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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 2/23/regarding their complaint; the customer was notified Vivint Solar would investigate the promise that was made to him regarding the gift cardThe customer also confirmed he has been in communication with Vivint Solar regarding the process to receiving Permission To Operate Vivint Solar will continue to contact the customer regarding their complaint to discuss a resolution within the terms of the agreement

Vivint Solar has attempted to contact the customer, but has only been able to leave a voicemailAn email has also been sent to the customer requesting contact with Vivint SolarPer the terms and conditions of the Power Purchase Agreement, the customer is responsible to pay for the production that comes from the solar voltaic systemVivint Solar has requested copies of the customer's monthly SCE utility bills, in order to perform an analysis of the customers current usageVivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer until their concerns are resolved

The customer (***) did call in on 8/and requested that an appointment be scheduled for Saturday, as he could not make a weekday appointmentWe are currently booked with other appointments in the local office, and are working to fit the best time for the customerVivint Solar has spoken with the local office and was able to schedule the appointment for September 19, they are still working to locate a sooner dateA representative in the Executive Resolutions team contacted the customer, but they were unavailable to speak at the timeAnother attempt will be made on 8/to discuss any concerns that the customer may have I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Sincerely, [redacted] ***

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: Sales representative told me he was was asked by Southern California Edison to contact me I checked with them; they did NOT request Vivint to contact me I repeatedly asked sales representative to explain what net metering was He continually evaded my question and kept attempting to get more information from me about my current power usage and billing I repeatedly asked sales representative over the phone if this call had ANYTHING do do with solar energy; he repeatedly assured me that it did NOT have anything to do with solar energy Clearly the sales representative lied to me on counts and evaded my questions about the definition of net metering I spoke with several of my neighbors and they stated they had the same or similar experience.If Vivint is not willing to accept responsibility for a sales representative's lies to potential customers, then it just reinforces my impression that Vivint is not a company that can be trusted You only get one chance to make a first impression You failed miserably Sincerely, [redacted]

The customer did sign a Power Purchase Agreement, so they are only responsible for the power that the Solar Panel system producesThis agreement is not a lease as stated by the customerWhen the customer initially met with the Sales Manager, the agreement was signed and a copy was sent to the customer's email on April 29th, Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer to clarify their concerns, and will continue to work with them until all concerns have been resolved.?

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 9/to address their concernsVivint Solar will be reviewing the customer's production and usage information to verify accuracyWe will also determine whether additional solar panels can be added to the customer's roof to help increase the customer's usage offsetVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer to address their concerns and to come to a satisfactory resolution

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:Please do not close this caseThis company has worst customer services I never seeAbout one week I summit my complaint to your organizationI got the following email from Vivint SolarI called this person five time, there is nobody picking up phone and can not leaving voice messageI also sent three emails to the person without any responseThen I called the customer service again last TuesdayThe representative said that my case has send to leadership teamThere will be some one from the team call me by Friday, if not he will call me by himselfhe only give me his badge number # [redacted] Friday has passed, there is nobody contact me at all.Please help me resolve the problemSincerely, [redacted] ***

Vivint Solar received notification via email from G&T Construction that they would contact the customer to schedule an assessmentVivint Solar contacted G&T on 10/2/and 10/6/to ensure they reach out to the customerOn 10/9/G&T responded stating they have an assessment with the customer scheduled for 10/17/Vivint Solar emailed the customer on 10/to make them aware and will continue to address the damage

We have contacted our local sales team to cease contact with the address providedWe have also contacted our sister company to notify them of the customer's concerns so that they can be addressed as requested We have not reached out to the customer, respecting the wish of their complaint, responding only to the to assist in relaying our progress.

Vivint Solar has been able to offer repairs since 12/09/2016, to date the customer has declined the approved repairsVivint Solar has offered the customer a Settlement for repairs, in the amount equal to the approved repairs, the customer has declined that offerCurrently Vivint Solar and the customer are in the process of obtaining additional information regarding Mold remediationIf the customer agrees to allow Mold remediation and repairs by Vivint Solar's approved contractor, repairs can take place the week of 12/19/To mitigate any further damages a tarp has been placed on the customer roof I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me, as I had to call Vivint Solar again on 11/10/and they indicated that they had emailed me the price quote on 11/02/2017, which I never receivedSo I asked for them to email the price quote while I was on the phone with themI may have to file another complaint, as now I need to have them come out and remove the panels as soon as I get the money to them to get this process going Sincerely, [redacted]

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: Vinit Solar refused their customer reasonable request"Because Vivint Solar changed the wiring to some breakers in the electrical panel box, they need to simply correctly relabeling these breakers." I am tired of continuing messaging back and forth here at Revdex.comThis message is my last message hereI will continue pursuing the issue until Vivint Solar come to correctly relabeling those breakers where Vivint Solar changed wiring or combined wires during their installationI will contact State Consumer Protection Division and local consumer agencies of Massachusetts and file complaints with themFurthermore, I will contact online rating/review websites and will post my experience with Vivint SolarAlthough the contract was signed in July and the sales person said it would take months to have solar power, I did not receive solar power until Apr of Moreover, there is still some unfinished work as of Aug 2016: they refused to correctly relabeling the breakers where Vivint Solar made changes in wiring Sincerely, [redacted] **

Reached out to the customer and discussed her concerns that she is havingCustomer will be working with us to resolve her concernsA coordinated effort will be done to provide a better customer service experience

Vivint Solar reached out to the customer to address their concerns and a specialist has been assigned to work directly with themWe have conducted an over production analysis that is currently under reviewVivint Solar will stay in constant contact with the customer to work toward a resolution within the terms and conditions of the agreement

Vivint Solar has reach out to the Customer and will be repairing the roof damagesSouthern California Edison should be granting Permission to Operate the system within 3-weeks

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer prior to their complaint on 10/ to address the panel removal process, the customer was notified they would receive the invoice within a few daysVivint Solar has emailed the customer the panel removal invoice on 11/2,11/and 11/

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:? Vivint offered to meet with me to explain the contract, however why did they not reach out to me prior my elderly father signed the contract(s)Vivint has not provided explanationA meeting was not requiredSales person easily could have explained to me via email.? But all communications with the sales person and Vivint has stopped especially when I asked specific questions and voiced my concerns.Vivint still has not provided reason why the sales person used my father's birth year on the email address that the sales person set up.Vivint still has not provide to me an answer to why the sales person ONLY directed my father to sign a PPA contract.? All other purchase options was not disclosed to my father.Vivint still has not provided an answer to why the sales person would show up to my parents' primary home "unannounced" in the evening to pressure my father to sign a contract.Vivint still has not provided to me the total costs of the now three (3) installed solar systems.Vivint still has not provided an answer to why they would set up an email for my father, knowing my parents DO NOT have a computer and access to a computer.? My parents are computer illiterate.Vivint still has not provided the email password so that I can gain access to the email.? The sales representative stated he provided email information to my father however, I have all paperwork and I have not seen such email password.Vivint stated that they only provide electronic contracts when signing and only provide hard copies after signing.? That explains why my father had no hard copies of contracts to review.? My father was only directed to sign on a cell phone.? Vivint still has not provided an explanation why only the PPA option was ONLY provided to my father.? ? Vivint's INTENT was only to sign my parents to the PPA option (20-year contract that will outlive my parents).Vivint sales tactic is very predatory to obtain my elderly father's signature.Based on my parents' energy consumption, they do not need solar panels.I want these contracts to be cancelled and all (total) to be uninstalled.? Sincerely, [redacted] ***( [redacted] ***son)?

Vivint Solar has resolved the issues that are within the terms of our agreementThe customer's rate has been changed to $per kWh and a reimbursement check is being issuedThere is however, a request that is not within the term of our agreementAn email has been sent to the customer as well as the regarding the request that is not within the terms of our agreement.?

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 4/via email in regards to the complaint Vivint Solar will remain in communication with the customer regarding the complaint to come to an agreed upon resolution

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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