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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

Service was down when we tried to book tickets. Tickets are very difficult to obtain. Customer service unresponsive.
The charge was not clearly labeled in the receipt (instead of showing the total amount that would be charged, they showed 21.99x12 months), they took 2 weeks to activate the account. We were able to get tickets once, then when we tried to book tickets again, the service was down and the app would not work. The user interface and process is unnecessarily complicated and they charge extra for everything. Their terms & conditions have all sorts of clauses that absolve them of ANY responsibility for anything. I reached out Nov 2 to ask for a refund, they responded the same day asking how they could help. I responded the same day explaining what I was experiencing and did not receive a response for 1 full week. I had to open a new ticket and finally received a response that said the service was non-refundable. The one phone number I could find for them was disconnected.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund of the full $263.88 I paid please.

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

Hi, we see that you have redeemed 2 tickets from your Sinemia membership so a refund will not be possible. Our support had replied you but you did not respond on your first ticket.
Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered. All of the process of purchasing advance ticket stated in the FAQs as well as the terms and we are glad you've read them as every customer should.

Refund for remaining time duration
Hi, I had paid for a full year of Sinemia service for me, my wife and 8 year daughter in May this year at $6.99 per month per person a total of $251.64 . Yesterday Sinemia team suddenly terminated all our 3 account with a bizarre reason for which we never received any warning or notification. We still have 7 months of service left.

Plus their service has been exceptionally bad. Even after 6 months of original purchase date, they did not send us the physical card. They made it very tedious and time consuming to purchase a ticket and then again having to check in for each of us individually . The whole intention seemed to be to grab money and run.

Please provide us full refund as the service was very poor and then you cancelled it without any notice or warning. And you have no reason to keep full 12 months of money any way. You advertised your plans as monthly but charged for full 1 year upfront. Please help ! The accounts are *** , *** & *** Thanks

Desired Outcome

Provide a full refund of $251.64 that you charged - for the inconvenience we had to go through and we got the service for only 5 months when you charged upfront for 12 months of service advertised as monthly $6.99 per month / person.

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

Hi, Sinemia is a cardless service. We have detected that you have multiple accounts and you have switched the devices between your accounts. Your account is terminated due to the non-compliance with the terms and conditions.

Customer Response • Nov 19, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Hi, When I signed up, I was told that a card will be mailed out within 3 - 4 weeks at most. I never got the cards. I contacted Sinemia's customer service several times and they kept on saying that the cards will be mailed. Also I told them that all three accounts are form my family and that it is very tough to have to login multiple times on the same device. They never said that this is against policy and that my account can be terminated.

- Second, you have charged for the whole year on a per month basis and I should be getting service for that duration. If you don't want to provide the service, then you have to refund me. YOU CANNOT KEEP THE WHOLE MONEY FOR THE DURATION YOU DID NOT PROVIDE SERVICE

- YOU NEVER PROVIDED ANY WRITTEN WARNING THAT I CANNOT USE MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS ON THE SAME DEVICE . ALSO IF YOU ARE DETECTING THAT, why are you allowing me to sign in the first place from the same account ??????


Sinemia Response • Nov 22, 2018

We are sincerely sorry to hear that you think in this way. Everything is clearly presented on the website, terms, and the FAQs, unfortunately we won't be able to comment/ assist further in the case.

Customer Response • Nov 20, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Hi, This membership is for 3 different people. They were all purchased together . One for me and other two as gifts for my family as there was no option at that time to purchase a membership as a family of 3. So why did you charge all the money then ? If you do not want to provide service, REFUND US ALL THE MONEY. DO NOT MAKE ILLEGAL Excuses to STEAL THE MONEY.

I signed up for the monthly service, but ended up being charged hundreds of dollars for a full year. I immediately tried to reach out to customer service through multiple emails to fix the error and did not receive any responses. The company is very quick to take your money, but will not respond to customer service emails to fix an error on their behalf.

Deceitful advertising practices. They do not disclose there are additional charges beyond the monthly membership cost until you try to buy a ticket online and are charged $4/movie which *** essentially double what you were told you would pay.

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

Hi, Sinemia only covers the cost of your ticket and processing fees are not $4. It is clearly presented in the terms and conditions for our users attention. If it is not clear for you, you may share your feedback at *** Thanks.

I set up a family account so my partner and I could go to the movies. We had been enjoying the service, so I decided to get a plan just for myself. I was unaware this was against their lengthy terms and conditions. So, I get home from the movies tonight with an e-mail stating my account had been terminated because I had more than one account. In addition, they made no statement on how to receive a refund for the year long membership I paid for.

In addition, half way through my year long membership, they started adding a $1.80 per person fee on top of any fees an online ticketer or movie theatre might charge. In my case that is $86 more a year for the plan I was on.

Sinemia movie subscription never provided a physical card despite their promise. Their cardless feature has fees which I did not sign up for.
I signed up for the Sinemia movie subscription service because I could watch 3 movies a month ($15/month) regardless of it being 3D, IMAX, etc. When I signed up, they said they would provide a physical card to purchase the movies with and the wait period was about two month.

In the meantime, I could use the cardless feature but it involved paying a $1.50 convenience fee through a 3rd party website buying tickets. There was no mention of these fees but I have no other option than to pay the fees otherwise I can't use the subscription service while I await my physical card.

I am now finding out Sinemia is moving to totally cardless system and this was never what I agreed upon when I signed up. I am getting hidden fees even when they promised a flat fee for movies.

On two separate occasions (Oct 28th, and Nov 1st, I asked when a physical card was coming in the mail along with other questions. They completely ignored my question about the card unwilling to answer.

Also, the app prevented me from seeing more than one IMAX movie a month which I attempted to address but they did not answer this question. According to the membership I purchased, I was not limited on the number of IMAX or 3D movies yet the app prevented me from signing up for the movies. It is not a user error, the app prevented me from seeing it.

I am concerned that I have signed up for a movie subscription that changes the agreement without any notice and their customer service flat out ignores my questions.

Can you please help me find a way to have Sinemia respond with concrete information and a status of the physical card?

Desired Outcome

I would like to have Sinemia contact me with an answer to my questions. I think it is unfair to be changing the terms of the agreement without customer service contact. They should not ignore me if they don't want to answer. Also, I would like them to refund me the hidden convenience fees as well as state that there are additional fees when purchasing through a 3rd party website so other consumers know ahead of signing up. I would also like them to address why I am limited on seeing IMAX or 3D movies. They ignored me when I told them my membership should include seeing IMAX or 3D movies without having to wait for a month.

Sinemia Response • Nov 11, 2018

Hi, Sinemia plans do not include a physical card.
Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge. You may check the related term 27.18 here;
About purchasing an IMAX ticket our support will be more than happy to assist you, your e-mail has been already replied. Thanks.

Customer service will not return any of my emails.
On 10/26 I purchased a one month $29.99 membership + $19.99 membership fee + $9.99 for immediate so I don't have to wait for processing (a total of $60). That same day I tried purchasing a movie ticket through their advanced ticketing service, which they directed me to after choosing my showtime and theater. I was using their service on my iPhone 8+. Their iPhone app kept crashing when a prompt asking me to check into the theater for my movie, even though it was not time for my movie and I wasn't ready. Also, the payment information I was given to get movie tickets on did not work. This made me miss my movie.

It was that day I tried contacting their customer service. At first they were friendly and I thought helpful. I spoke to a person named ***. That person was delayed in their response but the last time I heard from him was on 10/29. I tried getting hold of him two times since then. Then on 11/7, I tried contacting Sinemia support again. This time I got someone else, who I thought was a bit more helpful named ***.

***, was prompt in his reply. But when I asked if I could get a $10 refund (or credit) when I didn't get the immediate service I paid for, since I have yet to use my membership due to app crashing every time I try to use it, he stopped emailing me. So I tried contacting Sinemia support AGAIN.

This time I got a response from someone even quicker named ***. *** basically said It was my fault and that my ticket was closed. I tried writing another email, which was a copy and paste of the last one. *** did the same thing as last time. Then I wrote one last time, this time saying simply, "Help now or I am just going to my bank to figure this out as well as the". But got no response.

I don't want a refund. I just want to use the service I paid for. That is all. But they don't want to help me for some reason. This is just a stressful situation I just want to be done with. I can provide emails, if you'd like.

Desired Outcome

While I just want to be done with the whole thing, $60 is a lot of money for me. So I would like to get what I paid for. So If we could get me in touch with customer service so we can get a full resolution to my problem (and by full resolution, I mean till it is fully resolved) OR if that does not work, a refund. But if there is a resolution, I'd like at least a credit or refund for the $10 immediate service I paid for that I was not given at least.

Sinemia Response • Nov 11, 2018

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. We can refund your accelerated activation fee as a gesture of goodwill and assist about purchasing advance ticket. Our support has replied your e-mail, kindly check.

Customer Response • Nov 13, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I did reply to an email where they offered that after asking if I can have my membership extended so I can get all 30 movie tickets I paid for and have not heard back from them. They said I had 24 hours to respond. I responded in 3 hours. It has now been 2 days and I have heard nothing. I have asked them constantly to help me and they have ignored me, even after I have sent a request through this. At this point, I just want a full refund. Unless they are willing to actually respond to my emails instead of ignoring, I just want a full refund.

I'm just extremely frustrated that they have the gull to say that after they offered that to me and after they just ignored me completely. I paid $60 for 30 movie tickets that expire on November 26th. I can only use one movie ticket a day. I cannot use 30 movie tickets by the 26th. So I am not getting what I paid for. I want a full refund unless they agree to give me all 30 movie tickets I paid for.

Sinemia Response • Nov 20, 2018

As a gesture of goodwill we will issue a refund to you although Sinemia terms and conditions do not allow a refund. Our support had informed you via e-mail also. Please check.

Customer Response • Nov 19, 2018

As of 11/19, they have yet to still give the $10 refund, even going as far as saying that they don't offer refunds. They are also refusing to acknowledge that there is a problem and are unwilling to help me troubleshoot. I know how to purchase a ticket and have told them this. They do not want to listen. My membership expires on 11/26 and as of 11/19, I have not used any of the 30 movie tickets I have paid for (they acknowledged this and can provide said email from 11/19). I would like a full refund since they are unwilling to help me at this point.

They also state that they will not let me use all 30 movie tickets that I paid for since they cannot extend my membership. Those movie tickets expire on 11/26.

Sinemia started charging a $1.80/ticket "payment processing" fee that you can't avoid. They won't let us cancel our annual subscription for refund.
Sinemia is a major competitor to Movie Pass. They tout no hidden fees. I signed up for an annual subscription 3.months ago. It covers the cost or 2 movie tickets per month for two people. They do not pay for convenience fees and charge for those at ticketing time. Okay, no problem. The dispute is that they all of a sudden in November started charging a $1.80/ticket "payment processing" fee. This is effectively a 10-20 percent surcharge. Totally hidden and not discussed at sign up. Many of my friends are equally irritated. is email only and barely responsive. They will not allow us to avoid the fee or.cancel the service for a refund. They claim it's a United States wide fee. How could that possibly be that high and all of a sudden? I have requested details on why this charge has gone from 0 to $1.80 in one week and by who with no response. They encouraged customers to sign up with no hidden fees, now they toss one in. They also encouraged customers to sign up for "cardless" accounts, then charge a fee for initial activation. I'm hearing that if you have a card, you can avoid the fees however they provide no mechanism to get a card and claim they "hope" to offer that by the end of the year. They don't respond to emails and there is no chat or phone option.

Desired Outcome

Ideally, they would stop charging the $1.80 per ticket fee or offer a way to avoid the fee. If it can't be avoided, then they should refund Annual subscribers that have no recourse other than quitting with no refund or continuing to pay the fees.

Sinemia Response • Nov 11, 2018

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge. You may also see the the 27.18 here;
Thanks for sharing your feedback it will be taken into account by our team.

Customer Response • Nov 13, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
That response is a stock response from their terms and conditions. What wasn't explained was that they had lured many customers into annual contracts without any processing fee at all then 2-3 months in going from 0 to $1.80 per ticket overnight and without notice. In fact nothing Sinemia does related to fees includes advance notice problem proactive communication. Friday a class action lawsuit was filed and it's clear from that and other customers that this business practice of fleecing customers will not be tolerated. I would accept one of two outcomes. 1. Sinemia stops charging the $1.80 processing fee per ticket or offers a purchasing option to avoid it. 2. Otherwise refund annual customers the prorated amount of their subscription.

Sinemia Response • Nov 22, 2018

Regarding your support request, our support has contacted you already. We understand your refund request but Sinemia's system does not work in that way.
After reviewing your account we see that you have an annual plan which means that your price will be same for 12 Sinemia months.
Sinemia will be providing physical cards soonest, you may check your e-mails for further information. Thanks for sharing your feebdakc.

Customer Response • Nov 19, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
A few things I would like to say. First...would it be possible to "talk" to an actual live customer support representative vs. having to mediate through the If not, then I would need details on what that refund would look like. You say you would deduct the cost of our "redeemed movie tickets" from our subscription price, but that doesn't seem fair to me. I would accept a pro-rated refund of the "unused months" of the subscription as that seems fair. So for example..., I paid 191.88$ for 12 months plus a $9.99 "cardless activation fee" for a total of $201.87, I've used 3 months so far. So I would expect a prorated refund for 9 unused months (75%) or $151.40. I would be willing to let the $1.80 fees go if you do that. My first preference is that your honor the original terms of our agreement and your marketing by not introducing hidden fees and offering some respectable level of customer support (your site advertises "premium support"). I have friends that have submitted numerous support requests and hear absolutely nothing from Sinemia...ever. You also never once emailed or informed any of us annual customers that there was going to be another $7.20 increase in our monthly charges (2 tickets for 2 per month = $7.20). That is basically a 50% increase in monthly cost surprise, not some slight increase of 1-2%! I signed up for an annual subscription simply because it was a good deal for the price offered over the monthly subscription If I thought it would have costed me another $7.20 on top of the $15.99/month, I would never have signed up for that. Its just not compelling enough. I would get a much better deal through Cinemark for $8.99/month! If I would have known there was going to be that charge start in the middle of my subscription (well, 1/4 of the way in), then I would have gone monthly and had the option to cancel. Here's the sad thing for Sinemia in my opinion... Sinemia could literally take over the movie subscription business by simply honoring the original agreement. I loved the original deal and not having to contact customer support with the surprise fee. However, its totally alienating its a huge portion of its customer base and I'm not telling my friends and family about what a good deal it is, rather, I'm having to share this unfortunate experience. All of this because Sinemia will simply not allow its annual contract members to be grandfathered in without the new and excessive $1.80/ticket charge. It is really pennywise and pound foolish. Would Sinemia be willing to do that and simply forgo the $1.80 surprise fee, or is the class action law suit our only recourse?

the check in rules were not clearly stated. I misunderstood and they revoked service with no refund.
I recently signed up for a yearly service with Sinemia for 360 dollars paid upfront. I began using the service with little difficulty. After a few screenings the mobile app warned me to check in at the theater. I had presumed that was only for people with physical cards but upon being asked to do so I started checking in everytime.

After a few more screenings using the check in feature, I get an email saying I had broken the rules by not checking in and my service would be revoked. I am unable to utilize the service anymore and no refund for the 11 months paid upfront has been offered.

I have emailed them but only get form responses and links to the fine print rules about checking in. the form response says in general you will be warned to check in and not have service revoked so I still don't understand why my service was revoked rather than leave it at a warning.

I acknowledge I did not check in the first few times but it was a simple mistake and I would hope that on fixing my mistake I could continue to use the service but if they really don't want that than I would expect a refund for the time period that I will be unable to utilize that I already paid for.

Desired Outcome

I would like for my service to be resumed and prorated for the time period it was unavailable for. if they will not allow me to use the service I would like 330 dollars in refund for the 11 months of service that they will not let me use.

Sinemia Response • Nov 11, 2018

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. All our rules are published in the FAQs as well as the terms and we are glad you've read them as every customer should.
Kindly check the related term 23.13 here
Unfortunately Sinemia will not be able to fulfill your request.

Customer Response • Nov 13, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
why are most offered a warning and then allowed to continue but not me? is it because I have paid for a full year upfront and you want to steal that money from me?

do you think it is just that I paid 360 dollars and only got one month of service? why do you want to be the company that acts like this?

Sinemia Response • Nov 15, 2018

According to Sinemia terms and conditions, Sinemia misuse fee has to be charged from your payment method on file. Your Sinemia membership has been canceled by the system because your card information is not available or the fee can not be collected from your payment method.
Unfortunately we are no able to assist you further about this case.

Customer Response • Nov 15, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
A. you definitely have access to my card because you charge your inane service fees when I purchase a ticket even when there is no service fee.

B. if there actually is a issue why not ask me to update my payment info instead of stealing 330 dollars?

C. you are still not addressing the fact that your own form letter says there will be a warning first before action is taken why was I not given a warning and a chance to fix my mistake?

you have shown nothing but negligence and in my opinion criminal action towards me I have given you many options to solve the situation easily but you refuse to do anything. why do you want to be the company that does nothing for its users?

Sinemia violated Terms of Service. Changed plan mid cycle increasing fees and decreasing usability
I signed up for Sinemia in September of 2018 for a prepaid year subscription. After prepaying for a year and signing up, sinemia changed the terms of the plan. Sinemia started requiring a $1.80 processing fee when using their cordless feature and stopped issuing physical cards. If they were not issuing physical cards or charging these additional processing fees, I would not have joined originally.
Under Section 4.3 of the terms of service from Sinemia it states "You will be notified of any changes made to the terms of service prior to your next billing cycle. Sinemia will not make any changes to your plan mid-cycle, all changes will be in affect at the start of your next billing cycle."
Under section 27.3 of the term of service from Sinemia it states "Sinemia will not make any changes to your plan mid-cycle, all changes will be in affect at the start of your next billing cycle. Sinemia is not responsible for theater programming, cancellations, or rescheduled performances."
As Sinemia has violated these terms by changing the plan in the middle of my billing cycle, I request a cancelation of my account and complete and full refund of $119.88.

Desired Outcome

A full and complete refund of $119.88

Sinemia Response • Nov 10, 2018

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge. We do our best to create an easy to access and helpful terms from which subscribers can benefit. If you believe the FAQs and terms are not clear enough, please let us know your feedback at ***

Customer Response • Nov 13, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia, Your FAQ is not part of a contract. Also your FAQ does not discuss the $1.80 processing fee that you have added to recent transactions that is not coming from transaction fees. This is a surcharge.

Also, your FAQ mention that you will issue physical cards.

I have requested and not received a physical card. Based on this point being ignored in this complaint, I also believe that you are fraudulently not issuing physical cards as promised.

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

Your contract does not include a physical card and Sinemia is a fully cardless service. Currently we do not have physical card users.

Customer Response • Nov 15, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I am not a "Cardless Member" I was not told during registration that I would not be issued a physical card and to the contrary everything implied that I would be issued a physical card. This is a bait and switch tactic

Both of my accounts were terminated because they said I violated term.s by having more than one subscription on one device
I have been using Sinemia for about a year, but have become increasingly frustrated with the fact that I have sent multiple emails for help with my account and CUSTOMER SERVICE DOES NOT RESPOND! Nevertheless, I still kept using it. Since my dad and I see a lot of movies together (and he's "horrible with technology" (his words, not mine)) I purchased another account for him, since I had already submitted my payment for the single plan before I knew about the "2 for 1 deal". I figured using only my phone would making checking in a lot easier, and the app allowed me to do this.

Today, I got an email saying this:

"As stated in your subscription terms, you may use your device for your own membership only and in case the device is used with multiple accounts this could lead to termination of all accounts involved.
The system has identified multiple accounts that have been used with your device and terminated your account. We regret to inform you that you will not be able create another Sinemia account in the future.

Sinemia Support Team
Best regards,

Sinemia Support Team"

So yeah, BOTH of our accounts were terminated because I purchased more of what they sold on one phone! So that's about $300 down the drain without so much as a warning.

To me, this makes zero sense. If somebody likes your product, WHY WOULD YOU PUNISH A CUSTOMER FOR BUYING MORE OF YOUR PRODUCT?! What a horrible way to treat your consumers and so shady!

I have looked through their terms and conditions and nowhere does it say that multiple accounts are not allowed on the same device. They also updated their terms of service without any notification to their customers, which gets into legal territory. You can't say there has been of a violation of terms if the terms change to constitute that violation, and both parties are not aware.

Thank you, in advance, for your assistance with this matter

Desired Outcome

I would either like my accounts to be activated again, or receive a refund for the remaining months/monthly rates for each of these accounts, which is around $250. If that is not possible, I would like that amount in credit from them for a new account.

Sinemia Response • Nov 10, 2018

Hi,please see the related term as below;
27.13 (iv) A Person can only purchase one membership. In the event of detecting the same person purchasing more than one membership using different credentials or social media accounts, Sinemia reserves the right to suspend and/or cancel the membership by terminating the contract.

Customer Response • Nov 13, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The account was for a separate person. My dad. And there are two different names on those accounts.

Also, when you sent the initial email, it said

"you may use your DEVICE for your own membership only and in case the device is used with multiple accounts this could lead to termination of all accounts involved.

The system has identified multiple accounts that have been used with your device and terminated your account."

Your response to the does not line up with this, as it does not refer to only using one device. Also, I would like for you to please tell me when this became a part of your terms and conditions, because it was updated in October and I never got a notification about that. Who's to say you did not add that clause as a way if taking people's money?

Look, all I want is a refund or credit to continue my memberships with you. You're making enemies of people by not respecting them as customers

Sinemia Response • Nov 15, 2018

It is stated in the terms and conditions as well, please see it as below;
27.21. The members may use their smartphone only for their own subscription. If the same mobile device is used for different memberships, the provider reserves the rights to suspend and/or cancel the subscriber's membership by terminating the contract.

Unfortunately we are able to assist your further in this case.

Numerous emails sent regarding inability to check in on the app which is a requirement of the membership. received canned responses (zero help)
I have been attempting to get assistance from SiNEMiA's customer support email (there is no phone number to call) regarding my issue of not being able to check in on the app (you must do so 30 minutes before or after the movie starts) at the movie theater the last couple of weeks. After not responding for several days I received a canned email response telling me I have to check in and gave no guidance on what could be the cause of my issue (completely useless). I had previously checked in over 10 times without a problem until the last two weeks. Failure to check in can result in being charged the full price of the tickets so immediately contacted the company the first time experienced the issue. I followed up NUMEROUS times and finally received another generic, canned email stating I need to check in on the app.

I responded AGAIN requesting some assistance.

Today I received a separate email requesting a verify my identity by sending over a copy of my government issued ID along with a selfie of me holding it. This is completely unprecedented and their terms claim it is because they have 'detected' someone has purchased multiple memberships which is a violation of the agreement (and utter nonsense as there is no way I would be a repeat client of this company).

They further stipulate that if I don't respond with adequate documentation in 7 days they will cancel my account. I work in Cybersecurity and no company should ever request that you simply email sensitive documents such as your Drivers License. That is a huge red flag. I requested for someone to please contact me and provide a secure means to provide the requisite documentation but they simply said there is no phone number call and they can't call me to discuss this.

This appears to be a tactic for this business to cancel consumers accounts who have already paid the entire year upfront like myself. I initiated the follow up to be compliant with their policies and after not hearing back for several days I get an email request for me to send them my Drivers License and a picture of me with it??

This is not a company who values customer service and certainly is not cognizant of the risks involved in emailing sensitive documentation like a Drivers License.

I implore everyone to stay away from this poorly run sham of a business and encourage you to thoroughly research the company like I wish I did before I signed up.

Total scam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Desired Outcome

Due to their failure to provide any insightful responses on my technical issue with checking in on the app along with their ridiculous demand that I provide a copy of my Drivers License and me holding for some form of proof of whatever I demand a full refund. This has caused me to spend several hours attempting to resolve my issue to no avail. The updated terms of service on 10/18 stating if I do not comply with this request in 7 days they can cancel my account.

Sinemia Response • Nov 10, 2018

Hi, we are sorry to hear that you feel in this way. Sinemia support is available 24/7 at *** and our experts have replied your e-mail. If you provide the requested documents we can confirm you that your account will be activated and the days suspended will be added to your plan. You may provide the check-in problem over e-mail, they will be more than happy to assist you.

Customer Response • Nov 14, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I finally received adequate customer support for my issue regarding ID verification. My technical issue preventing me from checking in is still ongoing however they indicated it may have been due to an older version of the app which has now been updated so we'll see.

I am not sure if it's because of this complaint that I started getting competent responses via email but it's important to notate that this company which is nationally recognized as a competitor to LastPass and other movie subscription services does not have a phone number to speak with a live agent. When you combine that with the fact they are slow to respond, often times responding to older email chains and tend to send 'canned' email responses I find this unacceptable. This is a premium service for which you pay for the entire year in advance. I followed up with them numerous times before I got anywhere and then received an email saying I had 7 days to send them ID verification docs or my account would be terminated without any context except that under their new account terms they could do so.

I like the concept of the service and the price is right (even with recent hike to using advanced planning tickets) but the customer service is way behind where it needs to be.

If I not able to resolve my technical issue with my app and don't get adequate support to resolve it (it's been going on for over a month) I will reopen this complaint.

Sinemia Response • Mar 28, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Jan 24, 2019

Once again this company has ceased responding to my correspondence. Beginning on 12/14 I have sent over 20 emails as well as Twitter messages addressing a fraudulent charge on my cc ($59) and now I *** no longer access the app with my valid credentials (I *** log in online no problem). This means I am unable to use their either their cardless service or activate the physical card that I recently received in the mail.

I have pleaded with them to respond, but it has now been over 6 weeks with ZERO response back. My app is up to date, my credentials are valid (as I stated above I *** successfully login online but when I attempt to do so on the app I get 'Error Login denied!' which is different than if I entered a wrong user ID or password.)

I have spent over $500 with this company including all of the fees I get charged through advanced planning (online booking) and you'd think I'd be treated with some level of decency but they flat our ignore my emails and messages constantly and that has been the case from the first time I filed a complaint with the in which they FINALLY started responding to me.

This is not professional and indicative of how a large, well known company should be handling it's customer service.

Please respond to me at *** SiNEMiA!!!!!!!

I signed up for an annual membership and now I'm being charged $1.80 to utilize the service when I already payed upfront.
I am being charged a $1.80 surcharge every time I utilize this service. This is illegal in my state of California. I signed up for a year and payed upfront and now I can't even use what I payed for without paying more. I tried contacting them and they completely blew me off.

Desired Outcome

All I want is for both my account and my girlfriend's account (who also payed a year upfront) to be exempt from this charge until the next billing cycle so I can continue to utilize the service as we initially agreed upon.

Sinemia Response • Nov 07, 2018

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge. Our support is available 7/24, please send an e-mail to ***

Customer Response • Nov 07, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
According to section 4.3 of when I first signed up any changes to the terms and conditions would not change until my next billing cycle. These changes took place during my current billing cycle. I have emailed your support and even asked for support on twitter and got no response

Sinemia Response • Nov 10, 2018

Please see our the term 1.2 as below;
1.2. Sinemia reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of these Terms of Use, at any time, without prior notice. It is your responsibility to check these Terms of Use periodically for changes. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes will mean that you accept and agree to the changes. As long as you comply with these Terms of Use, Sinemia grants you a personal, non-transferable, limited privilege to enter and use the Site. Sinemia is for your personal use, and not for resale or commercial use under any circumstances

Customer Response • Nov 08, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Definition of surcharge according to ***: (b)to charge an extra fee. So yes this a surcharge since you are charging me a fee that was not present when I initially signed up. You have also failed to acknowledge our initial terms of service. Since you continue to prove yourself incompetent (in honoring your contract, providing decent customer service, as well as debate) here are the initial terms I agreed to:
Refer to section 4.3, "Sinemia reserves the right to change the rules of movie-going attendance and ticket availability to members at anytime. You will be notified of any changes made to the terms of service prior to your next billing cycle. Sinemia will not make any changes to your plan mid-cycle, all changes will be in affect at the start of your next billing cycle." You make it abundantly clear that any changes won't take effect until my next billing cycle, which happens to be on September 2019. Charging me a $1.80 "processing fee" (in quotes because we both know this is not a true processing fee) where I was never asked to before is a violation of our initial terms.

The company added additional fees to their plan I signed up fro when the ToS stated that they would not change the plan mid-cycle.
Sinemia advertised a plan where customers pay $9.99/month for 3 movie tickets at any supported cinema each month. I signed up on 08/29/2018 and paid $119.88 for one year of service. When I signed up the Terms of Service stated the following: "Sinemia will not make any changes to your plan mid-cycle, all changes will be in affect at the start of your next billing cycle. " My billing cycle is annual. I successfully used the service over the first 2 months to redeem 4 movie tickets. Upon redeeming my 5th movie ticket, I was charged a $1.80 "processing fee". When I asked Sinemia about this new fee, they referred my to their Terms of Service and an FAQ. The FAQ item they referred me to did not exist when I signed up for the service, and their Terms of Service had changed from the terms that I agreed to when I signed up. The terms that I agreed to when I signed up stated that "Sinemia will not make any changes to your plan mid-cycle". This new "processing fee" could raise the price of my one year of service by up to $57.60 or 48%. Additionally, it opens the door for the company to charge more additional fees at their discretion. This is not what I signed up for.

Desired Outcome

I am requesting a refund in the amount of $105.03. This is the prorated cost of the membership that I did not use plus the "processing fee" I was changed.

Sinemia Response • Nov 07, 2018

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge. We do our best to create an easy to access and helpful FAQs and terms from which subscribers can benefit. If you believe the FAQs are not clear enough, please let us know your feedback at ***

Customer Response • Nov 07, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The response to my complaint is a lie. I do not pay any transaction or convenience fees at the theaters that I purchased the movie tickets at with my Sinemia membership. Sinemia is charging a "processing fee. This IS a surcharge. It is a NEW surcharge that I did not agree to when I signed up for the service. Sinemia has changed my plan to add this new "processing fee" which the are not allowed to do in the Terms of Service I agreed to.

I would like a refund or I will dispute this with my credit card company and Issue a chargeback.

Sinemia Response • Nov 12, 2018

You had redeemed 6 tickets from your subscription already. Please be noted that Sinemia is a non-refundable service and we do not provide refund for the used memberships. Everything is clearly presented on the website, terms, and the FAQs, unfortunately we won't be able to assist further in the case.

Sinemia Inc keeps charging me fees for my movie tickets when they clearly showed me how to avoid paying fees.
During my first use of this service, I paid fees for tickets AND Sinemia charged me their own fees per movie ticket as well. I contacted them and they explained to me how to avoid paying fees when purchasing movie tickets and with Sinemia. The next 4 purchases I made were great, free of any fees. Then, I went and purchased a third membership for my daughter with locked me in for another year and I paid $107.88. Since then, with every ticket purchased, Sinemia continues to charge me an additional fee of $1.80 per movie ticket even though I do not pay fees when buying my tickets on Fandango. I have communicated this to them and they keep coming back with answers that don't make sense. I have asked them to CALL me and no one has. I would like a refund for all 3 memberships AND the fees they have charged me.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund for my 3 memberships. One was for 2 people, twice per month at $191.76. The second membership was for a total of $95.88. And, the third membership was for $107.88. Also, they have charged me for $1.80 three times (totaling $5.40). I would like a complete refund of $400.92.

Sinemia Response • Nov 07, 2018

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge. Unfortunately Sinemia will not be able to fulfill your request.
Please see your terms at
Sinemia is non-refundable and non-transferable. *Sinemia subscriptions cannot be downgraded nor modified.

Customer Response • Nov 07, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I am NOT asking them to cover my fees. I'm simply asking that THEY not charge me their own fees per ticket. I'm not paying fees when purchasing my tickets so why should I be paying Sinemia fees for every ticket I purchase? This didn't happen at the beginning but started happening just recently. WHY would that change? I understand the terms but NO WHERE does it say that Sinemia will be charging their own fees every time a movie ticket is purchased!

Sinemia Response • Nov 14, 2018

We would like to inform that Fandango is not a payment processor they do not charge processing fees. Sinemia only cover the cost of your ticket. We do our best to create an easy to access and helpful FAQ from which subscribers can benefit. If you believe the FAQs are not clear enough, please let us know your feedback at ***

Customer Response • Nov 13, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The payment processor is NOT charging ME a fee and I have proof of that. How do I know that they are the ones applying this to my credit card? I want proof that Fandango is adding a fee and charging Sinemia.

I cant get passed *** "Error" page to pay for their $1.80 processing fee. Apparently my 2 different credit cards "do not have authorization for this operation." Yet when I paid for the annual subscription, my card worked and was paid in full! No response from them to several emails and messenger messages. Lost my tickets for last month. I want a refund!

Sinemia Response • Nov 08, 2018

Upon reviewing your account we see that your registered credit card is not available for the ticket purchase. Kindly change your payment method over here; or contact your bank.

Customer Response • Nov 08, 2018

I contacted my bank and they said my card was fine and that no transactions from Sinemia have even tried to come thru. I also tried a different card and got the same error message from your app. I'm not the only one making this complaint. instead of responding to complaints, Sinemia ignores people and has deleted my and others complaints-comments from thier Facebook Page. The site is the only one I've gotten a response from them on and it was worthless BS.

Sinemia Response • Nov 11, 2018

We are sorry to hear that you think in this way, our support has contacted you about the payment problem, please check. Thanks.

Customer Response • Nov 22, 2018

situation has been resolved to my satisfaction. thank you Sinemia.

Sinemia Response • Nov 27, 2018

It was a pleasure to assist you. Thanks!

Sinemia is charging me fees that they should not be charging me.
My husband and I both have Sinemia accounts that we've had for a couple of months now. When we first opened our accounts, everything worked perfectly and we had no issues. However, the last two times we've seen a movie, we've both been charged $1.80 by Sinemia. Sinemia's policy is that the customer must pay convenience fees charged by the ticketing company; however, we were not charged fees on our tickets. Both times, we both selected the, "I do not pay fees at this theater" option, and yet, Sinemia charged us the fees anyway.

Desired Outcome

I would like to be refunded for these two instances, and I would like assurance that this is never going to happen again.

Sinemia Response • Nov 07, 2018

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge. We do our best to create an easy to access and helpful FAQ and terms from which subscribers can benefit. If you believe the they are not clear enough, please let us know your feedback at ***

Hidden charges, no cancellations allowed. No refunds provided. Very poor customer service response.
Subscribed to an annual plan. Was ok for couple of months then they started charging hidden charges. When asked they said they can change terms at any time. Sure but inform customers of change. If people don't agree let them cancel and provide a refund. I was told straightforward no cancellation policy. This is the first time I have heard where a company doesn't let you cancel! No grievance redressal mechanism. Been very stressful and draining experience. I have been running behind them for a refund. I still don't have it in my account they claim to have refunded twice or thrice. Even my bank isn't able to trace it. They just say check with bank. Where should a customer go to, to trace funds?

Desired Outcome

Just help me get my refund they seem to be just stalling my request and not actually refunding my amount.

Sinemia Response • Nov 08, 2018

Hi there, your refund has been completed on 22nd of October and your ARN code had been shared with you already to trace your refund. Please contact with your bank.

Customer Response • Nov 08, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Initially Sinemia was supposed to refund in September. They never did. After following up after a month(I was told to wait a month so transaction would go past dispute resolution timeline) I was given this new date and some random number called ARN which my bank cant make sense of. I have called the bank multiple times they aren't able to trace the transaction. Sinemia keeps repeating the same response. "Go talk to your bank". I provided my banks number for Sinemia to call and check. This is the first time I have heard of a company taking so long to refund money can only mean one thing they don't want to refund or resolve my issues.

Sinemia Response • Nov 15, 2018

We would like to assist you about your refund but without the letter we are not able to take a different action.

Customer Response • Nov 13, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Bank refused to provide such a letter.

Sinemia charges hidden charges not disclosed when your purchase is made. Contact by email is slow to reply and very vague in the response.
I purchases a Sinemia membership in hopes that I had found a great deal to see movies at my local theather. The website is very misleading in the description of thier business model. Making the movie experience seem easy and carefree. They listed the few restrictions about purchasing movie tickets, making it seem to the unknowing movie patron that you would have a chance to enjoy the cinemia without draining your bank account. There was no disclosure of charges except your monthly membership fee when you join the club. After joining, you are charged additional money for various items. There is a service charge attached to every ticket purchase, a handling fee from the ticket vendor that the tickets are purchased through, and a initiation fee charged when you do not join for an entire year. The retrieval of tickets is very difficult making you have to often purchase tickets at full price when you arrive at the theather. Trying to contact Sinemia is a challenge also, the only method is through email. Replies are slow and very vague, usually in the form letter format. Recouping you money is seemingly impossible, even though they did not fulfill their part of the agreement you are not getting your money back. My local theather manager had never heard of the company when I ask him if he could explain the proper way to use the Sinemia ticket purchase. When you attempt to find a physical address or even a phone number to contact Sinemia all that is found is deadends. Dealing with this business should only be done by those who have plenty of money to waste, plenty of time to kill, and are looking to get nothing in return. The following fees were charged to my card without even receiving a movie ticket. 10-29-18 4 times 3.60 11-3 3.60 2x and 2.00 1x why am I being charged all these fees and never got one free movie ticket!!! Beware!

Desired Outcome

I would like my 60.00 dollars refunded since I never was able to use a movie ticket. I would like the processing fees of 23.60 refunded.

Sinemia Response • Nov 07, 2018

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge. . We do our best to create an easy to access and helpful FAQ from which subscribers can benefit. Thanks for sharing your feedback it will be taken into account by our team.

Customer Response • Nov 07, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
When I bought this service I was promised my movie tickets to be paid for. This did not happen after only a month of service I paid $60 expecting three free movies for two people. Instead what ihappened was when I went to use the app it would never show my ticket so I kept trying to make it work . I did not know that I was being charged $3.60 each time I hit the button until I looked at my bank account. I tried to ask the company what was wrong and the response that I received was the tickets are not working at this movie theater? What grood is that if it doesn't work I never received a movie ticket therefore I received $23 in service charges because I was trying to get my ticket. I also paid out $60 when I joined. Four movie tickets that I paid myself plus 60.00 to join and service fees cost $130 ...I gave that money away for free. I am really not sure how it could be possible that if you bought something and you did not receive the merchandise that that would be OK. I would hope that this company would refund my money. I am a teacher and I know a lot of people that were former movie pass people and they wanted me to try out this new service I will make sure that people understand that this is not a company that cares about their customers I would like my money back as a good faith resolution.

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

As a gesture of goodwill we've canceled your plan and issued a refund. Your plan will not be renewed.

Customer Response • Nov 13, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I would like my 60 dollars back. The app did not work so I was unable to get any tickets. I cancelled my service because it is useless to use if it does not work. Fair is fair a product was never delivered.

I'm paying for something I can't even use Having issue using the app to buy tickets. I get no response from customer service. Tried many times
I joined Sinemia over a month ago I have not received my physical card to buy movie tickets. I downloaded the app and everytime I try to use Atom Tickets or Movietickets to buy an advanced ticket, it says my card information is wrong. I am doing everything Sinemia says to do, to buy a ticket. I have tried multiple times- email, messanger and twitter to contact customer service and have received no response. It feels like they are stealing my money by not providing me what I am paying for. If I have no Sinemia card and can't use their app to buy tickets then I am getting nothing for my money

Desired Outcome

I want to be able to use Sinemia to get movie tickets- that is what I am paying for and have not been able to get anything. I want my physical card from them and for the app to work to buy tickets.

Sinemia Response • Nov 07, 2018

Hi, we are sorry to hear that you are experiencing and issue, our support will be happy happy to assist you. Your e-mail has been replied please check. Thanks!

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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