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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: although I did indeed speak to vivint solar on Friday, we are no way near an agreement on how to solve this matterI was told that they would research my complaint and get back to me this weekTherefore I do not want to close my case yetI Sincerely, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me I do agree with this response, since the last one was sent to me with informationI am still holding Vivint Solar to correct and fix all the damages in my houseI am moving as of June 2nd and cannot rent out my house until all damages are fixed Sincerely, [redacted] ***

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: I do not agree with accepting a response until my unit has been repaired satisfactory and I have been compensated for my time lost on this issue Sincerely, [redacted]

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: I have been working with Derrek E [redacted] and they have finally come out to repair my systemThe technician did not show up for the first appointment which my Husband left work early to be home forNevertheless, they? did make it out on a different day to make the repairs.? However, while negotiating a refund for the shortage owed to PG&E I was informed that my system is only designed to cover 71% of my annual usageThis was a shock to me as the agreement we made with Vivint was for a system that would cover 100% of our usage from the year beforeAccording to Derrek they are supposed to provide a system that covers 100% of usage however due to some "electrical constraint" with our home that was not possibleHe was unable to explain what this electrical contstraint was or why this was never disclosed to usWhy would we agree to a system that only covers 71% of our usage? He is working on figuring out what the issue is and why it was never disclosed to usDerrek has been very helpful and in constant communication with me which I appreciate very much but? I am not willing to state that the issues have been resolved until we actually have a resolution Sincerely, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Although all of my complaints against this company have not been resolved, I will agree that the animal guards were installed however it is unknown if it was installed correctly I wish that there was something you could do about the way the company is run and the deception that is allowed by most employees.I would like to thank the for the assistance in resolving this matter as I have no doubt that nothing would have been done without your help Sincerely, [redacted]

Reached out to the customer to discuss their concernsHave taken steps to resolve their concerns and have provided additional information about the system for them to reviewVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer to resolve their concerns.

Vivint Solar has assigned a specialist to work with the customer and resolve the current system issue. We called, left a voicemail and emailed yesterday and have done the same today, with no response. We will continue to reach out to the customer, with weekly follow ups, until the system issue is... resolved. We will attempt contact again, on or before, 11/28.

Spoke with [redacted] about the billing issue at handShe was credited with her solar payments and we will continue to work together.

Vivint Solar scheduled an appointment for 4/with the customer on 3/A Vivint Solar specialist has been assigned to monitor the progress on the system until the scheduled date and has attempted to contact the customer to work out a resolution within the terms and conditions of the agreementVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer until all concerns are addressed and resolved

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Attached is the roof Certification showing the roof was fine when we bought the home int This goes against the claim Vivint is making that the roof was improperly installed when the house was built This home is over years old As I stated before, it needed some roof maintenance, which has been taken care of, but has had no problems until Vivint installed their solar system They have verbally told me they have not had a real roofer look at the roof until this very last visit, so they are not telling the truth when they say they have had various roofers or experts look at it They have not done a leak test This is the standard to tell where the leak is coming from They have not been out to the home since the maintenance repairs have been completed I would like them to keep their promise they made to the and me to adjust the brackets to a inch overlap with the tiles and repair he damage caused by the leak inside
*** ***

Vivint Solar is considering the customer requestWe will contact the customer on 04/05/to finalize a resolution

Through analyzing the customer's current utility bills, Vivint Solar ascertained that the increase in utility cost is directly related to the customer's increase in usageThe system is currently functioning properly and was designed accurately to offset usage provided to Vivint Solar at the time of designVivint Solar calculated the customer is saving money, despite increase in usage and presented this to the customerAt this time Vivint Solar is not in breach of the Power Purchase Agreement and cancellation is not optionalAdditional panels are not in compliance with PNM regulations

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 12/via telephone and via email to provide additional information regarding their account. The customer is aware they currently have their multi-tariff inspection on 1/5/following the inspection; we believe they will be given permission to operate
within a couple of weeksVivint Solar will continue to contact the customer regarding their complaint to discuss a resolution within the terms of the agreement
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID
***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** *** PS: Even though I have except the response from the company I feel as if I'm corneredI have no choice but accept their terms so that I may proceed to have my roof replace I feel this company is very deceitful when dealing with the customers But I would like to thank the people at for their assistance and effort in resolving our dispute

Vivint Solar has determined that the Solar Purchase Agreement has not been signed by the customerThe incentives set forth by the customer's Sales Representative are available only after the solar panels have been installedA copy of the Solar Purchase Agreement has been sent to the customer via
email multiple times, requesting it be signed in order to move forward with the install.

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 8/24/to address their concernsThe customer signed the Power Purchase Agreement 1/11/and the Installation Work Order on 5/20/accepting the contract terms and installationAt this time as Vivint Solar is not in breach of contract as Vivint Solar
has been continuously engaged in addressing system issuesVivint Solar remains committed to addressing system issues in a timely matter and has escalated the account appropriatelyCancellation is not an option at this time

We have offered the customer a resolution that will work with the current utility rate and remains within the power purchase agreementWe are waiting on the customer's response to move forward with the resolution

Vivint Solar has been in contact with the customer, and will continue to work with the customer toward a resolution in completing the panel relocation

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer and have come to a satisfactory resolution.

Vivint Solar has reached out to the customer and has scheduled an appointment to get the customer's system online

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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