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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer on 12/29/and confirmed all necessary fixes have been completed, gave the next steps for progress, and confirmed the date for Final Inspection.

Vivint Solar has contacted the customer and is working with them on a resolution to this issue

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer to discuss their complaint via telephone on 10/26/17, we were able to leave a voicemail. Additionally, Vivint Solar is has submitted a request for the credit inquiry

Vivint Solar has got the system back online for the customerWe are working together on a resolution regarding compensation

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Though I now have someone calling to address the issue with me, there have been no actual steps taken to remedy the situation There has still been no one sent
to my home or any refund given for the months where they estimated bills when my system was not even turned on There is not yet any urgency on their part to make this right, though at least the person calling me is more polite He said all the right things but still no actual solutions have been given
*** ***

Vivint Solar visited the customers home on 12/04/and installed a Smart Inverter, as required by the Utility companyWe have resubmitted the request for Permission to Operate the systemVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer until the system has received Permission to Operate

Vivint Solar is currently working with this customer and making efforts to find a solutionVoiding an agreement requires a process of approval, cost-evaluation, etcbefore a decision is madeWe will keep the customer informed as we work through this process

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I just got back from MexicoI will try calling and see If the $PGEbill can be resolved.
*** ***

Vivint Solar has processed the customers request for his refundThe customer was notified today 07/25/17, of the details regarding his requested refund.

Vivint Solar has been working with the customer to come to a resolution and will be sending the customer their compensation this week
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that the response is the first step in a POSSIBLE resolutionThis is not the first time I have been promised resolution, therefore I am not willing to close this complaint until Vivint follows through with yet another promise
*** ***

The system has begun to produce power and should reliably function from here on Vivint Solar has received all necessary permissions from the local utility company and city to operate the system The release document for the home refinance has been sent to the mortgage company There should be no issues with the refinance of the home, please let us know if you continue to experience issues We are happy to assist however we can

Vivint Solar's Home Damage department is continuing to work with the customer and the third party contractor to get the repairs to the home completed as quickly as possibleWe are currently waiting for the contractor to submit the most recent bid to us, so we can have it approved, and move forward
with the repairs

Vivint Solar has attempted to contact the customer regarding their complaintWe left a voicemail, and sent an emailWe are awaiting return communication from our CustomerWe will continue to try and contact the customer

It is a grey area. As stated in my previous email, Vivint has made a proposal to resolve the matter and we are reviewing their proposal.** *** ***

No the issue has not been resolved

Vivint Solar has explained to the customer they have a PPA Vthat doesn’t allow to purchase the system until year The customer has the option to do a Prepayment, where they prepay for all the energy the system is estimated to produce for the length of the contractThe customer will no longer have to pay Vivint Solar for production of the system; Vivint Solar will maintain and monitor the system for the length of the twenty (20) year contract.

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer, regarding the billing matterVivint Solar has submitted to have the customers billing account creditedWe are still in the process of finalizing a resolution for any outstanding concerns.

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I attempted to return the
call of the representative, Miranda K***, on 3/13/18, during the hours provided to me in the voicemail. I attempted to call twice, and there was NO option for me to leave a voicemail for MsK***. I then contacted the main customer service line, requested MsK***'s email after the customer service representative could not reach MsK***, and have emailed MsK*** twice, once on 3/13/and once on 3/14/18, also during the business hours she gave me in her voicemail. I have received NO response. This matter is in no way resolved, and NONE of my complaints have even begun to be addressed. I prefer this company to contact me via email so that all communication is in writing
*** ***

Vivint Solar since being made aware of the issue performed maintenance on the system, the system issue has been corrected and the panels are now producing power We are still in progress of working with our customer to provide a resolution that both satisfies their needs and is within the
agreed contractual terms

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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