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SAFE Security

2440 Camino Ramon Ste 200, San Ramon, California, United States, 94583-4326

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Four months ago I contacted Safe Security to get repairs made to a malfunction in our alarm system. After almost a month of trying to get service I retained a n ew service provider and terminated Safe Security via e-mail asking them to refund the payment made (but not yet cashed)along with the house key they were holding. I also asked for compensation for their failure to provide repair service. I received a response a month later that they could not, for various reasons, process my cancellation. Two weeks later I received an e-mail telling me they were "investigating" my situation. Simultaneously, I received an e-mail advising that my account was two (2) months in arrears. Generally my e-mails were either ignored and/or the messages were totally non-responsive to the questions outstanding. To date, almost 4 months after the first request for service I am still waiting for an account adjustment , the return of the house key and compensation for services paid for but not provided. They used to be a great company but somewhere forgot about the customer.

I signed up for security w pinnacle security on 12/9/2010 they then didnt provide good service my alarm box caught fire due to improper instalation and I had to keep calling because it wouldnt work. I ask to cancell and told them I do not want service w them. They then sell me to I get calls from them saying service is not work signal in mo ths I tell them I have repeaditly called they come out rewired box in same spot y it quit working so I called repeadit and they also called me saying I have no signal coming from the box. So that means no monitoring. I ask them to cancel Again and they did not. I told them refund my money for service they are not providing. And now they are saying I signed another contract in 2013 with them for a service I havent been recieving. I never signed a second contract nor would I when I have been telling them since 2012 it doesnt work . safe took 20 min to call police when my house was broken into so theifs got 68000 worth of stuff in 2013/2014 so theres no way I would ever resign w them I want a full refund of this imaginary contract . that started in aug 4 2013 they have been taking money out of my checking accout . supposidly as of todAy that quit automati aly withdrawing money . so the last withdraw was 1/17/2018 they have been charging me 31.50 since 2014 that I have been fighting for a contract I never signed. After no working service for over 2 years and my breakin of my home I would never resign I have repeadidly ask for proof and how I supposedly sign an contract that I had been try to can el service since 2012. Pls make them refund all these withdrawls 31.50 x3yrs and 5 months and tell them this account is not leagal I have repeaditly ask for proof and cancelation I never even recieved a copy of this contract . and never set up any security appointment w them to sign a contract that as u can verify w pennical and safe security there has been no monitering since 2012 off and on it kept burning and breaking due to improper install and I have made many calls telling them this so from 2012- aug 2014 I paid 46.50 month for nothing and then they think it is ok to make an false contract and continue to charge me 31.50 aug 2014thru now and are saying its a 3yr contract I cant cancel out of. WHAT non of this makes scence im so angry and tired. Please help me.

SAFE Security Response • Jan 19, 2018

In response to complaint *** for Ms. Connie***

We have a new agreement signed by Ms. on August 12, 2014 for 36 months with a year to year renewal. The new agreement was for an upgrade to the alarm system and was at no cost, we also lower the monthly payments from $46.99 to $30.00 reducing Ms. monthly rate by $16.99. Since the date of the new agreement we have not received any cancellation notification. The agreement automatically renewed in August 2017, if Ms. would like to cancel the service we will accept this written complaint as her authorization along with a final balance in the amount of $84.92 which is at a 50% discount. We have a copy of the signed contract and will send a copy via US Mail to Ms. for review.

Purchased three security systems from company in ***. Two for my business locations and one for my home. At one business they charged me an additional $10 per month because we had put in a monitored camera. The camera stopped forking the next day. When I called for repairs (not for many months) they stated there was no warranty on the camera and I would have to pay for a service call and a replacement. This call was made*** after 18 months a sensor stopped working at my home so that the garage could not be properly secured. I got them to send me a new sensor to install, they remotely enable the device and it has been sending out false alarms. They have been contacted a total of 10 times and no resolution. When I phoned to complain they told me they had no service personnel in my state and I would have to wait months for them to have enough calls to send some one here. They then said they would find an independent contractor to come and work on my system and call back in a week. That was 30 days ago with no call.

SAFE Security Response • Jan 18, 2018

In response to complaint*** have reached out the Mr. to schedule a time for a service technician to service both of the properties that need servicing. We are awaiting a response from Mr.

I am a 69 year old widow, and I knew I needed to get a security system. This company was going door to door and I decided to listen to what they had to offer. I was told they had a fast response time due to being local. After having the alarm installed, it had gone off twice yet the company never called me. I could not get the alarm to go off and I had to call customer service to get them to assist with turning it off. They were supposed to send a tech, but I was told 30 days before chirstmas I'd have to wait until after, yet no one called to schedule. I was told when I called that yes there was an intrusion, but they never called. No showed me how to use the system, and I don't feel safe with this system. The sales rep that sold to me didn't tell me the full truth, said a local company yet based in California. He told me easy to cancel, no problem. Yet there is a 5 year contract. I've had this service for a couple of months but have had nothing but issues with the system and customer service has been no help. I asked to cancel and was told about the 5 year contract. I need to make sure I'm not charged anything else. I cancelled the auto pay and contract as of 1/8/2017.

SAFE Security Response • Jan 16, 2018

We have reviewed the alarm history for Ms*** account. There was one sensor tamper that restored immediately, no intrusion signals were received in our monitoring center. The system appears to be functioning normally. As a courtesy we have setup as call for a service technician to contact Ms. within the next 3-5 business days to schedule an appointment and there will be no charge for this service call. During this service call we will have the tech onsite demonstrate how to use the system and test all equipment to make sure we are receiving signals. We apologize for the delays in getting this account service.

Customer Response • Jan 22, 2018

Complaint:***I am rejecting this response because:

I want to terminate contract. I do not feel safe with their service. Also, I was informed I would owe money over the 6 year contract. As stated in complaint, I am a senior and was lied to by the original sales associate. None of what I asked for was addressed, I want out of the contract. Service hasn't been adequate and I don't feel I should have to continue paying for a service that wasn't delivered as stated.Sincerely,Kathy

SAFE Security Response • Jan 29, 2018

In response to complaint ***, our technician tried to contact Ms. on 1/16, 1/19 and 1/23 to schedule a time to service the alarm system and was unsuccessful, they left voicemails messages to return a call for scheduling, and as of this date no return calls were made to the technician. Safe Security has third party vendors that service our customers alarm system; therefore we have technicians that are local to Ms. that can service the alarm system if there are any servicing issues. If Ms. wishes to cancel the alarm system then we will stand by the terms of the agreement made on September 25, 2017. Ms. signed an agreement with an initial 5 year term and an automatic annual renewal clause. The initial terms of this agreement will not expire until September 2022. In order to cancel services with SAFE Security, the initial terms of the agreement will need to be fulfilled. The customer will have to submit a written notice of cancellation (along with a valid signature) and the remaining balance of $1959.06 will need to be paid.

I signed a contract with Safe to install a alarm system on my home in *** Heights Ca. on *** The contract was for 42 months. We sent a letter on *** to stop services as instructed by a Safe Security representative. They kept billing me and taking money from my checking account after I called and asked them to stop several times. We made several attempts to get this resolved. Finally, on *** at approximately 2:30pm I spoke with a representative "Kristina" in which she stated they would only reimburse me for one year of unauthorized payments. Even though I tried to explain to her they had no permission to keep taking money from my account and they were not monitoring my home during this time I felt I should be reimbursed all money taken after I cancelled the contract in writing as they asked. She stated that we didn't put in writing not to take any money even though we canceled all business with them. She stated they would only go back one year and send a check for $577.00 and they would keep the rest of the money after that. I asked for them to send the check and a copy of the contract, they send a copy of the contract and the original copy of the cancelation letter but no check. They wont let me speak to anybody higher than a representative. Supervisors, and managers are

SAFE Security Response • Jan 04, 2018

In response to the complaint by Robert *** case*** Safe security has reviewed all documents and has determine that we will issue a refund for the months that were over paid in the amount of $906.72. A check will be mailed to the customer's residence with 5-7 business days.

Customer Response • Jan 09, 2018 have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, Robert

In 2002 we bought a new house that had a builtin alarm system. Several months later the company that did the installation reached out to us to have them provide monitoring for the alarm system. We signed up for a month to month contract. In 2009, we were contacted by Safe Security that they had taken over the monitoring from Alliance Security. We were never notified by Alliance that they were selling our contract. We were just told that Safe was the company that would be doing the monitoring. We were never asked if wanted Safe Security—we were just told that they were taking over the monitoring. In December 2014, there were several breakins in the neighborhood. Because of these breakins we did our monthly test and we contacted Safe Security to see if they had received the signal, which they did not get. We asked them to send someone out to check the system and determine what the problem was, but no one came out. We made several more calls during the month of December, but no one came out. On Friday, January 2nd we emailed and called you to report a problem that were having---we could not set the alarm because it showed a fault with Zone 9. We don’t have a Zone 9. No response. On Monday, January 5th, we called back and talked to a gentleman that told us that someone would be contacting us no later than Wednesday, January 7th. No one called. On Thursday, January 8th, we called and again we were told that someone would get back to us right away. No one called. On Monday, January 12th, we sent a letter stating that were cancelling service because we had not been getting any service for almost 2 months, which we were paying for. This was a breach. On Tuesday, January 13th, we received a phone call from the Tech Dept wanting to make an appointment for the week of January 19th. We would wait even longer to have our system repaired. This was totally unacceptable and an unsafe situation for us and our family. We received a phone call a few weeks after we sent the letter informing us that we could not cancel because we were on a yearly contract. Due to this lack of service from Safe Security, we do not feel that we owe for the entire year. They failed to live up to their agreement to monitor our system. They were paid for 2 months of service that we did not receive. This is our grounds for cancellation.

SAFE Security Response • Jan 04, 2018

In response to the complaint file by Paul *** case*** under the terms of the agreement on *** Mr. contract was transferred to Safe Security; the agreement states one party known as the assignor Alliance Security can transferred its rights under the contract to an assignee Safe Security. After the transfer of the contract service issues began to exist due to Mr*** changing his phone line.

· *** Safe Security attempted to contact due to a trouble signal received, Safe was unsuccessful in reaching the customer but left a message.

· ***Safe Security attempted to contact the customer due to a trouble signal received, Safe was unsuccessful in reaching the customer but left a message.

· *** The customer contacted Safe Security and the tech support department attempted to troubleshoot the issue but was unsuccessful in accessing the panel remotely, therefore a service ticket was opened.

· *** The customer contacted Safe security to schedule the service call, it was determined that no signals were being received due to the customer changing phone line from AT&T to Comcast. Mr. indicated that he would contact Comcast before scheduling the service call. The customer never called back to Safe Security for scheduling, but our service dealer attempted to contact the customer on several dates*** and was unsuccessful in reaching the customer but voicemail's were left to call the service dealer.

On *** our service dealer contacted the customer and was told that he had another alarm provider to come out and fix the issue. Then on *** Safe Security received a cancellation letter from the customer. The customer terms of the agreement are; Contract originated *** for 36 months with automatic renewal that is year to year unless the customer cancels in writing no less than 30 days before the end of the original or renewal terms. The cancellation letter was received after the renewal term had begun and no further monthly monitoring premiums were made by Mr*** Subsequently, the account was submitted to Hillcrest *** and Associates Collection Agency for non-payment. To resolve this issue the customer needs to pay the balance of the contract in the amount of $502.19 to Hillcrest*** and Associates Collection Agency. Until the balance of the contract is sent to Hillcrest *** and Associates Collection Agency, the customer will be held to the contract terms.

This is a fraudulent business. They did not monitor my home alarm system as agreed upon on their contract. This company charges for a service they do not provide. I triggered my alarm many times over the last three years to see if they would call me back to check on the alarm. They NEVER called to check on what triggered the alarm. On ***, I sent a contract cancellation letter to them more than 90 days, as required by the contract, before the end of the current contract in ***. They claimed that I had not sent the cancellation letter in time to avoid charges for an automatic contract renewal. In the end, after a very protracted process, they forced me to pay for 60% of the total charges for a new contract at the time I cancelled the service.

SAFE Security Response

Date: *** Response: Carlos & Wendy*** - Customer ***

SAFE Security is responding to the complaint filed by Carlos ***.

Contract Terms:*** 1 year, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 60 days prior to end of the contract term.

· The customer stated that he has set off his alarm many times over the past few years and did not receive a call from SAFE Security.

· The account has been reviewed and below are the findings:

· Per the contract agreement, under Section 2: Limited Warranty and Maintenance it states:

If the purchaser (Customer) discovers a defect in the product purchased under this agreement, purchaser must immediately:

1) Contact Company’s service department in writing or by telephone.

2) Describe fully the nature of the defect so repair service may be rendered.

In addition, it also states Purchaser agrees to test alarm system at least once monthly.

· In reviewing the account documentation, the customer did not contact SAFE Security to request a service call for his alarm.

· The customer signed the security contact agreement that he understood the terms and conditions of the agreement.

· On *** SAFE Security received a cancellation letter from the customer.

· A cancellation letter needed to be received by ***, in order to stop the security contract agreement from auto renewal. Since the cancellation letter was not received by *** the security contract agreement auto renewed for an additional year with contract terms through***.

· No refund will be issued to the customer.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· Please disregard invoices/statements you may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.

SAFE Security

Customer Response • Jan 15, 2018

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because: This company is a fraud. Their claim that I did not test my alarm is untrue. I mailed out my cancellation letter to them on *** to their ***Sincerely,Carlos

SAFE Security Response • Jan 19, 2018

Date: ***

SAFE Security is responding to your rebuttal response sent in ***

SAFE Security is standing by its original response sent to the dated ***. Please see below.


Date: *** Response: Carlos & Wendy *** Customer ***

SAFE Security is responding to the complaint filed by Carlos A ***

Contract Terms: 07/11, 1 year, auto renewal for successive 1 year (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 60 days prior to end of the contract term.

· The customer stated that he has set off his alarm many times over the past few years and did not receive a call from SAFE Security.

· The account has been reviewed and below are the findings:

· Per the contract agreement, under Section 2: Limited Warranty and Maintenance it states:

If the purchaser (Customer) discovers a defect in the product purchased under this agreement, purchaser must immediately:

1) Contact Company’s service department in writing or by telephone.

2) Describe fully the nature of the defect so repair service may be rendered.

In addition, it also states Purchaser agrees to test alarm system at least once monthly.

· In reviewing the account documentation, the customer did not contact SAFE Security to request a service call for his alarm.

· The customer signed the security contact agreement that he understood the terms and conditions of the agreement.

· On 10/26/17, SAFE Security received a cancellation letter from the customer.

· A cancellation letter needed to be received by 5/31/17, in order to stop the security contract agreement from auto renewal. Since the cancellation letter was not received by 5/31/17, the security contract agreement auto renewed for an additional year with contract terms through 7/31/18.

· No refund will be issued to the customer.

· No additional monies are due from the customer.

· The account has been submitted for cancellation.

· Please disregard invoices/statements you may receive during the cancellation process. It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed.

Thank you.


I switched my alarm service from Protection 1 to Safe Security. I had to pay a cancellation fee to Protection 1. I tried to get this taken care of but Safe never sent the cancellation fee and lost my payments to them. I’m not paying for two alarms.

SAFE Security Response

On September 29, 2017, Zelma*** signed a contract with an initial 3 year term and an automatic annual renewal clause. The initial terms of this agreement will not expire until September 2020. We have contacted the customer and requested to know the remaining balance of her prior alarm company and Ms. has refused to provide that information.

In order to cancel services with SAFE Security, the initial terms of the agreement will need to be fulfilled. The customer will have to submit a written notice of cancellation (along with a valid signature) and the remaining balance of $1154.67 will need to be paid.

SAFE Security Response • Feb 14, 2018

We stand by our decision, this account has been cancelled with Safe Security no further obligation with Safe the account was returned to a 3rd party Vendor Mint Security. Please reach out to Mint Security for a resolution to your dispute.

Customer Response • Feb 15, 2018 have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, Zelma ***

I will send a check to SAFE Security for the ammount they alledge that I owe if they will send me a bill for the amount of $1,154.67. I know beyond a reasonable doubt that SAFE Security is a dishonest company and do not acceptable their responsiblity in this matter and are blamimg someone else in order to get out of paying me what they promised.

I will follow with a call to Mint and if I don't receive my money from them I will file a complaint with the against them.

I want a letter sent to me at my address from SAFE Security along with one to the that they have received my check along with their acceptance of my cancellation with their company.

I have agreed to their terms in order to get this business taken care of although I know that I am an innecent victim taken advantage of by this company.

I had SAFE Security install a system in my home. I have a Right to Cancel which I filled out and sent via mail and email. I also attempted to call them for two days and no one ever picked up my call. I just want to cancel my service and have their Customer Service be more prompt. This is the worst service I have ever experienced and feel they are unprofessional. Someone should have contacted me by email or phone. I feel they are avoiding the cancellation in order to refuse my request.

SAFE Security Response

SAFE Security has honored the request of Joy*** and cancelled the account which reflects a zero balance.

Customer Response • Jan 06, 2018 have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, Joy

In ***, a couple of young men arrived at my home, knocked on my door and offered my husband and I alarm security services. The two young man stated that the plan was for 18 months and that after that time period they were going to transfer all new customers in the area to a local business that would be the result of the number of homes they were opening new accounts on because the company wanted to expand into Idaho market. The two young men, offered us free installation of the equipment that included sensors to three living room windows, four bedroom windows, and the dinning area patio door as well as the main entrance door. It also included a motion sensor, a programmable thermo stat and the control panel. This two young man, spent 4 hours in my house because they were having issues installing the control panel. they left for that day and returned the following evening on *** to complete the installation process. The technician's name was Scott, and he also shared with us that he travels around Central and South America working his way around all this countries, learning about the cultures and the language and such, and that after the installation of our control panel that day, he was on his way to retake is travels. We never received any contract documentation from Scott at the end of the installation. My husband gave his name and phone number and Scott told us that all our information was going to come in the mail. We asked for a business card, he did not have one. We asked for a phone number, he gave us *** All we received in the mail was a welcoming letter dated*** and another letter with Safe Security stickers to put around the windows, dated*** We started having issues with password and pins that we had set up with Scott and nothing was working. We spent hours trying to reach customer service and we could not get a hold of anyone. we went online to*** and we could not fix anything because my email was enter incorrectly and was not identified in their system. We finally got a hold of Customer Service after 5 days of trying and managed to fix a couple of our issues with pins and passwords. The initial payment agreement was $59.95 for 18 months. This year after April, I started noticing that my price went up to $62.95 and we were not aware the price was going to change. On *** I sent a letter to Safe Security asking they cancel my contract because I did not want to continue with the service and because the 18 months of the agreed period of service had already passed. We never heard back from Safe Security. In October I called to follow up at 8:20 am PST, 9:20MST. I spoke with Rose who told me to call later because their system was not working and they could not access any bodies information. I called back at 2:23pm again I got Rose, who told me that I had signed a 5 year contract for the security system and that I could not cancel. I informed her at that time that I was not aware of such contract and started explaining the two men that came to my house told me that the plan was for 18 months. She started to treat me like I didn't understand contracts, so I told her to connect me with a supervisor in disputes. She told me it was Saturday and they had no one to help and that she could not help me so she needed to end the call. I called my bank and asked they stop all payments to safe security. I received a letter dated *** from Safe Security asking for $150.90 payment for two months of unpaid monthly fee. I had asked them to cancel the contract in September. I pulled my file where I keep everything I ever got from Safe Security and there was no contract. I called Safe Security again on *** after and asked for a copy of the contract. I received the copy of the contract on Friday evening and this was the first time I got a copy of it. When I started reviewing the document, the signature on this document is not how my husband signs. He never writes his name to sign. Also the password that is shown on the contract is not what we had given. The email address they show is not the address my husband would use because he has not worked for that company in years. We were not aware there was a Notice of Cancellation in the contract that allowed us to cancel within 3 days because we were never given a copy of said document. Also, reading the fine print on the back of this contract on article 16.2 it is clearly stated that after 12 full payments we can cancel this contract and Safe Security refused to honor that request. We want Safe security to clear this contract because it is invalid as the signature is not my husbands and the information contained on this contract is partially false and we believe was manufactured by the technician. Also we want any charges outstanding be written off and we do not want any of this in our credit report. Safe Security has never provided us quality of service and the people representing them did not provide honest, reliable information. We also want a letter stating this steps Safe Security has taken to clear this issue and to make sure this never happens again to other people.

SAFE Security Response

On *** Luis *** signed a contract with an initial term of 60 months. This agreement does not expire until April 2020. SAFE Security has not received any prior correspondence from the customer requesting a copy of the contract. The original contract was emailed to the customer in April 2015 and electronically signed by Mr. Luis *** The password and email address on the contract were valid at that time and due to a request made by Mr. Luis*** in July of 2015, the password and email address was changed.

Under Terms and Conditions of the contract, Section 16. Assignment; Early Termination, 16.2 states: After making full and timely payment of 12 consecutive months of invoiced SAFE monthly bills, but prior to the expiration of the Initial term; Subscriber may elect to terminate this Agreement (“Early Termination”) by notifying SAFE in writing and paying SAFE a $350.00 “Early Termination Fee.” Subscriber may not elect to terminate this Agreement prior to Subscriber’s paying to SAFE the first twelve months’ of SAFE’s invoiced monthly bills in full.

Mr. has not submitted a $350.00 “Early Termination Fee.” In order to fulfill the terms of the agreement, the “Early Termination Fee” of $350.00 will need to be paid to SAFE Security and the account would be cancelled.

SAFE Security Response • Jan 08, 2018

In response to complaint *** Safe Security stands by it's original response to this complaint

Customer Response • Jan 12, 2018

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because: This is unacceptable. We will pay your $350.00 because you are a poor business without integrity. I will write my report of your business on Repo Report. All I am asking now is that you send me an official document in writing stating that I owe you nothing else and that my payment of $350.00 is payment in full for any an all business dealings with your dirty company. You do that and I will pay you. send me an online payment portal so I can have electronic proof that I have pay you immediately.


My problem with this business is that in 2015 I signed a 5 year contract to use their service after they convinced me that they were an improvement over my current security company.
All went well until I, at the age of 83, sold my home after using their service for a year and a half to move closer to my children in another state. I asked repeatedly to be released from this contract, but to no avail. They said I could take their service with me, which I didn’t need, have the new owners take over the contract or continue to pay until the end of the contract.
Repeated calls and letters did not deter them. So, I continued to pay for a full year for service on an empty house inasmuch as the new owners had not moved in.
Then came a letter from the General Manager of the Safe Security Co. notifying me that an audit showed that they did not have the Washington County Sheriff Alarm Permit Number and until they received it, they would be unable to make a call to them if the alarm came them, as there would be a fine levied. They did, however, say that they would still alert my neighbors that I had listed on my “contact” sheet.
I have not been paying them for coverage for the protection of my neighbors…but to the law enforcement authorities. Therefore, I feel that the contract was never in effect from day one due to the fact that they could not call the police for my protection. I have also stopped payment to them on auto pay with my credit card.
I don’t know if this is fraud or not. All I know is that they have been charging me for services that they could NOT provide. I have written to them, from which I have had no response, explaining this fact and that, furthermore, they need to reimburse me for all of the fees totaling to $1,253 that I have paid to them.
I am in hopes that your department will either contact them with this complaint or provide me with the tools of how I should proceed.
Enclosed are copies of the contract and the letters written. I hope that I may hear from you a more definitive procedure on how this should be handled.

My security system stopped working after the lights went out in my neighborhood on *** The battery back-up did not come on and the system panel is black. I have not been able to set my security system since. I have contacted Safe Security several times via telephone and was told at first that there was not a technician in my area. Then, I was told that Steven*** would contact me and set up a time to come to my residence. Mr. called but never showed up. I contacted Safe Security again in reference to not paying for a service I have not received and was told that December's payment would be waived but November's payment was already taken out of my account and could not be refunded. I sent an email to Safe Security on*** regarding my services and have not received a response. After reading my contract, I have discovered that it is void as Safe Security is not maintaining its equipment nor sending someone to repair it. for November

SAFE Security Response

A technician has been scheduled to arrive at the customer’s location on Friday –*** The customer was contacted and advised the tech appointment has been scheduled. SAFE Security apologized to the customer for the inconvenience and applied a (1) month credit to her account.

I haven’t used my service in over two years due to poorly installed equipment.I’ve made several attempts to cancel service and yet they continue to bill me. If they had simply billed me out for early cancellation of my contract my balance would’ve been less than $200, however since they refuse to cancel my service it is now over $400 and all attempts to contact only address the balance rather than any resolution regarding actually turning the service off. I even sent them a letter requesting services be turned off per instructions from an account manager. Also they continue to call me daily regarding the balance even though they’ve spoken to me on several occasions.

SAFE Security Response

Date: *** Response: Bruce ***

Re: Bruce ***– Customer ***

Contract Terms: *** 24 months, auto renewal for successive 1 month (Renewal Term) unless cancelled in writing no less than 30 days prior to end of the contract term. Contract expiration date is***

SAFE Security acquired the security agreement from Castle Rock Security on ***

Upon reviewing the account, below are the findings:

Per the signed security contract agreement on Page 1, under Section Terms and Conditions, Paragraph 1; Initial Term and Renewal it states:
The initial term of this agreement is twenty four months and will automatically continue from month to month thereafter unless cancelled by either of us in writing at least thirty days before the end of the initial term or any renewal term.

On ***, the customer contacted SAFE Security to set up his account on auto pay with new payment information and also stated that he was having an issue with the front door sensor. The customer was advised that the service ticket could be set up and was advised the cost of the service call. The customer stated that he did not want to pay for service call. The customer was advised that SAFE Security was not able to waive the fee for the service call as his plan did not include maintenance. Customer stated that he understood but still did not want to schedule a service call at that time.

On*** an unsigned cancellation letter was received from the customer, however the account was not cancelled as the customer was still initial terms through *** and the Balance of Contract payment has not been made on the account.

On***, a signed cancellation letter was received from the customer.
The customer is responsible for monthly monitoring services billed from*** through *** $36.95 x 7(months) = $258.65 + $10.00 (finance charges) = $ 268.65.

To resolve this issue, the customer will need to send a balance of contract payment in the amount of $265.65. Once the payment is received, the account will be submitted for cancellation.
It may take up to two billing cycles for the cancellation process to be completed. Please disregard any invoices/statements you may receive during this period.
Until the balance of contract payment is received, the customer will be held to the contract terms.

Thank you.


SAFE Security Response

Per the message received from the on *** shown below, this complaint has been closed.

We notified Bruce *** of your response and requested notification of whether or not a satisfactory resolution had been reached. has not heard back from the consumer. Therefore, the complaint has been closed and will be included in your firm’s Business Profile as: “Answered - has not heard back from the consumer as to their satisfaction with the business’s response.”

We stand by our original decision. The customer will be held to the terms of the contract. In order to resolve this issue, the customer will need to send a balance of contract payment in the amount of $265.65. Once the payment is received, the account will be submitted for cancellation.

Customer Response • Jan 10, 2018

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because:I had been discussing this matter with another agent, Ms. Dominique***, who said she reopened the case. I have made a more than agreeable offer to resolve this matter and have shown willingness to take care of this civilly. I feel that I am under no obligation to pay for a service that can’t be used due to faulty installation. Records will not only show that not only have I not used the service for almost two years now, but also that the company has received similar complaints to the,Bruce

I have been dealing Safe Security since September 20, 2017. The Safe agent upgraded my system and wrote a letter to *** Security advising I was canceling my service and please send to amount of payoff for my contract. I received a letter from *** with the amount and I contacted my Safe Agent and gave him the amount. He called me back the next day stating I would receive a check from Safe Security in 10 to 14 working days. I have yet to receive a check as of today 20 November 2017. I finally talked with the Safe Agent today and he stated Safe is not sending out any checks to anyone. I am in the process of cancelling my contract with Safe Security because the are not to be trusted and I don' know if my home is being protected or not. This is totally unethical by management of Safe Security. It sounds like to me they have mismanaged their finances and the customers are the ones paying the price.

I was notified in early 2017 by Safe Security that our existing home alarm system uses 2G cellular communications and that 2G towers were being replaced with 3G, 4G, and LTE towers, therefore our system would no longer be able to communicate with the authorities if an emergency were to occur. When I spoke with Steve in the sales department, he offered to upgrade our system for free, however we would have to sign a new two year contract. I asked him if I could discuss it with my spouse and get back to him. He said no problem, take your time. After investigating other monitoring services, we realized that the $49.33/month we were being charged by Safe Security for monitoring was considerably more than omparable service from other monitoring companies. We decided to go with Xfinity instead, and to cancel our monitoring with Safe Security. When I called to cancel our monitoring, I was told our contract had “auto-renewed” in May, and we would owe a balance of $290.30 if we cancelled. Neither my husband nor I ever agreed to a contract that would auto-renew without our consent. Furthermore, we were never notified of this auto-renewal. What's most disturbing is that they are requiring we pay out a contract for service that DOES NOT WORK in the event of any emergency. I have also contested the charges of $49.33/month for June (when we initially spoke with Steve about the upgrade) – September, for monitoring of system incompatible with current 3G, 4G, and LTE technology. I am contesting this because the charges were unauthorized and because the monitoring was of no value to us given our outdated system. I am due a refund $197.32. Safe Security also required we send written notice of cancellation, which my wife did on October 1st. On October 12th my wife spoke with a woman named Georgette, who said the letter had to have my name and signature on it. I sent a second letter on 11/13. Today we received a bill for $197.99, for monitoring for the Months of Oct/Nov/Dec ($49.33 each) and $25.00 “Returned to Maker” fees for Oct/Nov.

SAFE Security Response

On*** Mark *** signed a contract with an initial 3 year term and an automatic annual renewal clause. This agreement will not expire until May 2018. In order to fulfill the terms of the agreement, the final balance of $444.64 will need to be paid. The final balance includes two (2) returned check fees in the amount of $25.00 each.

SAFE Security Response

When the phone company upgraded the cell towers, the change affected customers with 2G service. The 2G service became obsolete when the upgrade was done.

SAFE Security offered to upgrade the alarm equipment due to the upgraded cell towers and the customer declined the offer. The customer was then advised of the terms of the contract.

We stand by our decision to hold Mark *** to the terms of the contract. If he would like to cancel the alarm service, the amount of $444.64 will need to be paid which would fulfill the terms of the agreement through May 2018.

Customer Response

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because:

Mr. comments are entirely false. When we were offered the upgrade, no mention was made of the terms of our existing contract. We were told that if we were to choose to upgrade, we would enter into a new 2-year contract - implying that we were not currently in contract. We were also told that we could discuss the offer and get back to the them at our convenience. It was only when we contacted Safe (10/1) to notify them that we would not be upgrading and would be cancelling our monitoring, that we was notified that our existing contract had auto-renewed in May.

We will be contacting our attorney.


This company does not value their customers. After 12 years of service we moved and called to cancel service. We were told that we would need to pay a three month penalty unless we could get the new owners to sign on with their service. The new owners chose another provider and we are still being billed as if we are still receiving service. Calls to customer service do no good as all they care about is selling more services. Please avoid this unethical company. Do your research and go with a local provider.

In July of this past year two members of Safe Security came to my door and convinced me to switch my security system over to them and told me they would upgrade my system and blah blah blah. Foolishly I fell for their sales pitch and I signed a contract with them. They promised to pay off our current contract and told me to contact them as soon as I had the payoff balance After a few days, when I had the payoff balance, I tried to contact the salesman, with the balance and he never returned my calls. Additionally, we were having problems with some of the equipment, so I tried contacting the Technician who installed it and he never returned my calls either. Upon doing more research about the company, I began to find lots of complaints against them. I started to feel like I had fallen for a scam. I therefore, decided to cut my losses early. I sent a Certified letter to both Safe Security and Mint Security (Mint Security was the Dealer) stating I wished to cancel my contract with them. I was not entirely sure which company to contact, so I sent the letter to both. Upon receipt of my cancellation letter a man by the name of Dwayne*** from Mint Security contacted me and we agreed on a payoff balance. We also agreed that upon receipt of the payoff balance, my account would be closed and I would owe no further money to them. He sent me an invoice and I sent the agreed upon amount. Upon receipt of the payment and on*** I received an email from Mint Security stating my check was received and my account was paid in full and no additional monies were owed to them and that someone would contact me to pick up their equipment. However, no one ever contacted me to pick up the equipment and now Safe Security continues to try to bill me a monthly monitoring fee. In September, I spoke with their Customer Service department and they told me they never received the cancellation request from Mint Security, and that I needed to state in writing to them my wish to cancel my contract. So again, on *** I sent them an official cancellation letter with all of the supporting documents showing I cancelled my contract and that I had paid the balance in full and also the email from Mint Security stating my account was paid in full and no further monies were due. On October 4th almost a full month after I sent my cancellation letter, Safe Security again withdrew monitoring fees from my checking account in the amount of $144. I put a stop payment on my checking account so they could not withdraw anymore money, but here it is November and they continue to harass me saying I own them money. I have already provided them the proof I paid off my account and the proof that I cancelled my account, yet they continue to harass me. I do not intend to pay them anymore money. I would like them to acknowledge my letter and close my account. I would also like them to refund me the $144 they stole from my account in October. I have their equipment here, and they are welcome to pick it up anytime once I receive confirmation from them that they have closed my account.

SAFE Security Response

SAFE Security will honor the cancellation letter the customer stated was sent on *** We will also return the account to the original seller, Mint Security, our third party dealer with whom the account was created through. A refund check for $59.53 will be the only amount issued to the customer due to a stop payment placed on the last payment SAFE Security received from her. Sheila *** will have no further obligation to SAFE Security.

This company misrepresents themselves, they told my mother they were form her home monitoring system company and that they needed to come over to replace her system's batteries. They then had her sign an electronic contract which she was under the impression was for the replacement of the battery. They did not tell her they were having her sign a contract for their service for 60 months and now they will not let her cancel and are threatening to turn her over to a collection agency. DO NOT TRUST THIS COMPANY! We are reporting them to the attorney general.

Company came on premise of being with Monitronix to change batteries on home security system. Then was told they were giving a gift of free doorbell video camera system. Installed system and changed all passwords and had signature for new equipment. A few days later received phone call to check to see if she was satisfied with new equipment and work done. Was then told monthly rate was changing to increased price. When questioned was told signed new contract for 60 months at new higher price. Then after phone call was confused and called back to Monitronix Smart Security to inquire about high rate and new contract and was told by the company representative that they did not send anyone out and that the people who came were a completely different company. When called Safe Security back to cancel services was told that it was too late and that contract was for 60 months and if it was not paid would be sent to collections.

SAFE Security Response

This account was created through our third party Dealer Network Provider – On Point Alarm. We will return the account to the original seller and Herminia*** will have no further obligation to SAFE Security.

Customer Response have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, Herminia

I did not receive any service from Safe Security. Over a 2 month period, several phone calls were made with promises to help but to no avail. As a result of their actions, I cancelled my service effective Nov. 7th. When questioning their service, I learned this company has no tech service personnel in the greater Portland area - closest help would come from Albany, OR or as far away as Utah. Needless to say, this is totally unacceptable.

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Address: 2440 Camino Ramon Ste 200, San Ramon, California, United States, 94583-4326


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