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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar determined at the Damage Assessment that the leak from the skylight is not the fault of Vivint Solar, but of the skylight flashing needing to be replaced due to corrosionVivint Solar has attached photos to this response for referenceAs the damage is not the fault of Vivint Solar, the customer will be responsible for the panel removal fee, and any damage to the panels removed by parties other than Vivint SolarThe installation of the panels passed Final Inspection with an independent inspector from the city 12/10/as it was installed correctlyVivint Solar left a voicemail for the customer on 12/19/to address their concerns

? Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: We are rejecting this based on a number of issues and I'd like to clarify further from our original complaintOur solar panels have been installed for nearly a YEAR, without any productionIn fact, while our panels were installed and lay "dormant" all of last year's summer, we were advised NUMEROUS times by Vivint that they were waiting on our Town to come by and complete the necessary work on their end, including inspectionTurns out, this was a blatant lie that, again, was repeatedly provided to us by VivintOf course, being the consumer, we have absolutely no way to counter that? at the time, and initially were told that it could take extended periods of time for this phase of the installationTurns out, we were having this "production issue" all alongThe Town had come by promptly, but our system was not working based on issues on Vivint's end, which they attempted to cover up and not properly convey to usI don't need to explain the savings we not only were promised but missed out on during the summer monthsMoreover, during that time period and beyond, we made numerous attempts to reach our Sales Representative, who was no longer returning our calls and his voicemail was fullWe then were told by Vivint representatives that the entire office that we were working with, including our Sales Representative, "was let go," to use their exact wordsTurns out, this too, not surprising at this point, was? a blatant lie.? Finally,? we have been complaining not? only about the? "production issue" but the fact that we have? an extremely loud, vibrating noise now coming from the corner of our roof.? We have been complaining about this for approximately three months' time, and to date,? NO ONE has? gone on our roofWe have examined and thoroughly inspected the interior and exterior of our house, with the exception of going on the roof, and found no structural reason for this noiseMoreover, it only started happening after our panels were installed.To address the "visit" we received yesterday, which forces myself or my spouse to entirely re-arrange our work schedules in order to be home, was simply, in my opinion, an attempt to satisfy this complaint via Revdex.comIt was the same as our last two visitsThey look at our panel, they come inside and look at our box, offer multiple theories but no concrete solutionsWe are told the same thing every time, which is "we will know more in hours" and that is never the caseMoreover, as polite and friendly as the Service Technician, Josh, was, he clearly stated to me that he was not even able to repair the box or look at the "board" because of the inclement weatherBased on this, I am VERY unclear as to why a technician was even sent to our house, again, disrupting our scheduleI'll reiterate that I suspect? this visit was clearly to satisfy the complaintMoreover, he was entirely unaware of our REPEATED complaints about the noise on our roofWe talked in detail about this, and I made sure to ask that it be documented, as we keep repeating this over and overHe advised that some customers do have issues with loose "S brackets" and that may be causing the loud noise and vibrationsJosh called me yesterday following our appointment, to confirm that he will be back at our house on Thursday at approximately 1:pm, depending on how long his previous jobs would takeHe said he would make sure there was sufficient time in his schedule to also go up on the roof, inspect and fix, as necessary, the issue causing the noiseAn hour later, my husband advises me that he received a text message saying some other technician would be coming at 11:on Thursday.Finally, we were referred to Vivint by a family memberWe were advised that as soon as our panels were installed (NOT TURNED ON) that she would received a credit in her accountI corresponded with her yesterday, and she STILL has not received such creditWe have asked a number of times that Vivint release those fundsMoreover, in my conversation with her yesterday, she revealed that she is aware of four other individuals that have yet to receive their referrals fees, and it has been over a year for them, tooThis is a shocking and extremely unethical business practice, and if I can find individuals in a course of minutes, this leads me to believe Vivint has not paid thousands of referral fees, promised to its customersThrough this complaint, we are asking for swift resolution on the following matters:Fix our "production issue"Inspect and repair, as needed, equipment on our roof causing extremely loud noises and vibrations.Confirm date, time and technician's name that will be at our property next.Promptly release the referral funds as promised.Grant us a $3,credit for the year-long and continuing production issues, customer service issues,? lack of resolution, etc.? Thank you[redacted] ( [redacted] ) [redacted] ( [redacted] )? ? Sincerely, [redacted]

Vivint Solar has attempted to repair the damage to the customer's home using our approved third party contractor, the customer has denied this service several timesVivint Solar has also offered to settle with the customer, for the amount in which we would have paid the contractor, the customer has also denied this offerThe customer did send back to Vivint Solar a signed Settlement Agreement, however, there were unauthorized changes made to the agreement by the customerVivint Solar contacted the customer via email and telephone and informed the customer that we did not authorize, nor do we agree with the changes that the customer made to the Settlement documentThe customer has continued to refuse the offers Vivint Solar has made to settle the disputeThe customer is requesting something that is not within the terms of the Power Purchase Agreement

Vivint Solar has confirmed with the customer that the exterior repairs have been completed.? Vivint Solar is currently working with a third party contractor for an estimate regarding any interior damage, caused by the solar installation.? Vivint Solar will remain in communication with the customer regarding the damage complaint and any outstanding billing concerns.? ?

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 12/to address their concernsVivint Solar will be cancelling the account created in this homeowner's name and will be removing the balance on the account created in this homeowner's nameVivint Solar has notified the customer that we have not reported a late payment to any credit agency and will not be contacting the customer again regarding any payments owedVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer until their concerns are resolved fully

? I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Sincerely, [redacted] we are working on resolving this issue at this timeI did speak to a representative from this company and hoping to resolve this issue soonIf it doesn't work out I will file for arbitration hearingThanks?

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer on 3/and left a voicemailVivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer and work with them toward a resolution that is within the terms and conditions of the Power Purchase Agreement

Vivint Solar has made multiple attempts at contacting our customer to offer assistance to the situation We are having trouble connecting with our customer, We have called and also emailed out to the contact information provided on file Please check your email and reach out to the number provided there We would like to investigate this matter further

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:Primarily, it did not clarify the things that I requested be clarified.1. The amount that I requested be either deposited to my account or a check with the same amount be sent to my residence has not been done yet.2. My request that my daily kilowatt usage be shown to me.3. And last but definitely not the least is the arbitrary procedure by the solar system business company of just showing the monthly production by the solar system and the computation. I believe this is the most unfair of it all. They just draw up the amount of kilowatts produce by the solar system(not the kilowatts that I used) and then multiply it by a number and that will be the amount that I have to pay. I even asked the billing a hypothetical question. What happens if we decide to go on vacation; and ask permission to cut or reduce the usage. They said that I still have to pay the amount they estimated whether I use it or not. they said that it is all in the contract and all they have to do isestimate and all I have to do is pay. Then I ask up to how long will the contract last; and he said, twenty years. Then I said that I don't think I would be around by then. And he laughed. I believe that by all standards it is unfair. Sincerely, [redacted] ***

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because this is not a fully true statement Vivint suggested that, that was the issue and we confirmed that we had already replaced the ground interrupter and the power was still tripping Customer service is still unacceptableThe first person who called to schedule a visit on Oct 14th began to give us complaints and reasons why the issue was not the solar panels before even coming out to the houseMy husband told him stop wasting our time and if he doesn't want to come then don't come The second person came and was very attentive, and said he would take the information that he reviewed back to his office for review.We have not heard from anyoneThis is the first time hearing any feedback from Vivint through Revdex.comThey are making money off my home and could care less about customer serviceI will discuss with my husband on how to move forwardWe are not saving that much money to be treated like this Sincerely, [redacted]

Our Fleet Performance Department was able to reach out to the customer, regarding the complaintFleet Performance has looked into the compensation and has confirmed the amount with the customerThe customer's compensation will be credited to himWe have also requested to have him removed from the auto-pay until the compensation amount goes through

Derek, a Vivint Solar technician is scheduled to be at the home tomorrow 4/12/with an afternoon arrival window Both the production issue and the vibration concern will be investigated further With further information provided regarding the referral, we can investigate further into this concern also Once the results from the visit have been gathered, discussion of further resolution will be had with our customer

Our Fleet Performance Department was able to reach out to the customer, regarding the complaintFleet Performance has looked into the compensation and has confirmed the amount with the customerThe customer's compensation will be credited to himWe have also requested to have him removed from the auto-pay until the compensation amount goes through?

Vivint Solar communicated with the customer to attempt to help them understand their bills, however they did not want to talk and hung up during the callThe assigned specialist immediately reached back out, and the customer hung up againVivint Solar has confirmed that the system is not over producing based on the utility statements that the customer provided prior to their installWe have confirmed that each panel on the customer's roof produces around kWh per day, not kwhThe solar panels will produce power for the customer's home, and any power that is not consumed, is sent back to the utility gridIf the customer consumes all power produced by the panels and needs additional power, it will come from their Utility providerVivint Solar has advised the customer to contact the Executive Resolutions department if they have any questions with their bill.?

? Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: They have not sent me an email of the contract they said I signed Sincerely, [redacted] ***

? Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:I was assured the system would be installed correctly when it was initially installed however it was not installed correctly since it failed inspectionThey returned and made the necessary adjustmentsUtility company installed meter and I switched on the power however the inverter came onlineI was promised that Vivint monitors the system and if there is an issue they would notify me right away and send a Tech out to make any necessary repairsmonths the invert did not get powered on nobody from vivnt has contacted me however they billed me for power that my system did not produceVivint has no record of production and NV energy confirmed that I was using power from the gridI contacted Vivint several times about this matter and they insinuated that the reason the inverter was off and the system was not recording was due to me not having turned the system on properly and that my internet was downDespite telling Vivnt this information they still assumed I was in the wrong and took almost Weeks to get someone out after waiting almost months to start getting the services that have been paid for since April 12thUpon the techs arrival he found that the previous tech had wired the circuit breaker incorrectly and that’s why the system was not workingVivnt has made several mistakes and yet they have the audacity to charge me for a service that their system did not provide due to not being hooked up correctly even though I was assured it was installed correctly and I was at fault somehow for the system not operating correctly.? Vivint has clearly been negligent and has not abused by the agreement set forth by vivintDue to the listed facts and cicumstsnces I want a refund for the money that was collected for the services I paid for and did not receive and I also want the system removed from my house at no cost to me? Sincerely, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me, but additionally, the problem with my solar system has still not been resolved and I am waiting for a response from Derrek E [redacted] who is the resolutions manager assigned to my complaint There was an appointment scheduled for Saturday, Augbetween 2-pm to check the system and no one showed up (this has happened twice) According to Derrek E***, he was waiting for a response as to why no one showed up for the scheduled time on Aug I notified him by phone and email on Saturday, Augand only received an email from him on Monday, Augthat he was checking to see what happened and waiting for a response No new appointment to check the system has been set up as of Aug23, Sincerely, [redacted]

Vivint Solar attempted to contact on 06/23/A voicemail was left, asking the customer to return our callVivint Solar will continue to try and contact the customer to resolve their complaint

? I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Sincerely, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meI was told that all of the top windows in front of the house will be replaced with Pella Windows to match the window that was damaged during installation.? As long as this is the final resolution, I am satisfied Sincerely, [redacted]

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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