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SAFE Security

2440 Camino Ramon Ste 200, San Ramon, California, United States, 94583-4326

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SAFE Security Reviews (%countItem)

3/1/19: hired somebody to replace front door. Safe Security (SS) said the monitor and sensors must be replaced. So they sent specialist local from Boston to come in to do it, 3/6. The specialist showed up. After confirming with his tech support, ~1 hour, confirmed that the monitor was 2G and has failed to talk with SS's 3G towers "for a while'. I called SS 3/6. The rep accepted my 'out of service' report. When I asked how long ago the monitoring service was cut off due to the technology gap, she said she needed ~14 days to find out when and get back to me. I then told her. 1. I wanted to cancel the service. 2 stop auto pay monthly. and call back later about 'how long ago it was stopped'. She accepted all. In April, the monthly charge showed up . So I worked with credit card company (CC) to close the account. I disputed the charge. CC talked with SS. SS failed to evidence that for March 2019 the monitoring service was effective. So CC ruled case in my favor and gave me back$. Later I added 4 more disputes and won all. In other words, SS failed to show CC there was active monitoring service dating back to at least November 2018. Today, SS sent me a bill. SS put back the first disputed monthly $ +$25 fine like check bounce fee. +all kinds of fees totaling $180. So I called. The rep who picked up the phone hanged me up twice. Then in my third call back, she said according to SS records, they were still getting signals sent from my house on April 17, 2019, while their own specialist had confirmed that was NOT possible. He did that on site on March 6th already. So, from at least Nov 2018 to March 2019 and later, the service was cut off by SS while I paid on time month by month and automatically. The rep said today I owed SS $700? and she is sending me the bill.

Here is the problem and is why this is not a contract problem: regardless of what contract and how contract was signed, if SS failed to provide the signed service, for a duration like 5 months, SS had literally voided contract by failing to fulfill its end of the obligations. Nobody is perfect. Like power outrage where we customers do allow companies some time to recover the service. In this case, we did not trip over the alarm for quit some times. And SS has failed to prove to CC that it had effective service since at least November (SS can avoid talking with me on this service stoppage, it cannot avoid CC due to its card merchant agreement). It sounds like SS has desperate cash flow problems? The reps talked like bank robbers. A contract is binding on both sides of SS and the customers. I suspect I am not the only customers who are charged automatically without realizing the promised near real time monitoring service actually was discontinued. The key is it was the security specialist SS sent to my home who verified the service was out 'for a while'. SS simply did not want to talk about that during the calls.

SAFE Security Response • May 01, 2019

Date: May 1, 2019




Re: ***
System Service Issues
Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 07/11, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
The account has been submitted for cancellation.

No additional monies are due from the customer.

Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

Customer Response • May 03, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID The response is speedy , concise and executable. In the interest of formality, I will wait until the final statement from Safe Security showing final cancellation of the contract with zero balance due. I am confident it will happen as provided by Safe Security's response.


When my wife and I talked with the installer of the Safe Security he never mentioned that we were under contract. I or my wife have never signed a contract with this company. We just signed a document stating that the fee would be automatically taken from our checking account. We recently moved and asked for the system to be taken from *** The following week we were emailed a contract for the company. We refuse to sign this contract for 2 reasons. 1). When were had the equipment installed or talked with the installer the company should of made us sign or informed us about a contract. 2) We have found out that the alarm system is not connected to the Police/Fire departments in our area. In fact, this company does not have a contract with the police or fire department. Which they must have in order to set up an alarm system in the area.

SAFE Security Response • Apr 25, 2019

Date: April 25, 2019




Re: ***
Mislead by Sales Rep - Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 04/18, 60 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
Customer stated that the Sales Rep advised them that they were only signing a document to be placed on auto pay and did not inform them that they were signing a security contract agreement.
SAFE Security records show that we were monitoring the customer’s location and were signals from 4/24/18 to 4/15/19.
There is no account documentation that the customer contacted SAFE Security regarding service issues with their alarm service.
A refund will not be issued to the customer as monitoring services were provided.

The account has been submitted for cancellation.

No additional monies are due from the customer.

Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

Tell us why here...

A safe security representative came to our house to install the security system. He told us that all equipment was paid off and service included in the monthly bill. He also stated that we could cancel the service anytime if we are not satisfied or moving. After one month, the door bell camera stopped recording videos and we had to pay a monthly fee on top of the original bill. We tried reaching out to the representative and asking for help, but he disappeared. Both security cameras went offline often as well. Later, we learned that safe security was bought by another company and our contract was sold to them. We tried cancelling the contract, but they told us it's a 5-yr agreement. We were lied to in the first place and the new company would not help us solve the problem.

SAFE Security Response • Apr 24, 2019

Date: April 24, 2019


Re: *** - Customer # ***
Mislead by Sales Rep - Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 10/18, 60 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
The account has been submitted for cancellation.

No additional monies are due from the customer.

Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

Sold the property that Safe Security had the alarm contract. Tried to cancel and they said I would have to pay 6 more months due to contract I had signed in 2004.

SAFE Security Response • Apr 18, 2019

Date: April 18, 2019


Re: *** – Customer # ***
Request to Cancel Service

Original Contract Terms: 12/04, 2 years, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term. Contract expires 12/31/19.

Upon reviewing the account, below are the findings:

SAFE Security acquired the original contract agreement from 24:7 Alarm Services Inc. in 12/2006.

On 4/2/19, the customer contacted SAFE Security and requested to cancel service. Customer stated this is a rental property and he sold the home.
Although the customer sold the home, they are still required to satisfy the terms of the contract agreement. The customer was advised of the balance of contract amount $319.77.
To resolve this issue, the customer will need to pay the balance of contract $319.77 in order to cancel service. Once the payment is received, the customer will need to contact SAFE Security for the account to be submitted for cancellation.
Until the balance of contract payment is received, the customer will be held to the contract terms.
Thank you.
Safe Security

On 01/09/18, *** showed up at our home and said that the contract we had with Amp security had been bought out by Safe Security. He also informed us via contract that we only had 3 months left on the contract with Amp and therefore we would get 3 months free with Safe security to pay off the contract with Amp security. He instructed us to just call when we received our invoice. After receiving our 1st invoice from Amp 02/08/2019, I found out that *** lied and it was actually 5 months left on the contract. I started calling *** and was unable to contact him. His voice mail was always full. I eventually called the company to find out that he was no longer with the company. On 03/18/2019 I spoke to *** and informed her that I had the invoices from the Amp buyout. She instructed me to fax her the invoices and the payment would be made in 7-21 days. I continue to received telephone calls from Amp on a regular basis requesting payment. I have emailed *** and called again 04/09/2019 and was told she was not in the office and they would have someone call me back. Now my telephone calls are being ignored. This has been a terrible experience with Safe Security. Safe Security is engaging in bait and switch practices I need them to honor my contract as advised and written by *** and pay the buyout off in full. If Safe Security has no intention of doing this I would like to cancel my current contract with Safe Security. Thank you.

SAFE Security Response • Apr 17, 2019

Date: April 17, 2019




Re: ***

Mislead by Sales Rep - Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 01/19, 39 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:

· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

Customer Response • Apr 25, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


My mother is 92 year old and has been in a assisted living home since Oct 2017. This security service has not cancelled the service which I do not have. Safe Security told my mother that they bought Vivinit, that I have used for years, this was not true. As far as I know that in 2017 they were not licensed sell there product in Nevada. I couldn't find a contract for this product. I have written them and talked to them for years and they continued to bill my Mother. They have now sent this to a Collection Agency. My mother is not libel for the charges and this needs to stop.
I think they prey on the elderly for money, and this need to stop.

SAFE Security Response • Apr 17, 2019

Date April 17, 2019,

In order for SAFE Security to assist with this issue, please provide the information below so we can look into this for resolution.

Customer Name on Account and/or Contract:

Customer Account Number:

Customer Address:

Thank you.

SAFE Security

see Attached document

SAFE Security Response • Apr 04, 2019

Date: April 4, 2019


Re: *** - Customer # ***
Dispute Signature on Contract
Service Issue
Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 12/17, 60 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
In reviewing the account documentation, although the customer is stating that he did not sign the security contract agreement, SAFE Security has been receiving monitoring signals from the customer’s residence and the customer has contacted SAFE Security on several occasions requesting service and parts.
By the customer calling to request service, he has acknowledged that he has an account with SAFE Security and was using the alarm service.
No refund will be issued to the customer, but SAFE Security will honor the customer’s request to cancel service based on SAFE Security is unable to provide service calls to the customer.
The account has been submitted for cancellation.

No additional monies are due from the customer.

Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

My parents are 85 and 93, they had a security company which was ***. This company came in and (what is called slamming ) them. They told them they would give them a better price then what they are paying and had them sign a contract with Safe Security even though they are under a contract with ***. I am their POA and my parents are on a fixed income, he is having to pay for 2 security companies right now. He did not understand regarding the contracts. He didn't even realized he had signed anything. This was a door to door salesman. For their safety a security company should know better not to enter a home of elderly people. They completely took advantage of them. I have called and I can never get a hold of this company. I will file a law suit if I have to. I have heard that this company has done this to a lot of elderly people. PLEASE PUT A STOP TO IT IF YOU CAN. They are on a fixed income with social security only. They can't afford two alarm companies. What can be done.? thank you

SAFE Security Response • Mar 29, 2019

SAFE Security was not able to locate the customer's information from the complaint filed.

Please provide the following information so we can look into the issue and get it resolved for you.

Information Needed:

Customer Name(s) on SAFE Security Contract Agreement

Customer Address

Customer Account Number

Thank you.

SAFE Security

Customer Response • Apr 03, 2019

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because: I called Safe Security, their response was that I needed a letter from my dad's doctor that he has dementia. He is 84 years old and my mom is 93, my mom has, but my dad has have had earring problems since he was a child. He has memory loss but not to the extent of dementia. The doctor said that would completely open up a whole new can of worms to do what Safe is asking. This is completely unreasonable for any company to ask. This company completely is incompetent and preys on elderly adults. They knew they had a contract when they told them they could get them a cheaper monthly payment. My dad had no idea that when he signed Safe's contract that he was obligated for both. He doesn't understand completely how it all works, and he is not able to hear anything anyway. I am their POA, and for this very reason. People take advantage of the elderly. I AM FURIOUS ABOUT THIS. When I called, I spoke to a guy by the name of ***. After having the conversation with him and him telling me that they can not release him from his contract unless I have a note from his doctor saying he has dementia. Legally they are in violation with the LAW, IT'S CALLED TORTURES INTERFERENCE WITH THE OTHER SECURITY COMPANY THAT THEY HAD, WHICH WAS STILL IN A CONTRACT. At this point *** hung up on me. I have heard from other people that had this company do the same thing to other elderly folk. THIS HAS TO STOP. They came in ripped out the other equipment and started billing my parents. PEOPLE NEED TO RUN FROM THIS COMPANY OR TRAIN THE PEOPLE THAT THEY HAVE OUT KNOCKING ON DOORS TO ASK QUESTIONS FIRST AND NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM NOT UNDERSTANDING THE RAMIFICATIONS. THIS CONTRACT NEEDS TO BE CANCELED AND IN WRITING SAYING THAT THEY ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMAINING OF THIS CONTRACT. I am my parents POA so any contact made to my parents is not permissible.


SAFE Security Response • Apr 14, 2019

SAFE Security was not able to locate the customer's information from the complaint filed.


Please provide the following information so we can look into the issue and get it resolved for you.

Information Needed:

Customer Name(s) on SAFE Security Contract Agreement

Customer Address

Customer Account Number

Thank you.

SAFE Security

Safe Security is billing me for a service that is not being provided.

I have requested the cancellation of the account.

They are refusing to cancel the account until the balance has been paid on the account.

Today is March 22nd. The service they are billing me for is for the month of April.

The service they are billing me for is not currently being provided. EVEN THOUGH the service is not being provided, they are continuing to bill me even though I have notified them the service is not being provided.

I attempted to speak to a supervisor and had them hang up on me while trying to resolve this concern.

SAFE Security Response • Mar 23, 2019

Date: March 23, 2019





System Service Issues
Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 06/08, 3 years, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
The account has been submitted for cancellation.

No additional monies are due from the customer.

Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

Customer Response • Mar 31, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


I paid off my account in full on 4/19/2018. I received and have the receipt. The funds we’re drawn from my bank account. I was assured that my account was paid in full and would be closed. Safe Security sent my account to collections for the exact amount that I paid off. The operators on the main phone line will not help me. They will not get a supervisor. I still get emails from the company but have never gotten a bill since 4/19/2018 after I paid them in full for services that I only had for 3 months. I am consulting with a lawyer.

SAFE Security Response • Mar 14, 2019

Date: March 14, 2019





Request to have account removed from collection agency

Contract Terms: 06/16, 60 months, auto renewal for successive 1 month (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

Your account was sent the Hillcrest, Davidson and Associates Collection Agency in error. SAFE Security has contacted Hillcrest, Davidson and Associates Collection Agency and requested that your account be closed and to remove any negative reporting on your credit report.

Hillcrest, Davidson and Associates Collection Agency will be sending you a letter of confirmation stating your account has been closed and removed from the credit bureaus.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

Customer Response • Mar 21, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I will re-open this case or a new case if I do not receive the letter of confirmation from Hillcrest.


I came home and my alarm was going off. I called Safe Security to see why they didn’t notify me or the police. She said she didn’t see where it was going off and she’s sending someone over to service our panel. She gave me a ticket # *** We waited 3 weeks for someone to call or come by and to this day, we haven’t heard from or seen no one. So, I called to cancel my services and she said I can’t. I told her no one had never shown up or called and it’s been weeks now. She said I would have to pay $300.00 to get out the contract. Why should I have to pay when we’re not been monitored and no one never came to service my panel? I have called 3 different times and each person would not let me speak to a supervisor. That was a “RED FLAG” for me. I want out of that contract without paying $300.00 because they didn’t hold their end of the bargain.
Will you please help me to get out of this contract? I don’t think they are legit. I shouldn’t have to pay each month and shouldn’t have to pay $300.00 to get out of this contract.

SAFE Security Response • Mar 13, 2019

Date: March 13, 2019





Customer stated alarm went off and no call received from SAFE Security
Customer requesting to cancel service and does not want to pay balance of contract

SAFE Security acquired the security agreement from Castle Rock Security on 10/18/13.

Contract Terms: 08/07, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term. Contract expiration date is 8/31/19.

Upon reviewing the account, below are the findings:

On 2/5/19 at 4:36:27 p.m. SAFE Security’s records indicate that a Garage Door (Sensor 1) Pending Alarm was received in
On 2/5/19 at 4:37:01 p.m. SAFE Security’s records indicate that the alarm panel was disarmed by Melvin Jacobs.
Due to the alarm being disarmed by the customer within such a short time frame , no call was made to the customer.
On 2/16/19, SAFE Security records indicate our equipment was disconnected at the customer’s residence.
On 2/18/19, the customer contacted SAFE Security and requested to cancel service. SAFE Security offered a service call and the customer declined. The customer was quoted the balance of contract $326.82 and the customer refused to pay. The customer was offered at 40% discount = $162.47.
The customer signed the security contract agreement acknowledging that they understood the terms and conditions of the agreement.
To resolve this issue, the customer will need to send the balance of contract payment in the amount of $162.47. Once the payment is received, the customer will need to contact SAFE Security and the account will be submitted for cancellation.
Until the balance of contract payment is received, the customer will be held to the contract terms.
Thank you.

Safe Security

Customer Response • Mar 18, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

The 40%, $162.47 was never offered to me. I could NEVER speak to a supervisor and I only heard from someone on March 14th to fix the panel and that was because got involved.



This guy came to my door in January and said I'm due for a up grade for my alarm I said ok , so I signed a contract for that . I thought it was my alarm *** well it turns out it was this company, the stuff they put up never has been working with in the first 3 days I canceled, I kept calling no one would come get there equipment. an they just sent me a bill and a said I'm stuck in the contract! and meanwhile I have a contract with *** for 3 years. They said the only way I can get out is pay over $1,000.00

SAFE Security Response • Mar 05, 2019



Re: ***

Mislead by Sales Rep and Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 03/17, 60 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:

The account has been submitted for cancellation.

No additional monies are due from the customer.

Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.

SAFE Security

Customer Response • Mar 05, 2019 have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely

Safe Security *** On 9-28-18 A couple of Safe Security Representatives came to my house and asked if I knew *** and *** had merged. I told them I didn’t and they told me that they needed to change a unit in my control unit. The said they were from *** makes the Alarm system for Protection and so I thought they were legitimate and agreed to have them change the card in my alarm system. They changed the unit and antennas for the communications. I signed the papers for the change. They said not to contact the *** Representative because he would try to talk me out of changing. I thought this was all because of the *** merger with ***. I didn’t realize that they were having me cancel my *** plan for their Safe Security system until later. I got a couple of notices from *** on my system saying that they weren’t getting alarms from my alarm system. I thought that was unusual because I thought that Safe Security had been working with them to cancel *** communications when they installed their communications card. Later I thought it strange that my neighbors hadn’t changed to Safe Security too because of the merger. I got a notice from *** saying that I had Had a late fee of ***. They said that my policy would be cancelled if I did not pay the late fee. I thought it had already been cancelled. I paid the fee and told them Safe Security had changed a card in my alarm system and told them to go ahead and cancel the contract. The said there was no way I could get out of paying the cancellation fee and that Safe Security would refund my money. I called Safe security and sent them a copy of the *** cancellation fee on 1-14-2019, and a copy of the *** invoices. And told them that I felt I had ben ***med and didn’t want to do business with a company that would *** people and cancel my policy. I told them *** said Safe Security would refund me my cancellation fees. And I also wanted a refund on my Safe Security fees. I think they said they would look into it. I got a phone voice mail from *** that said they were not affiliated with *** and that *** had mergered with *** No further answers. Please help me get this resolved, and get my money back.

SAFE Security Response • Mar 03, 2019

Date: March 3, 2019



Re: ***– ***

Mislead by sales rep

Balance of contract payment request for previous alarm provider

Refund for payments made to SAFE Security

Contract Terms: 09/28/18, 60 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term

Upon reviewing the account, below are the findings:

Please email a copy of the check that was paid to the previous alarm provider and the balance of contract letter to***

Once the requested documents have been received they will be reviewed in regards to your refund and cancellation request.

Thank you.

Safe Security

Safe is non responsive to complaints about service. There have been interruptions in service. When you call to try and work through the problem personnel has no idea what they’re doing. At times, staff can barely speak *** They resist allowing you to speak with a supervisor. When they finally agree to do so the wait is usually 20 minutes. Supervisors are also unable to remedy problems. I have asked for managers to call me back regarding problems with my system. They never do so. I have had to wait weeks for repairs. On one occasion, a tech told me to, “

SAFE Security Response • Feb 25, 2019

Date: February 25, 2019


Re: ***

Request to Cancel Service Due to Service Issue

Contract Terms: 05/7/18, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term

Upon reviewing the account, below are the findings:

The customer has requested to cancel service due to service issues.

On 9/19/18, customer contacted SAFE Security and stated the chime feature was not working on two of his sensors. Customer stated that he called prior to report his service issue, however our records indicate that the customer had not called on report a service issue. A service ticket was created on this issue was resolved on 9/26/18.

On 2/15/19 customer contacted SAFE Security and stated his alarm panel was beeping. SAFE Security remotely accessed the alarm panel and fixed the service issue.

As of today, SAFE Security is receiving signals from the customer’s alarm panel and no trouble signals are being received.

SAFE Security has resolved all of the customer services issues. The only calls SAFE Security received from the customer was regarding the two service issues mentioned above which were resolved.

To resolve this issue, the customer will need to pay the balance of contract $999.52 in order to cancel service. Once the payment is received, the customer will need to contact SAFE Security for the account to be submitted for cancellation.

Until the balance of contract payment is received, the customer will be held to the contract terms.

Thank you.

Safe Security

Customer Response • Feb 25, 2019

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because:

While I will continue to pay my bill, Safe Security should be aware that I am in the process of reaching out to others who are not getting the service we signed up for.

I thank the for their efforts.


Where to start.. It all starts from day one and being told one thing by the installer vs whats in the contract!! Read carefully, the terms of the contract and if you need to break it. I was told one year under contract and it was 3 years. When I had to close my boutique because we were not profitable and called to cancel the service, this company wanted the buy out for rest of 2 years which I get its in the "contract". No understanding for the situation or a small business who obviously closed due to no money and loss of profit! And they say there is nothing they can do. As *** had a contract and they said they would waive the broken contract due to circumstance and apologized for our endeavors not working.... This company is horrible and when you go to research all you see is negative reviews and complaints on the *** If anyone from the company reads this or responds, all im asking for is a break on how much you want back from the buy out. Even ask for 50% and I would pay right now!!

SAFE Security Response • Feb 25, 2019

Date: February 25, 2019


Re: ***– Customer ***

Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 09/06/17, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term

Upon reviewing the account, below are the findings:

The customer has requested to cancel service as their business has closed.

Customer was advised still contract terms through 8/30/20 and was quoted at balance of contract in the amount of $1071.41.

The customer would like to negotiate the balance of contract amount and pay 50% = $535.70.

SAFE Security has attempted to reach the customer to discuss her offer but have not been successful.

To resolve this issue, the customer will need to contact SAFE Security to discuss the balance of contract payment. Once the payment is received, the account will be submitted for cancellation.

Until the balance of contract payment is received, the customer will be held to the contract terms.

Thank you.

Safe Security

Customer Response • Feb 27, 2019

Business Bureau:I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I have been in contact with *** and they have offered to accept the 50% off the contract price to close out my contract. I have paid that as of 2/27/19 at 12:02pm. According to *** there is nothing they can provide that it is officially canceled until there is a few steps on the back end with their company that has to be done, . wait for payment to clear, sent to customer service to close contract, etc. I can call back in a month to get an official cancellation notice for the contract. I would like this to stay open till we have the official cancellation notice.

Last June 2018, I switched to Safe Security home alarm for a better price. Since I had contract with another home security, I was advised once I received the final statement from the other home security alarm, is to mail it to the headquarter for the Buyout Contract. Safe Security had been contacted multiple either phone calls, e-mails and letters, but no avail.

SAFE Security Response • Feb 25, 2019

Date: February 25, 2019


Re: ***

Balance of Contract Payment Request for Previous Alarm Provider

Contract Terms: 06/13/18, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term

Upon reviewing the account, below are the findings:

The customer has requested a balance contract payment for their previous alarm provider.

On 2/14/19 *** dated 2/14/19 in the amount of $1146.77 was mailed to the customer.

Thank you.

Safe Security
Tell us why here...

Customer Response • Feb 25, 2019 have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely

Safe Security representative *** was offering a new free install and upgrade security system in my neighborhood. *** stated that Safe Security would pay off my old service contract, so I decided to change companies. I contacted my old company Brinks and was initially told my account was canceled and there were no further payments due. 2 days later I received a letter from Brinks stating that I still had a contract.. I relayed this information to *** and was assured Safe Security would take care of it. They did not. Repeated text messages and calls about the payoff were met with repeated statements that he would check and get back with me. I finally requested that he remove the new equipment.
I did get a response after this request. He stated " the time to pay off my old contract had passed". I informed him to come and remove his equipment and reminded him I had not signed up for the automatic withdrawal. At this he stated he would check and get back. He never did.
Jan 2019 I called Safe Security I explained the situation, initially I was told they did not payoff old contracts. I informed her that the equipment needed to be removed,. At this point I was asked if I had made any payments to the company. I stated no and that I was not going to pay two companies. I was placed on hold and then told I needed to obtain a payoff letter from my old security company (Brinks) and forward to ***. I forwarded the statement to Safe Security on 29 Jan and received acknowledgement of receipt and I was informed I would be contacted. I never was.

I again called Safe Security on Mon 4 Feb, and again explained the situation. I was told they did not payoff old contracts despite what their representative may have told me. . I again requested that someone come and remove their equipment. Again I was told someone would call me.
To date no one has contacted me.

Also of note I did not sign any contract with Safe Security.

SAFE Security Response • Feb 12, 2019

Date: February 12, 2019 Response: ***

Contract Disputes – BOC Request

Contract Terms: 12/08, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

SAFE Security is responding to the customer complaint made on 2/11/19.

Upon reviewing the account, below are the findings:

SAFE Security contacted the customer and negotiated with the customer. An agreement was made that if we paid the customer’s balance of contract payment in the amount of $521.00,tha that the customer would stay with SAFE Security.

A check in the amount of $521.00 was sent to the customer today.

We value your business and thank you for being a valued SAFE Security customer.

Thank you.

Safe Security

Customer Response • Feb 13, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Was UNKNOWINGLY sold a new security system. Thought this salesman, ***, was from the company I already had. The company I already had called a few days prior to *** showing up and said a battery needed to be replaced. So I asked *** if he was here to replace the battery, he said yes. He replaced the whole system, upgraded it. Gave me a button, like the one I had, told me I could use it even in the shower, if I had a problem. He said if I pressed it they would come across the monitor and ask if I was ok or needed medical help. a month later I accidentally pressed the button and the alarm went off in the house, so loud I didn't know what to do. Nobody came across the monitor and asked if I was ok. I'm 90 years old. Got the alarm off and the police showed up, not EMS. Placed a call to SAFE and explained and they said the would send someone out. After two weeks of hearing nothing I put in a service request via email. Someone called and said a technician would be calling me. No one called. Weeks go by and several more email requesting service. Called *** at customer service on 1/9/19 and told him I wanted to cancel for the reasons listed above (deceived into contract and won't fix system). I had accidentally hit the button that day and the same thing happened, actually the police showed up while I was on the phone with him. He said he'd start the process of cancellation. Called again 1/23/19 and spoke with ***supervisor) and she looked into it. Was on the phone an hour. She said she'd call me back in one to two days. Nothing. Called 2/4/19 and *** was out of the office but was told she would call me the next day, nothing. I need the system more for medical than anything else. Doesn't work. Too long to try to fix. Want out.

SAFE Security Response • Feb 07, 2019

Date: February 7, 2019





Mislead by Sales Rep - Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 10/18, 39 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
The account has been submitted for cancellation.

No additional monies are due from the customer.

Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

Customer Response • Feb 09, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


I signed a contract with this company on November 9, 2015 for three years. They had me fill out a letter stating that they would cancel service with my previous company. This never happened. I was stuck paying two companies for alarm services. The contract with this company should have expired on November 15, 2018. I called in June of 2018 and was told that I must send a cancellation letter two months before the expiration of the contract. In September of 2018, I both called and sent a letter of cancellation to the company. The continue to send bills and refuse to stop service.

SAFE Security Response • Feb 03, 2019

Date: February 3, 2019





Request to Cancel Service

Contract Terms: 11/15, 36 months, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· A refund for $90.08 will be submitted for payments received by mail from the customer on 12/13/18 for $45.04 and 1/9/19 for $45.04.

· The account has not been reported to the credit bureaus.

· Please disregard invoices/statements they may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.
SAFE Security

Customer Response • Feb 05, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


I had initial contact with *** from 4/15/2015 which allows me to cancel it on 4/15/2019. Per contract, I am required to give them notice at least 1 month ahead. So I have called numerous times, but they always say they would call back, but they never do. So I have approached them via email, which they have responded to same way - that someone would get back with me. So they did, they left a message on my voicemail with fake number, so there is no way to return the call. They practices are abhorrent.

SAFE Security Response • Jan 22, 2019

Date: January 22, 2019


Re: *** – Customer***

Request to Cancel Service and Invalid Call Back Number Given to Customer

The customer is stating had to call several times to request to cancel service and was not provided the correct call back number to call SAFE Security.

SAFE Security acquired the contract agreement from *** on 10/20/15.

Contract Terms: 04/15, 3 years, automatically renew for 1 year, unless cancelled by either party in writing no less than 30 days before the end of the original term or any renewal term.

The account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:

Our records indicate the customer has contacted SAFE Security and requested to cancel service.

SAFE Security called the customer and received a voicemail for the customer and left a call back number. The recording of the call was pulled at the SAFE Security representative when left the voicemail, stated one incorrect number in the call back number in error.

An email was sent the customer today, advising the contract terms will expire on 4/30/19. The balance of contract is $194.82. The customer was given the option to continue to make monthly monitoring payments. If the customer decided to continue to make monthly payments, then the customer was advised to call SAFE Security in March 2019 to cancel service.

The option is to pay the balance of contract $194.82 in full. Once the balance of contract payment is received, the account can be submitted for cancellation.

Until the balance of contract payment is received, the account will remain active and the customers will be held to the contract terms.

Thank you.

Safe Security
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Address: 2440 Camino Ramon Ste 200, San Ramon, California, United States, 94583-4326


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