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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

? I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meThey have an account repworking directly with me to resolve this issue and have taken me off of the past due list Sincerely, [redacted]

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:i called the representative back multiple times and left multiple messages to call me back and they have not returned my telephone calls! Sincerely, [redacted] ***

Vivint Solar has rescheduled the appointment with the customer for August 7th, Our technician will arrive on the property to repair the system and ensure the system is functioning properlyIf the appointment must be cancelled, we will call out out to the customer and notify them of the cancelled appointment

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: And what about my concern of future inappropriate bills and auto-debits? I asked for, at minimum, for my bank acct info you have on file to be removed from auto-billing and allow me to pay my bill online as they are generated? Sincerely, [redacted]

Vivint Solar has resolved the issues that are within the terms of our agreementThe customer's rate has been changed to $per kWh and a reimbursement check is being issuedThere is however, a request that is not within the term of our agreementAn email has been sent to the customer as well as the regarding the request that is not within the terms of our agreement

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: After spending countless hours on the phone with Vivint solar and speaking with various departments the company finally sent out a technician He confirmed that the system seemed to be working properly I then called the electric company because I was sure that I was spending too much for solar and electricity especially in the Summer months I had the system hooked up in May of In June the system was not turned on properly yet Vivint still charged me for solar power In July of the system tripped on a defective part that they were aware of and stopped working the only time that they were aware of the system not working properly was when I called to complain about my bills being too high for electricity and solar It was only then they realized that there was a problem Around mid July the system was suppposedly working Yet every month that I got my bills I would call and complain about how high the bills were They came up with all kinds of excuses First, my system was smaller than average or that I was using more electricity than I usually do Not once did they offer to send someone out to look at the system They also do not work with the electric companies My electric company does not show the amount of kwh that the solar system has generated and the savings Igot on my electric bill so you have to assume that what they are telling you is correct It was only until now that I had finally had it with my high electricity bills and paying for solar on top of it that I got anywhere So after the tech came out I went online and did some more research of why I would be using so much electricity I found out a few things and wanted to question my electric company about how I could be using more electricity when Ihave changed all my appliances are energy star rated, I installed all led lighting in my home and I put up solar panels It was then that I found out that the net meter through the electric company was not synced with the solar system and turned on until October 1, After explaining everything to the rep at the electric company through general conversation he mentioned since my system wasn't turned on until October 1, I wouldn't have generated that much power because in the Winter months you just don't How is the consumer supposed to know that they two systems aren't working together so, this means that all my complaining that I felt I was paying for electricity and solar was true There is no way for the consumer to know how much they are saving They get a bill from the electric company and they get a bill from the solar company One says your system generated so much kwh's and the other says you used so many kwh's Vivint tells you in the beginning that the electric company doesn't want to cooperate with the consumer because now they are generating power for their home via solar panels and the electric company takes their time with syncing with the solar panels The consumer is left to assume that they system is working properly until they realize that something is wrong due to the high cost I have spent countless hours over these past months with Vivint solar insisting that I was paying too much All I got was assumptions of why I was paying more Never once did they admit that they didn't work with the electric company or explain that they would not know whether they were working together or not They just kept telling me that my system was working and billing me I have asked them to credit me over $for the amount that they charged me that I did not save through these past months and am awaiting their response If they do not credit me I would like the panels removed I have sent them every single bill I've had from the Summer of through present The call my husband's cell phone and leave messages that they need copies of bills even though I have carefully instructed them to call my home phone several times and they already have all the bills that I took the time to download from the electric company website and attach them to the emails that were sent to the workout department If I knew any of this was going to happen I would never have gotten solar panels put on my home Not all the representatives there are incompetant, but there are several reps there that do not have the knowledge to help the customer who is esscence is renting out their roof to them so that they can claim the tax incentives on the panels that are causing the consumer unacceptable and unneccesary stress and aggravation I do not believe that I will know if I am saving much until the late Spring months since the system was not fully functioning to my benefit until the late Fall months which is why the consumer allows these companies to install the panels in the first place If you aren't saving money (30% off my bill is what I was promised) then there is no sense in damaging your roof to the tune of 5k which is the cost to replace and or fix the roof after the panels I am awaiting Vivint's response to the credit that I have requested that I believe is more than fair The way I see it, with all this aggravation and frustration and time that I have spent researching, making phone calls with hold times of more than minutess at times and all the emails and personal bills that I have sent and taking the time to go to the to respond to them, they should be giving me a lot more than what I asked! I am so grateful that there are agencies such as you out there to help the consumer battle a bully company when they feel backed into a corner and are left alone to figure things out on their own Sincerely, [redacted] have received a refund from Vivint Solar for the amount of $Thank you for all your help in expediting this claim I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Sincerely, [redacted]

? Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: This case needs to stay open until panels are re- installed and we are producing energy as the contract saysOther than someone calling to set up the removal of the panels no one has reached out to us verballyIt shows that we really do not matter and they just want money! Which they haveSo I am sure they are happy or should be.? We look forward to having the panels up and running and this resolvedFor now? we wait Sincerely, [redacted]

We went and examined the concern of the customer, discovered that the real issue was the ground fault interrupter and that our solar did not have any bearing on the electrical issue. We discussed the issue with the customer and then identified to him what the electrical issue was that was causing... his concern. He now understands that Vivint Solar is not at fault and now has an indication of what needs to be done to fix the issue.

Vivint Solar is in constant communication with the customerAs dictated by the customer's signed Power Purchase Agreement, they have two options when selling their property; they can purchase the system or transfer it to the new buyerVivint Solar and the customer are working towards a resolution within the terms and conditions of the agreement

The customer signed the Power Purchase Agreement 08/10/with a term of years, Section 3.A.(iv).(1) of which states that "We do not warrant or guarantee the amount of energy produced by the system for any period, any cost savings" The non-functioning panels, while not up to our customer service standards, do not void the contractSection 5.D states "You hereby grant to Us and Our employees, agents, and contractors the right to access and use Your Property so that We may install, operate, and maintain the System through out the Term, enforce Our rights as to this Agreement and the System and the System interests, and take any other action reasonably necessary in connection with the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, or removal of the System."Vivint Solar emailed the customer on 8/8/offering apology for their experience and personal assistance and follow through with all future appointmentsAt this time Vivint Solar is not in default of the contract and the customer is obligated to permit re-installation

This customer was concerned that their solar system was not performing in the way that was initially presented to herVivint Solar has made sure that the system is operating properlyThe solar production has been consistent with what was initially estimated and presented to the customerShe sent in her last three bills from her utility company, which we broke down and determined that she has been saving moneyWe sent her very detailed correspondence of this breakdown so that she can see the figures and better understand how her solar savings work annually

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer regarding their complaint on 5/10/Vivint Solar has explained to the customer there was a clerical errorThe error has now been correctedThe customer is aware they can call into our billing department to request their credit amountThe customer confirmed she called into our billing department on 5/10/to request their credit. I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Sincerely, [redacted]

Vivint Solar attempted to reach the customer via telephone on 05/10/The customer was unavailable, so a follow up email was sentWe have offered a resolution to the customer with regards to paymentsWe will continue to try and contact the customer to discuss the complaint, and come to a resolution.? ?

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: This is the fourth appointment that has been scheduled and the problem has not been fixedThe billing has not stopped and my refund has not been generatedThis is not a solution to the fact that they have been billing me for a year that the system never workedI was told the bills were an estimate of production, but that a refund could not be issued because there was no way to estimate my productionI find it unethical to be able to estimate for billing purposes, but not for refund purposes Sincerely, [redacted]

We have reached out to the customer and have yet to resolve their concern We are attempting to reach out again to further explain what we can do for them under the terms of the agreement.

Vivint Solar has come to a mutually agreed upon plan of action with the customer and will continue to work with them going forward

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer via telephone on 01/16/and again on 01/19/We were unable to speak with the customer, however, a voicemail message was left, requesting a return call? We will continue to try and contact the customer to discuss their complaint, as well as a resolution

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: I do not know if they do indeed have the parts or if the parts are the right ones for my systemI am waiting for a phone cl from the install deptSo I can possibly have the panels reinstalled Sincerely, [redacted]

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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