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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar has assigned a specialist who has reached out to the customer to initiate contactWe have confirmed the system issue and this has been sent to our priority scheduling to approve a Saturday appointmentOnce we have an appointment scheduled, the assigned specialist will reach out to the
customer to confirm the date and timeVivint Solar will remain in constant communication with the customer until the system issue is fixed and a resolution is met

Vivint Solar is attempting to contact the customer to discuss a satisfactory resolution

Per the terms of the Power Purchase Agreement, the customer's system was shut off for non-paymentVivint Solar has no record of the customer calling in and asking about his bills during this period of timeThe customer's billing account with Vivint Solar is now currentThe customer was billed correctly by Vivint Solar during the time that the system was off The customer has been provided goodwill compensation to help offset the usage they incurred from the utility company during the time that the system was offVivint Solar is not responsible for charges from the customer's utility company for usage
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is conditionally satisfactory to me
I expect that Vivint Solar will be in touch with us regarding the system changes they are putting into effect to ensure prolonged lapses in power do not continue to impact our monthly budget. If we find this to be a recurring issue, and Vivint remains similarly unresponsive and inattentive to us as their customers, we will be happy to proceed with arbitration
*** ***

Customer has agreed to proceed forward in receiving Permission to Operate the systemA Supervisor from Vivint Solar will continue work with the Customer to ensure the rest of the process is problem-free and efficient

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer on 11/03/We have rescheduled the reinstall of the customers system to 11/07/and have confirmed this appointment with the customerWe have also agreed to look into compensation for the time the system has been uninstalledWe have requested utility bills
and are currently awaiting those billsThe customer has been provided direct contact information for the Specialist assigned to their account.

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 11/22/and spoke with the customerWe will work with the customer toward a resolution that is mutually beneficial for both parties involved

Vivint Solar has made contact with our customer, we will continue to work with them until a resolution is met No determination on the situation has been made at this time.

Vivint Solar has attempted to contact the customer via telephone and via email on 11/8/17 with no response. Vivint Solar will continue to contact the customer regarding their complaint to discuss a resolution within the terms of the agreement

VSLR is currently addressing the customer's current concerns and also await communication from the
customer with further detail We will be able to communicate more options to the customer by the end of this weekWe will continue to keep our communication, with the customer, open and transparent

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer via telephone on 01/16/and again on 01/19/We were unable to speak with the customer, however, a voicemail message was left, requesting a return call We will continue to try and contact the customer to discuss their complaint, as well
as a resolution
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this is satisfactory to meNothing has been resolved yet as I have not received the credit due to me, but I am satisfied that they will not be automatically taking out the balance shown due as that would cause a significant financial hardship for me and my familyAs soon as the credit is issued and the compensation for money owed to *** has been issued I will consider the complaint resolved, but not until then.
*** ***

Thank you for providing us with this information Vivint Solar is currently reviewing the customer's account, we attempted to contact the customer to address their concerns, we left a voicemail for a callback

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because we never received a final signed contract with the option to cancel within daysThey have not provided an email showing that we received the contractWe would like the option to buyout with the transfer agreement we received from VivintWe are Williams ng to pay half the buyout price.
*** ***

Vivint Solar is working with the customer to resolve the issues

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Okay, I have from the beginning to work this out and it took vivint over months to get back with a buy out agreement and at that time have exhausted all options to come to an agreement, and for another months following was illegally withdrawing funds from my account which I had my bank do an investigation and found out it was true and is working to get those funds, I ask you isn't that fraud? Then last month one of their customer rep gets a hold of me and tells me that the new owner wants the solar removed and it has been taking off and out into storage which he could notndisclose at the time? Then he also said that I went into default and will keep taking money out of my account until case is close? An illegal transaction that my bank has proof that it happen.Now vivint is saying that ir is still on the roof and wants to negotiate? Would you would work with a company who has been dishonest, committed illegal actions and is not being up front with all of their terms? No one would work with a company who is so deceiving and disloyal to their customers! I mean to say I am in default and will be sent to a collection agency to you still have a chance on a buyout really has me confused and very much not want trust a company who can't even have their facts correct in their own corporate officeThe really frustrating and disappointing thing is the withdrawal of my funds without any authorization which I have my bank once again looking into it! Thanks
*** ***

We are currently working with the customer to resolve and repair the damaged shingles along with addressing the additional issues and concerns surrounding the overall experience

Vivint Solar is reviewing the customers request, and will contact the customer to discuss a resolution

We are in the process of finding a contractor to preform the necessary Electrical Panel upgradeWe will continue to work towards a resolution

The company disputes the customer's statement that he did not sign the applicable transfer documents. According to our records, the customer transmitted those documents by email on July 12, 2017. Additionally, after receiving email from the customer, senior management directed the company's Associate General Counsel to reach out to Mr*** directly, which he did by email (because the customer requested that all communication be in writing) on October 11. To date, the customer has not responded to the communication from the company's Associate General Counsel.

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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