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SAFE Security

2440 Camino Ramon Ste 200, San Ramon, California, United States, 94583-4326

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Poor, Poor service, renewed without letting me know. Okay my bad I didn't find it in my contract. I'm moving to an apartment where I can't bring my contract (not my choice), and Safe said I have to pay the remainder of my contract. I wasn't happy about it so they offered me 50% off the remainder BUT someone more qualified had to call me back to process it. In a week! Who does that? I've never had to have a customer service department call me back in one week! Absolutely unacceptable. Will NEVER do business with them again. I do NOT recommend. I started the cancelation request back on December 8th... it's January 21st and still they continue charging me. I just canceled my autopay since they aren't heeding my request on my account. I want my account CLOSED as I requested via message through the EMAIL on their website on December 8th at 11:55AM, and phone calls placed in December and most recently on January 14, 2019. I want the 50% off the balance from December through April that they said they'd give me and have yet to comply. I paid for December in full and have not paid since, and I refuse to until I get the 50% off.

SAFE Security Response • Jan 22, 2019

Re: ***

Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 04/15, 36 months, automatically renew for 1 year, unless cancelled by either party in writing no less than 30 days before the end of the original term or any renewal term.

The customer is stating the renewal term is not listed in his contract and does not want to pay the balance of contract payment.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:

In reviewing the contract, on Page 2 under the section Terms and Conditions, Paragraph 1 Initial Term and Renewal states the following:

The initial term of this agreement is for 36 months (the initial term). Except as prohibited by law, this agreement automatically renews for successive one (1) year periods (each a renewal term), unless subscriber gives written notice of cancellation to SAFE by first class at *** at least thirty (30) days before the end of the initial or a renewal term. NOTE: Since the customer has called in to request to cancel service, a cancellation letter is not required.)

The customer contract is in a renewal term. The expiration date is April 30 ,2019. The customer is responsible for the monthly payments on the account until the end of the contract term.

The customer signed the contract stating that they understood the terms and conditions of the contract agreement.

The balance of contract amount is $153.92. Customer stated that he was moving into an apartment and therefore SAFE Security offered 50% off the balance of contract. The new balance of contract amount is $76.96, but customer declined. SAFE Security is still willing to make this offer to the customer. Once the $76.96 balance of contract payment is received, the account will be submitted for cancellation.

Until the balance of contract payment is received, the account will remain active and the customers will be held to the contract terms.

Thank you.

Safe Security

Tell us why here...

Customer Response • Jan 22, 2019 are not being truthful about some of the things stated, but I just want this over, the offer is satisfactory to me. I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint *** and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely

November 2, 2018 I had a gentlemen knock on my door named *** telling me that *** had sold out to *** technologies and he was there to update the panel. Me being a senior just assumed since so many companies sell out and let him update. He told me he needed signatures for the updated equipment and a phone call. *** by and I'm getting billed by *** so call and tell them situation and they tell me that they didn't sell out and *** is still a company. When I called the company they told me they couldn't help me since they sold the contract to Safe security. They provided me the number and I get told they couldn't help because they just got sold the contract and I have to keep contract now. I have called a handful of times and get same answer. I feel mislead and lied to that I want nothing to do with this company and the sells tactics they use. *** never lied to me and to know people can do this and get away is not right. I have called the company that set me up again just recently and get told they will have manager of sales rep call me back. I will go to the news, attorney general, whoever and whatever I have to do to make sure this company doesn't lie again to anyone especially a senior. I understand Safe didn’t set me up but since I’m under contract with safe they are the o oh ones who can do anything. If they are ok with dealers working for them lying to get them business I don’t believe how in the eyes of Christ they can still be conducting business. I am faithful and don’t believe in lying to get business or anything.

SAFE Security Response • Jan 21, 2019

Contract Terms: 11/18, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:

· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· The account has not been reported to the credit bureaus.

· Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.

SAFE Security

Customer Response • Jan 22, 2019 have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Thank you you so much Safe


Since July of 2018 I have been trying to get one of our cameras back to working, it doesn't word to a damaged cable that is lying on the top of the ground during the installation. Our salesman stated that he would attempt to help, but he had gotten transferred and wasn't sure if he could. I continued to try and get assistance from Safe Security, but never received returned emails from the customer service center or any phone calls back to help resolve situation. Finally after chasing this for months, a service tech was scheduled to come and repair the camera in October of 2018. He found that it was the cable that was damaged and stated that his company had to wait for repair instructions from Safe Security. We continued to call Safe Security in November, December, and finally in January another service tech was sent out, but once again, he could not repair the cable, because he was told the problem was something else. I have shortened this version, because there has been numerous phone calls and hours chasing Safe Security in getting this resolved with them, but it has not occurred. I have asked for leadership and owner contact information and was given nothing. Customer service center does not respond to emails, even though their automated system does send us a message stating that someone will contact me in the next two days. I have at this time, only been contacted by one person from Safe security and that was in January, he was part of the service department that assigns work orders. Any help or assistance that you can provide us with will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I have reached out to the company twice in writing (one direct e-mail, one service request via their online page) about cancelling my monitoring services effective December 31st, 2018. To this date I have been ignored, yet they continue to try and charge my credit card.
I specifically wanted to cancel in writing, to make sure there is a paper trail of this, and now I am glad I did, given that they have ignored my request and still expect me to pay for something I no longer wish to have.
After filing a dispute with my credit card for the most recent charge, in which I specified that I had retested cancellation and attached both message copies, which I believe was relayed on to SAFE as well, they have the audacity to send me a missed payment letter, and are even asserting service fees in addition to a charge which I should not have incurred, had they processed my cancellation as requested!

SAFE Security Response • Jan 15, 2019

Date: January 15, 2019





Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 07/10, 42 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 15 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
The account has been submitted for cancellation.

No additional monies are due from the customer.

The account has not been reported to the credit bureaus.

Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

Customer Response • Jan 16, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


After building our custom home we purchased the alarm system with great expectations. We purchased in June, 2018. As of today January 10, 2019 we have NEVER had our alarm system and camera system working properly. I keep getting promised system to work 100% and that has NEVER been the case. My alarm system always says malfuntion, no online, doesnt work, when trying to test myself as if breaking in no alarm sounds. My security cameras have NEVER worked. Company had someone who came out and started but never finished the job and I have NEVER been able to view. I feel very nervous and on edge living in a home with small children with no security that I pay for monthly. Every time I call in its pushed off to someone else and I am assured a call back that never comes. Employees constantly getting fired and speaking poorly of one another is the reason I get for answers. I have given the company numerous chances to correct this situation that unfortunately never comes. I would like OUT of my contract and refund so I can purchase and have another more dependable company monitor my system.

SAFE Security Response • Jan 11, 2019

Tell us why here...
Date: January 11, 2019 Response: ***

SAFE Security is responding to your complaint filed in January 10, 2019.

Original Contract Terms: 07/19/18, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

Your account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:

SAFE Security will accept your complaint as a cancellation letter.

No additional monies are due from the customer.

Payments received at SAFE Security in the amounts of $66.09 on 8/1/18 and $63.81 on 12/2/18 will be refunded back to the customer. Please allow 2-4 weeks to receive the refund.

The customer is also requesting a refund for $3500.00 for the cost of the equipment.
SAFE Security is referring the customer to contact the installing service dealer On *** equipment refund as the funds were not collected by or given to SAFE Security.

The customer will be released from the contract terms.

The account will be submitted for cancellation.

Please disregard invoices/statements you may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.


Customer Experience Manager

Safe Security

I had discontinued my alarm service with Safe Security on or around June 24, 2018 and in closing my account Safe Security withdraw three payments of $49.04 from my banking account of which only one should have been taken. After numerous telephone calls from July 2018 until September 2018 the supervisor/representatives (*** and few others) concluded that it was only one payment to be refunded and it would be in the mail as soon as possible. Every time I would call Safe Security will say it is in the mail and one time told me that they were having problems with there refund department but they would expedite my payment of $49.04 within 7 business days and that was on December 7, 2018..

SAFE Security Response • Jan 11, 2019

Date: January 11, 2019 Response: ***



Contract Terms: 07/06, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

SAFE Security acquired the security agreement from Castle Rock Security on 10/18/13.

SAFE Security is responding to the customer complaint made on 01/10/19.

Upon reviewing the account, below are the findings:

The account has been cancelled.

Refund check #125995, dated 1/10/19 in the amount of $49.04 has been sent to the customer. Please allow 2-4 weeks to receive the refund.

Thank you.
Safe Security

Customer Response • Jan 17, 2019

The check has been received and cashed. Thank you for you assistance in this matter.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


I would not even give this company a single star. They have horrible customer service. I have been trying for months to cancel service at an empty building we own where they can't possibly provide any monitoring as we do not have a phone installed in the building. I've talked numerous times on the phone with them and been assured the matter was taken care of only to receive past due bills, even after I sent a certified letter explaining the situation once again. Do not use this company!

SAFE Security Response • Jan 15, 2019

Request to Cancel Service
Contract Terms: 08/18, 12 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.
• The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
• The account has been submitted for cancellation.
• No additional monies are due from the customer.
• The account has not been reported to the credit bureaus.
• Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.
Thank you.
SAFE Security

I have been a customer since 2000. The week of Thanksgiving 2018 my alarm was not working properly. I called for service and it took 2 weeks before I received a call. I called with dissatisfaction and cancelled my service. I was told that I had to put my request in writing and I did. However, I am being charged for 2 months for service I don't have. My alarm remains in need of repair.

SAFE Security Response • Jan 06, 2019

Date: January 6, 2019 Response: ***


Contract Terms: 04/00, 3 years, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 60 days prior to end of the contract term.

SAFE Security acquired the security agreement from Security Watch on 12/31/2000.

SAFE Security is responding to the customer complaint made on 1/15/19.

Upon reviewing the account, below are the findings:

The account has been submitted for cancellation.

A refund will be submitted in the amount of $55.91 for 11/28/18 invoice. No refund is due for the 12/28/18 invoice, as this invoice was not paid. The refund will be sent within 2-4 weeks.

Please disregard invoices/statements you may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.

Safe Security
Tell us why here...

Customer Response • Jan 07, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


I purchased a security system for a family home with another company with terms for three years which ended up being 58 months. The lease was eventually purchased by Safe Security. The agreement ended in 2017. I received a call from the company when my contract ended and I told them that I did not want to renew the contact but would continue services month to month. Today I called to check on any promotions that might be available and that I was searching for a new provider. I was told that because there was no evidence of me cancelling the contact that it automatically extended for one year. The original company was *** and I asked for my original contract with my signature showing services will automatically role over to a year contract when the original contract ends. This company is a sham and I advise all to stay clear. Now I have to pay a large fee to end this nightmare.

SAFE Security Response • Dec 23, 2018

- Customer ***
*** acquired the contract security agreement from *** on 8/30/13.
Contract Terms: 12/12, 58 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.
• The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
• The account has been submitted for cancellation.
• No additional monies are due from the customer.
• The account has not been reported to the ***.
• Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.
Thank you.
SAFE Security

I had no choice but to get stuck with this company from a buyout. I have been charged a 2.50 paper bill for 3 months now and I have clearly been on electronic bill pay for all those months. Have called and they say it could take up to 2 bulling cycles for it to be removed. I think that is *** I don't see any other company I make payments to have that happening. I feel it's just a sneaky way get a few extra dollars in. I also don't like that one day this amount just appeared on my bill with no warning.

SAFE Security Response • Dec 12, 2018

Customers who are not on auto pay are assessed a monthly Non-Ach Statement fee of $2.50. The customer was placed on auto pay on 11/27/18. A request has been submitted to remove the Non-Ach Statement fee from the customer's account.

DO. NOT. SIGN. UP. With Safe Security. Nov. 27, 2018
Safe Security went through the neighborhood and signed up my 87 year old father to a three year alarm contract, EVEN THOUGH HE ALREADY HAD A FIVE YEAR (5 YEAR) CONTRACT with *** Smart Security aka Brinks Home Security, which ran from July 2013 to July 2018.
As soon as the alarm technician saw the box in the garage, he/she could see that Dad already had home alarm service, yet they still signed him up to a 3 year deal. Even the contract lists it as 'takeover'. It has taken me since July 2018 to help him finally get out of this contract with Safe Security. It's cost $687 that I had to charge on my credit card, plus another $400 to be paid out by the next security company. As a result of this, I put a "No Soliciting" notice on the front door!
Any company like Safe Security that takes advantage of elderly people should be given an F RATING

Company requires a letter mailed in to cancel contract, which was never reviewed when speaking with personnel upon various occasions. Contract has a significant amount of fine print, beware upon signing

Impossible to get a hold of this company. I always wait 30min to 1 hr to get a hold of anyone. Also when you send a letter cancel they keep charging your bank account

We signed a contract with Castlerock Security in about 2004, they transferred our contract to Safe Security and we have been with them since. Our alarm system has not been working adequately for a few weeks/ months? It stopped making any sound whatsoever. I called the company about 4 times before they sent a tech to look at our system. The tech came to our house on 11/12/18 and told us our system needed a panel and a radio for repair. He said the company would likely have us upgrade the system.
I have called the company twice this week.
Initially, I wanted to know specifically how long our alarm had been offline.

Monday I was on the phone with them for about 45 minutes. I spoke to *** who said they had tried to notify us that there was something wrong with our system. They sent messages to my husband. Then I spoke to *** but still had no answer to when our alarm system went offline. She said maybe February or maybe July. Someone was supposed to call me back when they figured it out and they did not.

Tuesday, I requested a copy of our contract with them, requested they email me a copy, said they would and I did not receive it. I also wanted to know what needed to happen so that I could get the system repaired to get us thru till May when our contract expires. First, they sent me to the sales department where the nice gentleman said he would upgrade our system at no cost as long as we renewed our contract for 36 months. When I told him I did not want an upgrade, just a repair, he transferred me back to customer service. *** the customer service representative, said she could not help me, that the Vice President of the company, whose name is *** (she did not know his last name) would call me regarding this situation. She could not tell me when he would call. She then said bye bye with a lot of attitude and hung up. I was on the phone with them for well over 50 minutes.

At this point, my understanding is we would have to pay $309.77 to cancel our contract with them. It would pay the contract off which expires in May. I'm told we will need to send the request in writing.

I feel we should not have to pay the company for a service we have not and apparently will not be receiving. In the time we have been with the company we have never missed a payment. We have automatic withdrawal from our checking set up and they take out $51.77 per month.

Customer service is absolutely rude and disrespectful. It's frustrating to be on 50 minute phone calls as customer service tries to figure things out and in the end still have no answers. I have asked multiple times to speak to management and they refuse. I'm simply told they have the same information and the answer won't change.

Today, I am still waiting on the Vice President, *** to call me back.

SAFE Security Response • Nov 19, 2018

Complaint ***



SAFE SECURITY is responding to your made in November, 2018

Our goal is to resolve the customers concerns in a timely manner.

· Safe Security has made contacted *** on 11/15/2018, to offer an alarm system upgrade at no cost to the customer.
· *** requested a call back due to needing to speak with his wife.
· Safe Security attempted to make contact with *** on 11/16/2018, a message was left at 316-641-6406.
· Safe Security is willing to resolve the customers concern.
· Safe Security is waiting to make contact with *** to confirm the upgrade of the alarm service.

Thank you,
Safe Security

Customer Response • Nov 27, 2018

I have read the response from Safe Security. I have stressed more than once that I’m not interested in an upgrade.

I was able to speak with the manager today and she has agreed to terminate our contract at no additional cost to us.

I appreciate your help in this matter which we will consider resolved.

Please don’t do business with this company run for your life
It’s been a nightmare for my family

A sales person for this company came to my door. When the gentlemen gave me his spiel I told him that I had just renewed a contract with Northstar home Security. I showed him the confirmation letter from Northstar Home Security.. In which he should have just left. Instead he proceeded to tell me that it was illegal according to Michigan law for Northstar to contact me by phone to renew a contract if it was more than a year. I do not know all of Michigans laws so I believed him. He then proceeded to tell me that all I had to do was send Northstar a letter stating that I wanted to stop all billing on my account and that would just cancel my contract with Northstar. Turns out it was a lie. I contacted Safe Security on September 16th and requested that my service with them be cancelled. I told the lady that I spoke to what had happened. She told me thatshe was going to mark it on my account that I had called within 3 days to cancel.She told me I still had to send a cancellation letter in which I did. I called back on October 1st, 2018 to see if they had received the letter. I spoke with a woman named *** she told me they had received the letter I asked her twice if everything had been cancelled she told me yes. On the 16th of October money was taken out of my checking account for this company. I called. Safe Security back on the 16th of October to find out why money was taken out. I spoke to *** again on this day. She informed me that they did not receive the letter and that she had told me this on the 1st of October when I called. If she would have told me this on the 1st of October I would have faxed the cancellation letter to them on that day.. I do not wish to do business that runs a company on lies. I do not have the money to pay 2 companies for the same alarm systems. Northstar called to inform me that I would still have to pay them the full amount to cover the contract I signed with them. I would like you to contact Safe Security and get them to cancel my contract with them as they have fraudulently represented themselves.

SAFE Security Response • Nov 06, 2018


November 6, 2018


RE: ***










Customer Response • Nov 06, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Terminated alarm service months ago and have contacted Safe Security numerous times by phone and mail they apparently ignored my termination of service and continue to bill me. I know they realize they are not monitoring my home anymore.

SAFE Security Response • Oct 26, 2018

Complaint # ***





The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:

· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· Please advise the customer to disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two or more billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you,
Safe Security

Customer Response • Oct 26, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


we were with adt security for over 9yrs no complaints. then one day a salesman from safe security came to the door offering a much lower price-my husband and I
went for it- what a mistake! they tried to use adt equipment and ruined it, but
used it. when they were done they said everything was ready to go we had a great
signal (no testing), so we thought we did. the home office kept calling saying we
had no signal the salesman (*** he has 2 names) kept saying we did. the light bulb going off another warning they wanted social sec.#
or mother's maiden name didn't give either. The alarm kept going off all day and
night they wouldn't send tech. they wanted me to fix it. finally called adt back
to take us back they said they've seen their work before. they set off the alarm
3-4 times 5-10 min. long no call from safe or cops. sent written letter to cancel
now they want 1318.68 which we're not paying. put a stop on our bank acc.
be aware of this co. they're a scam. or great actors!!!!

SAFE Security Response • Oct 26, 2018

Complaint ***

Date: October 26, 2018 Response: ***

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:

· The account was cancelled as of 10/15/2018.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· Please advise the customer to disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two or more billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you,
Safe Security

Customer Response • Oct 26, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID *nd find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.



I hope there will be no more letters reguarding money. thank you

In August of 2018 we discontinued our service contract with ADT to open an account with Safe Security. We were told at that time that according to their policy we would be receiving a check from Safe Security for the amount of fee for early disconnection from ADT.

We sent the billing from ADT for early disconnect to Safe Security on August 27, 2018 as per request for the amount of 295.75.

I called Safe Security on September 27 as a follow up to our refund check from them. They stated at that time that a check was mailed for the amount in question on September 19th and I should be getting it any day.

I made another recorded call on October 2, 2018 and were promised a call from someone who would search the matter and get back to me .

I made another call and spoke to *** October 4, 2018 to find what the status was on the check and was told again that according their records shte check had been sent on Sept 19, 2018 and would "escalate" the matter.

I made another recorded call and spoke with *** on October 12, 2018 who said she would forward the information to her supervisor and also to accounting and I would be hearing back from someone that day.

Today is October 22, 2018 and there has been no response from Safe Security and no promised payment received for the amount owed.

SAFE Security Response • Oct 23, 2018


OCTOBER 23, 2018










Customer Response • Oct 25, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Do not do business with this company! Their business practices are unethical. I too was victim of their "fine print" yearly renewal policy that was signed 12 years ago. We have been loyal customers who were never late on a payment since we had automatic withdrawals. We are moving and were told our contract renews yearly, therefore to terminate service to a home that we have sold, would cost us $343.00. We have never received a renewal notice as is the practice of other reputable companies. BEWARE.

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Address: 2440 Camino Ramon Ste 200, San Ramon, California, United States, 94583-4326


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