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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I haven't received any telephone messages from VivintI even checked my voice messages
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me, as I had to call Vivint Solar again on 11/10/and they indicated that they had emailed me the price quote on 11/02/2017, which I never receivedSo I asked for them to email the price quote while I was on the phone with themI may have to file another complaint, as now I need to have them come out and remove the panels as soon as I get the money to them to get this process going.
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The customer is on a Lease Contract and the lease guarantees a set amount of production each year from the customers anniversary dateIf this production is not met, the customer will be refunded the necessary amount. The customer has been refunded for the solar energy that was not producedAny additional compensation being provided would be considered a goodwill compensation and would require a W-to be completedLocated within the W-document, on page 4, there is a graph that shows any money received over $is required to be reported to the IRSThe customer is not considered a contractor

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer and has advised that the amount owed to us will be written offThe customer is not responsible for the past due balanceContact information was provided to the customer for Vivint Solar if they have any questions.

Vivint Solar went to the customers home on 6/18/to resolve the communication error with the solar system. Vivint Solar will continue to work toward a resolution with the customer within the terms of the contract

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer by phone on 3/5/The proposed system is not currently installed and as such the Power Purchase Agreement is not yet in effectVivint Solar has cancelled the proposed agreement

Vivint Solar has attempted to reach out to the customer regarding the complaintWe have emailed the customer on 09/and 09/, called on 09/and 09/and left voicemailsVivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer to come to a resolution within the terms of the contract.

At this time, our Damage Resolutions department is working with the customer to perform a damage assessment We will continue to work with customer to address all concerns and requests for resolution

Vivint Solar has contacted the customer and has given them all the information and documentation needed to start the transfer processWe will continue to work with the customer until the transfer process is completed

Vivint Solar will be working with our customer to address the situation right away Any refunds due to the customer will be processed as we continue to work at getting the system reinstalled We will continue to keep in contact with our customer as we move forward with progress.

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Vivint solar still doesn't address directly my complaint
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Vivint Solar has confirmed that the remainder of the compensation being sent to the customer is still on it's way and should be received by him shortlyThe remaining issue lies within the customer's unwillingness to turn on his solar systemTo avoid any unsatisfactory outcomes in accordance with the agreement that he signed, he will need to turn it on

Vivint Solar reached out to the customer to let them know we can schedule a fix for their system on 11/7/after which a billing correction can be submitted

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer and informed them that the system was installed as per the customer welcome packet, that was provided to them prior to installationAdditionally the customer signed the installation work order upon completion of the installationVivint Solar has informed
the customer what options are available under the terms of the Power Purchase Agreement

We have looked into this complaint, working with the sales team in the plaintiff's area. At this time, we are waiting on the letter per the plaintiff's request. Also, per the plaintiff's request, our active Vivint Solar employees will not be contacting the plaintiff aside from the letter

Vivint Solar has looked into these concerns, however, the individual who has listed them is not the person who signed the agreement for the referenced addressThe Solar System at the referenced address has been approved by both the city within which it is permitted and the utility company to be
operatedOur monitoring reports also indicate that it is currently up and running without issues

Vivint Solar and the customer have come to a resolution regarding this matter

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:Both contractors that came to see the roof damage said a written report can only be provided only after the panels have been removed. In regards to the savings, the usage in my home is much lower than most homesFrom the comparison you can see my usages stays at the first tier. Please void/cancel the contract and remove the panels so I may proceed with getting the written report needed for the damage. Thank you
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As per the customer's contract, "a customer-requested shutdown during the first five years of the agreement will be done at our sole discretion and at a cost mutually agreed before we remove the system." After "the fifth anniversary of the in-service date" the customer will then only be required to
pay a fee of $499. The customer signed the Power Purchase Agreement on 7/7/On 8/7/the customer signed the Installation Work Order thereby accepting the system's installation and the contract terms of the PPA. Vivint Solar has contacted the customer on 6/13/and has provided them with this information

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:My complain included problems, the response is only about one of the problems. Yes the leak has been repaired and we are in the process of interior damage repairThis problem, if completed, will be resolved to my satisfaction. Reminding complaints, not addressedAbility to get consultation , just like a new client, with opportunity to have explained billing procedures, benefits of the system. Cost analysis , request in September, still not provided.
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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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