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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

The Sinemia service does not work as advertised. The company has refused to process a refund or cancel my account.
Sinemia advertises that you can see three movies a month for a low annual fee (this is the plan I signed up for last October). What they don't tell you upon sign up is that in order to do this you have to purchase tickets through third party websites using temporary payment info provided by them. In addition to that you are charged convenience fees through the third party online ticket retailers (A detail that is never mentioned when customers sign up for their Sinemia account). On top of this, the service never works. I have yet to be able to use it and despite my account being less than 60 days old the company refuses to process my refund or cancel my account. One of the reasons the service doesn't work is that it's virtually impossible to type in the temporary payment info to the third party online ticket retailers when you're at the movie theater box office. Sinemia offers limited customer support and has no phone line available to customers with complaints/technical difficulties.

Desired Outcome

I have requested a refund and for my account to be canceled. They have refused.

Sinemia Response • Nov 20, 2018

Hi, the ticket purchasing process has been presented to our users' attention in our website in details. You may also see from here; ***
Unfortunately Sinemia will not be able to fulfill your request.
Please see your terms at
Sinemia is non-refundable and non-transferable. *Sinemia subscriptions cannot be downgraded nor modified.

Customer Response • Nov 20, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I've explained in detail why the service does not work and explained how the convenience fees were not mentioned at all during sign up. Sinemia has chosen not to address these issues. My account is less than 45 days old and I have never been able to use the service. This is a fraudulent practice on Sinemia's part and I will not stop until I receive a refund and a cancellation of my account. I would draw's attention to the class action lawsuit against this company being headed by law firm Chimicles & Tickellis. You can find out more info about that here-

Sinemia Response • Nov 22, 2018

After reviewing your account we see only one purchase attempt. Our support has contacted you to assist you about purcashing your ticket. Please see the related term as below which every customershould read; 27.18. Advance tickets created using Sinemia app must be purchased within 2 hours. Advance Tickets can be created for a movie that will take place within the span of the member's 30 days membership period, There aren't any limitations on how many advance tickets can be ordered in a 30 days membership period (within the ticket limits of the specific subscription) however the second advance ticket cannot be created before the showtime of the existing advance ticket has passed. The advance ticket online convenience fee and/or processing fee are not covered by Sinemia. Sinemia only covers the cost of the movie tickets.

Sinemia canceled my debit card mid cycle and charged processing fee per ticket, which is a violation of the terms and conditions. I want my refund.
Signed up for annual plan in Dec 2017 for 2 movies/month for 2 people & received a Mastercard debit card. Sinemia's terms and conditions stated that "Sinemia will not make and changes to your plan mid-cycle" and "for US memberships, the advance ticket online convenience fee is not covered by Sinemia."
On 10/27/2018, Sinemia notified me that my physical card is canceled and I've been switched to cardless effective 10/30/2018. Cardless charges a convenience and processing fees.
I emailed Sinemia on 10/31 asking why a new card was not issued prior to canceling my current card. If I wasn't going to be issued a new card, I requested to cancel my plan. Sinemia's response was to try cardless. I used cardless to purchase my tickets and was charged $3.60 processing fees on 2 occasions. I disputed the processing fees of $3.60 charged on 11/13/18 and 11/9/18 because these fees violated the terms and conditions. Sinemia suspended my annual plan.
On 11/17 and 11/19, I requested to cancel my plan and to refund me my unused months under current plan and renewal fee paid in July 2018. Sinemia hasn't honored my requests. In addition, Mastercard prohibits processing fees for debit transactions. Sinemia's processing fee violates their terms and conditions and Mastercard's policy.

Desired Outcome

1) Either issue me the refund I requested or 2) give me a physical card and credit me back $7.20 for the processing fees.

Sinemia Response • Nov 20, 2018

Hi, upon reviewing the account we see that there is a dispute on your transaction - which is against terms. Once a payment is disputed it is up to the customer banks to decide whether to return the money or not and Sinemia cannot take any action on payment anymore.The customer should contact their bank.

Customer Response • Nov 20, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia violated the terms and conditions on 10/30/18 by canceling my MasterCard debit card without issuing a new debit card and switching the plan I signed up for to cardless. The terms and conditions clearly state that it will not make any changes to my plan mid-cycle.
I disputed the processing fees charged in November 2018 because the fees violated the terms and conditions.
Sinemia needs to produce the terms and conditions effective December 2017, the time I signed up for my annual plan to to show that they violated the terms.
I will not pay processing fees Sinemia forced on me to continue purchasing movie tickets. They changed my plan without getting my consent.
I want to cancel and refunded my unused months and renewal fee. I don't want to do business with a company that cannot honor its commitment to its customers.

Sinemia Response • Dec 23, 2018

Hi again, please forward the conclusion letter of your bank's final decision on your dispute at [email protected] so that your finance can take action for your Sinemia account. Thank you!

Customer Response • Nov 26, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The documents I submitted on 11/21/2018 show that Sinemia violated the terms and conditions by making changes to my current annual plan. Any changes are to be effective on the next billing cycle. It's a breach of contract on Sinemia's end and invalidates our agreement. I am due a refund because Sinemia canceled my debit card and charged me processing fees which were not on the terms and conditions when I signed up on December 14, 2017.
The chargeback dispute can be resolved if Sinemia admits that it has acted wrongly and give me my refund. To say that it is up to my bank for me to get my money back is dishonest on your end. Issue me my refund.

They do not answer my emails or acknowledge my request to refund the annual fee I paid them.
I have been deceived into paying an annual fee to them. My understanding was that the fee covers the price of the movie tickets, but it turns out that Sinemia charges all sorts of "convenience" fees on top of that, which make the prices of the ticket far higher and the service useless.
It is impossible to get around those fees and in addition it is very hard to use the service in the first place.
Based on that, I have requested the refund multiple times, but have gotten absolutely no response from them.

Desired Outcome

I seek the refund on my annual subscription prorated to the unused portion.

Sinemia Response • Nov 20, 2018

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered. Our support could not find your e-mail. Please send us an e-mail on ***, our experts will be more than happy to assist you.

Just like many of the other reviews on this website I signed of for Sinemia in August. Back then the only fee was the fee charged by whichever site which you would pay for your tickets on. Recently they added a $1.80 charge per ticket purchased through there service and changing their terms. I had paid $335 already for this service and now they try tacking on extra charges. Talking with support was completely useless, always giving non-answers such as explaining what the fee is. I understand what the fee is, but I did not agree to this in August when I signed up for the year membership. They refused to refund the remaining months of the service stating that they do not issue refunds. Like many people I feel scammed and there is no remorse from this company.

Sinemia Response • Nov 20, 2018

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered. You may also see the related term 27.18 over here Thanks.

Customer Response • Nov 20, 2018

Please refer yourself to the terms and conditions that I agreed to in the beginning of August. The related term 4.3 quote "You will be notified of any changes made to the terms of service prior to your next billing cycle. Sinemia will not make any changes to your plan mid-cycle, all changes will be in affect at the start of your next billing cycle. "

I was NOT notified of any changes and you DID make changes to my plan mid-cyle

Sinemia Response • Nov 22, 2018

Processing fees are not the changes in your Sinemia plan. While these processings fees variable, they are standardized by Sinemia to 1.8 USD, preventing you to be charged higher and different fees everytime. We've forwarded your feedback and let the team know. Thanks.

many hidden fees.

Company changed terms of service to include new processing + convenience fees and never mailed the physical card or replied to 5 emails in 3 months
I started a yearly subscription for my wife and I on 6/18/18 and was billed $167.88 for 2 customers to have a 1-yr subscription. Email from the company that day stated: "We are now preparing your private card for your Sinemia Premium membership. Your card will be delivered to the shipping units within generally in 30 days" .
I waited 5 weeks as they requested to wait and emailed the company using the Contact form on their website to see when my card would be arriving and why its delayed. No reply and I did this 4-5x over the last 4 months as I had friends who were also having that problem. Once I was so frustrated not being able to see a movie without the physical card, I tried to use the online card service I was shocked to see they had added convenience/processing fees that were not in the original agreement. I didn't even see the movie or proceed through the app and the next week I saw on my credit card statement a charge for $1.80 x twice.
I sent another note through their site right away to document this, ask for that money refunded, and inquire the status of my card and whether they are extending my service due to their mistakes and the fact I have never been able to use the service. This fraud has been documented recently by Business Insider here: />
In the last week they have started replying to emails, after multiple press outlets documenting their fraud. Their emails are copy/paste from their FAQ and they refuse to answer any questions even after I let them know I will be filing this dispute with the Talking to others who use this service and work in in this industry, they are stealing customers money and preventing them from having any recourse as it has exceed the 60-day window for most credit card disputes. Please have my $167.88 original fee + $1.80 + $1.80 fees all refunded and please investigate this company for the blatant fraud they have going on.

Desired Outcome

Full refund for my $167.88 original fee + $1.80 + $1.80

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

Hi there, since you've been using your plan since 6-17 and redeemed 6 movie tickets so far, full refund will not be possible. If you wish, we can deduct the cost of your tickets from the subscription fee you've paid and refund the rest of the amount after canceling your plan. This is offered as a gesture of goodwill.

Customer Response • Nov 19, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
My wife and I have not been able to see one movie using this subscription. We never received the physical card and waited all these months for it to be mailed to us. The 1 time when I almost proceeded using the mobile app I cancelled before redeeming the ticket because I saw that you were going to charge me the processing fees (which were not in my original contract) and then I saw on my credit card statement that these fees were still billed to my credit card even though I didn't confirm the tickey. Seems like there are serious errors in your billing system and I want the to investigate this. Several media outlets have written about the same problems that I'm facing right now. I can State on the record that we have not seen a single movie using this service. All our emails for the last few months have been ignored and we never received the card that we were promised. We need a full refund for the service and the two processing charges that we were fraudulently charged.

Sinemia Response • Nov 20, 2018

We can confirm that you have even completed your check-in for the movie you have seen. Unfortunately we won't be able to assist the customer in this case since the reuqest does not contain facts and/or actionable request.

Customer Response • Nov 20, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The company is stating lies on the record just as has been documented by Business insider and other publications. This is fraud I do not accept this response. I want the to pursue a case of fraud against Sinemia.

Sinemia does not give clear instructions on their billing, and does not provide receipts,
On the 19th of September I purchased a yearly movie pass subscription from, on their website the plan I originally went for was the 90.00 plan. At check out the price was 90.00 only there was no additional charges. I noticed a few days later that I had been charged $359.88 from sinemia, this package was the only thing purchased from them, I immediately went online to try to find a phone number to call, there was nothing, I also sent them a help support ticket since they do not have an email either asking for a receipt or invoice for my purchase, I received no response. I then went online and realized that this company has been given very low scores from two different website all within recent times that their company is not very trust worthy,


*** (scroll to bottom)

they have a tendency of holding up customers money as well as placing subscriptions on hold, I simply wanted to cancel my payment and I could not do this at all, there was no way for me reaching them and getting a timely response. I have several screen shots of their pricing as well as my log in info, there is nothing that shows what I paid whenever I logged in. At this point I would just like to be charged what I said I was going to be charged.

Desired Outcome

I would like a receipt, a clear response and representative to assist, possibly a hotline to call, as well as a break down of charges, and some sort of refund system, as no one who pays into this can cancel their membership until a card is mailed which based off customer reviews takes months to come

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

Hi, upon reviewing the account we see that there is a dispute on your transaction - which is against terms. Once a payment is disputed it is up to the customer banks to decide whether to return the money or not and Sinemia cannot take any action on payment anymore.The customer should contact their bank. Our support has contacted you via e-mail please check. Thanks.

Company will not honor service.
I would like to file a complaint against Sinemia. I purchased a "SINEMIA 12 MONTH PLAN" for two. I tried to switch to a monthly plan for two but inadvertently purchased a "SINEMIA PLAN EXTENSION" plan. I contacted the company via email to cancel the "SINEMIA PLAN EXTENSION" because I already had paid for a "SINEMIA 12 MONTH PLAN". They never responded until I put in a dispute with my credit card company and was told that my membership has been suspended for preventive reasons due to my objection to payment and that I would need to contact them to re-activate my membership.. I tried to explain to the company that I had already paid for a "SINEMIA 12 MONTH PLAN" and did not understand why my account was being suspended when I already paid for a "SINEMIA 12 MONTH PLAN". Unfortunately my credit card company sided with Sinemia and was force to pay for the "SINEMIA PLAN EXTENSION". I've since paid for the "SINEMIA 12 MONTH PLAN" a "SINEMIA PLAN EXTENSION". I've been told by credit card company that there are no refunds. So I asked the company honor my annual subscription or refund my money but get no response and is unable to use their service because my account is still suspended. I paid Sinemia a total of $299.85 and have not been able to use their service since purchasing it August 14, 2018. I've tried several times to contact the company and get no response.

Desired Outcome

Refund or honor service purchased.

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

Hi, there is a dispute on your transaction - which is against terms. Once a payment is disputed it is up to the customer banks to decide whether to return the money or not and Sinemia cannot take any action on payment anymore.The customer should contact their bank.

Customer Response • Nov 20, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business
No one has replied to my email regarding my account after several attempts have been made to contact support thru their website. I'm unable to use my account because it's still not active. I get access is denied after resetting password for phone application. As time goes on I'm not able to use the service I paid for. I think it's only fair Sinemia honor what I paid for or give me my money back. They have already cheated me out of a ""SINEMIA PLAN EXTENSION" which I had no use for since I already paid for a "SINEMIA 12 MONTH PLAN". They can respond to the, with a poor excuse but not to me regarding my account and the service I purchased. I wish I could cc the for all the times sent an email to Sinemia. This is all I get: Dear ***,

Thanks for contacting Sinemia!
This is just a quick note to let you know we've received your message and we will respond as soon as we can.
In the meantime, please check out our FAQ section at for answers to our most frequently asked questions.

Thank you for your patience.

Sinemia Support Team

Sinemia Response • Nov 29, 2018

We would like to assist you with a refund however we see that you have disputed the payment so, unfortunately, our finance is not able to take any action on disputed payments. In case you do not any longer dispute the payment, we will be able to refund the payment with an official statement from the bank after contacting the finance as a gesture of goodwill. Thanks.

Customer Response • Nov 27, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have been contacted by Sinemia regarding a refund but as of today I have not received that refund.

The following is the corresponds regarding the refund.

*** Mail ***
Awaiting Your Reply - re-activate my membership
3 messages
Sinemia Support Sat, Nov 24, 2018 at 7:07 AM
Reply-To: Sinemia Support
To: ***@***

Dear ***,

We've replied to your ticket with the following email below but yet couldn't hear back from you. You can send your response by simply replying to this email. We would like to inform you that if we do not get a response from you within 24 hours, your ticket will be closed automatically.

Sinemia Support Team

*** . :
Hi ***,
If you can provide the letter of withdrawal regarding your chargeback request, we will be providing your refund as soon as possible. Please contact with your bank.

Best Regards,
Sinemia Support Team

*** Sat, Nov 24, 2018 at 8:17 AM
To: Sinemia Support
Yes, please proceed.
Quoted text hidden
*** Sat, Nov 24, 2018 at 8:24 AM
To: Sinemia Support

Please withdraw/cancel my annual subscription and provide my refund as soon as possible. Greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Quoted text hidden

I am unable to get movie tickets through the Sinemia app, and they will not respond to customer service requests that I have been making since Sept.
In September 2018, I spent $120 on my Visa bankcard for a Sinemia year long membership. I should be able to use the Simemia app to get three movie tickets a month for one year. When I try to get tickets on the app it says, "Your card does not have authorization for this operation." I have emailed them many times since September. I have also messaged them on Facebook many times. They do not respond to emails except for an automated response that says they will respond as soon as they can.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund of my $120 or I would like to be able to get three tickets a month which is the service that I paid for.

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. Our support replies the e-mail in the best timely manner. Please check your e-mails. Thanks.

I signed up for an annual membership for Sinemia movie service and after repeated attempts over a 6 week period I was never able to get it to work.
I tried contacting Sinemia into the first week of my membership and they did not reply. I continued trying to use their program without success. I continued emailing them ( they have no phone #) and not until the 4th week did they reply. I carefully followed their instructions and it still did not work. They even told me they were having problems with particular parts of their system. Alas, they were no help at all.
Subsequently, I went on to the website and read that others were having similar issues with Sinemia.
In addition there were hidden fees associated with the membership undisclosed in their promo website.

Desired Outcome

Complete refund

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

Hi, we are sorry to hear that you think in this way. Our support has replied your e-mail to assist you for purchasing a ticket already. Thanks.

Awful, awful, awful. Their customer service is terrible, and practically non-existent. When I try to complain on their Facebook for a response, their answer was to block me. They don't respond to my emails, or Instagram messages.
Their plan descriptions are misleading, and their app is not user friendly. They have a mysterious fee for joining, on top of their monthly fee, which is weird because they don't send you a card like Moviepass *** and there's still a 7+ day waiting period before your membership is active, which they ***'t waive unless you pay an extra $10.

I've been asking for a refund on a movie ticket because their app was not working, and they refuse to reply. I plan on canceling my subscription immediately. This service does work, but it is terrible and needs to be revamped immediately if they plan on staying in business.

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

Hi,we are sorry to hear that you feel in that way. We have checked but could not find any Facebook DM from you. Sinemia support is available 24/7 at *** and our experts will be more than happy to look into this for you.

Customer Response • Nov 19, 2018

Well, yes, that would be true because you have blocked me from being able to message you or comment on your Facebook posts. I submitted my request via your website "contact us" form, and have yet to hear back. I just sent an email to that support address you provided. We'll see how long it takes to receive a reply.

Extra non-disclosed charges and international transactions.
I subscribed less than 2 months ago (Sept 2018). They've been hitting me with bogus "transaction" fees and other upcharges that were NEVER DISCLOSED. When I asked for a pro-rated refund for my remaining 10 months of NO service, they said the contract "clearly says no refunds."

How is it that they quote the contract for "no refunds" but DON'T disclose the extra fees and charges?

Also, they clearly represent themselves as being in business at *** CA XXXXX.

All the credit card charges and upcharges are made in TURKEY, so I am also incurring International Currency Conversion fees, as well.

Do I have any recourse?

Desired Outcome

Pro-rated refund for non-disclosure of fees and account cancellation.

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge.
We have forwarded your refund request and it will be completed within 1-2 weeks on Sinemia's end as a gesture of goodwill.

Customer Response • Nov 19, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I requested a pro-rated refund and they are now agreeing to grant that, so I am satisfied with the response.

Additional fees charged with cardless service though no service fees were charged by ticket service provider

I subscribed to end September 2018 with the below option :
Family plan, monthly 2 movies per person, 3 people fixed price for 1 year, no initiation fee
Any Theater, No blackout date, Advance ticket option
Sinemia advertises carless and physical card option

Once started to use the service, I learned physical payment card is not an option, carless is mandatory and Sinemia forces customer to use advance ticket.
Customer are unable to buy ticket at the movie theater and have to buy their ticket in advance only at preferred provider who most of the time charges processing fee.

I manage to consistently buy my 2 monthly ticket for 3 persons at their preferred service provider, using their cardless payment card to only buy the ticket costs, with $0 fees ( coupon), indicating in the buying process I am not paying any fee for this service provider.

Last 2 ticket purchases, I was charged $1.80 fees, $5.40 twice for a total of $10.80
Sinemia support just reference FAQ in their website mentioning Sinemia cover the costs of tickets not the service fee, therefore they charge $1.80 per ticket.

My last two request for update through email were not answered by their support Rep ***. I mentioned without reply from them I would open a claim at their local

Desired Outcome

Fulfil advertise service as this is a 1 year subscription plan : - Provide me with a physical payment card, as described on - Stop charging me $1.80 per ticket as no fee were charged by ticket service provider - Reimburse me $10.80 fees already charged to me Other resolution reimbursement of Full subscription paid in September 2018 : 275.88

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge. Please see the related term as below; 27.18. Advance tickets created using Sinemia app must be purchased within 2 hours. Advance Tickets can be created for a movie that will take place within the span of the member's 30 days membership period, There aren't any limitations on how many advance tickets can be ordered in a 30 days membership period (within the ticket limits of the specific subscription) however the second advance ticket cannot be created before the showtime of the existing advance ticket has passed. The advance ticket online convenience fee and/or processing fee are not covered by Sinemia. Sinemia only covers the cost of the movie tickets.

Customer Response • Nov 19, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia keep sharing same misinformation without focusing on my issue and taking any acknowledgement of it.
1. I have a 1 year subscription plan, fix costs, Sinemia forced me to use only cardless purchase option, after few months Sinemia started charging mandatory new fees, not included or mentioned in initial offer.
2. Sinemia needs to take ownership of the issue and either reimburse me for the remaining contract for unagreed fees or provide me a physical payment card, or reimburse me the full year costs.

thanks for you support.

Sinemia Response • Nov 22, 2018

Hi, your request is against our terms and conditions. Unfortunately we won't be able to assist the customer in this case since the request does not actionable request.

Customer Response • Nov 20, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Please address the reported issue : why Sinemia start charging $1.80 per ticket, though no "fees" were paid to ticket service provider ?

I have a fixed price agreement with Sinemia, fixed number of ticket per month.

please reimburse these fees and stop charging me unapproved, unnecessary charges

I used the app for couple of months with no processing or convenience fee (as none are charged by the theater chain I use). Now 1.80$ processing fee started in last month.

If terms and conditions said only movie ticket is covered, how *** new processing fee show up when it was not part of expenses by Sinemia for last few months?

So, basically new fee is being charged under the guise of 'processing fee' though it was not necessary in the first few months.

Attempts to refund have been denied.

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered. Everything is clearly presented on the website, terms, and the FAQs, if you believe they are not clear enough, please let us know your feedback at ***

Customer Response • Nov 19, 2018

My simple question is why were there no processing fees charged Aug to Sep, and then terms were changed in October to have $1.80 processing fee mandatory. For someone like me who paid for annual membership, this was a violation of the agreement made at joining where these weren't mandatory, nor charged to my purchases.

I'm being charged fees that was not advertised in the beginning of me signing up for this service, of $1.80.
I signed up with Sinemia Service, to view 3 movies a month, at movie theaters for 9.99 dollars a month,to be paid one year advance,119.88.Every time I select to see a movie, at the movie theater, I'm charged a fee of 1.80.Sinemia states these fees are charged from the AMC movie theater,I go to. That's is not a correct statement. I'm a member of AMC ,I don't get charged any fees, whatsoever due to membership to AMC, also when I signed up ,I wanted the option to have a Physical Card,instead of the cardless option, whereas,I get charged $1.80,every time I see a movie.I requested a physical card several times to avoid being charged the phony fee, now Sinemia is stating, they are not issuing the physical card.

Desired Outcome

I'm requesting a Physical Card to avoid the fees I'm being charged, for no reason.

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

Hi, 1.80 is a charge of payment processors. Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered. Sinemia is a cardless service but physical card will be available again in the future.

I signed up for Sinemia, and instantly regretted it after reading about the hidden fees. I've been trying to cancel my account/contact them for weeks.
I signed up for Sinemia, and I decided I wished to cancel my account after reading about the hidden processing and convenience fees added to every ticket purchase. There was nothing mentioned about this during the signup process.

Since most people recommended contacting Sinemia through Twitter, I did this the very next day - less than 12 hours after I signed up. It took another day to get a reply, and they asked for my email. I replied right away, and I haven't heard back since. It has been two weeks.

Since then, I've replied back numerous times on Twitter, tried contacting them twice through email, and even resorted to using the "contact us" form on their website. No one will get back to me at all. There is no customer support number to call.

I wanted to cancel my account before, but now, I feel even more justified. What kind of service completely ignores a customer for over two weeks? This is ridiculous. My service has not yet been activated, so I would like a full refund.

Desired Outcome

I would like a full refund. I asked for this the day after signing up, and since it's supposed to take two weeks to activate my account, I figured this wouldn't be a big deal. You could have easily refunded me by now - I haven't even been using the service! Because I haven't heard from anyone, I have filed a chargeback with my credit card company.

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered. All our rules are published in the FAQs as well as the terms and we are glad you've read them as every customer should.Please also see the related term you have just accepted as below; 27.18. Advance tickets created using Sinemia app must be purchased within 2 hours. Advance Tickets can be created for a movie that will take place within the span of the member's 30 days membership period, There aren't any limitations on how many advance tickets can be ordered in a 30 days membership period (within the ticket limits of the specific subscription) however the second advance ticket cannot be created before the showtime of the existing advance ticket has passed. The advance ticket online convenience fee and/or processing fee are not covered by Sinemia. Sinemia only covers the cost of the movie tickets.

Sinemia has yet to send me a credit card to use their service and basically makes it VERY difficult to use their service (movie subscription)
They said they would send in a credit card in ~4 weeks but it has been OVER TWO MONTHS and I still dont have a credit card. How can I use the service if there is no credit card. This is predatory and they do not respond to complaints or concerns. They have no phone number and only way to send complaint is through email and they NEVER respond. Terrible business and should be investigated.

Desired Outcome

Send me a card to use the service or provide me a full refund

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

Hi, Sinemia plans do not include a physical card or your contact does not include a physical card.

Customer Response • Nov 26, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Before I agreed to their service they stated that a card would be sent and take about 4 weeks and that I could pay $10 extra for immediate cardless. I'm not sure if they changed this, but I know when I signed up there was a card guaranteed with the service. I want the physical credit card ASAP.

Sinemia Response • Nov 27, 2018

We will be launching the physical cards again in December. You will be able to order a card so soon, please stay tuned. Thanks.

I signed up last year when they still have physical cards. When they started going towards cardless their official Twitter account assured me I'd be able to use my physical card for the foreseeable future. Come 10/30/18, they forced me via the app to become cardless. No warnings, nothing. Then, after the app states I wouldn't have to pay the $1.80 fee, yet every single time I've bought a ticket, there's the. They've become radio silent once I've tried to reach out via email and Twitter. According to reddit, this company will suspend your account if you try to do a charge back - Sinemia's well within their rights to do so, but it's bogus because THEY'RE the ONES who STATED that the fees would be waived for 90 DAYS!

Please avoid this company at all costs. I've never felt the need to leave a negative review for a company until my experience with Sinemia. They're representatives are, or are forced to be, very dishonest and the company has incredibly questionable business practices. I signed up and paid for an annual plan in April, and since then, they have made changes to their service and terms and conditions in their favor. Users are now being charged a "processing fee" for every transaction which increases the cost of the service by quite a bit (30% in my own case, but varies depending on the plan you've signed up for), and we don't have any option but to pay this extra fee or not use the service and have our pre-paid amount go to waste. Additionally, their customer service (when you're lucky for a reply) consists of repetitive general FAQ responses based on false statements that go in circles until you are able to prove their dishonesty. For example, I requested an update for my physical card (already been a 4 month wait) and asked if Sinemia was still sending them out. For one whole month, the customer service representative confirmed that they were still sending out physical cards but that he is unable to provide an estimated shipping time, then after I pointed some information out to him, he finally admitted that Sinemia stopped shipping out physical cards to members who signed up after June 21, 2018. I signed up before that date and still haven't received my card, and I read a reply on social media directly from Sinemia that the services is completely cardless now. Most recently, I received an e-mail stating that my account has been terminated because I was abusing the service. There was no warning, I ***'t log into my account anymore, and the claim was completely false with no justification/proof. Apologies for this long-winded review, but I'd really like to warn other consumers thinking about signing up for this service to reconsider as I've personally (and I *** see I'm not alone) have had nothing but a frustrating experience with this company.

Sinemia Response • Nov 17, 2018

Hi, we are sorry to hear that you feel that way. We have detected that you have multiple accounts and you have switched the devices between your accounts and violating the terms and conditions. Everything is clearly presented on the website, terms, and the FAQs. We've forwarded your feedback and let the team know. Thanks.

Customer Response • Nov 19, 2018

The thing is I only have the one account that I've been using on my phone. When ask I customer service to let me know what other account is associated with my phone, I don't hear back and it's already been more than a week. This only proves that Sinemia is improperly terminating accounts of members who have paid for an annual membership upfront without justification or a refund.

Sinemia Response • Nov 20, 2018

We have parameters detecting misuses and the actions violating our terms of our services or privacy rules. So we won't be able to assist the customer in this case since the request does not contain facts and/or actionable request.

Customer Response • Nov 22, 2018

This is a perfect example of how Sinemia's customer service doesn't help members look into issues, but provides generic responses on loop. I'm still waiting for a response to my e-mail thread, which has gone completely radio silent.

Sinemia Response • Nov 27, 2018

Please provide your Sinemia user name so that our support may look promptly. Thanks.

Customer Response • Nov 27, 2018

Sinemia Response • Dec 10, 2018

Thanks for the details. our support will investigate the issue in details one more time and inform you via e-mail.

Sinemia is terrible - No phone number to call for customer service and they won't answer emails. You have to use a 2nd app to purchase your movie tickets plus service fees. They won't give you a card so everytime you want to see a movie you have to go back and forth between the 2 apps to secure your ticket with a temporary credit card number and then verify the ticket at the theater. I joined 3 months ago and still haven't seen a movie due to their confusing app. No refunds either. Buyer Beware

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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