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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar is working on a resolution

Vivint Solar has attempted to reach the customer, leaving a message asking they return our callWe will continue to try and make contact with the customer

Vivint Solar is currently in communication with the customer regarding the complaintWe are working on an agreed upon resolution within the terms of the agreement.

Vivint Solar has assigned a specialist who has reached out to the customer to address their complaintAt the moment, we are scheduling an appointment to visit the property to evaluate the status of the panel, after which, we will be able to move forward with any necessary repairsVivint Solar will
stay in constant contact with the customer in order to come to a resolution within the terms and conditions of the agreement

We currently have an account coordinator who has been working with the customer on a weekly basis. The customer has been very willing to provide any and all information that the customer has received from the utility company. We are maintaining correspondence and working to
expedite the customer's request to get permission to operate from the utility company

Vivint Solar is currently trying to contact the customer to resolve all concerns

Vivint Solar has attempted to contact the customer via telephone and via email on 4/27/18 with no responseVivint Solar will continue to contact the customer regarding their complaint to discuss a resolution within the terms of the agreement

Vivint Solar has verification that all of the electrical work performed was done up to code, as per the County inspectorAny electrical work performed in addition to what is required by the County is the responsibility of the customer

Vivint Solar has made appropriate efforts in addressing Mr***’s concern about having an appointment so that his home repairs can be accomplishedAs a result of his concern Vivint Solar did accomplish the appointment as requested and has additionally offered Mr*** $as a token of goodwill to ensure that he has been adequately addressedConsequently Mr*** has rejected our offer and has requested additional funds to meet his needsSubsequently Vivint Solar has requested additional funds to meet his increasing request.

Mr*** was made aware of damage to his roof after an installAfter hearing his complaint Vivint Solar did perform an evaluation. After the evaluation it was concluded that Vivint Solar was not at faultMr*** was not in the agreement with the assessmentAs a reaction to Mr
***'s dissatisfaction we offered, that if he would like to find an Independent 3rd party to do an evaluation he was welcome to submit their findings and Vivint Solar would take that under reviewMr*** insisted that he did not want to work with a contractor. In being proactive, Vivint Solar contacted another contractor to do an evaluation for Mr***As a result of the damage being minor, Vivint Solar has offered to have the repairs done At this time the repairs have been completed for Mr***.

Vivint Solar has coordinated with the customer to move up their appointment to an earlier date mutually agreed upon through phone call confirmationVivint Solar is not in default of the Power Purchase Agreement signed by the customer on 8/24/and will not be removing the system, but will
continue to do all necessary to ensure any system issues are addressed in a timely manner

Vivint Solar has contacted this customerWe have created a plan with a proposed solution so that we can help provide this customer with the best possible service

Vivint Solar is currently performing an investigation into the customers claimsWe take these matters seriously and will remain in communication with the customer as we perform an investigation into the claims.

Our Billing department has reached out to the customer and a credit has been applied to her solar account as well as her debit account.

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer on 03/12/18, a voicemail was left requesting a return callVivint Solar is currently working to get the requested service scheduled.

Vivint Solar has reviewed the account thoroughly and is unable to assist the customer with the claims held against the Sales RepresentativeThe Sales Representative cannot recall making any agreement with the customer outside of the Solar Purchase AgreementIf the customer can provide a copy of such agreement, then Vivint Solar will further assist the customer to ensure that all promises by the sales representative are fulfilled.

Vivint Solar has been repaired and is up and runningVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer until a resolution is found with regards to the PG&E bill

Vivint Solar sent a technician out on 7/to troubleshoot and ensure the system is operating normallyVivint Solar technicians were able to determine that the circuit breaker was not in the ON positionWe will continue to reach the customer in the event that a system issue pertainsOur
Cumulative Billing process will take effect on the customer's account, and will adjust the billing so that the customer only paid for what they producedVivint Solar has a meter on the system which will be able to measure the amount of kWh(Kilowatt) producedA meter is also used by the Utility company and they are able to determine the amount of power in kWh that is being used and sent back to the grid.Vivint Solar has also made attempts to contact the customer after the complaint was submitted by the customerWe have been unable to reach the customer and advise the customer to call in to discuss their concerns.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***. I am cautiously optimistic that they will deliver the services this timeYes, I have a dedicated person attending my request with a direct telephone numberThis is greatAs per her statement, she can't control or change the past from Sep to DecemberBut she gave me her word that this time they will remove the panelsAND that she is trying to see if they have an early opening. Let's see what happens on January 22nd before For now, I have to wait.
*** ***

Complaint: *** I am rejecting this response because I don’t agree that Vivint’s offer is fair given the circumstances and issues that have occurred for the past several weeksI countered twice to Vivint and they haven’t been able to accept my proposalI’m waiting for Scott D*** to confirm with the billing department that a total of $be refunded to me versus their offer of $(He emailed me on 2/15.) Note that the total amount I paid for a service to be initially performed was $Please respond back to Vivint if required until we can satisfactorily close this issue otherwise I consider this issue still open and pursue what I feel is fair and reasonableI hope this will be closed soon Sincerely, *** ***

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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