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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer regarding their complaintWe will be further researching their production concerns and any other concerns they may haveVivint Solar has requested utility bills from the customer and will continue to work with them

Vivint Solar appropriately designed the system to produce approximately 12,kWh annually to offest 12,approximate annual usage of customer from April of to April of at the time
of account creationThis was ascertained through the utility bills provided by the customer at that timeThe system is created to offset annual usage and is designed to produce more energy through out the summer and less in the winter as is the nature of sun hours during those seasons. On Page of the Power Purchase Agreement signed by the customer on 4/16/it states "Your Commitment: Pay for the Energy Produced by the System" Section 3.A.istates "This Agreement is for the sale of energy by Us to You...We will sell to You and You will buy from Us all of the energy produced by the System." Vivint Solar is currently aware of the inverter fault causing under production and plans to address this once the system is re-installedVivint Solar is actively working towards resolution with this customer

Vivint Solar called the customer on 10/to discuss their concerns and they were unable to speakVivint Solar and the customer agreed to speak again the following business day and direct contact information was provided to assist in resolving concerns.

We have contacted our local sales team to cease contact with the address providedWe have also contacted our sister company to notify them of the customer's concerns so that they can be addressed as requested We have not reached out to the customer, respecting the wish of their complaint,
responding only to the to assist in relaying our progress

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 9/12/to discuss account concernsVivint Solar is within the terms and conditions of the agreement and will work with the customer toward a resolution that is mutually beneficial for both parties involved

Vivint Solar attempted communications with the customer and have left a voicemail advising the customer to call in to discuss their claimVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer until their concerns are addressed and resolved.

A case has been opened and we are currently attempting contact with the customer via phone and email, to address the customer's concerns

Vivint Solar visited the home on 10/5/2016, the system is now reporting and producing as designed If any billing discrepancies exist they will be corrected on the next invoice releasedPlease feel free to reach out to us anytime you need any further assistance at 877-404-

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:Primarily, it did not clarify the things that I requested be clarifiedThe amount that I requested be either deposited to my account or a check with the same amount be sent to my residence has not been done yetMy request that my daily kilowatt usage be shown to meAnd last but definitely not the least is the arbitrary procedure by the solar system business company of just showing the monthly production by the solar system and the computationI believe this is the most unfair of it allThey just draw up the amount of kilowatts produce by the solar system(not the kilowatts that I used) and then multiply it by a number and that will be the amount that I have to payI even asked the billing a hypothetical questionWhat happens if we decide to go on vacation; and ask permission to cut or reduce the usageThey said that I still have to pay the amount they estimated whether I use it or not. they said that it is all in the contract and all they have to do isestimate and all I have to do is payThen I ask up to how long will the contract last; and he said, twenty yearsThen I said that I don't think I would be around by thenAnd he laughed. I believe that by all standards it is unfair.
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Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:Since I knew that money was being withdrawn from my
account without my consent, I have tried numerous times to contact and speak with someone from Vivent, yet I could not reach any live personMonths went by until I was finally notified by their Mitigation team, who told me that I must pay the balance due because of my making payments(without my knowledge or consent), that I was fully aware of my year contractI am yrs of age and I would never sign any year contractThis was the first time ever hearing that this was a year contractNot to mention I still do not understand any of my contract nor have I ever seen itNow to add the cherries on top, Jay from their mitigation team was completely rude, would not listen to what I had to say, and after not helping in any way, she had the audacity to hang up the phone on meI have received two Phone calls from Vivent, which they both reached my answering machine and left messagesOne from mitigation and the other from resolutionsI did not answer either call for the reason that I had filed my complaint with the and was waiting for their responseNow I will contact Jessie from their resolutions and go from there
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Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: It still doesn't solve
the issue and my system is still not operationalThe call I received today stated they needed to come back out and replace an incorrect inverter they had installed, then it could be submitted to PG&E for activationThis has not happened yetIf they follow through and do it, it will resolve the issue, but its the follow through on their part that has been the problem
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Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: this resolution is not acceptable to me I will be moving to pursue arbitration of this matter
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Vivint Solar has spoken with the Sales Manager, and he has ensured that the payments will submitted to the customerTwo scheduled payments to the customer have been set for July 31st, and August 9thVivint Solar has also retrieved the Nest Thermostat from the Sales Manager and have shipped it to
the customer's propertyVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer until payments have been submitted and the thermostat has arrived

As previously stated, Vivint Solar found no erroneous actions took place at the time the
contracts were signed or the systems installedThe sales representative printed and personally delivered all contracts to the customerAdditionally, when contacted by the complainant (the contract signer's son) the sales representative offered to meet with him on more than one occasion to discuss all terms of the contract, as discussed with the contract signer as well as allay any concernsThe complainant refusedVivint Solar does not discriminate by age and is within the terms and conditions of the signed Power Purchase AgreementsThe contract signer made no request for cancellation prior to the installation of the SystemsTo date the contract signer has not communicated any complaint to Vivint Solar verbally or in writing. The complainant is not within contractual rights to request cancellation as they are not the contract signer nor Power of Attorney for the contract signer

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
It was never resolved. As usual they have not come back to put the panels back. It is now going on months
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Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Sales representative told me he was was asked by Southern California Edison to contact me I checked with them; they did NOT request Vivint to contact me I repeatedly asked sales representative to explain what net metering was He continually evaded my question and kept attempting to get more information from me about my current power usage and billing I repeatedly asked sales representative over the phone if this call had ANYTHING do do with solar energy; he repeatedly assured me that it did NOT have anything to do with solar energy Clearly the sales representative lied to me on counts and evaded my questions about the definition of net metering I spoke with several of my neighbors and they stated they had the same or similar experience.If Vivint is not willing to accept responsibility for a sales representative's lies to potential customers, then it just reinforces my impression that Vivint is not a company that can be trusted You only get one chance to make a first impression You failed miserably
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Vivint Solar is working with the customer and a contractor to complete necessary repairs before we are able to complete the reinstallation of the solar panels

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Regarding *** *** ** ** ***: 1) The City of San Diego's inspection report needs to forwarded to SDG&E; and 2) The SDG&E inspection is scheduled for June 17, Regarding *** *** ** ** ***: 1) The City of San Diego inspection needs to be completed and forwarded to SDG&E; 2) The NEM application needs to be completed and sent to Sempra Utilities; 3) A signed NEM's Terms and Condition Agreement needs to be sent to Sempra Utilities; and 4) The SDG&E inspection needs to be completed.There are still to many loose ends to call this matter resolved
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me at this time Since there is still no reinstall date, I consider the issue open I am pleased, however, that the business has paused billing
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Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
This is the same response I have heard from them since June.I continue to hear the same thing, with no action taken
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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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