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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar has scheduled an additional appointment on 7/to address the system issue and will follow up with the customer after the appointment to ensure the system is operational.

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 11/25/to work towards a resolution.

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer and is working to provide a resolutionWe have confirmed that the usage has increased in the customer's home which is why the customer's true up bills have been higherAn add on system was installed in early to provide the necessary production needs
in the homeIt was found in May of that the zip tie was still intact and the system was never turned onThis resulted in another high true up billVivint Solar is working with the customer to address their true up and high rising billing concerns.Vivint Solar has also investigated the claims made that the customer was offered a $removal fee for both panelsIt was explained that the customer would be responsible for the full price of the second system, but would only be required to pay the $for the first system removalThe customer is responsible for two removal fees as there were two systems installed on the propertyFurthermore, Vivint Solar is working with the customer to address and resolve their removal concernsVivint Solar has offered to waive the $removal fee, however the customer will still be responsible for the second removal fee of $2340.

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 1/and will be following up with the customer on the scheduled call back date to further discuss their complaint and billing concerns.

Vivint Solar is currently investigating the allegations mentioned in the complaintWe are in communication with the complainant *** and will continue to follow up with her regarding our findings.

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer, at which time he stated he previously requested ArbitrationThe customers information has been forwarded to our Legal departmentThe customer has refused any resolution outside of Arbitration

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because it is evident in the Vivint Solar response to the original complaint that the
company refuses to take responsibility for it's ineptitudeFurthermore, I
feel their response is most disingenuous, due to the fact Vivint Solar solicited their solar system to an elderly person suffering from dementia and Alzheimer disease over year ago, and then never hooked up their systemThey're no
longer owners of the residence-I own the subject propertyThe original signer of the solar energy contract
does not even know what solar energy is anymore, -let alone who Vivint Solar is,
nor do they know where the contract they signed is. I was denied
a copy of the contract (which spans years) by Vivint Solar and therefore have never been able to read the very contract for which I am bound toThis is because, "I am not the person who signed on the contract"Yes, the
system was ultimately turned on and reported to be in working order as of LAST NIGHT (09-15-2015), which is far more than year after the
actual solar panels were installed onto the roof of the residenceRequests:I request a copy of the original Solar contract as requested.I request the 1+ months bill (which sent to me Sept 4th) to be rescinded, as no services have been rendered in the months invoiced, since confirmation of the system activation occurred 9/15/
*** ***

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer, and have scheduled a service appointmentVivint Solar has explained to the customer that they are billed for what the system produces, not what is usedThe customer used more power then the system produced, therefore, resulting in charges for power used from the utility companyVivint Solar requested a copy of the customer most recent utility bill, and have told the customer that we will look into compensationWe have a follow up scheduled with the customer on Monday.
Please complete and close the issue in reference to complaint ID *** Vivint solar local group completed the replacement of the bird protection and clean up and the solution is satisfactory to me.Thank you very much for your assistance and follow up in this issue. Sincerely,
*** ***

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because even though VIVINT has contacted me in response to this complaint, they have failed to follow up with me as promised after our initial (and only) conversation.:
*** ***

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Vinint Solar has already sent someone out to fix the outletsThis matter has been resolved.
*** ***

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer 5/and spoke with the customer 5/Vivint Solar explained to the customer how estimated billing works, and offered to credit the customer for August and September of billing statement, when the system was not communicatingThe customer has
since declined this offer and will only accept the NEM charges to be paid in fullVivint Solar explained to the customer the terms of their Power Purchase AgreementSection 3(a)(i) of the Power Purchase Agreement states: " If You need any such additional energy, then You shall be solely responsible to obtain such energy from the Utility at Your costOTHER THAN AS EXPLICITLY SET FORTH ON EXHIBIT B, WE DO NOT WARRANT OR GUARANTEE (i) THE AMOUNT OF ENERGY PRODUCED BY THE SYSTEM FOR ANY PERIOD, (ii) ANY COST SAVINGS, OR (iii) THE EXISTENCE OF OR PRICING ASSOCIATED WITH ANY NET METERING PROGRAM, OR UTILITY OR GOVERNMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAMUTILITY RATES AND UTILITY RATE STRUCTURES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGETHESE CHANGES CANNOT BE ACCURATELY PREDICTEDPROJECTED SAVINGS FROM YOUR SYSTEM ARE THEREFORE SUBJECT TO CHANGE"Vivint Solar communicated to the customer that we would like to review the utility bills where the high NEM charges areOnce Vivint Solar receives the utility bills, Vivint Solar will help the customer better understand the NEM Charges and the benefits of having solar.

Vivint Solar attempted contact with the customer on 2/9/and left a voicemailVivint Solar will work with the customer toward a mutually agreed upon resolution.

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
This is the same response I have heard from them since June.I continue to hear the same thing, with no action taken
*** ***
have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID *** The business has just requested utility bills from me and I have responded to that request However, I would like to keep this complaint open until the issue has been resolved
*** ***

Vivint Solar is researching the complaint and will contact the customer to discuss a satisfactory resolution
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me as long
as they actually follow throughThey've already told me they'd help and never did anything so I'm not real confident this time will be any different
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meI spoke to Jessica from Vivint Solar and we have come to an agreement as far as the billing issue we had with their companyI just want to say that Jessica was very helpful with our concerns and she is the only one at that company who really cared about our problem we had
*** ***

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer and is currently addressing their concernsVivint Solar has set expectations with regards to the appointment scheduled for May 19thVivint Solar is working with the local office to determine availability for an appointment sooner than what is
currently scheduledVivint Solar will continue working with the customer until a final resolution has been reached

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:This is NOT a misunderstanding at all, in any way shape or form, no misunderstanding at all. Please see my below messages and explanations what took place as to not repeat the case all over again & what I was told & sold upon questioning & raising concerns about this contract that was forced upon me. “A contract can be vitiated if there are any illegalities within it, if it is unsigned, if there are any errors, if it has been signed under duress or is misrepresentative in any way, shape or formWhat are the vitiating factors in a contract? There is: Misrepresentation, Mistake, Duress, Undue Influence, Illegality”
*** ***

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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