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SAFE Security

2440 Camino Ramon Ste 200, San Ramon, California, United States, 94583-4326

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SAFE Security Reviews (%countItem)

For the last two months the company is been unable to provide me with the services described on my contract. They can't provide me a valid estimate time to get services running again. I asked to cancel the services agreement and they are telling me that they will invoice me for all the month until the end of the contract. I already purchase my alarm system with another company, they only provide me monitoring services. They're threatening to charge me three years of service to cancel my contract.

SAFE Security Response

On *** Jose *** signed a contract for 36months with SAFE Security. The initial terms of this agreement will not expire until December 2019. The customer called SAFE Security on *** and requested immediate service for his alarm system that is located in Puerto Rico. Mr. stated the power has been restored. We explained to Mr. according to our system, we are not receiving signals at his home which indicates full electrical power has not been restored. We also advised due to signals not received, a credit has been applied to his account. After explaining this to the customer, we offered the service call and Mr. declined the offer. The customer states he is traveling and cannot be home.

If the customer would like to cancel services, we will need a written cancellation letter and the balance of the contract paid in the amount of $1072.75.

On or about***, I called Safe Security for assistance with a panel fault. The panel listed “Zone 18 lo batt” as the problem. I had no idea what device that was, nor the location of Zone 18. The customer service representative did NOT have Zone 18 listed, so she said she would check with the “engineers” and call me back. When I was contacted, Safe Security still could not tell me for certain where Zone 18 was, even though they installed the devices in my home. The technicians speculated that “it was a motion sensor, but not the one in the dining room”. After changing the batteries in two (2) of the four (4) motion sensors in the house without clearing the fault, I called Safe again on or about October 4, 2017 requesting additional help with the security fault. I requested that a technician come to my residence at NO cost to me and was told that I would have to pay for the service call. This response was both outrageous and unsatisfactory. I have been a loyal Safe customer for many years, and this was the shoddy treatment I received. Consequently, I called to cancel services and was informed by telephone and mail that I would be charged $130.67 to cancel. This response was again outrageous and unsatisfactory.

SAFE Security Response

SAFE Security acquired this account from Security Alarm Group in June 2008 with a 60months initial term agreement which also includes an automatic annual renewal clause. The customer received a low battery indicator on one the of the motion detectors that was installed by Security Alarm Group. The customer was advised the low battery indicator was coming from Zone 18 – a downstairs motion detector. The customer requested a technician to be sent to his home regarding this issue, at no cost. The customer was advised there is a cost associated with sending a tech to the site due to the fact that batteries are not a covered service.

Mr. called back and requested to cancel service. He was advised the renewal terms are in effect until June 2018 and in order to cancel services, a cancellation letter is required and the balance of contract would need to be paid in the amount of $130.67 (which includes a discount). We reached out to the customer and offered to send a technician to the home to change the battery at no cost as a one-time courtesy but the customer declined the offer. He has set up service with another provider. Mr*** will be held to the terms of the contract.

SAFE Security Response

We stand by our decision to hold William*** to the terms of the contract. If he would like to cancel the alarm service, the amount of $130.67 (which includes a discount) will need to be paid which would fulfill the terms of the agreement.

Customer Response

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because:

We are clearly at an impasse! I also stand by my decision to cancel service with Safe with NO PENALTY. Again, I reiterate that the company was only willing to rectify this situation after I actually cancelled service with them. Safe is apparently under the impression that I cancelled service after contacting them multiple times to replace a battery in a motion sensor. That is completely misleading. The battery absolutely needed to be replaced, but the issue was that Safe could not tell me which of the multiple motion sensors needed the replacement. I got the run around for several days while my alarm system was incapable of being set without error making my home vulnerable to break in. This has been my position from the beginning.

I paid for service every month for years without ever missing a payment or being late. I will NOT be satisfied until Safe waives the $130 fre. They have received every penny as agreed. They failed to provided adequate service, forcing me to find another company at the last minute to secure my home and possessions. Safe should do the morally right thing and end this process according to my request.


Safe Security has refused to cancel service by ignoring our repeated requests (via phone call, email, and registered letter). Safe Security made unauthorized, monthly automatic withdrawals from our bank account in the amount of 44.08 per month for 39 months totaling $1,719.12. In addition, they continue to bill us for services we cancelled and have not received since June, 2014. The company continues to harass us via USPS by sending additional invoices which now include bogus charges and late fees. We purchased a home security system from Pinnacle Security in May, 2010. Our 39 month contract ended with Pinnacle Security in August, 2013. On February 4, 2013 we received notice by Pinnacle Security that our account would be serviced by Safe Security. We received a welcome packet from Safe Security and never received any type of correspondence from the company (phone, email, letter, invoice or otherwise) until August, 2017. In May, 2014 we purchased a new security system from AT&T Digital Life. We officially requested cancellation of our service with Safe Security at that time via phone call and then followed up with a mailed letter per their instructions. Fast forward to August, 2017 when we discovered that Safe Security had been making monthly withdrawals from our bank account for services that had not been received in over 3 years! Safe Security never cancelled our account as requested and they continue to make it impossible to do so by ignoring repeated requests. We immediately cancelled the automatic withdrawals with our bank. The first time we ever heard from Safe Security regarding our account was in August, 2017 when one of their representatives, Maria, called us because our bank denied the transaction and she wanted us to update our bank account info so they could continue making the automatic withdrawals! At that time she only confirmed that we were “dissatisfied” with our service back in June, 2014. According to "their records" she showed no request for cancellation, just that we were "dissatisfied." The representative still would not cancel the service at my husband's request because she stated that I needed to cancel it since the contract was under my name. I tried calling the representative back at the phone number provided and had to leave a message on a Spanish phone line! I could only assume I was leaving it for the right person. She never called me back. I then called customer service again and was told I could cancel by email and was given the contact info. After submitting the cancellation request via email as instructed, I got an automatic response stating that I had to cancel by letter, not email. I then sent my cancellation letter via USPS registered mail in which I have confirmed delivery on September 14, 2017 at12:35pm. I still continued to receive bills and late fees from the company. I then called customer service again and was put through to Maria, our customer service representative. She again claimed she had no documentation of a letter of cancellation from us. She wanted me to email proof. I then emailed a copy of the letter along with proof of delivery and requested she confirm receipt. She did not respond and I have not heard from her! After almost four months of trying to get this resolved, I continue to receive more bills and late fees from Safe Security. We are small business owners and are shocked at how Safe Security conducts business. In fact, the Consumer Affairs website and Yelp is riddled with similar complaints about Safe Security. It is obvious what kind of business Safe Security is really in; thievery! Isn’t it ironic that the very company that is hired to keep thieves out of our homes and businesses in turn steals from its customers? How can a reputable home monitoring company not pay attention to what is or isn’t even being monitored? This company is not monitoring anything but their bank account!

SAFE Security Response

Date: *** Response: Gale *** - Customer ***

SAFE Security is responding to your complaint filed in ***

SAFE Security acquired the security contract agreement from Pinnacle Security on ***

Original Contract Terms: *** 39 months, auto renewal for successive 1 month (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

Your account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:

· When a party to a contract “assigns” the contract to someone else, it means that party, known as the “assignor” (Pinnacle Security), has transferred its rights under the contract to someone else, known as the “assignee” (SAFE Security, LP”), and also has delegated its obligations to the assignee.

Under U.S. law, most contract rights are freely assignable, and most contract duties are freely delegable, unless the agreement says otherwise. . This security agreement does not state it cannot be transferable or assignable nor does it state communication be provided to customer when said contract is transferred.

· Per the Information Schedule CA-Form B4 of the contract security agreement, under Payment Information/Electronic Payment it states:

You authorize us or our assignee(s) to make electronic fund transfers from the bank account or debit/ credit card identified above for the amount described on this Information Schedule (Form B4) and any trip fees, service fees or amounts for services/products under this agreement including past due amounts. This authorization shall remain in full force and effect until we or our assignee(s) have received written notification from you to the contrary, in such time and in such manner as to afford us or our assignee(s) and the financial institution holding the account above a reasonable opportunity to act on it.

By signing the security contract agreement, the customer acknowledged that they understood the terms and conditions of the agreement.

SAFE Security did not receive written notification from the customer to stop the automatic payments.

Customer Duties; per the contract security agreement;

Customer shall promptly test and set the system immediately prior to securing the premises. The customer is responsible for testing the system monthly and notifying Company its Contractor promptly if Customer believes there is a problem with the system. Customer agrees to provide Company and its Contractor with written notice of any changes, revisions and modifications to the system, and further agrees to provide and maintain current and correct subscriber and emergency contact information with Company and Contractor.

The customer failed to notify SAFE Security they removed the alarm equipment and to advise they were no longer going to be using SAFE Security alarm services.

In reviewing the account documentation *** was the first contact the customer made with SAFE Security and requested to cancel service. The customer stated that there were no service issues, but received a better quote and equipment that what they currently had. SAFE Security offered to beat said quote, but customer declined.

On *** was the second contact made with the customer. SAFE Security contacted the customer regarding their account. The SAFE Security representative who contacted the customer also handles bi-lingual customers and their voicemail is in (English and Spanish). The customer stated that they stopped the payments on the account because they no longer used the service. The customer was advised that the account was never cancelled and that there was not a cancellation letter on file and that he would need to send in a cancellation letter in order to cancel the account. The stated they called cancelled the service in June 2014.

Verbal cancellations are not accepted - Per the contract agreement. All notice of cancellations are to be submitted in writing no less than 30 days prior to the end of then-current term.

On *** SAFE Security received a cancelation letter via USPS registered mail from the customer. The account number on the customer’s cancellation letter was not correct and therefore was not attached to the customer’s file.

No additional monies are due from the customer. The account will be cancelled with a zero balance.

No refund will be submitted to the customer.

The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· Please disregard invoices/statements you may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.

SAFE Security

I have been trying to cancel this service for months now, I switched to a different security company and have been sending multiple emails and have made phone calls to cancel my service. They are not responding to emails at all and the operator is telling me I have to send a written letter to some place in California to get it cancelled. They have been automatically renewing my service without my consent for a year term. I thought I was going month to month and could cancel at anytime or at a minimum would get a notice that my service would be renewed so I could have a chance to decline. I want my service contract terminated.

SAFE Security Response

On November 8, 2010, *** signed a contract with an initial forty-two (42) months term and an automatic annual renewal clause. This agreement will not expire until May 2018. SAFE Security will accept this complaint as the written notice of cancellation. In order to fulfill the terms of the agreement, please submit the payment of $149.31 which includes a 50% discount off the final balance.

Customer Response have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely

Safe Security purchased our business from a different business. Prior to that we cancelled our services (which were out of contract) with the old company. Safe Security then asked we submit in writing (they stated an email was sufficient) to cancel the services. Which we did. They then did retro some of our over payments for services that were never provided. They are again sending me bills for services never rendered, that we have cancelled with them several times. Every time I complain and call trying to resolve this issue, I get the run around, and information that "they don't have any communication on file" from previous phone calls and emails. The last time I spoke with them they said I had to pay because I was under contract. I stated my contract period ended with the previous company and was on a month to month basis. They said it didn't matter because I was now under contract with them. I then asked they provide these alleged contracts that I never consented to. I never heard back from them regarding the issue. This issue has been going on since January 2017. Unfortunately I don't have all of my notes over the past 11 months documenting who I spoke with and their phone numbers. Several times I had understanding that this issue was resolved, only to get another bill in the mail.

SAFE Security Response

Date: October 30, 2017 Response: ***

Original Contract Terms: 04/10/12, 60 months, auto renewal for successive 1 month (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term. (Please see attached security agreement.

Your account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:

A cancellation letter needed to be received by 03/31/17, in order for the initial contract term not to auto renew. Since a cancellation letter was not received within the allotted time frame, the account automatically month to month and the customer continued to be billed for monthly monitoring services.

SAFE Security will honor your request and accept your complaint as a written notice of cancellation.
Verbal cancellations are not accepted per the contract agreement. Please see Page 1, Paragraph 3 – Services, Fees & Term of Agreement.

As a courtesy SAFE Security will cancel service and the customer will not be held to the auto renewal terms.
No additional monies are due from the customer. The account will be cancelled with a zero balance.
· Please disregard invoices/statements you may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.


Collection Manager

Safe Security

Customer Response have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

However I see no attached contract or security agreement from the response email to review. I'd like to verify all the accounts that will be cancelled as this response doesn't specify and I want to be sure this is completed in its entirety once and for all. Please note that written cancellations were sent two times prior to March 31 2017. Thank you.Sincerely

From the initial day of agreement and installation, I have been dissatisfied with their level of service. Salesmen assured me that they would take care of cancellation contract and fees with previous security company. Also, they would obtain and maintain city permit. Needless to say, they didn't live up to their end of the agreement. I recently contacted customer service on October 19th and 20th 2017 inquiring to see if my city permit was current, I was told that a permit was never filed and I had to file for one. On October 19th, customer service stated that they were going to look into it and call me back with answers. Needless to say, I didn't receive a phone call. On October 20th, I asked to speak with a supervisor to resolve my complaint. I was placed on hold for about 45 minutes while customer service representatives were laughing and talking in the background then hung up the phone on me. At this point, all I want is to part ways with Safe Security.

A representative from Safe Security came to my home this summer and misrepresented his intentions and affiliation with your company. I was told by the representative that Safe Security was part of Vivint (whom I currently have service with) and that he was coming to update the security box, not that he was signing me up for a different service with a completely separate security company. It wasn't until I realized this month that I was getting double billed by Vivint & Safe Security that I realized that this was happening. I contacted Vivint and they told me that your company is not a part of their organization and that I'm still under contract with them. I'm notifying Safe Security that I have put a stop payment on all future transactions and have asked Vivint to come and reinstall their equipment.

SAFE Security Response

This account was created through our third party Dealer Network Provider – Mint Security. We will return the account to the original seller and Lafonda *** will have no further obligation to SAFE Security. No refund will be provided due to monitoring services has been provided and in use.

I started off having my security system installed in 2007. Since that time, several other companies apparently bought my contract and for the last few years Ive had safe security. In August, I called multiple times in regards to cancelling my account as I have equipment that doesn't even work making the system unusable. At that time, I was offered a deal on new equipment if I signed a new contract for services. I declined and submitted my letter to terminate services. Fast forward to today. I get another bill from Safe Security wanting $53.03 for my next months payment. I called and was told that not only was my request never received, but if I want to cancel I'd owe over $300 to cancel. I inquired as to why this would be as I have signed NO contracts since 2007 and the customer service agent, Ashley acknowledged that this was true. I am concerned and perplexed by the fact that I have signed no contract with Safe Security, but apparently am locked into an agreement if I do not cancel by March of a given year (per Ashley again). Having signed no contract with safe, Ive been of the understanding that I am paying month to month for my service and not by default enrolling into a year to year contract, again something I never even agreed to with Safe Security. I have never even heard of rolling contracts for a service without the buyers consent. No industry that I am aware of works this way, be it cable, cell phone service, satellite tv, etc. If someone wants a new contract at a certain rate they sign and agree to it. I have not signed anything saying that I wanted a new one year contract with Safe Security ever year.

SAFE Security Response

SAFE Security will honor Mr*** request to cancel services effective immediately. No further payments are required and the account will reflect a zero balance.

Customer Response have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, Lucas

I sent a letter stating that I am cancelling the contract in ***. The contract is over by February of 2017. I overpaid them. Yet they kept deducting fund monthly from my checking account. I called them, and they said once person told me that they don't know why they were still deducting the funds since Feb. except that they didn't deactivate the auto pay on the account. It was Saturday when I called, so the lady told me to call back on Monday to speak with them regarding the refund. Then when I called back on Monday they say they don't know why anyone with tell ME that as they have no record of receiving the letter. Well the letter never came back in the mail so they got the letter. Now I will say that is is partly my fault for not checking our bank statement, but they changed there name and I didn't know who they were so I thought it was something my husband had and he thought it was something I had ordered. We paid $40.00+ a month for 7 months, we feel like they ripped us off for $280.00 and we are elderly and don't have that kind of money. Please help us to recoup our loss with this company that refuses to admit they received my letter in Feb. 2017. Thank you, Jane

SAFE Security Response

SAFE Security did not receive a prior written cancellation letter from the customer in order to cancel services. The cancellation letter has now been received and the account has been cancelled. No further payments are required and no refund will be issued.

Customer Response

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because: One of their customer service people told me it was received and the letter did not come back in the mail. So I believe they received it, plus, when I asked them to discontinue the service in the first place they wanted a letter in writing. The original contract did not say that, and they were not providing a service to me, as the equipment was removed completely.

I believe a refund is due to me and that they are taking advantage of the elderly, they should be ashamed of themselves.


SAFE Security Response

We stand by our decision. SAFE Security has cancelled this account and no refund will be issued.

This company purchased my home security account from a local company. I was able to arm/disarm and check status of my home via phone. After my account was purchased, I no longer had that convenience. Called Safe Security several times about this issue. I was told numerous times that someone would call me back to discuss this issue. Never received a call back. Finally after calling back again, I was told that they could do that, but it would cost more. At that point I told them I would like to cancel my home security service. Was told I have a contract and that they can not cancel it and that I would have to wait till my contract was over. At which point I would have to write them a letter of cancellation. Well I have stopped paying and keep getting bills with higher amounts. I have called several more times since then with no luck. I have gone to ADT and no longer use the old alarm system. Still being charged for it though. Wish someone could stop these very unethical business practices. This business should not be able to keep this up. They are taking full advantage of the consumer whom they are suppose to be helping protect.

SAFE Security Response

Date: *** Response: Tim *** - Customer***

Original Contract Terms: *** 5 years, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

Your account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:

SAFE Security will honor your request and accept your complaint as a written notice of cancellation.
The customer will be released from the contract terms.
· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· Please disregard invoices/statements you may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.


Customer Response have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, Timothy

I have had nothing but problems since Pinnacle was taken over by safe security. My alarm was going off for no reason almost daily and my neighbor would call to tell my the police are at my home again. I have call to try to resolve the issue and have talked to a number of cs reps. everyone gave me a different reason why my alarm was going off on its own. They suggested a new battery for which I had to pay out of pocket, but that did not work. They sent someone out for which I had to pay a "reduced" fee b/c I refused to pay 180.00 for something that has been malfunctioning since inception. The repair person checked over the system and said nothing was wrong. I have called over 20 times trying to resolve this problem to no avail. Finally after I got tired of the police coming out and being charged 75.00 for a false alarm, I called on *** to cancel my service. I spoke to a young lady by the name of Tara and she saw the issue with my service and ask if I'd allow on final attempt to fix. Reluctantly I agreed to have someone come back out to fix the problem. Tara said someone would call on ***, or *** to set an of *** no one called. I called to cancel service that same day got Tara again on the phone explained what happened. She apologized over and over asking for me to give a last chance. This time I declined and ask what is the process to cancel. Tara said I had to send something in writing to cancel, told me I'd need to pay one more month, and gave me the fax number. I sent the letter on ***, and again on *** because they claim it was not received on***. My account with safe was on auto pay, So I told Tara that was fine to take the last payment from there on *** since banking information is the same. Now a year later I get a calls from a collection agency they sold my account to, to collect on something I do not owe. I did exactly what was told and they send me to collections. Safe Security said they will hold the customers to their contract, but were does the law protect a consumer in contracts when the service is abysmal at best. This has now been reported on my credit report. I have tried to speak with safe, but they will not discuss my acct because they sold it to a collection agency. The collection agency is rude, and unwilling to listen when I told them this has been resolved and to please speak with safe. I even suggested that they have safe pull the calls from the dates I called, but they refused and started yelling over the phone. I disconnected the call. I have another alarm company now, and have had no issues what so ever.

SAFE Security Response

Date: *** Response: Dianne***

Re Dianne *** Customer ***

· Your account was sent the Hillcrest*** and Associates Collection Agency in error. SAFE Security has contacted Hillcrest*** and Associates Collection Agency and requested that your account be closed and to remove any negative reporting on your credit report.

· Hillcrest*** and Associates Collection Agency will be sending you a letter of confirmation stating your account has been closed and removed from the credit bureaus.

· SAFE Security apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Thank you.

Customer Response

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because:

The only reason I rejected this is because I am still receiving call from hillcrest davidson, the lastest call being yesterday *** on my cell and home phones. Also, the letter hillcrest davidson sent say they stopped as of the date of their letter which was*** and their letter alson stated they did not report to any cedit agency, but I have a credit report dated *** that states otherwise. If these two things can be addressed, then I can accept


SAFE Security Response

Date: *** Response: Dianne ***

Re Dianne***– Customer ***

SAFE Security is responding to your rebuttal response.

SAFE Security is standing by its original response sent on ***

· Your account was sent the Hillcrest*** and Associates Collection Agency in error. SAFE Security has contacted Hillcrest*** and Associates Collection Agency and requested that your account be closed and to remove any negative reporting on your credit report.

· Hillcrest*** and Associates Collection Agency will be sending you a letter of confirmation stating your account has been closed and removed from the credit bureaus.

· Hillcrest*** and Associates has confirmed that the last call placed on your account from their office was on *** The account was closed in their office on *** as requested by SAFE Security for this account.

Thank you.

Safe Security

Contract use and verbal promises that are not documented and never enacted upon. Told flat out by a sales individual, ***, that anything he said on the phone he would not put in to writing or stand behind. I was also told several times, that in his 11 years in this industry that he knew better the contract law than a lawyer would or could. Consistent shady practices and unethical movements by this company. Repeated scam and slam techniques used.

I wrote a cancellation notice on *** and mailed it out per company's email instructions. Reason being my system had been malfunctioning, not connected to the dispatch service and after repeated attempts of checking the status to get someone to look at it, months had passed so I had to procure with another security company. The malfunctioning and disconnect had been reported to the company immediately after happening. In the meantime, because of the problems I'd had the customer service was apologetic and sent me a certificate for one month free of monitoring which I sent in and got redeemed. I'd also referred someone many months previous to this all happening and the customer service rep applied the $100 credit to my account (had to call months and months later since I hadn't seen it on my account). After the credited amounts were applied, I began receiving charges to my credit card again. I spoke with a customer representative on *** and she confirmed that my service ended on*** (30 days after my cancellation notice) and worked with me to calculate a refund amount. I still have not received a refund and after emailing the company on *** to complain and request status their response was that I had fulfilled my obligations and my account is showing pending cancellation. I asked for a more specific explanation as to when my refund would be issued an I have yet to receive a response. I'd entered into the security services years before and after several changes in company name/management/ownership? hadn't experienced problems until this. I expect that a total of $82.07 be refunded since my credit card was charged monthly amounts in May, Jun and July which was after service was cancelled.

SAFE Security Response

SAFE Security apologizes for the inconvenience. Refund check#*** in the amount of $82.06 has been issued and mailed to the customer.

Customer Response have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, Roberta

I mailed certified mail telling the company that we are terminating the contract in January of 2017. We kept getting bills. Every time I call the company, they say they know about it and tells me that they will notify the billing department. Now I got another bill saying they will report me to credit bureau if we don't pay up. We don't owe them anything. We started our new monitoring in January, but we paid them up to March which is over-payment.

I have a 3year contract with this provider and I am only just past year 1. I have had several issues with the alarm system. Every few weeks something goes wrong. My doorbell camera consistently stops working and I cannot view the camera when someone rings the doorbell, I get messages stating that my windows are open and they are not, I get messages stating that my garage door is open but it is not, I cannot open my garage door, I get messages stating that gas is being detected from my garage door, my alarm goes off in the middle of night and the dispatcher states a window is open but it is not. Every time I call, they remotely try to fix it but cannot. They then dispatch someone to fix it and I'm charged a $35 trip charge. If I call every time there is an issue, I will charged an additional $35/month because at least once per month there is an issue they can't resolve remotely. I called to complain and asked to be released from my contract because I'm paying for a service that rarely works. I was told that to cancel it would be over $1000.

SAFE Security Response

SAFE Security spoke with Katina *** on *** and she was offered the opportunity to have our technician attempt to solve the issue remotely. We also advised the customer if a technician was needed on site to service the system, we would be willing to waive the $35.00 trip charge.

If the customer is requesting to cancel the 3 year agreement that was signed in July 2016, we would need to receive a written notice of cancellation and the balance of contract would need to be paid. The agreement will not expire until July 2019 and the remaining contract balance of $1414.77 would need to be paid.

SAFE Security Response

SAFE Security is willing to send a technician to inspect the entire system. Our main concern is to get the system in working status including the doorbell camera and garage door which were areas of issue for the customer previously. We are willing to waive the cost of the appointment in order to achieve this.

Customer Response have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely

This is the worse company anyone could ever imagine! They do not monitor! Their equipment doesn't work and now I'm being double billed! I turning them over to our attorney generals office tomorrow!

I requested my service to be canceled as of *** and as of today *** it has not been canceled. In the meantime, I have sent two cancellation letters to resolve this as I am not under contract but a month to month basis. They have also continued to withdraw a service charge of $46.57 for the months of June - August 2017 and $44.35 for the months of March 2016 - May 2017 a total amount of $760.61. I requested a credit as the service has not been used since I installed new service with a different company.

SAFE Security Response

SAFE Security spoke with Patricia *** on*** At that time, we have informed the customer of the cancellation process in which a written cancellation letter needed to be submitted thirty (30) days prior in order to cancel the account. SAFE Security had not received any prior correspondence from the customer requesting to cancel service. Per the conversation with Ms. on *** we agreed to cancel the alarm service upon receipt of a written cancellation letter with an authorized signature. The cancellation letter was received and the account has been cancelled without requiring any further payments and no refund will be given.

I had a 3-year contract for security alarm system with Safe from *** which ended ***. Since July, I have tried several times by phone, and e-mail to terminate the service but in August, I received an electronic bill for the month of August. On my phone calls, I have spoken to ***, and also, *** and at his instruction, on August 2nd e-mailed a hand-written and signed letter to terminate the security contract. Finally, on *** I sent a certified letter to the San Ramon address and asked that they acknowledge receipt and requesting that they have their representative remove their equipment from my home. Still, no one has contacted me., therefore, my reason for contracting the This is unacceptable business practice and customer service. Your assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

SAFE Security Response

SAFE Security has cancelled this account and no further payments are required.

Customer Response have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Your assistance in bringing this issue to resolution is sincerely appreciated.

Sincerely, Nicole

I have multiple problems with this business. The first is that it is impossible to cancel service with them. It took over 3 hours on the phone over 2 days of being on hold and getting cut off and getting bounced through the system, the promise of callbacks that never came to finally reach a "manager". The manager told me that I could not request cancellation any other way than writing so I sent a letter, faxed a letter, and emailed a letter with that request. And now I have received notification that I cannot cancel until I pay them almost 400 in early cancellation fees! I have NO contract with Safe Security, I have never had any sort of agreement with them. I had a contract with Pinnacle a Canadian company that apparently sold my information to Safe Security. They have not abided by the agreement that was made with Pinnacle so I refuse to continue with Safe Security. My agreement with Pinnacle was for 45.99CND/month and Safe Security did not honor that agreement. They have been charging 45.99US/month which has resulted in monthly bills of $63-65 Canadian/month. Last month, in good faith, I settled the money that they had outstanding in my name, and then I requested cancellation and they won't do it. I have been very clear that I will not be paying them any further for a service that I have requested be cancelled and I certainly will not pay early cancellation fees to a company that I have no agreement with.

SAFE Security Response

Date: September 11, 2017 Response: *** - Customer # ***

SAFE Security acquired the security contract agreement from Pinnacle Security on 2/4/13.

Original Contract Terms: 06/10, 3 years, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term.

Your account has been reviewed and the following determination has been made:
SAFE Security will honor your request and accept your complaint as a written notice of cancellation. The customer will be released from the contract terms. · The account has been submitted for cancellation.
· Please disregard invoices/statements you may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.

Collection Manager
Safe Security

Customer Response

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. As agreed I will make no further payments to Safe Security.


SAFE Security charged my credit card for services for two months AFTER I closed my account with them per their instruction. When I called to request a refund, the representative agreed that the charges were in error, and said that it would take approximately 6 weeks for them to process my request and respond. So far, I have been waiting for this refund for approximately 6 months. Now, I call weekly. I have had multiple contacts within their offices, but it seems like the right hand isn't communicating with the left. Most recently, I was told that they send the check to the wrong address (after I had provided a new address on multiple occasions prior to that). Then I was told that they would stop payment on that check, and rush a new check to me that would go out the next day. I did not receive the refund. I called back the next week, and the representative told me that they had not sent it out. They again insisted that the check would be in the mail the following business day. A week later, and I have yet to receive it.

SAFE Security Response

SAFE Security spoke with Catlin*** on *** and advised the customer that we voided original Check*** and reissued new Check***. The new check was mailed to the customer’s new address on

Customer Response have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I received the refund check and was able to cash it. I do believe that this entire process was ridiculous, and they need to address the issues they have with customer service and processing refund requests. Sincerely, Catlin

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Address: 2440 Camino Ramon Ste 200, San Ramon, California, United States, 94583-4326


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