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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

I subscribed to Sinemia since July 2018. From the beginning, their customer service has been horrendous. 1) They advertised that you get a physical card but you also have a cardless option. However, it is only after you sign up for the service that they tell you that they no longer offer physical card. 2) This "cardless feature" has many other fees involved including convenience fees, and separate "processing fees" 3) Because you only have the cardless option now, you are forced to pay the convenience fee and the processing fee. All because they stopped offering the physical card option. 4) They did not advertise the separate processing fee and only implemented it AFTER 3 months of using the service and will not refund your money. 5) They advertise that the family plan will allow you to see movies with other people but they do not advertise that you lose that other ticket if you go alone. 6) They do not respond in a timely manner. I contacted them on Sept. 10 and they would only respond two days after. They drag a conversation until Oct. 10 which no fair resolution. They provide empty promises and "refunds" that let them keep 2/3 of the money you paid. Is that even a refund?

TL;DR: AVOID THIS COMPANY AT ALL COST. THEY ARE A BAIT-AND-SWITCH COMPANY! There is a class action lawsuit against them to prove it!

Sinemia Response • Dec 11, 2018

Sinemia was a Cardless service since June and your contract does not include a physical card. However, you may order a physical card through membership or Sinemia application.
Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge.
Ordering a physical card you may purchase your ticket in box offices so that you *** avoid online processing and convenience fees.
We also see that you are using your membership successfully and just purchased your last ticket on 8th of December. and could not find any refund request. If you need assistance you may contact us on ***, our support experts will be more than happy to assist you. Thanks!

Customer Response • Dec 11, 2018

It is very interesting that you state that Sinemia has been a cardless service since June because your ads at that time state that cardless was an "option", not the only method for purchasing tickets. Only after the purchase are you notified of that change. I have been requesting a physical card from the company since the start of my service and multiple times since. Customer service has stated multiple times that you no longer offer the physical card. However, recently (this month) Sinemia has stated that they are reversing that decision most likely in line with the recent class action lawsuit pending against the company. However, the physical card option is still not available for order on your website. Additionally, It is interesting that you state that I may contact the *** as I have been trying to get a refund from your staff for $3.60 for "processing fee" that your company charged for watching a movie. The theater did not charge me a convenience fee therefore that charge was unnecessary and yet your representative states: "Everytime you purchase a ticket online using your Sinemia plan there are transaction fees imposed by the payment processors. Sinemia may reflect these processing fees to your payment method on file if such fees are involved. Currently, the processing fee for online purchases is USD/ AUD/ CAD/ GBP 1.80" This is a fee that has never been charged for the past 5 months of my 1-year commitment. So, I find it a bit amusing that Sinemia thinks it is appropriate to charge a new separate "processing fee that never was never originally a part of my 1-year commitment. This fact seemed to be also assuming enough for lawyers to file a suit. (Reference:

Sinemia Response • Dec 17, 2018

Please be noted that convenience fees and processing fee are different. You may have the convenience fee waived joining theatre loyalty programmes. However, you may order a physical card and purchase your ticket in theatres avoiding the online fees. You may request further information from our support. Thank you!

I was being charged for the service even though it wasn't working and couldn't contact them. Tried to cancel and was charged for another year.
I was being charged for the service even though it wasn't working and couldn't contact them. Tried to cancel and was charged for another year. I want a refund for the charge of $107.88 on 12/5/18 and for the 3 months I paid for prior to that.

Desired Outcome

I want a refund for the charge of $107.88 on 12/5/18 and for the 3 months I paid for prior to that.

Sinemia Response • Dec 09, 2018

Hi, Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions.Upon reviewing your account we see that you have already redeemed 2 tickets.
We have updated your account so that you will be using your own personal payment info from now on. This will also eliminate the issues with the payment. Also our support has informed you about this update. You may revert to our support e-mail for further information. Thanks.

I was double charged for membership. After 7 days, no email or twitter response. I contacted several times.
when I ordered my membership, it didn't go through the first time so I tried again. Sinemia double charged me. I emailed them several times and no response. I went through their twitter account and no response.
I want the second charge gone.

Desired Outcome

I want the second charge gone.

Sinemia Response • Dec 09, 2018

Hi, your duplicate plan has been cancelled and the refund request has been forwarded to our finance. Our support shared also information about your refund via e-mail, please check. Thanks.

Customer Response • Dec 10, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I got my money back even though it took forever to respond

Company used a switch bait tactic
I signed up for a one year of their subscription service. I was aware what was included, and that should I choose to order through some online services, that a convenience fee could be added. I was not told about a credit card processing fee that would later be instituted. At this point I had already paid for one year, so I was stuck with 9 more months of having to pay processing fees for each ticketed used. In 1985, California prohibited companies from passing *** credit card processing fees to the customer. What Sinemia is dying is an unlawful and dishonest. Sinemia shouldn't even be the ones that have to pay the processing fee anyway for each ticket as that is charged to the theater that the ticket is purchased at, not the cardholder.

Desired Outcome

I would like a pro-rated refund of year service subscription as well as a refund for the processing fees that I payed up to this point.

Sinemia Response • Dec 11, 2018

Hi, we are really sorry to hear that you think in this way. Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge. However you may order a physical card through membership page or Sinemia application so that you may purchase your ticket from box offices avoiding online fees. Our support also reached you via e-mail, if you have further question you may share, they will be more than happy to assist you. Thanks.

Customer Response • Dec 11, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia finally responded to my emails, after trying through email, as well as Facebook messenger, but it wasn't until a complaint was made that they finally responded. I responded yesterday to your email response. The business model of Sinemia made it seem all inclusive, by explaining how to avoid the convenience fees, but nothing was mentioned when signing up about the processing fees. Shortly after signing up, without notice, after going to the theater I was told about the processing fee on top of the convenience fee. When signing up for the year subscription, I never was told or agreed to an extra processing fee that still makes no sense as to why I'm being charged it if the processing fee is paid for by the merchant, not Sinemia. I've asked where it comes from, but a generic response is all I've gotten. I would like to have the cost of the physical card option waived if there's no other way of getting out of the questionable processing fees since I never agreed to them. It's one thing to place that in effect to all month to month users, or new users, but to do that to people that signed up for a year in advanced is wrong

Sinemia Response • Feb 10, 2019

Upon checking your account we see that you have used 6 months of your 12 months annual Sinemia plan therefore our team has refunded your payment as of 95.94.
Normally, we deduct the ticket price from the refund amount but we have provided a prorated refund for your case exceptionally.
Thank you.

Customer Response • Dec 18, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
27.18 in your terms and conditions has been changed since signing up and was not there when I purchased the year, and was not notified of the change to the terms and conditions via any form of communication. Any changes to the terms and conditions should be communicated to the customers who were using your service under the previous terms and conditions should they have a substantial effect on the service.

I am not able to purchase any movie tickets because payment is getting declined, although I am using a valid credit card.
Account email: *** and *** (both have same issue)
Payment method:Advance tickets, booking tried through *** and ***
Ticket details: two tickets for total $29.38

I tried getting tickets on Nov 25th like always but payment didn't go through. I remembered that my credit card on file had expired so I put new credit card details, but payment still didn't go through. Upon going back to my account I found the credit card was erased. I put the card again and tried, and again it was same situation. I tried different card with same results. My credit card works in other places. I tried online request for a sinemia debit card but that also got declined payment. I went to twitter and submitted a DM to @SinemiaApp like I did before and got no response. I again sent DM on 11/26,11/27,11/28,11/29. I sent another DM to @SinemiaSupport on 12/2, no response. I want to cancel membership but they have policy that they don't give prorata refund on remaining balance. I am at deadlock and can't even see the movies that Sinemia committed to provide.

Desired Outcome

I want to be able to buy movie tickets using sinemia, please enable the system so it works on my account.

Sinemia Response • Dec 09, 2018

Hi, we have updated both of the accounts so that you have personal payment info and will be using the same Cardless info from now on. This will also eliminate the issues with the payment. Also our support has contacted you, in case you need further assistance Thanks.

Bought a service. Service did NOT work. Contacted them via e-mail on 9/16. THEY NEVER ADDRESED THE ISSUE. WaNT MY $119.88 BACk.
This company has no phone number.
there are hundreds of complaints on this company for similar issues (, a class action lawsuit, and a F from

I want a refund. It is to late to fix this problem.
This company is making money by fraud (customer account does not work and they don't fix it)
I have documentation to prove I sent them an email of 9/16/18 trying to fix problem and they did NOT contact me about correcting issue.

Desired Outcome

A Refund of $119.88 DO NOT WANT TO DO BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY! They failed to respond to my 9/16 e-mail addressing the issue.

Sinemia Response • Dec 08, 2018

Hi, we have checked your account and see that you have already purchased a ticket with your Sinemia membership and then you had not attempted to purchase another ticket. Furthermore, there is not a support request sent from your registered e-mail address, therefore, our support has contacted you to obtain information about your complaint. We will be more than happy yo assist you. Thanks.

Customer Response • Dec 10, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The service did not work! I had attempted to purchase a ticket but the service did NOT work!

The only response to my 9/16 e-mail was that they would be in contact with me. They never contacted me to fix the problem.

I never saw a movie with the service!

Additionally recently they said they would refund money if I dropped dispute with bank. The bank charged me the money back and I submitted them the info that the bank charged me back!
The ONLY resolution is for a refund!

I have documentation of all e-mails.

This company has about 200 complaints on and many are my complaint that the service did not work!


I am now also pursuing Federal/State remedies!!!!

This HAS NOT BEEN RESOLVED!!! All they need to do is refund me $119.88

Sinemia Response • Jan 20, 2019

Regarding the letter our finance has approved your dispute has been ended. Therefore we have forwarded your refund request, it will be completed as soon as possible.

Customer Response • Jan 07, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
As of December 27th the bank has closed my complaint. I requested a letter from the bank today that they have closed file.

Sinemia should refund my 119.88 immediately. I never used any tickets. My original email to Sinemia states that it did not work.

I should not be penalized out of 1 ticket because your system did not work.

On there are hundreds of complaints including similar complaints that system did not work.

Unacceptable that when I sent email Sinemia never attempted to fix problem.

The only solution is for a complete refund.

I plan on contacting attorney generals in NJ and CA

The should attempt to get an injunction until hundreds of complaints are resolved.

Attempted to use the service 4 times, never worked properly. Was told the issue was Solved. Would like refund.
Purchased monthly membership in August, paid initiation fee and three months of membership. The service has never worked properly.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund of my monthly membership fees for the last three months has the service as never worked.

Sinemia Response • Dec 08, 2018

Hi, we have checked your account and see that you had already redeemed 2 tickets. Our support had assisted about your issue, please check. We will be updating your account to personal payment info so that you will be using the same cardless details for your advance ticket purchases from now on. This will also eliminate the issues with the payment. Thanks.

Customer Response • Dec 11, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The app says that the tickets are redeemed, but I wasn't able to get them at the theater. Moreover, that's happened multiple times.

Sinemia Response • Jan 03, 2019

Hi, we have reached your account and forwarded your refund request to our finance team to be completed within 1- weeks on Sinemia's end. Your refund amount will for 2 unused months of Sinemia as of 19.99 + 19.99 Please be noted that the initiation fee is non-refundable since there is a usage in your second month. Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 03, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I will accept the two months refund of my subscription fee. I'm not sure if the registered account was found or not, but the account is registered under [email protected]

I'm asking for reimbursement of two movie tickets I had to purchase using my own money plus want a response from company
I am a monthly movie-a-day subscriber to Sinemia ($29.99/month). There were two occasions in which I had to use my own money to purchase a ticket.
First was on 11/16/18. I wasn't able to purchase a ticket because their service was down and not working after repeated tries using their app. This is only way to purchase a ticket and if Sinemia app is not working, there is nothing one can do to buy a ticket. I already had commitment to meet friends for this movie so really didn't want to back out so purchase full price ticket using my Regal points (*** points I needed to use to purchase the one ticket). The full price of ticket would be $12.70.
Second case on 11/25/18 was even more concerning because I did everything I was supposed to do and was issued a one-time use card number. This is how they work, you pick movie time, location, and movie, then they send you a credit card number. You then have to use that credit card number and purchase ticket using a 3rd party online movie ticketing service (like or Regal Cinemas). But when using that card with several online movie ticket services it didn't work. I tried several times with no luck (message was saying that card was not approved). I even cancelled my ticket and was issued a new card number, but that too didn't work. And when I tried to get a third card number, I wasn't able to do this because Sinemia only allows two cancels / day. So I had to purchase the ticket using my own money at cost of $12.70. I've tried to contact Sinemia about 6 times (by email only because you can't get through by phone) and only once received a reply that really didn't tell me anything and was very cryptic. Since that message, they have not responded. I worry they just don't have the money to reimburse me for my two tickets. Very frustrated...mostly that they are simply unresponsive. Not sure what to do.
Here are answers to your other questions:
first movie: "Widows" seen at Bridgeport Stadium 18 in *** OR
second movie: "Green Book" seen at Evergreen Parkway in *** OR.
Contract signed: I believe by agreeing to use their service I'm in a contract. but I never signed an official document
I have sent this report to the law firm of Chimicles & Tikellis, LLP who have filed a Class Action Lawsuit against Sinemia, but have not heard back
The resolution I'm seeking is to simply be reimbursed for the two movies I saw using my points and own money.
I've got all the emails I've sent and photos of my receipts and screen shots of the errors. Thanks for your time

Desired Outcome

would like to be reimbursed for $25.40 which is cost for two full price movie tickets

Sinemia Response • Dec 08, 2018

Hi, our support has contacted you about the issue, please check your e-mails.
We will be updating your account to personal payment info so that you will be using the same cardless details for your advance ticket purchases from now on. This will also eliminate the issues with the payment. Also we can add +1 extra movie day to your account as a gesture of goodwill.

Also we see that you have order a physical card which you may use in the box offices without online payment issues. You may reply our support e-mail if you have further queries, we will be more than happy to assist you. Thanks.

Customer Response • Dec 13, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have been trying to communicate with company about their offer and they simply don't email me back they are very poor at communicating. I've asked a very simple questions and I just don't hear back

Sinemia Response • Dec 23, 2018

We have checked the latest correspondences and see that your support queries have been responded by our support and you are offered a solution. As a gesture of goodwill and regarding your missed Sinemia month, we have added extra month to your membership as a gesture of goodwill. We hope that you enjoy your membership with Sinemia.Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 01, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

Purchased movie subscription, it was the wrong one. contacted Simenia, they told me to purchase correct one and I would be refunded. Never happened
On or about August 30, I contacted Sinemia to order their movie subscription program for $238.99 When I received the materials it wasn't what I thought I had signed up for. I contacted them on or around September 6 and was told by a representative of a representative of Sinemia to purchase the correct plan $268.99 and then cancel the original one (I have provided you documentation of this this) and I would be refunded for the first transaction after I informed Sinemia of my actions. I did such and received notification that a refund would be processed in 7-10 days. (Again I provided you documentation of such communication). After the 10 day period I informed Sinemia that I had not received my refund and I did not get a reply. After one more attempt I informed Sinemia that I would be contacting the credit card company to dispute the charge. At that point I received communication that my request was outside the scope of their business and my account would be suspended.

At this point I became confused and frustrated as I followed all the steps as instructed by Sinemia. I would not have purchased a second more expensive plan if I weren't able to get refunded for the first.

Since my account was suspended per Sinemia I did not receive services. I have not used either service.

I pay my bills on time, have excellent credit and a great credit score. I follow the rules and since Sinemia didn't honor their first commitment I have no desire to do business with them and hence want both programs cancelled.

I have documentation from the vendor telling me to buy a new plan and cancel the old plan. I have documentation stating I will be getting a refund in 7-10 days

Desired Outcome

I want a full refunded for both subscriptions. My account was suspended per Sinemia when I contacted my credit card company. I have never used the service as such and don't trust this company. $238.99 $268.99 total $507.98

Sinemia Response • Dec 08, 2018

Hi, we have checked our records and see that our finance had attempted to complete your refund but could not complete since there is a dispute ongoing. Regarding your subscription which was purhased on 29th of August in 2018 we would like to assist you with a refund however we see that you have disputed the payment so unfortunately our finance is not able to take any action on a disputed payments. . In case you do not no longer dispute the payment, an official statement from the bank we will be able to refund the fee after contacting the finance as a gesture of goodwill. Thanks.

Customer Response • Dec 11, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I reject the company's offer. They only offered to refund one subscription and I want both subscriptions refunded after they suspended my account and were deceitful in their practices. I have not used the service ever and 5 months have already passed by. They have continually told me they would refund the first subscription when they lured me into buying the second subscription and then they never refunded my account and told the credit card company they would not refund me. There is not trust in this company or their business practices so I want a 100% on both accounts. This is have a time consuming process both with the company and credit card company and has consumer over 40 hour of my time. I want nothing to do with this company except a full refund.

Sinemia Response • Jan 03, 2019

Hi, we have checked your account and see that you have purchased a Sinemia annual plan and disputed the payment for the first purchase and then you have purchase a second annual Sinemia plan.

We would like to inform you dispute for the first annual Sinemia plan's payment had been resulted in Sinemia's favor and your second dispute is still continuing. However, we have refunded both of them in full as a gesture of goodwill. Thanks.

Customer Response • Jan 03, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I accept the resolution of refund for both subscription. This will resolve my issue.

I can't use the app to buy tickets to movies as I'm supposed to. Support will never get back to me
Apparently the theaters I live around I can't use, I tried to reach out over 5 times and I've never once heard back from the company

Desired Outcome


Sinemia Response • Dec 08, 2018

Hi, our support has replied your e-mail, please check.
We will be updating your account to personal payment info so that you will be using the same cardless details for your advance ticket purchases from now on. This will also eliminate the issues with the payment.
You may also order a physical card over membership page or Sinemia application.
For further information please revert to our support e-mail. Thanks!

Customer Response • Dec 11, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This reply only came because I went through the, I'm out over a month where this didn't work. They said they want to add for me to see 4 in a month but I don't want that and that app doesn't reflect they made this change. They're saying they fixed something but I don't understand what they did..why didn't they do this from the start

Sinemia Response • Jan 03, 2019

We have checked your account and see that you have purchased a Sinemia annual plan on 22nd of October and started a dispute for payment.

We would like to inform your chargeback request for the annual Sinemia plan's payment had been resulted in Sinemia's favor. However, we have refunded the payment in full as a gesture of goodwill. Thanks.

I already paid for the annual family plan for 3 tickets movie day each month, I able to get the online ticket order fee waived but now we all know Sinemia charge us $1.80 processing fee per ticket.
I know the physical card will be able to waive the $1.80 fee.

Credit card Processing fee should be about 3% !!! Please explain.

BUT why the card for family plan cost $45 so expensive??
I already paid the annual fee, not expect need to pay additional $45 before the annual plan expire.

Sinemia Response • Dec 11, 2018

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge.
You may order a physical card over membership page or Sinemia application. So that you may purchase your ticket from the of the box offices avoiding online processing and convenience fees. Sinemia physical card fee is $14.99 for per person in Sinemia plan and since you have 3 people Sinemia plan your card fee will be 14.99x3. For further queries you may contact ***, our support experts will be more than happy to assist you. Thanks.

I have had a problem since Tuesday 11/27 and sent everything that was requested of me to Marty on 11/28. I never heard from him again and when I emailed as a follow-up, Rachel asked me for the same information. When I wrote back to her, she never responded so I emailed again on 12/3. Today, Giselle wrote me again asking for the same information. There is no one there that is competent enough to do their job and get my issue resolved. It's like I am just staying in the spin cycle. I've put my entire annual pre-paid membership in dispute with my credit card company because I ***'t trust they will ever want to provide me with the type of customer service that I paid for and deserve to have.

Sinemia Response • Dec 11, 2018

Hi, we are sorry to hear that you think in this way. Our support has contacted you about the issues in your account, you may check for further details in your e-mails. You have already redeemed 7 tickets and you have disputed the payment with your bank. Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions. Our Finance is not able to take any action on a disputed payment. In case you do not any longer dispute the payment an official statement from the bank we will be able to refund the unused months after contacting the finance as a gesture of goodwill exceptionally. Thanks.

Customer Response • Dec 11, 2018

You seem to be deflecting and not answering truthfully. I have made 4 attempts to resolve a canceled movie refund on 11/27/2018, which your company has charged me $1.80 and a penalty of $5 for not checking in to said canceled movie. You have very poor and inadequate customer service to handle this problem. Regardless of what I have used, I'm concerned that with your lack of customer service able to resolve simple issues as a canceled movie from a customer like myself that has been trying to resolve this for two weeks now, and the fact that you have decided to ignore any attempts from me to resolve it with you, I believe my money is at your mercy. I no longer have trust that Sinemia is honest and will do the right thing and any further customer service concerns will be ignored. You don't care about your customers and these past two weeks is evident!

Sinemia Response • Dec 16, 2018

We are sorry to hear that you think in this way. As we have informed you before you may withdraw your dispute with your bank so that we *** refund your 8 unused months. This is offered as a gesture of goodwill even if Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions. You may follow the issue with our support team. Thanks.

Customer Response • Dec 17, 2018

This is not how I think, but this is how your company has run it's business very poorly and at my expense. Sinemia is the worst company and service I have ever gotten involved with, and according to your rating, lawsuit(s), and social media, many more thousands of people agree with me. You really should open up your eyes and see and quit being blinded by your narcissism.

I will remove my dispute only if you refund me for 9 months and not 8 because because you froze my account this month and shouldn't charge me for it. I'm not eating $9.99. Plus you took my third movie away from me last month because your incompetent customer service department (Marty) never completed his job of refunding it back to my account for me to use. So, I want a refund for 9 months otherwise the dispute stands and you lose the whole amount. So what do you say?!

Sinemia Response • Dec 23, 2018

Our support has contacted you regarding your request. Please check. Thank you.

Customer Response • Dec 23, 2018

You have frozen my membership and have not allowed me to use it this month, so yes, you will refund me for this month and the remaining 8 months since Sinemia violated their end of the terms of agreement. Just because I put my membership in dispute without any permanent refund from my credit card company should not have given Sinemia the right to stop me from using my membership. Because you have done so, you have violated your end of this agreement and broken your word when I purchased and pre-paid for an annual membership which I am unable to use. Therefore, you have no choice but to refund me 9 months of my membership. Sinemia *** no longer be trusted by me to do what is right, fair and to be an honest and reputable company to continue doing business with. A refund of 9 months at $9.99 each will be expected and this entire conversation will be sent to my credit card company as proof you have violated your agreement and the terms I signed up for with ME!

Sinemia Response • Dec 23, 2018

Thanks for sharing your feedback, we would like to assist you with a refund however we cannot provide a refund for 9 months since there is usage and also an ongoing dispute on the payment.

Customer Response • Jan 03, 2019

Citibank has issued me a credit of 9 months for $89.91. I was never asking for the full amount as I was aware I used my membership for three months. The dispute is closed.

The payment card is getting declined when using on movie ticket websites. I reached out to them twice in two weeks and there is no response from them.
I signed up for a full year movie membership and I could not use their service this month as the credit card information they provide is not valid. I tried two different movie ticket services, and the card was declined on both websites. I emailed the company twice in the last two weeks as there is no way to call them directly. There was no response from the company.

Desired Outcome

I do not want to continue the service with them as it is no longer working. I want the full refund.

Sinemia Response • Dec 08, 2018

Hi, upon reviewing your account we see that you have successfully purchased your ticket on 29th of November and had not attempted another ticket purchase. Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions.
We will be updating your account to personal payment info so that you will be using the same cardless details for your advance ticket purchases from now on. This will also eliminate the issues with the payment. Thanks.

Paid for a service and am not receiving what I paid for. Regular communication with Sinemia has gone unanswered.
I am entitled to 4 tickets to see 2 movies per month, as laid out in my subscription to this retailer.

There was a glitch with their app, and I cannot get tickets to see the 2nd movie. The 2nd movie should be a 3D, DBOX, or VIP movie - my subscription entitles me to one regular priced movie and one "premium" movie and I used my regular priced movie.

The problem was raised to their customer service team on 11/22/2018. I have followed-up with them more than 5 times. They have yet to reply. I will now lose out on 2 tickets to see one movie, that I have prepaid for with my subscription to the retailer, Sinemia.

There are many people who are expressing similar displeasure on Twitter with this retailer.

Desired Outcome

I would like the 2 tickets to one movie

Sinemia Response • Dec 08, 2018

Hi, upon reviewing your account we see that you had purchase an annual Sinemia 2 movie days monthly plan which mean that you may see 2 movies in one Sinemia month/period with two people. Unused tickets do no roll over to the next Sinemia month or couple ticket cannot be used seperately. However we have added +1 extra movie day to your Sinemia plan as a gesture of goodwill. If you requite further information, you may revert to our e-mail from *** We hope that you enjoy, thanks!

Customer Response • Dec 10, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I disagree that it's a "goodwill gesture" on their behalf, given their app blocked me from accessing movie tickets that I had already paid for. Nevertheless, they have provided the two tickets so I am happy with that.

Charged annual subscription, but unable to use service. No customer support.
I paid for my membership on May 31, 2018 and paid $359.88 CAD online (posted on my Visa as SINEMIA INC. HTTPSWWW.SINECA). The fee was for a 1 year subscription, which would allow me to use the Sinemia service to purchase movie tickets 3 times a month for two people each time for any kind of show (i.e. IMAX, reserved seating 3D or 2D).

My problems dealing with Sinemia are:
(1) I lost the first month of service because Sinemia did not send me a card to use for purchasing movie tickets.

(2) I was eventually given a card less option using their mobile app which worked until end of October. However in October I started getting charged an extra $1.80 CAD per movie ticket for processing fee, which was never in their original contract agreement.

(3) At the beginning of November the mobile app payment method stopped working completely. I tried many times on multiple days during November to purchase tickets but encountered invalid payment errors every time.

I contacted the company multiple times through email and their Twitter account (as there does not appear to be any phone number).

I started an email thread on November 17 and was able to get a response. However Sinemia did not resolve my problem of being able to use the service.

I then started a second email thread starting November 23. They never responded. I sent a subsequent email on November 27 and again received no response.

I am now unable to use the service, despite having paid upfront subscription fee for 1 year at $30 CAD/month that lasts until April 2019.

For resolution, I would simply like to cancel my subscription immediately and receive reimbursement of the money I paid for the service for the months I was unable to use the service.

Specifically, I would like to be reimbursed for 7 months worth of subscription fees:
- November 2018
- December 2018
- January 2019
- February 2019
- March 2019
- April 2019
- May 2019

Desired Outcome

For resolution, I would simply like to cancel my subscription immediately and receive reimbursement of the money I paid for the service for the months I was unable to use the service. Specifically, I would like to be reimbursed for 7 months worth of subscription fees: - November 2018 - December 2018 - January 2019 - February 2019 - March 2019 - April 2019 - May 2019

Sinemia Response • Dec 08, 2018

Hi, upon reviewing your account purchased on 30th of May in 2018 you had used all of your 3 movie days in your first month with your Sinemia Membership which was on 12nd of June and 12nd of July. You have redeemed 20 tickets so far.
Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge.
Your ticket purchase problem has been resolved by our team, you may purchase your ticket without a problem from now on. Please check your e-mails detailed information. Thanks.

Customer Response • Dec 19, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Their response:

Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge.

However this was never part of the original contract when I paid for an annual subscription. The surcharges started to occur only in October.

The original agreement also allowed for purchasing any kind of movie ticket (IMAX, AVX, DBOX, reserved seating etc.). But now my subscription only allows purchasing of "special" seats like IMAX or AVX once a month.

On top of that I lost all of November, as I was unable to use the service.

For these reasons, I would like to get a partial refund for the months that I still have left on my subscription and cancel my membership.

Sinemia Response • Jan 02, 2019

Our refund policy is not working as you have requested, unfortunately. However, we can refund your payment after deducting the used ticket prices or we can restore your November month to the end of your subscription as a gesture of goodwill. Please let us know to contact us on *** Thank you!

Fraudulent Scam
I signed up for 1 year membership 3 movies/month in 10/23/18. Company requires yearly membership to pay in advance. The app they provided hasn't worked once, the credit card number they provide is a bogus number, got rejected all 3 different times consecutively. I ended up paying cash out of my own pocket. So far, it hasn't worked. They have no phone# to contact, just via email which takes about a week to answer. The answer is auto-reply, not directly address the problem. I saw a lot of complaints about this company regarding false advertisement Please shut them down before they continue to rip off more people

Desired Outcome

I wanted to get my full refund for my membership $119.4 and cancel my membership. They said they do not refund which is totally absurd.

Sinemia Response • Dec 08, 2018

We have updated your account to personal payment info so that you are able to use the same payment details for your ticket purchases from now on. Also you may order a physical card over Sinemia application or membership page. Both these improvement will eliminate the issues with the ticket purchase. For detailed information you may contact with our support on *** Thanks!

I cancelled this company's service - a one year subscription - when it failed to work. I did not receive a refund and they do not respond to email.
In September of 2018 I signed up for a one year subscription to Sinemia Premium. I attempted to use the service and the app was not functional. I immediately went to the company's website and, after a lot of searching, found a link to cancel my account. However, I never received confirmation of the cancellation, so I don't know if it went through. And I have not received a refund of the subscription fee.

The company's service is defective. Their website is clearly designed to prevent cancellation by making it as difficult as possible. Their customer service is completely non-responsive.

As far as I can tell, they are fraudulent and have stolen my money.

Desired Outcome

I would like a full refund of my one-year subscription fee.

Sinemia Response • Dec 05, 2018

Hi, we are sorry to hear that you think in this way. You may cancel your Sinemia membership on your membership page. After the cancellation, your membership will not be renewed but you will be able to use Sinemia until the last day of your plan.
Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and condition, please see the related term; 27.9.
We have checked our system however could not locate your e-mail or another contact request. Kindly send us an e-mail on ***, our support experts will be more than happy to assist you. Thanks.

Customer Response • Dec 11, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have tried repeatedly to cancel my subscription via your website, on my membership page. Your site is very difficult to use (and appears to be designed for that purpose) I cannot tell if the cancellation link has worked or not. I never received an email CONFIRMING the cancellation. If my membership is cancelled, inform me immediately.


As to the refund I've requested, it is absurd that you will not refund the purchase price for a full year's service. Your service is awful and I was never able to use it. If you cared at all about your customers, you would satisfy this very reasonable request regardless of the fine print in your contract. This is no way to run a business.

Sinemia Response • Dec 18, 2018

We confirm that there is no problem with your account and you may purchase your ticket without any problems. Please be noted that Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions. However we have cancelled your account and refund your payment as a gesture of goodwill. Our support will be informing you about the refund details. Thanks.

Purchased gift cards to pay for initial subscription and no way to use it to pay for service and no response from the company on how to resolve this.
I purchased $350 dollars worth of gift card to pay for the annual subscription of 1 movie per day. Once I purchased the gift cards, I created an account so I *** purchase the plan and there is no option to pay using the gift cards. I reached out to Sinemia using the help desk email address four times and each time prompts an email stating that they would get back to me soon. I haven't received a response yet and it's been about a week. There is no chat support or phone number I can call for faster response / service.

Desired Outcome

I would like to hear back from the company with regards to this payment method or get a refund with the gift cards that I purchased if it can't be used to pay for the annual membership.

Sinemia Response • Dec 05, 2018

Hi, our support has contacted with you via e-mail, please check. On the checkout page you may complete our payment with your Sinemia gift card. For further information you may revert to our support's e-mail. Thanks.

Customer Response • Dec 07, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
When I tried the instructions sent by the help desk, it was only allowing me to input one of the four gift cards that I purchased. They mentioned that I could only use one but it is not stated on the promotion that I could only use per transaction. I purchased $350 worth of gift cards and only allowed to use $100 for the membership. I would like a refund for the gift cards that I purchased due to misleading promotion and that the instructions to use them is not that clear. I would like it refunded before the next billing cycle of my credit card.

Thank you for your help regarding this matter.

Sinemia Response • Dec 09, 2018

We understand your point however Gift Cards are not refundable. Our support has shared a reasonable solution via e-mail, kindly check. Thanks.

Sinemia's Payment Processing Fails at Cineplex Website
It has been the sixth day since I contacted Sinemia's customer service to report an issue regarding their payment failing when I purchase my movie tickets at I initially started reporting the issue via email and had branched through Twitter and Facebook messenger and still got no response. I cannot use my privileges for November because of this issue.
Thank you in advance for your attention.

Desired Outcome

I would expect for the customer service to get back in their 24-hour response time and that Sinemia would fixtheir payment processing issue so it does not fail on the cineplex website.

Sinemia Response • Dec 05, 2018

Hi, our support has contacted to share the workaround/solution to purhase an advance ticket from Cineplex. Please check. Thanks!

Customer Response • Dec 05, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The solution provided did not fix the issue. The payment processing in failed after trying to follow the step provided.

Sinemia Response • Dec 08, 2018

Our support will stay in touch to assist you about the issue.

Customer Response • Dec 10, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
There js still no resolution with Sinemia. I have followed up and there is no response. Also, I willdispute the convenience fee charged on my credit card for November as their service failed.

I have reached out to Sinemia via 5 emails, 20 tweets and DM's, and through three different twitter accounts. After a month, the finally responded with a form letter indicating that they would not address my issues, and which also contained incorrect information. I have yet to get another response or the addressing of my actual issue.

They cut off my cardless service after I did not check in. However, the problem was that half of the time the credit card numbers that they provide didnt work, so my wife couldnt buy a ticket to the same movie that I had just bought a ticket we could not go. We couldnt cancel the transaction inside the 3rd party app we used to buy the ticket. We cancelled the transaction too many times inside the SInemia app, in order to get more credit card numbers, and eventually just got stopped by the Sinema app and told we could not make more cancellations in an attempt to buy an actual ticket.

Now my cardless option is disabled, Sinemia never sent me a physical credit card, and now they are asking me to pay $15 for this card which they promised me for free, asking me to pay $17 for the "missed" movie which I tried to cancel but failed because their app is terrible, and will not respond to my customer service inquiry.

Sinemia Response • Dec 06, 2018

Hi, we are unable to locate your contact/assistane request, if you *** provide a contact details like Twitter user name or e-mail address, our support will be more than happy to assist you. If your ticket is unused, we are able to remove the misuse from your account and activate. Sinemia was a Cardless service however we have started to provide again, you may order a physical card. Thank you!

Customer Response • Dec 06, 2018

I've contacted you through ARCANGELY2K on Twitter (for weeks, and no response). I've also contacted you via Twitter through DanSXXXXXXXX. I've sent at least 7 emails to *** from my email registered to my Sinemia account, ***

After WEEKS of trying, I finally got responses to my tweets and via email (though I never got a Twitter response to my main Twitter account, ARCANGELYK, and had to create the DanSXXXXXXXX twitter account JUST TO GET A RESPONSE FROM SINEMIA.

Both times I got generic form letters in response, telling me that I did not check in at the theater, and telling me that I could PAY for a Credit Card.

1) I must have my Cardless service restored, as the fault for my buying a ticket and being unable to go to the movie was Sinemia's FREQUENT problem with issuing credit card numbers through it's app which don't work. My wife was unable to buy a ticket using her Sinemia app, thus I could not go to the movie. RESTORE MY SERVICE, FOR WHICH I PREPAID FOR A YEAR. If you do not, I will dispute the charge with my credit card company and file a claim in Small Claims Court, as well as use social media to share my poor experience with Sinemia.

2) When I signed up for the Sinemia service, the terms of the agreement on the website stated that I would receive a PHYSICAL CREDIT CARD within 2 weeks, as part of my subscription. I never received it. I will NOT pay extra for this since it was supposed to be included in my original subscription. PLEASE SEND ME A CREDIT CARD ASAP!

Sinemia Response • Dec 10, 2018

Our support has contacted you about the issue and your account has updated with a permanent payment info so that you will be using the same cardless details for your advance ticket purchases from now on. This will also eliminate the issues with the payment. Thanks.

Customer Response • Dec 10, 2018


1) my advanced ticketing feature is still not active because Sinemia wants to charge me a $17 misuse fee when the source of the problem was Sinemi's app.

2) I was promised a Sinemia physical credit card when I signed up and this STILL has not been delivered.

Sinemia Response • Dec 15, 2018

Our support has contacted you about the issue.
Please be noted that your Sinemia membership does not include a physical card since you had become a Sinemia Cardless member. However you may order a card through membership page or Sinemia application. Thanks.

Customer Response • Dec 17, 2018

Yes, support did contact, after I emailed 20 times and created 3 different Twitter accounts to message them....but only after I started complaining about Sinemia on Social Media, the and other outlets.

1) My membership, when I signed up, stated that it DID include a physical card, which I was supposed to receive in 2-3 weeks from activation. So, this is a lie.

2) I STILL had to pay $17 to remove the "misuse" charge on my account which was created by Sinemia's app not working properly and providing invalid credit card numbers. Sinemia refuses to acknowledge any responsibility.

For anyone reading this, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND avoiding giving this company your money, EVER.

Sinemia Response • Dec 23, 2018

Your account is Sinemia Cardless and your contract does not include a physical card. Kindly order a card over Sinemia application or membership page.
We see that you have redeemed 6 movie days from your Sinemia membership until now but you have completed 3 check-ins only. Also our support has contacted you about the issue. Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 02, 2019

Right. But again, when I signed up for this account on the website it promised a free physical card. I cannot be more clear about this.

Also, your numbers are not correct. I missed 3 check-ins. 2 were legitimately "missed" where I went to the theater but didnt check in. One was missed because, as previously stated, I did not attend the movie because YOUR APP would not issue a valid credit card to my wife's account so that she could also purchase a ticket.

In summary ***.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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