintWe called the customer on 2/and 2/and left the customer a voicemailWe also emailed the customer to address their concernVivint Solar will continue to contact the customer and work a resolution regarding the

After speaking with the customer, we have updated them and worked out a plan to reconvene on Tuesday, July 5th to continue to work toward the resolution desired

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: The salesman spoke of an 80% reduction in the cost of electricity in actuality there is no savings and the costs of electricity are justified only through their eyesHowever, I will not pursue any legal action at this time
*** ***

Vivint Solar has been working with the customerThe system has been serviced and Vivint Solar is now working with the customer to address the billing concerns

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Not surprisingly, I received no phone call or other contact from Vivint on 4/5/16, as promised in their last response There is also an update to the complaint I have had yet another billing concern with them, just last week I checked my balance online on Tues 3/29/16, which showed a $balance due I then later in the day received an email stating my acct was past due I checked online again, and it still showed a $balance due I called Vivint billing, and they said that past due balances don't show up in the "balance due" amount When I asked how I would then know if I had a past due balance, they said I would have to select the "make payment now" function on their website to see the past due amount I asked how this makes any sense, as why would anyone make a payment when the balance due is listed as $0.00? They stated this is how their website works
I was then told the balance due was approx$after my March bill was credited the $from the fraudulent February bill This came as a surprise to me as just a week earlier my account balance (of just over $7) did not reflect that credit AND I had been told previously the $would be refunded to me as a check, not an acct credit I then asked why Vivint didn't just auto-pay the balance with the bank acct they had on file They said they disabled this on my acct per my request When I stated that a billing supervisor told me in February that auto-pay from my bank acct could NOT be disabled as it was in my contract with Vivint, my wife and I proceeded to go to our bank to begin the process of opening a new bank acct and begin moving direct deposits and such to this new acct in order to close out the one Vivint billing had on file I made it clear to this supervisor that this was my intention since Vivint couldn't cancel the monthly auto-pay Why did she not tell me that she WAS going to disable it?!? This would have saved my wife and I MUCH aggravation in opening/closing bank accts I then told a billing manager on that date (3/29) that I wanted my acct terminated and all equipment removed from my house He said he had no authority to do so, but would have someone contact me about my request (demand) As of 4/1/(hours later) I had no contact from them, so I sent an email to *** to inform them that as I had received no contact in hours to my request to speak to a supervisor, and no direct contact in over a month regarding this complaint (only promised to contact me for a resolution), that I would make no payments to Vivint for any services or goods rendered, and that the only resolution I will accept is complete termination of the contract and removal of all Vivint Solar equipment from my home
I then received this update to the complain on 4/5/promising a contact on the same date It is now 4/6/and still no contact
I remain firm on my only resolution being complete termination of this contract and removal of all Vivint Solar equipment from my home I have dealt with your company for approxmonths, and every step along the way has been mishandled and outright bungled by your company, from install onwards (as outlined in my original complaint) There have been billing cycles with your company so far: one lead to an outright fraudulent charge, and the second to an acct past due notice that doesn't appear on your website I have ZERO intentions of dealing with this aggravation on a monthly basis for the next years I expect Vivint to do the honorable and just action and accept my request (demand) for termination of contract and removal of all equipment from my home
I sincerely hope you will ACTUALLY contact me this time, as opposed to yet another promise to do so with no action
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.I spoke in detail to the Conflict Resolution department, and all issues were explained to me and should be taken care of. We also received a refund as requested
*** ***

Vivint Solar has reached out to the customer on 10/14/We have asked the customer to provide us with the Utility bills so we may be able to look into the rates and tiers with the utility companyHe will mail these to Vivint SolarWe also explained that once the bills are provided we will be able to explain rates, tiers and savings Vivint Solar will continue to work with the customer to come to a resolution within the terms of the contract

Vivint Solar was able to accommodate the customers request and have their roofing contractor at the home during re-installationWhile performing the re-installation the customers contractor demanded that the re-installation be discontinued because of holes being drilling into
the roofVivint Solar spoke with the customer and assured them that the re-instillation was being completed in a professional mannerThe customer agreed to allow the install crew continue with the re-installation of the solar panelsThis was completed 04/19/2017, and all holes in the roofing materials were sealed and are currently in a water tight condition
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

Vivint Solar has explained to the customer that the system was designed to offset their historical usage, not including the addition of their swimming pool. As stated in the Power Purchase Agreement "You shall use the energy for residential purposes only and not for heating a swimming pool". Vivint Solar did reimburse the customer for the billing mistake, and sent additional compensation to cover the increased rate the customer paid their utility company. The system is working properly and generating the amount of power it was designed to generate. The customer is requesting that Vivint Solar offset their increase in usage, since the swimming pool was installed, which is not within the terms of our Power Purchase Agreement.

Vivint Solar has contacted the complainant, and are working towards a satisfactory resolution

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 10/via telephoneWe provided information to the customer regarding the Power Purchase Agreement, Online billing, Solar Production and an overview of how the system work in conjunction with the customers utility companyThe customer has agreed to send us
copies of their utility for us to further review their billing concerns

Vivint Solar completed a Damage Assessment on 05/24/We are awaiting the results from the technician, and will discuss the findings with the customerVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer to find a Resolution with the Term of our Agreement

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer by phone on 3/5/The proposed system is not currently installed and as such the Power Purchase Agreement is not yet in effectVivint Solar has cancelled the proposed agreement.

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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