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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer by phone on 11/09/A voicemail was left for the customer, requesting a call back to follow up on the complaintVivint Solar fixed the issue the customer reported on 11/03/The Solar system is currently functioning properly.

Vivint Solar has made contact with *** We are working to address the situation and satisfy the needs of our customer

We have reached out to the customer to resolve his pending issuesWe have the local office working to find a solution to his issues and with the town to file the necessary paperwork to have him up and running as soon as possibleWe will continue to work with customer to resolve outstanding

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:Once the business cleared my account balance, another charge hit my account I have notified the business to please have this cleared They said they are working on it. Further, I am waiting on the company to respond to my request to cancel this contract, given the month process they put me through with billing issues, and the process of getting the panels off and then back on my work I continue to not trust this company
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Due to the local weather the appointment for 1/3/was rescheduled for 1/20/ We apologize about inconvenience this may have caused, our Fleet Performance team has confirmed the appointment.

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Vivint solar states that they
are still waiting for a response from their "fleet" performance team.Still I am waiting for the proper credit to my account and while they stall and wait I have late charges or fees that should not be.All is needed is some good business practices then this kind of matter should t happen Responding also due to the time constraints on this matter of calendar days to respond Matter is still not resolved
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Vivint Solar has attempted to contact the customer via telephone and via email on 11/21/17 with no responseVivint Solar will continue to contact the customer regarding their complaint to discuss a resolution within the terms of the agreement

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
When Vivent Solar says they will continue to try to serve me, they mean as long as it is convenient for them This time they told me (didn't ask me, but TOLD me), that their technician would be out to inspect the system the next day They gave me less than hours notice They informed me that I could schedule the inspection - that they had previously told me they completed, within working hours As I have already lost a day's work, and they could not arrive in anything but an hour window, I am skeptical about their ability to serve me at my convenience as they promised when they came to sell me their product Supervisors have never returned my calls, and again, they told me that the inspection was complete on the day that they made me wait, but now they want to come and inspect the system again When I asked them why, they said that they were unable to complete the inspection because there wasn't enough daylight left for them to look at the system Who fault is that? Theirs If they cannot figure out scheduling, how are they going to figure out a solar system? They have proven to be incompetent at a very basic task.Still, no one has adequately justified to my satisfaction why they would cancel an appointment with the city inspector without informing me Now, I will need to have two more inspections They have continually misrepresented the truth and lied to me via omission, so I do not want them on my property when they are not home I do not trust them to do what they say they are going to do Also, I am afraid they will let my dogs out They are awful people, and it is an awful company Spread the word
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Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer via phone on 7/13/2018, resulting in a voicemail and a follemailVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer toward a resolution within the terms and conditions of the Power Purchase Agreement

Vivint Solar has scheduled the reinstall for this customer's system for 04/28/Once the system is reinstalled, Vivint Solar will work with the customer to resolve any outstanding billing concerns

Vivint Solar
would like to apologize for all of your frustrationOur Home Damage department has approved a check to be sent out for the Damage in the amount of $***In addition we are reimbursing you the $*** you paid in FebruaryTo date your system is reporting to us and producing normally.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
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On different occasions Vivint Solar has notified the customer we will need at least months worth of utility bills to perform the analysisVivint Solar has also notified the customer they can contact the utility company and have them forward the utility bills to Vivint Solar directlyVivint Solar has not received the utility bills from the customer as request on 1/25/Our billing department was notified the customer's account was not populating bills each monthVivint Solar notified the customer we were currently working on resolving any issues with the online account centerOn 1/5/Vivint Solar was able to forward the customer their Vivint Solar invoices. Vivint Solar will remain in communication with the customer regarding their complaint.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me at this time
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I am rejecting this response because:I just received your mail in regards to the response you received from Vivint Solar or what ever alias name it goes byIn regards to my main complaints there are several complaints I have against them from day ONE, which what they wrote is just one of the complaints for they were all over the television news, and newspapers in thier lies, deceptive practices and so much more wrong doing to me, which again, I already wrote to you many times which specifically states all the wrong doing they have done to me, along with their deceptive practices, and all I already wrote to you about, and this is getting rediculous with what they are saying in thier responses to youThey are even sending me bills on solar which I am not using solar at all and will never use solar, because of what they have done in disrupting my life, and all the grief and stress they have caused me, and they just don't stop, it keeps continuingI also called the billing office last week to ask where they are coming up with billing me when I am NOT using solar, for it was turned off in September the day after my birthday, and having a absolute NERVE to do that and Rebecca who works in billing department absolutely REFUSED to give me an ID number or a last name, which again, what exactly are they doing? If no last name, an ID is giving by any one! I will repeat again, I sent them a DEMAND OF REMOVAL for they are TRESPASSING ON MY PROPERTY which I stated in my demand of removal also! Only thing Vivint has full filled on thier end is constantly harrassing me, continuous stress and continuous grief! I will not tolerate another day or moment of themThis is my property and my home which they are invading my life and just won't stopThey are worse than vultures in what they have done to me! They cost me so much grief, stress and other HIPPA & PHI issues which again, I will not disclose for the world to seeEnough is enough, which I have also stated several times to you and everyone! There is NO misunderstanding of what WRONG they have continuously done to me, nor will I tolerate any more of thier lies, deception, or anything else! Tell them to take thier equipment and panels off my property PERIOD! and STOP bothering me! Just thinking about what they have done since day one and continuously do seriously makes me ill! They have been and are invading my life and privacy which is not going to be tolerated! I signed a SWORN affidated, witnessed and certified along with the demand letter and other letter attached which was dated in September, which I tell the truth, unlike Vivint! I also have no problem going in front of the news cast again, which I checked off that box when I contacted in filling out my original complaint form, which was one of the questions asked by on the form.
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Vivint Solar has assigned a specialist who has reached out to the customer to initiate contactWe have confirmed the system issue and this has been sent to our priority scheduling to approve a Saturday appointmentOnce we have an appointment scheduled, the assigned specialist will reach out to the
customer to confirm the date and timeVivint Solar will remain in constant communication with the customer until the system issue is fixed and a resolution is met

Vivint Solar has reached out to the customer and we are currently working with them to address the issues and work on an appropriate resolution

Complaint: ***
I have rejected the response with regard to compensation for monthsI have asked for compensation for the past yearIn
addition, I have clarified all work will be either completed by our contractor and/or Vivint on our approval if we go with Vivintand that all items listed below are a result in damages on Vivint's behalfList of items that need to be fixed are fencing, stucco redone (recoated, painted, etc.), tiles replaced that are missing, broken, not glued together and protective paper like barrier that goes underneath the tiles, be replaced in the areas that are missingThe paper like barrier stops the water from entering through the roof and causing water damageAt the last two installs, the protective water barrier was removed and not replaced
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Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 9/to discuss the complaintThe Customer was unavailable, so a voicemail was left requesting a return callVivint Solar's Billing department spoke with the customer and is addressing their billing concernVivint Solar cancelled the automatic payments until
the issue is fully resolved The October invoice will reflect the correct amount due.

Vivint Solar has confirmed the brackets are installed correctly within our own Standard of Procedure & city codeThe issues the customer is experiencing stem from the way the roof was builtVivint Solar has confirmed this through multiple different assessments, several of them being done by licensed roofersThe root cause of the leak is from the first rows of tiles below the ridge cap along the entire home. Vivint Solar completed an assessment, and our report shows significant issues with the way the roof was built by the customers contractor, when originally installed. Vivint Solar provided the customer with a copy of the assessment, which included photos and an explanation as to why Vivint Solar is not at fault for the reported roof leak. We found along the roof ridge a lot of the first row of tile were slipping, sliding down and leaving an opening for possible water to enter. We pulled a few tiles above the array and found water spots, which indicates the water leak is above the Solar Array.We also found the same issues on roof sections that do not have Solar installedThis would also explain why there are roof leaks on the front of the home where there is no Solar installed.

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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