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SAFE Security

2440 Camino Ramon Ste 200, San Ramon, California, United States, 94583-4326

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SAFE Security Reviews (%countItem)

Extremely hard to cancel policy. The contract is written in super tiny font that should be illegal, need to read the contract with a magnifying glass. Be careful about there automatic renewal policy every year, if you try to cancel you will end up paying for a full year. This company is a truly and waste of time and money. They also raised my bill without notifying me of the rate increase. I am paying $51 a month which is double the going rate. Stay away from Safe Security.

While I was at work Salesman were canvassing the neighborhood To install alarm system Well when I got home I was introduced to my new alarm system Which I neither knew about or signed for Someone else in my household sign for The system. I am the sole owner of the house They should have had my signature and no one else. I made them aware of this So they asked me to Take the system off the wall And mail it back to them So I did And now they continue to bill me month after month, If you can help me I would certainly appreciate it.

SAFE Security Response • Oct 18, 2018

Complaint # ***





The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:

Safe Security will honor this notification as a formal cancellation
· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· Please advise the customer to disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two or more billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you,
Safe Security
Tell us why here...

Customer Response • Oct 18, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


*** Thank you very much ,I would also like to know If there were any delinquent Payments reported To the credit report Thank you .

This is the worse company. I got connected with them through a Sub Contractor. Continual problems and the customer service is terrible. Left on hold for up to 45 minutes. Equipment problems. I cancelled my contract at the end of the 3 years. Sent all paperwork, registered, signature required. They billed me for the next month anyway. I resent the paperwork and copies of the signature card. Have been trying to get my over payment back for months. They also put me on auto pay with out my ok. I even contacted the President and still didn't get any help. It's not the money for me now it's the principal that I feel used and cheated.

I'm still waiting for the $655.39 reimbursement check I was told July 5th I would receive sometime in Sept.(of 2018) This was for the money paid to *** Security to satisfy the fine print cancellation policy in their contract that automatically renewed if *** was not notified 4 days before the contract expired. *** called me to tell me I was paying twice for home security.
I called yesterday, October 1st, and was told my papers were being taken to Accounting and they would call me.
The Safe Security salesman didn't tell me I was signing a 5-year contract. which was buried in the fine print. It was a quick "sign here to get a lower monthly payment" BIG MISTAKE ON MY PART. At age 76 I have begun to realize I should get a second opinion before signing any contract
If or when I get the promised check, I will remove this review or state check was finally received.

I have made contact with SAFE Security on two separate occasions to close a fraudulent account opened in my name. I have sent the communication as advised by Safe Security employee and have not received resolution. I have also completed follow ups and have yet to receive a response to date. I have received another bill in the mail today with an increased past due amount. I have added the communication timeline that was sent to SAFE Security in early September below.*** This company has advised me they have no contract with me, only my mailing address was used to open the account, and continue to bill me for something that I believe have proven I have never received nor ordered. From: ***ent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 5:33 PM
To: Collections Department
Cc: *** Subject: ATTENTION *** Importance: High

Per our phone conversation on 9/11/2018 @ 1930 Eastern Time, Below is the sequence of events that support closing this account that has been fraudulently opened in my name.

July 16, 2018 I get a notification from “creditwise” that I had a new inquiry on my credit from Security ALA. I contacted Transunion to dispute the inquiry.
Transunion advised me to file the fraud alert and to also file a credit freeze. I filed both due to the inquiry being in California and I live in Georgia.
Transunion advised me to make contact with Security ALA and get on a letter head that the inquiry was fraudulent and then send the letter to Transunion and they would take the inquiry off of my credit report. The only number I could find on Google for Security ALA in San Ramon California was no longer in service. There was a Google search hit for Dallas Texas but the inquiry was made in California. Transunion stated to me that the inquiry would have to remain on my credit for 2 years due to not being able to get in contact with Security ALA. At this point I figured it was all a fraud both the inquiry and the company and resigned to having the inquiry on my report for the next two years.

1st week of August I received an invoice from SAFE SECURITY in Dallas Texas
Cr *** Activity number *** Date 07/25/2018
Monitoring Premium 8/01/18 to 08/31/2018

Upon opening the bill I immediately called the number on the back of the invoice*** and talked to a customer service rep.
I explained the situation and asked that she close the account immediately due to it being opened illegally. I advised that I did not live in California and the rep stated that it could be from an alarm company from my own state. I had then advised the rep that I have never installed any type of alarm system in any of my homes in my entire life. When the rep asked how did I get the account number I advised her that I had received a bill which was a good thing because now I have an active number to call and inform that the account is fraudulent. The rep stated that she would begin the investigation process and close the account. I also requested on a company letter head that the account was opened fraudulently and I have not received it to date. I asked if there was any type of photo ID required for purchase so we could turn the photo over to the authorities and the rep stated there is none. I asked what name was on the contract and when she tried to pull up the contract there was not one in the system. I asked how could I be billed for something that you do not even have a contract for and the rep stated that it was odd. I also asked how an account could be opened by SAFE Security with only my mailing address(Information from Transunion) and the rep stated that was odd as well. When I go to buy something I need two forms of ID, my social security number, proof of employment, and a valid drivers license and this account was opened with a mailing address. That is very odd.

9/11/2018 Today
I received a notice from SAFE Security that I was being removed from the automatic payment option because my payment was declined. I have never set up an account so I do not know how the payment could be denied when one was never made. I called the SAFE Security Collections Department *** and talked to ***. I went through most of the information already mentioned above and *** advised me to write this communication and send to the collections department to be given to Management for investigation and closure of account. When I asked about the payment was declined part of the letter I had received, *** gave me the last 4 on the VISA on file and it is not mine.

Please investigate this fraudulent account and close as soon as possible. I would like notification of the resolution of the investigation and documentation that the account it closed as well as a letter on company letter head that states the account was opened fraudulently for me to send to the Credit Bureaus.

SAFE Security Response • Oct 02, 2018

Complaint ***




The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
Safe Security will honor this notification as a formal cancellation
· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· Please advise the customer to disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two or more billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you,
Safe Security

Customer Response • Oct 03, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Pending that SAFE Security follows through with their statement.


DO NOT do business with this company. About a month ago I received a phone call from a person that called me by name and said they were upgrading *** security systems. They said mine had not been upgraded since 2013 which is when I first got that system. I was told they were trying to get all the systems upgraded within the next 3-4 months. Since my 2 older sons were at the house I told them they could come. Little did I know they would completely take out my present system and install their system which was a different company. When they were ready to leave I was handed a handwritten note & was told to copy and send to *** stating to stop my service with them eff. ***. Nothing was ever mentioned that this was a different company and the word CONTRACT was never mentioned. They took my present alarm sign down and put theirs up. I did send a letter to *** and immediately received a phone call from them stating I was still under contract with them. If I wanted out of their contract it would be $719.00. I called Safe and explained to the lady *** what had happened and she said she would give my info to the management. I told her I had been lied to from the first phone call. She also said I had only 3 days to cancel my contract with them. I told her I was given no paperwork and knew nothing about a contract so she said she would mail me a copy. Instead I got a bill for 2360.00 to cancel. I have called again to speak to a supervisor and of course that didn't happen & also sent a certified letter asking them to remove their system. I called again to get a copy of the contract but still have not received one. I am now paying for 2 alarms systems. I plan to take the Safe Security system out and send it to them certified mail if they don't come remove it within the next week. After reading many reviews I think this is how this company operates.

An agent of Safe Security came to my house and stated they were with *** and checking my system to see if its working properly and informed me that my system was out of date and needed to be upgraded. I begin telling the agent that *** didn't inform me of a upgrade and I will prefer to contact *** directly. That's when the agent begin telling me he is with Safe Security and can offer a much better system at a cheaper price he continue to push and assist that I switch to there system even after I said no a couple times the agent was still insisting that im paying too much and that *** response time to an alarm is to slow and his company is much more reliable. At the 4th time of telling the agent I don't want there product I ask the agent to leave my resident and after leaving a few minutes later I receive a credit alert on my phone that a hard inquiry was ran from the Safe Security company that I did not give permission to do so. I called the head office and was informed the inquiry would be removed. After checking my report I found that the inquiry was never removed even after the company had ensured me after multiple phone calls that it would be

SAFE Security Response • Sep 24, 2018

RE: ***

Please review the following attachment.

Thank you,

Safe Security

Customer Response • Oct 04, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


My system is not working properly, called Sept. 19, 2018. I was told to replace the battery, worked overnight now the system once again is not working. Called for service and no one has called me back. Not very good customer service.

Called on 9/6/2018 to report two issues
“Front door failure—bypassed” & Side door open—bypassed”.
I was told that I would be contacted in one or two days.
Case ticket# *** was issued.
No one called, so I called back on 9/10/18.
Stayed on the line for approximately 20 minutes.
Tried again later and finally got to speak with an agent.
Asked why no one called and was told that the work ticket was closed because there were
no technicians available in my area. I asked who closed it—their response was they didn’t
know. I asked the agent how much would it cost me to get out of the contract—I was told it was over $2,000.00.
The agent I spoke with said that she would speak with her supervisor and that either
she or the supervisor would called back the next day.
No one called back on 9/11/18 so I called back on the 11th in the afternoon. I was put on hold
again so she could talk to her supervisor again. I was told at that time that the supervisor said that
I had two options—allow them to send me two door sensors (at no charge) and for me to install
them myself and call the service desk and let them program the sensors remotely (that’s because
they don’t have any services techs in this area) or since I asked about cancelling their service, she
would see what kind of arrangements could be made for me to get out of the contract. I asked what
kind of a deal could they offer me. I was told the supervisor would call me back on 9/12/18.
No one called back on 9/12/18 so I called them back that afternoon. I was told that the person I
spoke with the last two days *** was off on Wednesdays. I asked her to check the work order
to see what kind of a deal they were willing to give me and I was told that there was nothing about
the deal or sending the two sensors to me to install. After being put on hold two or three times, they
said they would send the sensors to me. I was also told that it would take 7-10 days to get to me.
So that will put me without security in my home for at least two weeks.

SAFE Security Response • Sep 20, 2018

Date: September 20, 2018

Complaint ***



The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
Safe Security will honor this notification as a formal cancellation
· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· Please advise the customer to disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two or more billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you,
Safe Security

Customer Response • Sep 21, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.




Thank you for your help in getting this issue resolved.

Michael Dupont

My husband and I signed up for this security system, the security camera are whatbsold us because we have two children. After speaking to the sales agent we were all able yo agree on a llan. He install got postponed a few time but it got completed. Once that was completed we were told someone else installs the cameras. W the camera tech came out asked where we would like the cameras, he tells us he needs to go get a bigger ladder so he leaves and never comes back. We contacted our sales agent again and advised him of what was going on. He takes it upon himself and another sales agent to install the cameras. Since they are jot techs the camera cords sre everywhere ans it does not look professional all. At that point I contacted Safe and spoke with a supervisor named *** he honored all the sales agent offerd us and got me in touch with a Camera tech. The camera tech came out last week took pictures of what the sales agens did to and explained that he was noy able to fix the cameras that day. We have not heard from him since last week and he is not answering the phone. I contacted Safe again and was told a supervisor will be contacting me that has never happened. This whole process has taken 3 months and is still not resolved

SAFE Security Response • Sep 17, 2018

This customer is not in our system and those reps do not work for us this complaint is probably for Safe Haven or Safe Security out of San Ramón. Please forward to the right company

Customer Response • Sep 17, 2018

Hello Thank you for your fast Response..My apologizes on the mix up on the companies. Its the Safe Security in San Ramon.

SAFE Security Response • Sep 25, 2018 Respond

Complaint #***



· Safe Security has reviewed the account and has made arrangements
· Safe Security has lowered the monthly monitoring rate to $58.99
· A technician is scheduled for 9/26/2018 for the fourth camera installation to be completed

Thank you,
Safe Security

Customer Response • Sep 26, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


I am 87 years old. I let their sales rep into my house, but I shouldn't have. I sold my house in July and moved into a senior apartment. I called them and told them I no longer needed the system. They said the new homeowners should take over the contract or I have to keep paying them, or pay the termination cost of $2443.32. They've been taking $55.89 out of my account since the contract. I contacted my bank and they said the only way to stop the automatic renewal is to close my checking account. I don't feel like I should have to do that.

SAFE Security Response • Sep 16, 2018

Complaint#*** Response***


Contract Terms: 5/2017, 60 months,auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled by either party in writing no less than 30 days prior to the end of then-current term

Safe Security will be contacting *** for assistance and a resolution.

Thank you,

Safe Security

On July 16, 2018, a salesman from Safe Security Co. came by to tell me I needed to go from a land line to a tower signal system; wires can be but. He said it would cost a little more money. I am 80 years old. He got my bank information . When I signed a contract, I thought the salesman was with Protection 1. When he said safe security I did not know this was the name of another company. I thought that he meant I was safer with security with Protection 1. I did not know this was for a 5-year contract. On that morning I had taken a new medication, which made me a little bit dizzy and I was not thinking very well. I had previously told him not to bother me at that time if I was to discuss a possible window repair job with someone else. He ignored this and proceeded to enter and talk anyway.

On August 22nd, I called Safe Security and talked to a person named ***, who told me this would not start until September 4th, 2018. This proved to be a deceptive lie.

On August 23rd, I went to my bank I went to my bank and told them not to let Safe Security withdrawal money from my account. I was told that on July 30th, 2018, they had already taken out $48.70. They gave me an account number: ***. I got an email stating I was also to pay $48.70 on August 23rd, 2018.

On August 23rd, I sent a certified letter to Safe Security thinking that September 4th, 2018 was the start date. I stated to cancel it by August 31st, 2018. I called them again on August 30th, 2018 and I was threatened with a collections agency. I am a retired public school teacher living only on a small teachers retirement pension. What money I have I will need to live on the rest of my life. I believe this was a deceptive way of taking advantage of an older person.

*** September 5th, 2018

SAFE Security Response • Sep 14, 2018 Response

Complaint ***

Date: September 14, 2018


The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
Safe Security will honor this notification as a formal cancellation
· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· Please advise the customer to disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two or more billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you,
Safe Security

Customer Response • Sep 24, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


I spoke with a Safe Security employee back in May 2018; explained to her I was moving out of my house and not longer needed their service. She put me on hold and spoke with her supervisor and they agreed to go ahead and close my account since it was close to being over. The employee went ahead and even stopped the automatic payment which was charged to my credit card and said I needed to write a letter with my signature stating my cancelation. I did this and she emailed me back saying she could not open the email file and gave me a fax number. I then faxed it with a cover sheet with her name on it and the account information and received a confirmation. Since then I keep getting bills and now this last bill with a statement the account is going to go to collections. Before this I have mailed a copy of the cancelations letter to the customer billing center along with copies of the emails between employee and I. I have also emailed the customer service center and scanned in copies of all the information of the emails between their employee and myself. So between contacting three different departments and sending all information, no-one still has not closed the account or cleared the charges since my cancelation in May 2018 it is now September 11, 2018 and still dealing with this issue. I will only contact them through email now so I have a paper trail as I do not trust them at all to this point.

SAFE Security Response • Sep 12, 2018

Date: September 12, 2018

Complaint ***



Contract Terms: 04/2014, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
Safe Security will honor this notification as a formal cancellation
· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· Please advise the customer to disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two or more billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you,
Safe Security

Customer Response • Sep 19, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


I cancelled my policy in 04/2018 and was told my refund would be expedited in 06/2018 due to erroneous information received when cancellation request was submitted. Almost (3) months later, no refund and no return call from message left for a manager. I also advised in my voicemail if I didn't receive a call within (24) hours I would be filing a complaint with the

SAFE Security Response • Sep 07, 2018 Response***

Complaint ***



Please review the findings regarding the account for ***

· Safe Security apologizes for any inconvinience.
· The account was pending cancellation(due to internal processing), which delayed the check refund to be processed.
· Safe Security has mailed out a check (***) by US Postal mail, in the amount of $41.82 as of today 9/7/2018.
· Please allow 5-9 business days for delivery.

Thank you,
Safe Security

Customer Response • Sep 10, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

However, I would like to stress the inconsistent information received from there Customer Service Department and lack of response after calling several times and leaving a message on the “manager line”. Extremely ridiculous it had to be taken to this level to receive a refund after being a customer for (10) years. I WOULD NEVER REFER THEM TO ANYONE.


We originally signed up with Pinnacel Security eons ago. we had an experience where we had our alarm go off and we didn't recieve and form of notification, where in the past we had, once we realized this we tested the system and noticed that our security system was not being monitered AT ALL. We then called the company (it may have been Safe Security at this time, although I believe there was another company in between) to cancel the services and we thought all was good. This all occured in 2013. Fast forward to Septemper 2018 and we are looking through our bank statement and see a PAD from Safe Security for $53..... by now we didn't even know what or who Safe Security is, so I looked it up. Imagine my suprise when I saw that it was tied back to the home security contract that we cancelled over 5 years ago!!

SAFE Security Response • Sep 06, 2018 Response***

Complaint ***

RE: ***

Contract Terms: April 2010, 36 month, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

Please review the findings regarding the account for ***

· On 7/2/2013 *** called in to Safe Security to request the account cancellation. Rene was advised of the renewal term and was advised to send a cancellation letter prior to 5/2014.
· Safe Security has NOT received a cancellation letter.

· Per the contract, the customer agreed to test the system monthly for proper operation in accordance with the instructions which the customer acknowleged the customer received from the DEALER.

· No further follow up on the customers behalf regarding the cancellation request.

· Safe Security will accept this complaint as a formal cancellation request (cancellation letter).

· Safe Security will not honor any refund due to the responsibility to cancel the account on the customers behalf.

· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· Please advise the customer to disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two or more billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you,
Safe Security

Customer Response • Sep 11, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Im so fed up with this company, I have been writing them letters now going on 3 years. They keep charging me for monitoring my home with their equipment which I do not have in my home and have not had for 2 years. I was told almost 3 years ago that I had to send a letter stating we didn't want to renew our contract with them, they didn't receive the first letter so they renewed contract. By the time I was aware of this I already had installed *** in my home and told them this. Next time renewal came around I was sent a bill I called and asked why would they renew a contract when their was a outstanding balance on account, that it seemed like a shady move to me, the man just laughed and said that I will keep getting renewals until I pay my bill in full. I stated to him that I do not know what they are monitoring each month their equipment is disconnected and sitting in a box on my porch. This is bad business and I will not pay them a dime, I will put their business name out their as much as I can so everyone know what crooks they are..very rude, dishonest, I believe what they are doing is illegal since they are billing us for monitoring equipment which we do not have hooked up.

The alarm company salesman told me I was out of contract with my previous alarm company which was true. He told me that company *** was out of business. My money was still be debited due to a rollover feature if you did not cancel. The salesman wrote a letter in front of me which I signed telling*** I was discontinuing service. I signed it and he said he'd mail it that day. Next, I discover *** has never received my letter. I signed up on March 16, 2018. So two months of paying both companies has now gone by. In addition, ***, says the rollover period runs till Nov 2 of 2018, therefore, they will continue to withdraw and Safe Security will continue to withdraw funds, however, I can send a letter to *** to discontinue on Nov 2, 2018 , which I did. In the meantime I call Safe Security and speak to a Sales Manager who says this is normal and if I obtain the end of contract amount from *** and submit it to Safe Security they will buy out the contract. I obtained the end of contract letter from *** on May 14, 2018 and faxed it to this Sales Manager as per his instructions on May 15, 2018. I heard nothing and received nothing from Safe. I called every couple of weeks, had great difficulty getting through each time and was told 3 different times after resending to a particular individual each time, that they had not received it. Finally, on 6/27/2018 a young woman confirmed she had received it and would forward it to the correct department. She told me my check for the buyout would come in 4 weeks. It is now Sept,2, 2018 and I have still not received the buyout. When I called on July 31, 2018, I was thenn told it would be 6-8 weeks. On 8/29/2018 I was told it would be coming soon. This time I again asked to speak to a supervisor, which I had done on 2 other occasions, both times, not one called me back. . This time I told the person I wanted to speak to a supervisor and if I didn't get reimbursed I would be filing a claim with the *** , a supervisor called me back and left a message that she would personally call me with a check number and it would go out last week with the last bag of mail. She has not called me back and there has so far been no check. She also stated there would be a one month credit for service for the bother.

SAFE Security Response • Sep 04, 2018

Complaint *** Response-***

SAFE SECURITY is responding to your made,

The customer has reported service issues.

· Safe Security has issued a check*** in the amount of $377.93

· The check was mailed today 9/4/2018 by US Postal mail

· The check was mailed to: ***

· Please allow 5-7 Business Days to receive the check

Safe Security is truly sorry and apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you,

Safe Security

Customer Response • Sep 06, 2018 have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is partially satisfctory to me. *** had told me she would also credit my account for one month of service due to the poor service and constant unresponsiveness. Please extend that credit to my accountSincerely

In the age of electronic digital, I would expect instant verification of a contract they claimed that I have signed and a speedy cancellation process. It was an unpleasant experience that I went through. I called to cancel service and was notified that I have to send in a written and signed letter to their office by postal mail to cancel service.. by POSTAL MAIL.
Furthermore, the person on the phone claimed that there was a note on my account that I have a contract signed that will end in a year. I stated that I have NOT signed or approved of any document and request for her to send to my email asap of this contract. She was not able to bring up the contract and would have to send request to another department to have the contact send to me my postal mail... by postal mail in this age. THIS IS RIDICULOUS.
So, now I have to wait to receive this document through postal mail. Validate if I have signed or not.. NO, I HAVE NOT, then send my letter to request for cancellation back by POSTAL MAIL!
How can a company claimed to provide instant and *** to your home still relying on days of postal mail transfer to handle a simple cancellation of service request? I have to no trust in this company anymore.
AND, I do not recommend anyone to deal with Safe Security until they manage their own homes better.

I used to be a customer of* A man came to my door and told me that *** was no longer operating in my area and Safe Security was taking over . He convinced me to accept Safe Security and to sign a 5 year agreement . I stupidly believed him and so I am a customer of Safe Security . I found out later that I was lied to and that A.D.T was still in business in *** I phoned Safe Security and also found out that I am stuck with the five year contract. I am an 85 year old widow and obviously easily cheated. I want to cancel the contract that I feel I was lied to about. I didn't know that I could even do anything about this until yesterday.

SAFE Security Response • Aug 23, 2018

Date: *** Response: ***

Complaint# ***

Re: ***– Customer ***

SAFE Security is responding to your complaint

Contract Terms: 08/2017, 60 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled by either party in writing no less than 30 days prior to the end of then-current term

Safe Security has had several interactions with the customer (***) each time the customer was made aware of speaking with Safe Security

On 12/8/217 *** called in to advised the system panel had a low battery

On 12/8/2017 ***called back to make a payment

On 1/29/2018 *** called in to update her auto drafting banking information due to credit card fraud

On 5/9/2018 Safe Security called *** due to NSF Fee and was given a credit to the account

On 5/18/2018 *** called in to update the method of payment

On 5/22/2018 *** called in to request SAFE SECURITY yard signs

On 5/29/2018 *** called in to confirm the monthly rate

On 8/22/2018 *** called in and requested to cancel her account- the customer was offered ½ off her monthly charge for 6 months and the customer accepted

To resolve this customers concern Safe Security will hold the customer to the 60 months contract terms

The customer will need to pay the remaining total amount of balance of contract = $2416.28

Once the balance of contract payment is received, the account will be submitted for cancellation.

Until SAFE Security receives the balance of contract payment, the customer will be held to the contract terms.

Failure to comply and pay the balance of contract will result in the account being cancelled for non-payment and placed with a third party collection agency.

Thank you,

Safe Security

I came over to *** from ADT and I regret it. I just had new windows and a patio door installed on*** I reached out to them thereafter to schedule an appointment to have contacts and wiring re-installed, etc. However, I was unable to get anyone on the phone for days until I selected the option for the *** After I told the representative that I did not have these types of issues with ***, she transferred me to the Manager. After speaking with the Manager, *** who advised to contact him directly, he stated he would put in the service ticket and have someone reach out to me to schedule. However, much to my dismay, I have not heard from anyone. I followed up again and left the Manager another message; however, I did not receive a response until ***. However, that was only to inform me of my service ticket number and an ETA of when a tech would be reaching out to me to schedule the appointment. However, the ETA of the afternoon of *** or first thing in the morning *** has passed and no one has reached out to me to schedule the appointment to date. Mind you this service is not free. I am being charged $125 for a service fee for them to come out and an additional $35 for the part in addition to the monthly fees I incur even though I have not been protected since *** I could at least understand a delay if the service was free. Due to it being a month without my property being properly protected, I feel Safe Security is in breach of contract on their end and I should not be under any obligation to uphold my end of the contract. I am still making payments but my property is not secure. I wish I had stayed with *** Given the above circumstances, I feel I should be able to cancel the contract without penalty as I am not getting what I pay for at the end of the day.

SAFE Security Response • Aug 21, 2018 Response***


RE: ***Customer***

Please review the following information;

Safe Security has made contact with *** due to the pending service ticket. The part to be delivered *** also the customer was provided a contact phone number for our local dealer for scheduling.

Thank you,

Safe Security

Customer Response • Aug 28, 2018 have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely

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Address: 2440 Camino Ramon Ste 200, San Ramon, California, United States, 94583-4326


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