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SAFE Security

2440 Camino Ramon Ste 200, San Ramon, California, United States, 94583-4326

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SAFE Security Reviews (%countItem)

In May of 2016 I purchase monitoring service from SAFE security. The day of installing the system I told The installer that the battery wouldn't fully charge. He said let it charge over night it should be ok. The battery never fully charged I called SAFE and reported this. The lady told me I needed to buy a new battery. I asked why should I buy a battery when they gave me a bad battery. She said if I wanted it to work I had to buy a battery. I paid SAFE for 3 years without getting any service. In May of 2019 I called SAFE to cancel my service. I was told I couldn't cancel until October of 2019 and I had to cancel it in writing. In October of 2019 I sent SAFE in writing a note stating to cancel my service. During this time SAFE was taken over by A3 Smart Home. A3 smart Home sent me a letter stating in to cancel this service I had to call in person to cancel and pay $374.63. I asked why I had to pay $374.63. I was told that my contract automatic renewed in May. I tried to tell them I tried to cancel in May but was told I had to wait until October. I was told if I didn't pay the money they would keep my account open and report my non payment to the credit bureau.

SAFE Security Response • Nov 18, 2019

Date: November 18, 2019W*** G ***

Re: W G – Customer # 16***

Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 05/10/16, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unlesscancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term. Contract expires5/31/20.Upon reviewing the account, below are the findings:- On 10/3/19, a signed cancellation letter was received from the customer.- The customer signed the security contract agreement acknowledging that they understood the terms and conditions of the agreement.- The customer is still responsible for the remaining months in the security contract agreement through 5/31/20.- To resolve this issue, the customer will need to send a balance of contract payment in the amount of $374.63. This was discounted from the original amount of $416.87. Once the payment is received, the customer will need to call A3 Smart Home at 1-800-669-7779 to begin the cancellation process.- Until the balance of contract payment is received, the customer will be held to the contract terms.

Thank you.A3 Smart Home

Customer Response • Nov 21, 2019

I called in to cancel around the 1st of May. I was told That I waited to late to cancel and had to wait until October to cancel in writing. That I did. The System Safe installed didn't work correctly from day one. I called safe the very next day because the battery wasn't working. I was told To go and by a battery. I asked why should I buy a battery when the one they gave me was already bad. The lady told if I wanted it to work I had to buy a battery. I paid 3 years and the system never worked correctly. I feel that they owe me for the 3 years I paid and the system didn't work correctly. I just want them to cancel my contract and leave me alone.

Complaint: 13***

I am rejecting this response because:


W*** G

We had a system in place for my elderly mother, where she would wear and alarm necklace in case she fell and could alert the alarm company. A couple of years into the plan she was visited by a salesman who claimed Safe Security had bought her company and she should sign a new contract with them. My mother has mild dementia and did not question this. She signed the contract. Now she has been billed by both companies. I am trying to cancel Safe Security. I have called 5 times. They always want more information. We never had an invoice. I had to call several times to get one so I can give them the account number. They never sent a contract. Finally I got to a cancellation office, but now they want me to wait until they can they find the contract. Meanwhile they continue to bill. My mother cannot use the service as she no longer knows how to use the necklace to send the alarm. When I called both alarm companies, both agents readily told me, the salesman often tell customers false info such as previous companies went out of business. That's how they get their sales. As if this is a perfectly normal way to do business. I checked one star as that is the lowest I could go. This account was obtained by fraud.

SAFE Security do not deserve a star one, They are the most terrible company I have ever dealt with. Called them in Feb 2019, some one came out and changed the battery and left, but before they got out of the driveway the system on the door did not work, failed again. Called several times after that and was informed they knew of the problem and someone would be out but never showed up, so I stopped payment and closed the account from coming out of my bank. So, this is Oct,2019 and they continue to send invoices, I called, wrote letters to both address, and the representative *** were very rude and insisted they never received any letters and had nothing in the computer where we contacted them nor sent them letters, she even said no records of anyone coming out. I scanned both letters to *** and she said just because I sent them does not mean they received them..really--even from scanning. Worst company ever, next step is to contact my Attn General for advise because we have not used the system since February and don't think I owe them for something I cannot use.

see Attached document

SAFE Security Response • Oct 21, 2019

Date: October 21, 2019




Re: Rowena *** - Customer # ***
Request to Cancel Service
Refund Request

Contract Terms: 03/09, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The customer stated she has not had monitoring services or a monitoring system with *** for years. Customer is requesting to cancel service and is requesting a refund for payments made on the account.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
The account has been submitted for cancellation.
A refund in the amount of *** will be sent to the customer for payments made from 12/7/15 through 9/24/19. It will be sent within 2-4 weeks.

Please disregard invoices/statements you may receive during the cancellation process.

Thank you.
Tell us why here...

Customer Response • Oct 22, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.



I signed up with my Original Monitoring Company, *** on 5/2018 .Tekna Monitoring was also working at that time with Safe Security. I kept in touch with our original Sales Rep. I called our Sales Rep. a few months ago for a new sign for our front yard, and was told Teka Monitoring had several accounts taken over by Safe Security in a hostile manner, mine included! Our Rep. stated that he really could not tell me more than that! To date, I have still received no notification from Safe Security that they are my new company. OK, now for why I am here on with a complaint, a major one!!!! 4 days ago on Monday 10/14/19, we were unable to set our alarm on our house. The keypad for our alarm had an error code telling us to contact the alarm company at a specific 800#. I called that number, which was a general # for safe Security. I pressed the # option for Troubleshooting our System as our System was not functioning. I got a Rep. on the phone who looked up my account and told me that Safe Security had not received payment on my account since March of this year, 2019! I was in disbelief and panicked because $40.95 was being charged to my Visa every month for monitoring services! I told the Rep. that it must be a mistake! Then I began to believe that somehow my Visa had been Criminally Hacked! Actually this particular Rep. believed me, I think!!! I was in tears and I begged him to help me! I asked him to ask the Safe Security Supervisor if I could make the back payments (6 months worth?) and reinstate my account. The Supervisor said no!. The Rep. gave me the # of the Collection agency that would be attempting to collect. My head was spinning! Was I hacked? Collections? I have never missed a payment on anything and I have excellent credit. I did contact the Collection Company and got a Contact Person. I told him everything I knew to date. I told him that I would pay the 6 months of service that somehow did not get billed to my Visa. He did not yet have my paperwork, and said he would call me when he did. I made 3 more calls to Safe Security Billing. I finally found out that the expiration date of my Credit card on file had expired in April, hence Safe Security was unable to bill me. I asked why no one emailed me, sent me a letter, or phoned me? The Rep. told me 2 letters were sent, and returned to them undeliverable!!! I asked what address those were sent to, and they were the wrong address!!! You think after the 1st one was sent back undeliverable, that a 2nd one would have not gone out?! I actually did not receive any phone communication from Safe Security until 9/30/19, and a woman just said her name and to call her back. I'm sorry that I did not, I receive sales calls frequently, and normally do not return them! I wish that she would have mentioned the nature of the call! Anyway, today is October 17, 2019, and I just received a call from my Contact person at the Collection Agency. His tone was much different since I spoke with him a few days ago! He said Safe Security was charging me for the 6 months that my credit card was not charged, (I offered to pay that!), but also for the 1 1/2 years remaining on my contract! (Even though they terminated my contract on 9/30/2019 and REFUSED to let me pay them, after they did not contact me about my credit card expiring!!!) Not only Was Safe Security Charging me for the 6 months, plus the remaining 1 1/2 years, there were Late Fees and Legal Fees on top of that!!!! The Collection Agency Rep. stated that Safe Security was much more important to them than a single individual, and that I had better pay this amount or my Credit would be adversely affected! Then, they would forward this delinquent account to yet another Collection Agency that would pursue me further!!! That "This Will Not Go Away Ms. Reed!!!! PLEASE HELP Me!!!!

SAFE Security Response • Oct 21, 2019

Date: October 21, 2019




Re: ***
Dispute Account Sent to Collection Agency

Contract Terms: 5/15/18, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

Upon reviewing the account, below are the findings:

Customer was on auto pay, the credit card on file expired. On 3/1/19 a credit card expiration date letter was sent to the customer.

We waited 30 days for the customer to respond, and then the account was removed from auto pay on 4/1/19.

On 4/6/19, return mail was received; statements and collection letters were turned off on the account and not sent.

Voicemails were left, but customer did not return our calls.

Due the delinquency of the account and the customer not responding to calls, the account was sent to the collection agency.

The account was pulled from the collection agency and reinstated.

Requested correct billing/mailing address from the customer.

Attempted to Send/Email a 24 month contract agreement to the customer. (Explain this is needed so the contract address will match our database). Customer stated that she signed a new security agreement with a new provider.

Customer was asked to pay by phone the amount due at the time the account was sent to the collection agency $286.65.

Customer refused to pay by phone and stated that she would mail the payment.

Customer was advised to call back within 10 days to confirm payment has been received. Once payment is received the account can be submitted for cancellation.

Until the payment is received, the customer will be held to the contract terms.
Thank you.
Safe Security

Customer Response • Oct 22, 2019


Thank You so Very Much for Responding so quickly! I received a call from Safe Security yesterday, 10/21/2019. Thankfully, they told me that my account had been removed from Collections! They wanted me to pay the $286.65 (6 months of Monitoring Payments that they did not charge my credit card for) which I am Very Happy to do! They are dropping the late charges, and the Legal Fees!!! I told them that I was not comfortable paying by credit card over the phone, and would send payment by mail. I sent payment via 2 day Priority Mail this morning. I emailed and phoned Safe Security to let them know. I am to phone them in a few days to cancel my account.

I was getting nowhere with them, until you kindly stepped in to help me!

I simply can't Thank You, Enough!



5 years ago two door-to-door salesmen for Safe Security convinced my elderly parents to switch their security system over to Safe. My parents signed a contract, unaware that it was for 5 years. When I found out, there seemed to be no way to get out early without paying for the remainder of the contract term, so we reluctantly stayed with Safe for 5 years.
Following the procedures in that contract, we sent them a letter by certified mail this year on August 13 which was about 8 weeks before the contract expired on October 9. This letter informed them that we were terminating service with them at the end of the contract and that they would not auto-renew the contract. Also requested they send written confirmation (which we never received).
On October 2nd, we called them. They verified they had received the letter. They told us they would stop auto-pay right then. But on October 8th, they took another monthly payment of $44.07 from my Mother’s checking account. On October 9th we called again, and they told us they are aware the contract was terminated. When I asked why they took another payment they said they would stop auto-pay right now. I demanded they refund the $44.07 they had taken the day before, and she said she would submit a request for refund. I said I want the money back very soon, but was told it could take 1 to 2 months.

SAFE Security Response • Oct 20, 2019

Date: October 20, 2019



Re: *** Customer ***
Ø Refund Request

Contract Terms: 10/14, 60 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term. Contract expires on 10/31/19.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
On 8/22/19, SAFE Security received a cancellation letter from the customer.
Although the customer sent a cancellation letter, the customer is still responsible for the remaining months in the security contract agreement through the end of term 10/31/19.
On 10/6/19, a payment of $44.07 was debited from the customer’s account. This final payment satisfied the terms of the contract security agreement through 10/31/19.
· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· On 10/8/19, the account was cancelled.

· No refund is due to the customer.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

SAFE Security Response • Oct 28, 2019

Date: October 28, 2019




Re: *** Customer ***
Refund Request

SAFE Security is responding to your rebuttal response dated 10/22/19.
SAFE Security does not prorate and terms are through month end.
SAFE Security is standing by its original response sent on 10/20/19. See below.

Contract Terms: 10/14, 60 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term. Contract expires on 10/31/19.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
On 8/22/19, SAFE Security received a cancellation letter from the customer.
Although the customer sent a cancellation letter, the customer is still responsible for the remaining months in the security contract agreement through the end of term 10/31/19.
On 10/6/19, a payment of $44.07 was debited from the customer’s account. This final payment satisfied the terms of the contract security agreement through 10/31/19.
No additional monies are due from the customer.

On 10/8/19, the account was cancelled.

No refund is due to the customer.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

Customer Response • Oct 29, 2019

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:

I have reviewed the most recent response from SAFE Security and find their latest resolution is still NOT satisfactory to me.

In their response, they state “SAFE Security does not prorate and terms are through month end” but nowhere in the contract does it state this. What it DOES state is “The initial term of this Agreement is sixty (60) months (the “Initial Term”)”. This 60 month initial term was complete on 10/8/2019 and my parents had made 60 monthly fee payments. Why should they be expected to make 61 monthly fee payments for a 60 month contract?


To summarize, my parents signed the initial contract on 10/9/2014. At that time, they paid $39.99 to cover the first monthly fee. The term of the Agreement is sixty (60) months. On 10/8/2019 the contract was cancelled. At that time, 60 months had passed and my parents had made 60 monthly fee payments. Yet on 10/8/2019 Safe Security debited an additional $44.07 from my Mother’s checking account to cover the 61st monthly fee payment. They say it is to cover the contract term until 10/31/2019. But this was an additional payment to cover additional time beyond what was in the initial term of the contract.

I have attached a copy of the original contract for your review and I still believe they owe my Mother a $44.07 refund for the 61st monthly fee payment they took from her account.


I have been trying to arrange the biannual check for the last few weeks with no response from the company

SAFE Security Response • Oct 16, 2019

Date: October 16, 2019

***t Street HOA
***t St
San Francisco, CA 94110
Attn: Stephanie ***

Re: ***t Street HOA - Customer # ***
Service Issues

Contract Terms: 07/03, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The customer stated that she is waiting to be contacted regarding their bi-annual fire inspection.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:

SAFE Security will be contacting the customer this week to schedule the bi-annual fire inspection.

SAFE Security apologizes for the inconvenience this has caused you and we value your business.

Thank you.
SAFE Security
Tell us why here...

I have been with safe more than my initial term on my contract. I recently have canceled their service with written notice as was advised to do in my agreement. They have received the cancellation letter but will not cancel my agreement. They responded that it automatically renewed for one year. In the agreement it does state that "If permitted by state law" that it will renew. Well, here in Georgia it is not allowed unless they write me, advising me at least 30-60 advanced notice from the dead line for me to cancel. If they do not write me advising of the renewal it is against the law to do so. After their response of the renewal, I responded with the code and law of GA. I continue to receive bills and growing amount due to them which according to state law I do not owe due to my cancellation of their service.

SAFE Security Response • Oct 06, 2019

Date: October 5, 2019




Re: *** – Customer ***
Request to Cancel Service
Contract Terms: 03/04/16, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term. Contract expires 3/31/20..

Upon reviewing the account, below are the findings:

On 08/31/19, a signed cancellation letter was received from the customer.
The customer signed the security contract agreement acknowledging that they understood the terms and conditions of the agreement.
The customer is still responsible for the remaining months in the security contract agreement through 3/31/20.
To resolve this issue, the customer will need to send a balance of contract payment in the amount of $320.11. Once the payment is received, the customer will need to call SAFE Security at *** to begin the cancellation process.
Until the balance of contract payment is received, the customer will be held to the contract terms.
Thank you.
Safe Security

Terrible company. I had issues with my equipment and they wouldn't help me to get it replaced yet billed me for the service - $400 in services I didn't receive so didnt pay for hoping to resolve with SAFE secuirty - then they sent debt to collections.

Safe refuses to handle my request to terminate their monitoring service for my home. My contract ended 9/23/2019 with Safe. I mailed a certified letter prior to the contract ending specifying I did not wish to renew my contract, asked to cancel the service and send confirmation that it was terminated on 9/18/2019. I received no response from Safe, even after the letter was received as indicated by *** tracking. I called their customer service department and was assured by a representative on the phone that the termination was granted. They promised to send an email to confirm this. As of 9/25/2019 no such email has been sent. I called the monitoring station who confirmed that the service is still up and running. A bill of $82.77 has been sent 9/17/2019 for service covering Oct to December 2019.

SAFE Security Response • Sep 29, 2019

Date: September 28, 2019




Re: ***
Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 09/14, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
No additional monies are due from the customer.
The account has been cancelled.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

A rep from safe stopped by my parents home I believe around January and told my elderly parents he was there to replace batteries. I guess he did that. Then later finding out he actually switched my parents to your company and they are clueless. My dad is 87 and my mom is 82. Your rep scammed my parents. I also found out my mother paid adt an amount to cancel Protection1!!! They have absolutely no paperwork at all and they don’t have nor use email in any way and no sign showing they switched!!

SAFE Security Response • Sep 28, 2019

Date: September 28, 2019




Re: J ***
Mislead by Sales Rep - Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 01/19, 39 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
Customer stated that the Sales Rep told them they were signed a work order to change the customer’s battery and did not inform them that they were signing a security contract agreement.
The account has been submitted for cancellation.
No additional monies are due from the customer.

Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

Lied to about contract am 90 years old and system doesnt work properly and company wont service it they are out of state.

SAFE Security Response • Sep 15, 2019

Date: September 15, 2019




Re: I ***
Ø Mislead by Sales Rep
Ø Service Issues
Ø Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 05/18, 60 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

My parents had an alarm system monitoring their house. My Mom passed away 1/31/19. We ended up moving my 85 year old father to an Assisted Living Facility. He was not happy there after about 2 months so we moved him to a one bedroom apartment much closer to my sister. The entire time the house was empty, vacant and all services were disconnected which I have proof from ADT. Months later we get a bill from Safe Security stating my Father owes a rather large balance. I called and spoke to Dead at Safe Security. He told me what I would need to provide to get this matter cleared up which I did and even went above and beyond and it appears that is not good enough for him. We keep getting additional bills with more and more interest and late fees. Safe Security is now being unresponsive and still extremely unhelpful. We are wanting to get this matter resolved so my Dad can continuing grieving my Mom's passing and move on from this pending issue.

SAFE Security Response • Sep 15, 2019

Date: September 15, 2019

Henry ***

Re: Henry *** - Customer # ***
Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 11/18, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 month (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.

Customer Response • Sep 16, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.



I have been a customer for many years and I recently got a new contract because that was the only way I could get a new system without being charged. My contract states that I have to pay 0. The contract states that I don't have to pay anything. It turns out that I got a bill for $200.00. It appears that the employee who did the contract for me has on her notes that I was supposed to pay $200.00 but she forgot to include it on the contract. By law they can't charge me for anything that is is not in the contract. In the past their agents have promised to replaced some sensors and when I called the company I was told that no matter what the agent/sales person said, if it is not on the contract, they couldn't give it to me. Now that it is the company's turn to respect the contract, they don't want to see what's on the contract. I didn't want to file a complain against this company because I am not a complainer, but I have tried to speak to a Supervisor for 3 weeks now and they always tell me that *** is at Lunch or in a meeting or left for the day. I have called them every single day and ask for a Supervisor to call me back; however, I never get a call from a Supervisor about this matter. I am a good customer. I have never been late on any single pmt and I have been a customer for many years since I first got the contract with *** Security. I just want to understand why they want to charge me for anything that is not in my Contract.

SAFE Security Response • Aug 31, 2019

Date: August 31, 2019




Re: *** – Customer ***
Billing Issue

Original Contract Terms: 07/2019, 24 months, auto renewal for successive 1 month (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

Upon reviewing the account, below are the findings:

The customer signed a new 24 month contract on 7/12/19. The contract states customer was not supposed to be billed for labor and parts, but customer was billed.
In reviewing the account, the account documentation states the customer was pay $200.00.
To resolve this issue, SAFE Security will honor the terms of the contract security agreement.
A credit in the amount of $200.00 will be applied towards Installation invoice *** dated 8/6/19 in the amount of $200.00 .

Thank you.
Safe Security

Customer Response • Sep 03, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


On Sept 2nd 2010, the security company Safe Security managing my security alarm was notified by cancellation letter that I wanted to cancel the service. During the contract they requested each month the payment for this service. This was not a recurring withdrawal. They stated I had to wait until My contract was completed which was January 31, 2011. I then continued to pay through the end of my contract. They were requesting from my checking account every month the amount of $42.00. On January 31, 2011 my contract was up and NOT renewed as I was moving. They were notified that the contract was not to be renewed. On July 22 2019 I called Safe Security after discovering via inquiry to my bank that they had been requesting the money from my account for 9 years. During that phone call the customer service Representative at Safe Security*** that it was clear that they received the cancellation letter and she did not know why they continued to withdraw money for all this time. She stated the cancellation letter for my *** was cancelled per letter on 9/2/2010 and follow up phone call was received. She would research MY concern. She stated it would take 14 days to get an answer regarding a refund. She called me 2 weeks later and stated that since it was such a large amount it would take longer to resolve. A couple more weeks. On august 8th 2019 she called to offer me $1000. 00 on behalf of the company. When I told her that was unacceptable as they had requested and received almost $5000 out of my account without authorization and a cancelled contract, she stated that the amount they withdrew over the 9 years since the cancellation totaled $4229.85. She said that she would go back to her administration and let them know that the $1000 was unacceptable. I asked her if they had requested the same amount every month and she stated that it was requested each month butt the payments went up and from 2/11 to 2/12 the amount was $42.15 for total of 674.40. Then from 8/20/12 the withdrawal went up to 43.00. Then was increased one more time to $46.26 which was the last amount requested on 7/2019 from my bank. None of these payments was authorized after the completion of my contract on 1/31/2011. They owe me, $4229.85 for withdrawing from my account without my authorization. It was clearly an intentional withdrawal as they had requested it each month knowing that the account was completed and closed.

SAFE Security Response • Aug 31, 2019

Date: August 31, 2019




Re: *** - Customer ***
Ø Refund Request

Contract Terms: 01/08, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
The account has been submitted for cancellation.
· A refund in the amount of $4229.85 will be sent to the customer. It will be sent within 2-4 weeks.

· Please disregard invoices/statements you may receive during the cancellation process.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

Customer Response • Sep 03, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Purchased smoke and gas leak detector LOCALLY approx 30 yrs ago. Monthly payments were automatically withdrawn by this company from my checking account. Local guys checked it periodically and always answered any questions we had. I do not remember what the original monthly payments were, but for several years that has been $27.50/mo. I wanted to have my smoke alarm tested. Called phone number on recent bill. Was told it could be done remotely, all I needed was my pass code, which was apparently *** But I never used a pass code, did not remember using one. The Customer Service person said that if she had to file a tech ticket, the tech would charge $175 for the 1st hr and $65/hr for each hour after that. I said NO WAY. "I HAVE BEEN PAYING FOR THIS SERVICE FOR 30YRS AND REFUSE TO PAY SOMEONE TO COME CHECK IT OUT". She said she would have the TECH DPT call me and either give me my pass code or tell me how to test the alarm myself. THIS NEVER HAPPENED!

Over the next 2 days I got ONE RING calls from SafeSecurity on my land line. I thought they were trying to test it remotely. I had given my cell number to the customer service lady. Today I found a message on my cell phone from 11:45am today, 8/23, saying that I should call *** and that my ticket***
That call produced nothing. They were not going to test, check out, or do anything with my apparatus because there were no dealers nor technicians in my area. "I should call a handyman to come see if he could check it out and maybe test it"???

This mad me very agree. The speaker/handler was very polite, but basically I was *** out of luck. I threatened to dump this monitor and have another company come in and set me up. I stopped the ACH payments and was told to cancel my membership. He asked what would make me happy. I said that I needed to be reimbursed my payments for every month they were not operating in my area. I should have asked them to pay for a replacement monitor from a company that was in my area. But I don't think I said that to him.

Over the next few days I got several ONE RING calls that were from SafeSecurity? S

SAFE Security Response • Aug 24, 2019

Date: August 24, 2019




Re: ***
Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 09/06, 5 years, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 60 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
Customer contacted SAFE Security and needed assist with arming/disarming the alarm panel. The customer also requested to test her smoke detectors.
SAFE Security attempted to test the system remotely, but received an error message saying either bad phone line or wrong account number. It was determined that the customer needed to have a technician on site as SAFE Security was not able to test the smoke detectors remotely. Customer was given a quote for a service call to have a technician comes to the customer’s home to look at the smoke detectors. It was later determined SAFE Security does have a technician in the customer’s area to complete a service visit.
Customer was advised there was no technician in the area, but could hire a handyman to look at her smoke detectors. Customer stated that they were not going to hire a handyman.
Our records indicate that signals has been received at our monitoring station up to 7/2/19, therefore no refund is due to the customer.
· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

had a door-to-door salesman that signed me up for services. I asked numerous times if there was a cancellation fee or contract since I am a single mother of 5 and did not want to commit to a lengthy agreement or for costly services when finances are always an issue, depending on whether the father pays child support or not, and I have no overtime hours available. Please be sure, that I asked this man MULTIPLE times about these issues and he assured me that there was no cancellation fee or contract term. I called to cancel *** today after I finally replaced my broken doorbell (which was broken for 6 months) and found that the Ring app basically monitors the kids coming and going the same as the *** system does for a whopping difference of nearly $40 a month. *** charged me a $350 cancellation fee and pointed out that the door-to-door salesman was with *** security that then sold my 'contract' to ***. I feel that this is very bad business practice and I am highly upset with this shady way of stealing money from my family.

SAFE Security Response • Aug 12, 2019

Date: August 12, 2019, 2019




Re: *** - Customer # ***
Request to Cancel Service
Refund Request

Contract Terms: 07/17, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
The customer contacted *** and requested her RMR to be lowered to $10.00 a month. *** was not able to meet the customer’s request.
The customer then requested to cancel service.
The customer was quoted the balance of contract of $350.00 which the customer paid.
The customer will not receive a refund as she signed the contract security agreement that she acknowledged the terms and conditions of the agreement.
· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process

Thank you.

Customer Response • Aug 14, 2019

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:
I called to cancel services because I installed a ring doorbell that provides the comings and goings of my children and no longer needed *** services. At that point I was informed that I would be charged $350 to cancel. When I asked why, I was told that I had signed an agreement with *** that was then sold to ***. I explained that at NO point during this door to door sales was I informed of any contract, otherwise I never would have signed up. I explained this before. The sales man that signed me up assured me that there were no other charges other than the month to month. I assumed that at cancellation, a tech would come out and uninstall the equipment. Which is also why I waited to call and cancel *** after the doorbell was installed. Only in arguing over this $350 charge the *** representative on the phone offered if there was anything they could do regarding cost. That was when I mentioned that ring was only charging me $10 a month. The door to door salesmen DID NOT offer me a chance to read ANY fine print on said contract, or inform me of a cancellation fee. Very shady practices are being used to sign up customers.


SAFE Security Response • Aug 18, 2019

Date: August 18, 2019




Re: *** - Customer # ***
Request to Cancel Service
Refund Request

*** is responding to the rebuttal response dated 8/15/19.

*** is standing by its original response dated 8/12/19.

Contract Terms: 07/17, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
The customer contacted *** and requested her RMR to be lowered to $10.00 a month. *** was not able to meet the customer’s request.
The customer then requested to cancel service.
The customer was quoted the balance of contract of $350.00 which the customer paid.
The customer will not receive a refund as she signed the contract security agreement that she acknowledged the terms and conditions of the agreement.
· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process

Thank you.

I signed up for the security system under a different company name and the contract was sold to safe security in less than a year without ant notice to me. The equipment started to go down all inside of a year and I am being asked to pay for very expensive replacement parts. I voiced my concern about the whole matter and asked to be let out of the contract and was refused. The bill is mounting none of the equipment is working I do not know what to do at this point.

SAFE Security Response • Aug 10, 2019

Date: August 10, 2019




Re: *** Customer ***
Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 02/16, 60 months, auto renewal for successive 1 month (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
The account has been submitted for cancellation.

No additional monies are due from the customer.

Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

When I signed a contract they came recommended. They sold the company to ***. Since that time they customer service has plummeted and it has become by far one the worst companies I have ever dealt with. In fall 2017 they installed an brand new state of the art system. In spring of 2019 the panel died. Their technician, which took weeks to make it here, said it was a faulty panel and requested a new one. 3 weeks later when it still wasn’t here I called to find out why. They said my panel was old and obsolete and wasn’t made anymore and if I wanted a new one I would have to sign a new 3 year contract or pay $350 bucks for a new one. After lots of complaining they suddenly discovered that yes in fact my panel was still available and nowhere near obsolete and oh yeah still covered under the warranty. I finally got a new panel on Monday and shortly after the technician left the smoke detector on it went off. ( NO fire) I called and they said it was likely due to dust from some construction and they would come out the next day. No one came, no one called. When I talked to them today (4 days after the install) they said I NEEDED to replace it! No one has looked at it and no one has determined why my smoke alarm is going off. I also had to demand they refund the last month of no service when they couldn’t manage to do their job. They originally told me they’d give me $5 bucks so I went up the chain to management. I finally got that last month refunded. (Despite not having service for longer) I asked to cut al ties with this company because of their inability to communicate or to know their job, to do their job in any sort of timely manner, to stop lying either because of willful deceit or complete ignorance but they told me it would cost me over $900 to get rid of them. No one at this company seems to have a clue as to what is is going on and worse few seem to care. I am so beyond done with this company but they have hog tied me into a contract I can’t afford to get out of so this seems to be my only recourse as I do not want anyone else to be a victim of their practices.

SAFE Security Response • Aug 10, 2019

Date: August 10, 2019




Re: ***
Service Issues

Contract Terms: 10/17, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:

The customer’s panel was obsolete, they had the first generation *** The panel was replaced with the new *** a more expensive panel at no charge to the customer.
The customer then had a false alarm on her smoke detector. When SAFE Security spoke with the technician he did advise that the customer had construction in her home which caused the false alarm and that the smoke detector may need to be replaced.
Issues caused by remodels are not covered under her service plan. When SAFE Security spoke with the customer she was upset because she didn’t think she should be held responsible for the dust that got into the smoke detector. The customer never denied having construction in the home or that this is what caused the dust in her device. She did agree to clean the device with canned air. SAFE Security called the customer 4 days later to follow up (it was the weekend or we would have called sooner,) and she still had not cleaned the smoke detector.
SAFE Security advised the customer that we were closing the ticket and the customer did agree that they would call back if the smoke detector still had issues after it was cleaned.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

I was told that I was signing up for 2 years now they are trying to say it’s a 5 years. Not only that it is in my husbands name but I signed it in my name. A lawyer told me that that is not legal unless I have power of attorney. (Which I don’t). My husband has written them a letter.

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Address: 2440 Camino Ramon Ste 200, San Ramon, California, United States, 94583-4326


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