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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar has looked into this customer's concernsIt looks like a credit inquiry was made to Transunion credit bureau on 3/12/Our company has officially terminated the customer's Power Purchase Agreement, closed their account, and mailed an official letter to Transunion to remove the
inquiry that was madeIf the customer has further questions regarding this, she can contact us at ###-###-####

A technician from Vivint Solar went to the customers home on 04/25/16, and performed a software updateThe customers system is working and producing power as of this date.
I cannot gain access to my voicemail to listen to the message but will contact Vivint on 3-6-to follow up with them
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Vivint Solar will be honoring our Commitment to our valued customer We have called out and left a message on their phone to inform them of the status of the incentive.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
This is a formal request to reopen our complaint against Vivint SolarSo far the company has removed the solar panels which caused the leaks.However, repairs to the roof and interior has not begun. In fact, we had to contact the contractor to schedule the repairs. Vivint had not been in touch with them. Those repairs are now scheduled to begin on Tuesday,January 24.We would like you to stay with us until all repairs are completed to our satisfaction and the removed solar panels are re-installed
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Vivint Solar is in communication with the customer, and we are working towards a resolutionVivint Solar has contacted the customer and offered to reduce the Panel Removal feeOnce we have received payment, we can move forward with the Removal

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I once again phoned this company on Monday following my last response to no avail. I finally spoke with another representative. I informed him that last Summer my electric company was charging me per kwh while they were charging me per kwh. They didn't seem to want to touch on that subject because since then the cost per kwh for my electric is now per kwh while they are charging me per kwh. I was told that I would save 30% on my electricity. Since I have had Vivint Solar, I have paid for more power than ever. I have gone over every single bill since and since I have had these panels put on my home I am paying more than ever. When you electric company is charging you for the month and your solar company is charging you for the month, there is a problem. I insisted that they send someone out to look at my system because something is wrong or I have been severely misrepresented by the company. Either way, these panels are costing us more money than ever and we cannot afford to keep them if this persists. Vivint did not get back to me until Friday at 4:p.m. to schedule a technician to come out to look at the system. I told the representative that I will not accept anything less than the savings that they have promised us. We are waiting to see if Vivint is going to credit us for the outrageous charges we have paid them thus far and also to see what the technician has to say regarding the system. Again, either way, if we do not start to see a savings we cannot afford to keep these panels on our home.
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Vivint Solar has assigned a specialist to work toward a resolution with this customerThey have attempted contact, by phone and email, on 8/and 8/18, with no luckWe will continue to reach out to the customer until contact is made, and a resolution is met.

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 10/and left a voicemailThe customer then called back on 10/and spoke with the specialistVivint Solar will work with the customer toward a resolution within the terms of the Power Purchase Agreement

After the customer signed the Power Purchase Agreement on 03/16/it was immediately emailed to the email address currently being used to communicate with the customer and verified as their active email addressInstallation was not completed until 8/26/2016, in which time the customer was able to to review and read the agreement in it's entirety to ensure acceptance and comfort with the terms and agreements thereinCancellation is permitted until installation of the customer's Solar System if the customer is not accepting of the terms. The Prospective Customer Consent form was signed 3/16/The Site Survey, or inspection, was not completed until 4/1/The customer could not have the knowledge that Vivint Solar had assessed the roof and determined it to be structurally sound prior to signing this document, in which they state their roof was in good repairVivint Solar is with in the terms and conditions of the signed Power Purchase Agreement

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Vivint is providing the same irresponsible response I received over the phone They are throwing the contract at me and failing to recognize and admit that they obtained the contract through promises and deceit As they mentioned in the response, they had technicians inspect my roof's integrity and approved for the panels to be put on How can it be approved of I have and inspection company out months later and they state that my roof is years past it's usable life and is "vulnerable to leaks" I even provided Vivint a copy of the inspection report Where is the company's integrity when they falsely informed me the roof was ok so I will agree to put on the panels
They stated the gave me a fair price to purchase the panels but $34k plus tax and $removal fee is not a fair price for the panels especially if the panels should have never been placed on in the first place Vivint is a very deceiving, untrustworthy company They lie to obtain their business and then they just keep throwing the contract (which they obtained through deceit) in your face They are a very poor company representing a cause that is suppose to be a great green initiative It's experiences with companies like Vivint that turns people away from good causes like going green
Moi ***

Vivint Solar has tried to resolve the complaint, offering a resolution that falls within the guidelines of the agreementWe have sent the customer, in writing, via U.S Certified Mail, an official system buyout agreement, which does include the buyout priceThebuyout amount was calculated based on the figures provided in the agreement

Vivint Solar has restored system functionality They system is now producing as designed, any billing discretion will be automatically adjusted with the coming invoice We are truly sorry about your experience but would like to continue to work with you to restore faith in our company

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer on 04/04/We informed the customer that we will look into their request, and will follow up with them again on 04/10/to provide them with an update.

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer to discuss their complaint via telephone on 5/25/18, with no responseAdditionally, Vivint Solar emailed the customer on 5/25/requesting a callback. Vivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer regarding their complaint

I am rejecting this response because: If the sale of this house goes through, Vivint is off
of the hook, however if it does NOT go through, we still have a big problemI have never had such a horrible experience with a company as VivintOnce you are referred to the "Work Out Team", you will never be able to get through, you will not be given a last name, or the name of a supervisor, and when they say a supervisor will call, they don'tFinally “Wes” called me and said, “Well now you have my email address so you can get ahold of me easierI never heard from him again, despite my emails to himI had also requested another copy of the Terms and Agreement page, which was so light you could not read itI had it emailed to me by two different departments and both were really lightThey said they would mail me one because they didn’t have access to a blank contract that they could send meThat makes no sense at allI just got it in the mail and the two page document was now one and the font is like TWOYou cannot read itThis is the document they keep referring me to that has the section that is supposed to be so importantI last emailed [email protected] asking what we do if this sale does not go through and we are back to square oneI never got a reply

Vivint Solar spoke to our customer todayWe are arranging a 3rd party contractor to stop by and complete an inspection on the roof and interior to further determine the fault of the leak at the home

Vivint Solar called the customer on 3/20/and was unable to leave a voicemailVivint Solar sent a follow up email with attached energy reports and invoices addressing each concern and advising how to obtain their invoicesAll billing has been accurate to date and Vivint Solar will continue to
work with the customer to address any additional concerns.The customer's Power Purchase Agreement, assumed through the transfer agreement, states in Section 5.h:(i) Broadband Internet ConnectionYou must provide the System with continuous access to a functioning broadband internet connection with one (1) wired Ethernet port and standard electrical outlet, at Your costIf You fail to maintain broadband internet or electrical connection for a period of time, We may (i) charge You the Shutdown Payment, and/or (ii) estimate any performance guarantee payment. It goes on to explain the shutdown payment, or estimated payment in Section 6.A:(iv)The “Shutdown Payment” shall equal the sum of (1) payments of the Energy Price that You would have made to Us as described in Section 3(b) for the Energy that would have been produced by the System during the period of the shutdown; (2) the value to Us of the System Interests that We would have received during such shutdown; and (3) applicable taxesDetermination of the amount of Energy that would have been produced during the period of the shutdown shall be based on estimated levels of productionIf We bill You for the Shutdown Payment because the System is not reporting Energy production to Us, and We subsequently determine that We have either overestimated or underestimated the actual Energy production, then We will adjust the next invoice with a non-refundable credit (for over-billing) or an additional charge (for under-billing)

Vivint Solar has contacted this customer and we are currently working on the best possible solution to resolve her concerns

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: The salesman spoke of an 80% reduction in the cost of electricity in actuality there is no savings and the costs of electricity are justified only through their eyesHowever, I will not pursue any legal action at this time
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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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