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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 2/to discuss their concernsVivint Solar provided the customer with an update on their account and the delays in the process to getting the customer's system Permission to OperateVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer to expedite the completion of the Permission to Operate process and will continue to keep the customer updated on the progress of their account.

Vivint Solar submitted the request for Permission to Operate the system to the customers Utility company on 07/17/Vivint Solar will notify the customer once the Utility company has granted Permission to Operate.

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because I had to call the company on Wednesday, February 17, to get someone on the phone that could help me This
is when I spoke to the representative that I had emailed After sending him bills from last year and the prior year for comparison, he then called my husband's phone and left a message stating that the phone company was charging me so much and they were charging me so much He left a phone message stating that we were saving as well as a line paragraph email stating that we were saving Nothing about having someone coming here and looking at the electrical panel or the solar equipment that they have put in They are treating us like we don't know what our electric bill has been over the past years and that we don't know that we are paying more for power when I am telling them that we are paying so much more than ever and there is a problem! Here is a run down of my bills: June electric Vivint solar: electricity with solar in June: (and the panels weren't really working...July Electric Vivint charges: 79.52...Total power August Electric Vivint charges total power: September electric Vivint charges Total charges I can go on but you can see the pattern here We are being overcharged for power and are spending more money than ever They assured us that we would be saving 30% on our electric bill We are payinng 2/more for power than we ever have I am so frustrated that this company is not taking me seriously and seems to be brushing me off with a response that seems almost automated I am extremely dissatisfied with this response and want someone to come here and find out what is going on and why am I paying almost $a month in the Summer for solar? I am not saving money and I want these panels off and my roof fixed if they cannot handle this in a professional manner!
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Vivint Solar has approved the customers request, and the check is being processedPlease allow 4-weeks for processing

Vivint Solar appropriately designed the system to produce approximately 12,kWh annually to offest 12,approximate annual usage of customer from April of to April of at the time
of account creationThis was ascertained through the utility bills provided by the customer at that timeThe system is created to offset annual usage and is designed to produce more energy through out the summer and less in the winter as is the nature of sun hours during those seasons. On Page of the Power Purchase Agreement signed by the customer on 4/16/it states "Your Commitment: Pay for the Energy Produced by the System" Section 3.A.istates "This Agreement is for the sale of energy by Us to You...We will sell to You and You will buy from Us all of the energy produced by the System." Vivint Solar is currently aware of the inverter fault causing under production and plans to address this once the system is re-installedVivint Solar is actively working towards resolution with this customer

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because we have attempted to cancel numerous times and have always gotten the run aroundEvery time we call we are put on hold for extended period of timesWe've asked to speak to a supervisor and have always given the run aroundI have recently done research on Vivint and noticed A LOT of unsatisfied customers that are going through the same issuesVivint relies on their sales people to lie to the customersThe customer is forced into signing after the salesperson just fed the customer bunch of liesThe panels are put up, the salesperson disappears/leaves the company, and no possible way to ever get in contact with someone on the phone. Once a contract is signed, there is no way to cancel because Vivint NEVER responds or will give you the run around in order to keep you around.
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Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:I have called back four times nowI have left two messages and have emailedI cannot get a response back.
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I got a call from a technician that I had an appointment today Monday Sept 18th and he wanted to know why I wasn't home. I told him I have never said that I could do a Monday appointment and that I can only do Saturday. I do not appreciate Vivint sending someone to my house without my consent or knowledge.
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
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Vivint Solar has assigned a specialist who has reached out to the customer to address their complaintAt the moment, we are scheduling an appointment to visit the property to evaluate the status of the panel, after which, we will be able to move forward with any necessary repairsVivint Solar will
stay in constant contact with the customer in order to come to a resolution within the terms and conditions of the agreement

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I have had a response from the company about the due but as usual we are still at the same place we were weeks ago nothing has changedNothing has moved forwardI just receive a call from them 10-1, quote " we are waiting from a response from our vendor on the up grade on your panel " and as usual we are sorry for the delay, they have been sorry going on a year nowThis company has a very poor PR program, and I'm not SORRY
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Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:Since I knew that money was being withdrawn from my
account without my consent, I have tried numerous times to contact and speak with someone from Vivent, yet I could not reach any live personMonths went by until I was finally notified by their Mitigation team, who told me that I must pay the balance due because of my making payments(without my knowledge or consent), that I was fully aware of my year contractI am yrs of age and I would never sign any year contractThis was the first time ever hearing that this was a year contractNot to mention I still do not understand any of my contract nor have I ever seen itNow to add the cherries on top, Jay from their mitigation team was completely rude, would not listen to what I had to say, and after not helping in any way, she had the audacity to hang up the phone on meI have received two Phone calls from Vivent, which they both reached my answering machine and left messagesOne from mitigation and the other from resolutionsI did not answer either call for the reason that I had filed my complaint with the and was waiting for their responseNow I will contact Jessie from their resolutions and go from there
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We have called our customer and were unable to get through to a voicemail or live person while calling We will continue attempting to get in contact with our customer.

Vivint Solar reached out to the customer on 2/to discuss the customer's concernsVivint Solar requested the customer send in recent utility bills, to review the customer's concerns regarding the performance of his systemVivint Solar has also made the customer aware that we will continue to
enforce the Power Purchase Agreement signed by both parties and will not be removing the system installed at the customer's propertyVivint Solar will continue to work to resolve the customer's concerns

Complaint: ***
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The previous response to this complaint was submitted in errorVivint Solar contacted the customer via phone on 10/Vivint Solar will work with the customer to correct any billing discrepancies relating to the customer's transferVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer to ensure that the customer's online billing account is accurate

Vivint Solar has assigned a Specialist to work with the customer to resolve the issueThe Specialist has attempted contact by phone and email, and will reach out to them again weekly to come to a resolution. There isn't any record of this customer at this address in our database, and all the
credit checks under this name are soft pullsThere is some information that we will need from the customer, in order to proceed

Vivint Solar has verification that all of the electrical work performed was done up to code, as per the County inspectorAny electrical work performed in addition to what is required by the County is the responsibility of the customer.

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer regarding their complaint, we were able to schedule a fix with our RFR Crew for 4/The customer will contact their contractor, so they are present the same day of our Crew. Vivint Solar will remain in communication with the customer in regard to their

Vivint Solar is in the process of obtaining bids for roof repairsWe have agreed to repair the roof sections where the additional panels were installedWe will continue to work with the customer until this matter has been resolved.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID *** I will need time to see if they actually resolve the issueThey still say they are reviewing the system The system does not produce enough solar power because at times the system does not work Let's see if they follow through or if they keep giving us the runaround by not responding
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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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