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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar is in communication with the customer and are working to reinstall the panels for the customerWe are currently waiting for additional parts to arrive in the local warehouse to be able to install the panels for the customerA billing credit was applied to the customer's account to reflect the bill that the customer received for OctoberVivint Solar will ensure that billing is paused until the panels have been reinstalled

Vivint Solar spoke with the complainant on 03/29/18, and came to an agreement to resolve the complaint.

Vivint Solar has scheduled a Service appointment for 06/03/Once the system is back online and has completed backlogging production Vivint Solar will make any needed billing adjustments

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: On Dec 15, I did call back at approximately 4:PM and left a voice message for Corey B [redacted] regarding dates and times I am available for a telephone call That included Dec 15, Dec and beyond I have not had a return call I have included the very conservative amount of savings I will not be eligible for because of Vivints failure to honor our contract I expect to be reimbursed for that amount of $33,082.35, which is only 1/of the national average increases for electrical over the next years Additionally, my other expenses for damages/alterations to property are at the amount of $$and I need to get an estimate on how much rock will cost to replace that which was displaced I am mostly available for phone calls, however it is good to have a date and time so I am in a position of having my documents available to refer to Thank you Sincerely, [redacted]

Vivint Solar attempted to reach out to the customer on 02/27/and then again on 03/02/to discuss compensation with the customerA voicemail was left on 03/02/18, which provided direct contact information for the Specialist that is assigned to the caseVivint Solar will continue to try and contact the customer to resolve their concerns

Vivint Solar is nearing permission to operate with the utility company. Recently our customer upgraded cell phones, since this phone upgrade there has not been any signal interference issues. With the system nearing permission to produce power and the signal interference gone this complaint can be considered resolved at this time.

Vivint Solar has explained to the customer they have a PPA Vthat doesn’t allow to purchase the system until year The customer has the option to do a Prepayment, where they prepay for all the energy the system is estimated to produce for the length of the contractThe customer will no longer have to pay Vivint Solar for production of the system; Vivint Solar will maintain and monitor the system for the length of the twenty (20) year contract

I got a call from a technician that I had an appointment today? Monday Sept 18th and he wanted to know why I wasn't home.? I told him I have never said that I could do a Monday appointment and that I can only do Saturday.? I do not appreciate Vivint sending someone to my house without my consent or knowledge.? Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: Sincerely, [redacted]

Prior to the complaint, the Customer's Account Center had not been created which resulted in them not receiving their invoiceAfter speaking with Vivint Solar's Customer Service, the customer created their account for the Online Account Center, which now gives them access to view their monthly statement, and they will also receive an email each month with a copy of the current StatementA current copy of the invoice was sent to the customer via email

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: We have been this this process before. This happened last summer and vivint could not prove any savings as I indicated and then stopped returning my calls. I am not playing into their stall and delay tactics. Sincerely, [redacted]

Vivint Solar has attempted to reach out to the customer regarding the complaint We called the customer on 10/ left the customer a voicemail that we are currently working with our CAD Department regarding the offset of the Design Customer was also contacted on 11/and a voicemail was left regarding the reimbursement. Vivint Solar Representative will continue to reach out to the customer and provide them with updates.

Section 2.A of the customer's Residential Power Purchase Agreement signed 08/09/states "This Agreement shall be effective as of the transaction date written below and continue until the twentieth (20th) anniversary of the In-Service Date"Section Removal of the System? states "If You want to make repairs or improvements to Your Property that require the temporary removal of the System or that could interfere with its performance or operation, You must give Us at least thirty (30) days prior noticeAs compensation for Our removal and reinstallation of the System, You agree to pay to Us a fee equal to Four Hundred and Ninety-Nine Dollars ($499)."Section 5.C states "DO NOT SIGN THIS AGREEMENT BEFORE YOU HAVE READ ALL OF ITS PAGESYou acknowledge that You have read and received a legible copy of this Agreement, that We have signed the Agreement and that You have read and received a legible copy of every document that We have signed during the negotiation."Section 5.E states "YOU MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO THE LATER OF: (I) MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD (3rd) BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE TRANSACTION DATE, OR (II) THE START OF INSTALLATION OF THE SYSTEM"Vivint Solar can not speak to what was discussed at the time of the transaction date, however the customer is required to read their Power Purchase Agreement in it's entirety prior to signing and/or prior to installationAll terms the customer is disputing are found on the first page of the customer's Power Purchase Agreement.?

As outlined in Section 6(b) in the Power Purchase Agreement (iii) Seller DefaultA "Seller Default' shall mean Our failure to perform any of Our material obligations under this Agreement and the effect of such failure is not cured within thirty (30) days after You give Us written notice of such failure." And as per Section 3.A.(iv).(1) "We do not warrant or guarantee the amount of energy produced by the system for any period, any cost savings" The non functional panels do not put Vivint Solar with in the terms of seller default as we do not guarantee the amount of energy produced by the system for any periodThe days which Seller Default then is applicable begins after Vivint Solar has received written notice via certified mailOnce Vivint Solar has received official written notice from a customer, if Vivint Solar fails to initiate addressing the concern with in days, Vivint Solar is with in Seller DefaultIf Vivint Solar begins addressing the concern in that time frame, whatever action that calls for, Vivint Solar is not with in Seller DefaultAt this time, Vivint Solar has not received written notice from the customer and has continuously made efforts to address the system issue even through the need to reschedule the appointments. Vivint Solar has emailed the customer on 8/again offering personal assistance to ensure system issues are addressedTo reiterate, Section 5.D states "You hereby grant to Us and Our employees, agents, and contractors the right to access and use Your Property so that We may install, operate, and maintain the System through out the Term, enforce Our rights as to this Agreement and the System and the System interests, and take any other action reasonably necessary in connection with the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, or removal of the System." Vivint Solar is with in the terms of the contract and cancellation is not an option at this timeVivint Solar will continue to attempt to work with the customer to address concerns

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: I left a message yesterday for Michelle T [redacted] to return my call.? I know she might be very busy but did not return my this morning, and I left a 2nd message today for her to call me.? I sent an email message to her this morning and will now wait to see her response.? Please do not close my case.? It is upsetting that Vivint did not review my case and have a ready solution to prepare an accurate bill and to credit us for being overcharged.? It is not satisfactory that they would respond by asking that we call to review the problem.? We have already spoken many times with their billing and customer service reps.? Sincerely, [redacted] ?

Vivint Solar reached out to the customer regarding their complaint on 12/8/ Vivint Solar’s technician was able to go out to the home for a damage assessment During the damage assessment, Vivint Solar was able to determine the leak was not caused by the solar panel installationIt was determined that the leak was coming from the valley section running down the side of the homeOur Vivint Solar technician was able to fix the leakVivint Solar confirmed that the customer’s concerns had been resolved and provided the customer with direct contact information should they have any further concerns

Vivint Solar is working with the customer and a contractor to complete necessary repairs before we are able to complete the reinstallation of the solar panels.

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer, and we are in the process of working on a resolution

Vivint Solar issued a credit to the billing account on 06/03/16, however we removed the credit that same day, as the customer requested that the refund be sent in the form of a check, rather than a credit to their accountThe check was issued on 06/03/Please allow 7-business days to receive the checkThe Solar system was designed to offset 92% of the customers recorded annual usage, which when the system was designed was 12,kwhThe estimated annual production is 11,We expect that the system will produce the estimated amount

Vivint Solar has made contact with [redacted] We are working to address the situation and satisfy the needs of our customer

? Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:I asked in the email I sent to Vivint @[email protected] on 9/25/to be contacted back regarding the inability to access my account via their website.? In this email I attached an email that was sent earlier that day on 9/25/asking about my invoices for July, August and September since I cannot access them.? I was also inquiring about the credits I was to receive for my system being off for the entire month of July.? No one has responded to either email to date.? When I did call, I was told my credits would be cumulative starting in October.? I was told previously that the credits would reflect on September's invoice.? There are conflicting statements being made.? I would like to see my invoices for July, August and September but am unable to access them via the website.? I have asked several times for assistance with this.? I feel that my requests are just ignored yet I am called constantly by the billing department (automated) regarding my balance Sincerely, [redacted] ***

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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