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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar has reached out to contact the customer and is currently working on reviewing the customer's expectations with what is outlined in the agreement that was originally agreed upon

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer regarding their complaintOur Fleet Performance department has submitted a credit to the customers billing account, for the time the system was not operationalThe credit is in the process of being appliedWe have also request to remove the customer from
auto pay until after the credit has been appliedVivint Solar is currently working with the customer to come to a satisfactory resolution, within the terms of the contract

Vivint Solar has assigned a representative to work directly with this customer, and they have been in communication with them as of today 1/16/Currently, the panels are off of the roof, and we are expediting process to get an appointment to have them reinstalledOnce a date and time are set, we
will notify the customerThe customer's billing concerns have been rectified as well, and all bills from this point will be accurateWe will remain in weekly communication with the customer until a resolution is met.

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:Both contractors that came to see the roof damage said a written report can only be provided only after the panels have been removed. In regards to the savings, the usage in my home is much lower than most homesFrom the comparison you can see my usages stays at the first tier. Please void/cancel the contract and remove the panels so I may proceed with getting the written report needed for the damage. Thank you
*** ***

We have reached out to the customer and have found a resolution to her issuesWe will continue to work with the customer until the final details are executed

I can be contacted on my cell at ###-###-#### or home phone ###-###-#### Monday through Fridays.

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 3/leaving a voicemail for the customerVivint Solar will work with the customer toward a resolution that is mutually beneficially for both parties involved.

Vivint Solar's Home Damage department is continuing to work with the customer and the third party contractor to get the repairs to the home completed as quickly as possibleWe are currently waiting for the contractor to submit the most recent bid to us, so we can have it approved, and move forward
with the repairs

Vivint Solar was able to reach out to the customer regarding the complaintWe were able to discuss his billing concernsWe have asked the customer to provide us with his utility bills and so we may be able to look into the rates and tiers within the utility companyVivint Solar and the customer
will continue to work together to come to a resolution within the terms of the contract.

Vivint Solar has reached out to the customer regarding the complaintWe have addressed the agreement and the years of the agreementWe are currently helping out the customer with a new concern, that has ariseWe have contacted him today to let him know that we will be reaching out to him on
Monday 08/15/with an update on the new concern

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer to discuss their concerns, and will continue to work with them until all their issues are resolvedVivint Solar has scheduled an appointment for August 12th8-11amOnce the system is connected, the customer's billing will update to their actual
production, and the proper credits will be applied to the customer's account if necessary

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:I am very skeptical that vivint solar will indeed be reinstalling the same exact product that was on my house originallyAs it states in my contract what comes off my house goes back upThe last thing I want is holes in my new roof if it is not the correct system.
*** ***

Vivint Solar reached out to the customer to discuss their complaint via telephone on 6/19/17, we spoke to the wife and she advised to call her husbandVivint Solar will continue to reach out to *** the the customer regarding the complaint and to come to a resolution within
the terms of the agreement

Vivint Solar reached out to the customer on 11/via phone but was unable to make contactVivint Solar also provided the customer with contact information via email on 11/Vivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer in an effort to resolve the customer's concerns

Vivint Solar called the customer on 3/20/and was unable to leave a voicemailVivint Solar sent a follow up email with attached energy reports and invoices addressing each concern and advising how to obtain their invoicesAll billing has been accurate to date and Vivint Solar will continue to
work with the customer to address any additional concerns.The customer's Power Purchase Agreement, assumed through the transfer agreement, states in Section 5.h:(i) Broadband Internet ConnectionYou must provide the System with continuous access to a functioning broadband internet connection with one (1) wired Ethernet port and standard electrical outlet, at Your costIf You fail to maintain broadband internet or electrical connection for a period of time, We may (i) charge You the Shutdown Payment, and/or (ii) estimate any performance guarantee payment. It goes on to explain the shutdown payment, or estimated payment in Section 6.A:(iv)The “Shutdown Payment” shall equal the sum of (1) payments of the Energy Price that You would have made to Us as described in Section 3(b) for the Energy that would have been produced by the System during the period of the shutdown; (2) the value to Us of the System Interests that We would have received during such shutdown; and (3) applicable taxesDetermination of the amount of Energy that would have been produced during the period of the shutdown shall be based on estimated levels of productionIf We bill You for the Shutdown Payment because the System is not reporting Energy production to Us, and We subsequently determine that We have either overestimated or underestimated the actual Energy production, then We will adjust the next invoice with a non-refundable credit (for over-billing) or an additional charge (for under-billing)

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: On Dec 15, I did call back at approximately 4:PM and left a voice message for Corey B*** regarding dates and times I am available for a telephone call. That included Dec 15, Dec and beyond. I have not had a return call. I have included the very conservative amount of savings I will not be eligible for because of Vivints failure to honor our contract. I expect to be reimbursed for that amount of $33,082.35, which is only 1/of the national average increases for electrical over the next years. Additionally, my other expenses for damages/alterations to property are at the amount of $$and I need to get an estimate on how much rock will cost to replace that which was displaced. I am mostly available for phone calls, however it is good to have a date and time so I am in a position of having my documents available to refer to. Thank you
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
J*** has reached out to me and completely rectified the situationVivint per Jeanette, has said that they will 100% reimburse me on my unused energy difference until MA legislature can agree on the cap reimbursement allowed by utility providers for the consumer/solar panel ownersUntil this legislature goes into effect, I am to send Jeanette my utility bill from National Grid each month so she can calculate the difference and send me a check for that difference on my unused energy that got sent back to National Grid
Michael L***

Vivint Solar has made contact with our customer, we will continue to work with them until a resolution is met No determination on the situation has been made at this time

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 2/23/advising that their account requires further review and that the customer will be kept updated with progress

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: While they have contacted me, nothing has been done. They are to get back to me this week. We will see
*** ***

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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