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Ross Fitchner Home Repairs

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Reviews Ross Fitchner Home Repairs

Ross Fitchner Home Repairs Reviews (1738)

Dear [redacted]Our records indicate that your concern has been resolved by our office. Should you have any questions, please let us know.Promoting Health and Fitness,24 Hour Fitness Corporate

Dear Ms. Worrel,Our records indicate that your concern has been resolved by the local Club Manager. Should you have any questions, please let us know.Promoting Health and Fitness,24 Hour Fitness Corporate Office

Dear [redacted]Unfortunately we are unable to reach you by phone to discuss this matter. At your earliest convenience, please contact our office by calling the phone number provided in the voice-mail left for you by our Member Care Specialist.We look forward to speaking with you...

soon.Promoting Health and Fitness,24 Hour Fitness Corporate Office

Dear [redacted]
Our records indicate that your concern has been addressed by your local club. Should you have any questions, please let us know.
Promoting Health and Fitness,
24 Hour Fitness Corporate Office

Dear[redacted]Our records indicate that your concern has been resolved by the local Club Manager. Should you have any questions, please let us know.Promoting Health and Fitness,24 Hour Fitness Corporate Office

Dear [redacted]
Our records indicate that your concern has been resolved by our office.
Should you have any questions, please let us know.
Promoting Health and Fitness,
24 Hour Fitness Corporate Office
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
To my knowledge, I have not received a phone call from 24-Hour Fitness and they most certainly did not leave a voicemail. They will need to call me again.

Dear Mr. [redacted],Our records indicate that a Member Care Specialist has attempted to contact you in follow up to the comments you provided to the Unfortunately, they were unable to speak with you. At your earliest convenience, please contact us by calling the phone number...

provided in their voicemail. We look forward to speaking with you soon!Promoting Health and Fitness,24 Hour Fitness Corporate Office
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Contract has been breached and I will no settle for this action. Contract needs to be uphold.

Dear Ms. [redacted],
We take feedback from our members very seriously
and sincerely regret any unpleasant experience that may have occurred to
detract from our level of service or our facilities.
We are currently investigating this matter and expect
to have an update for you soon. You...

should receive a phone call within the next
3-5 business days providing you with more information.
Thank you for your patience,
24 Hour Fitness Corporate Office have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID...

[redacted] and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.The  customer service representative who contacted me said that they would send me a copy of the original, signed contracts.  That would be the first step toward resolving the issue.  I still have not received the original contract even though we have requested it several times through their website, through the club manager at the local club and through the customer service representative who contacted me.Regards,[redacted]
In no way has my complaint been addressed as their...

response indicates. They called me and refused to address any part of my desired resolution in any way. I received no apology, no rationale for the rate increase, no explanation  about how this rate increase is either fair or ethical, no money back for their unethical practices and no honoring of their verbal agreement to keep my rate at $69 per year for my "Lifetime." I demand that this claim be ruled in my favor or go directly to arbitration since they obviously have no interest in letting you guys know how any of my concerns have been addressed.  Their response says "nothing." I honestly don't know how you even consider it a response.
They did not let the know, in any way, how they have handled this claim.  They have no evidence proving the legitimacy of the rate increase, they did not explain why they would not be refunding any money, they did not apologize to me in any way, they did not address any part of the obvious discrimination I have pointed out, they have not explained how this is ethical and have not explained how this is fair.  Each one of these points needs to be addressed for the to even begin to consider if 24 hour fitness did everything possible to resolve this claim.  The can, in no way, consider this claim "answered." The business has provided ZERO answers.  If they are not even going to make the effort to address this claim then is they are leaving the no choice but to rule in my favor. 
Please instruct 24 Hour Fitness to refund me $200 and keep me and my wife's rate at the promised $69 per year since they have neither denied that this is owed to me but also have not produced an ounce of evidence to the contrary. They didn't even try.  It took them more than a month to respond to this claim just to tell you nothing.  Since they are so uninterested in this process, I think the has an obligation to prove to them how this really works.  Rule in my favor immediately.  My claims are undisputed, therefore you have no choice but to demand they comply with my desired resolutionRegards,[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted]  Patty from 24 hour fitness contacted me at [redacted].  I agreed to pay last years fee, this years fee, and an initiation fee totally 148.00 to reinstate my membership with all the terms of my previous membership.  It was an all club membership with a yearly 50.00 yearly renewal fee.  Thank you so much for your help.  I attempted this matter on my own and got no where with them.  So thanks so much for your help in attempting to resolve this issue.  

Dear [redacted]
Unfortunately we are unable to reach you by phone to discuss this matter.  At your earliest convenience, please contact our office by calling the phone number provided in our voice-mail.
We look forward to speaking with you soon.  
Promoting Health and...

Fitness, 24 Hour Fitness Corporate have reviewed the response made by the business in...

reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Thank you for the list of the clubs I may use but the [redacted] club is not on the list and my husband is allowed to go there.  Again, I feel that I am should have equal rights.  I should have access to the same clubs my husband has as our membership agreements are nearly identical (although I pay more per month than he does).Regards,[redacted]

Dear [redacted]
Our records indicate that a Member Care Specialist has contacted you in follow up to the additional comments you provided to the and they have resolved your concern. Should you have any questions, please let us know. 
Sincerely,24 Hour Fitness Corporate

Dear [redacted]
your membership agreement purchased on 04/06/04, your membership is eligible
for an annual dues increase after the initial prepaid
term. Please note that this increase was not a decision which we took
lightly. However, it was an important and necessary step to ensure we provide
all of our members with a clean, friendly, well-maintained club
value your loyalty and believe even with the increase, you are still getting
the best value and access to approximately 350 clubs nationwide based on your
access level.
behalf of 24 Hour Fitness, we thank you for your valued business and look
forward to helping you with your fitness journey in the many years ahead.
in Fitness, 
24 Hour Fitness Corporate
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to...

complaint ID [redacted] find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for 24 hour fitness to send me an email stating that I left the club in good standing (all debts paid), if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
I have reviewed the response made by...

the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.

Dear [redacted]Our records indicate that a representative from our office has contacted you in follow up to your feedback and they are currently working with you to address your concern. Should you have any further questions regarding this matter, please let us know.Promoting Health and Fitness, 24...

Hour Fitness Corporate

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Address: P.O. Box 2589, Macon, Florida, United States, 92018-2689


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