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PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

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Reviews PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Reviews (1843)

Pnc bank for their refusal to investigate my claims and ignoring all correspondence I've sent in

PNC has reached out to the customer and is working directly with the customer to resolve this concern. Thank you!
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of...

the offer I reviewed appear below.
The company did not address the two significant matters.  1) The loan terms, especially related to the lifetime of the loan, were changed without my consent.  For a loan that originated eight years ago, it is significant to change the terms without my consent back to a 30-year loan.  This does not make the loan more affordable for me, it only makes me give the company a significant amount more money.  2) The loan was modified in order to make it more affordable.  Instead, a significant amount of fees and interest were tacked onto the loan, and the monthly payment amount stayed virtually the same.  This means that the total due to the company is now more than it was eight years ago when the loan was originated!  This does not make the loan in any way more affordable, quite the contrary it makes it significantly less affordable.

There is no signed authorization to release information and PNC is responding to the customer in writing 112114 [redacted]

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my...

complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.The majority of the issue with PNC is customer service related and inappropriate and unprofessional behavior by the PNC associates.  My wife had a conversation with [redacted] (Regional Manager ) regarding this behavior and he was to call me directly to speak further about resolving this issue. He has not made any appempt to contact me or my wife. The last contact we had with him was via email on 11/3/2014. We have not heard a word from him since. This is not resolved and we do not agree with closing the issue. PNC needs to respond and take responsibility for the behavior of their employees.Regards,[redacted]

2-9-15 JMEThis letter is written in response to your correspondence regarding Ms. [redacted].  PNC Bank has mailed Ms. [redacted] a response letter addressing the concerns expressed in Case #[redacted], directly to the customer’s address of record with the bank.  The did...

not provide a signed authorization form with the Customer Complaint.

March 5, 2015Dear Ms. [redacted],PNC Bank has responded directly to the customer regarding his concern.  Written correspondence was sent to the customer on March 5, 2015.Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter.Sincerely,[redacted]OfficerExecutive Client...

RelationsEnterprise Escalation Group

PNC Bank, National Association (“PNC”) received the complaint for Ms. [redacted] on March 04, 2015.  We have evaluated the information and have spoken with the customer to address her concerns.  We do not have written authorization from Ms. [redacted] to respond to your office....

 Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####. Thank You,[redacted], MSWExecutive Client Relations OfficerEnterprise Escalation GroupPNC Bank

PNC spoke with Ms. [redacted] today (11/25/14) and are crediting her Savings account $100.00 as a one-time courtesy.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this...

does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I do not consider this complaint to be resolved.  Please post all of my responses to the website about this business.  I tried in good faith to resolve this conflict.  As you can see I paid for all the erroneous charges that PNC allowed to be posted to my credit card account even after it had been requested to be closed more than 6 months earlier.  I even paid one of the $25.00 late fees they assessed me.  This shows that I acted in good faith and paid for my purchases and a late fee to boot.  However, PNC still insists that they did not do anything wrong- is still showing a $14.00 balance due and placing it against my credit.  Ms. [redacted] states she responded to me on 06/24/15.  There is no response on this website.  With all due respect, I don't think she should have total oversight over matters such as this.  It should have been sent to an independent third party at her business for them to assess how her company totally fell down on the job in this situation.  Someone also needs to review their website.  I believe it to be misleading in electronic billing.  Her company can not prove I ever accessed any of my electronic billing statements thru email as I never requested this option.  I especially had no access after I cut up and disposed of the card more than 6 months prior. I did not even know my account number.  Why doesn't someone request PNC prove I had access to my credit card statements and that I viewed them knowing exactly what my balance was.  Because they know they can not prove it.   PNC never responded to any of my concerns.  They just kept billing me late fees and never sending me a mailed statement until I complained to the  Then I get a letter and all of my statements from Ms. [redacted] how convenient.  In the process of me trying to resolve this conflict and sending in my check - how nice PNC bank charges me another late fee of $35.00.  I ask you, is this a business trying to work with a customer and resolve a complaint.  The answer is simply and clearly, "NO."  I will be addressing this situation with every government agency that will listen.  Clearly, something shady occurred here (in my opinion).  There was no new response to my complaint from Ms. [redacted].  She did not even respond to the issue I addressed.  That PNC and her personally knowing I was trying to resolve this account - charged me another late fee before I even got the statements in the mail.  How is that fair?  As my check to PNC shows - the day after I got the statements I mailed a check for what I owed.  I acted in good faith.  PNC did not.  Ms. [redacted] did not.  Please post to the internet on your website, so that other customers of PNC will see what experience I had with them and be wary about this business.  Especially pay attention to how they try to get you to sign up for electronic statements when this is not your choice.  Because even if you call customer service and tell them you are not receiving you statements thru the mail, they will do nothing to correct the situation.  Also, I want PNC to stop sending me statements in the mail.  I consider my account closed, balance paid in full, and if they are petty enough to hold it against my credit go ahead.  Hopefully, anybody reading this response can figure out who has integrity and who does not.

This issue has been resolved directly with the client.  
Executive Client Relations Specialist
500 Smithfield St. 3rd Fl.
Pgh PA 15222
Ph# ###-###-####
Fax# ###-###-####

2-12-15 - JLH - Please see attached response to client


Tell us why here... PNC attempted to contact the client and considers this issue resolved.

To whom it may concern:I know this complaint has been closed, but wanted to update that PNC Bank has made significant effort to contact me to discuss and resolve. Due to conflicts in schedule, this took longer than expected, but contact was completed today with a satisfactory resolution to my complaint. I am sure PNC would like you to reopen this complaint to update its status and I am agreeable with this. Sincerely, [redacted]

As discussed via phone, I will be faxing over a police report of stolen card. I would also like it to be noted that PNC did not advise me to get a police report, even when I vividly asked on multiple occasions via phone with their representatives(they stated I did not have to get one and it didn’t matter whether I filed one or not)… I advised Ms. [redacted] the disputes had been denied because Ms. [redacted] stated her PIN was written down and anyone could have gotten it.  Ms. [redacted] denied making that statement, so I reviewed her disputes and confirmed our records indicated she had informed our representative at the [redacted] branch on December 12, 2014, that she had lost her debit card and her PIN number was written down and anyone could have gotten it. PNC has tried to use my statement against me about my pin #. Yes, I stated I had it written down. However, I also stated it was written down for PERSONAL USE, in my home. They seem to be leaving that fact out and using my statement against me for their own gain... So claiming anyone could have gotten hold of my pin and that I just left it out in the open to be seen is highly incorrect and offensive. I would like to point out it was still NOT addressed through phone call from PNC on 1/22/15, about debt collecters calling me! And why I should owe them if they won’t even give me my $ back! This debt was quickly entered onto my credit report, before it was even solved and I cannot even go to another bank to open an account. That is completely unfair to me... Accounts were also closed before I even received notice in mail from PNC. I spoke with Ms. [redacted] on January 22, 2015 and advised her the reason the Accounts were closed was due to the history of returned deposit items; specifically, there were two returns from a closed account at another bank. The above statement I completely refute, because this is the entire reason I claimed fraud. I viewed the images and those were not my checks nor my handwriting... I made sure that was very clear my first fraud claim call and to everyone I spoke with thereafter. Also, I would like video footage to be requested from location fraud was done at. It is clearly seen I was nowhere near the scene, as I was at work during specific time fraud withdrawals/deposits were committed.  Additionally, there were undisputed items that occurred after the date Ms. [redacted] indicated her card was lost. Please note, the above statement. Everytime I have spoken with PNC corporate over the phone, this is the reason I was given for my disputes being denied, NOT THE PIN  # STATEMENT, THAT THE BANK IS NOW TRYING TO USE AGAINST ME!   I will be sending over all correspondence received through mail from PNC Bank. All are dated and I will explain in detail. I will also be sending over all transactions that were done that were fraudulent, as I specifically sat down with banker on 12/12/14, and we both assured that all transactions were correctly processed, as banker filed all claims herself… So after 12/12/14, there should not have been ANY undisputed items that occurred after date I indicated my card was lost. Kind Regards, [redacted] ###-###-####

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
No one ever contacted me outside of my local branch. Emails and phone calls...

went unanswered, I have already opened an account with a new bank due to the issue.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

No one contacted me.  And this bank is annoying.

Please allow me to respond to your complaint filed on December 10, 2014 with the of Western Pennsylvania (“”) regarding recent Overdraft Item Fees assessed to your PNC Bank, National Association (“PNC”) checking accounts. I appreciate the opportunity to address your...

concerns. In determining whether you have sufficient funds in your account to pay checks and other withdrawal items, PNC’s general practice is to consider all pending electronic transactions (including, but not limited to, point-of-sale transactions) for which PNC has received notice, even if those transactions have not yet posted to your account. Pending transactions immediately impact the balance used to pay items presented for payment during nightly processing. We receive transaction information from merchants and other sources throughout the business day. Although pending transactions are reflected in your available balance, Overdraft Item Fees are only assessed on the posted items presented to your account against uncollected or non­sufficient funds. PNC’s general practice is to post items according to the date and time they were authorized or when PNC received notice of the transaction. Details of our policy are disclosed in the Withdrawals section of our Account Agreement for Personal Checking, Savings and Money Market Accounts (“Account Agreement”). A copy of the Account Agreement is enclosed for your review. According to our records, your Performance Checking account ending in [redacted] (“Performance Account”) and your Standard Checking account ending in [redacted] (“Standard Account”) are currently Opted-Out of Overdraft Coverage. Therefore, the accounts are only protected by PNC’s standard overdraft practice. The standard overdraft practice allows PNC, at our discretion, to authorize and pay overdrafts for checks and other transactions using the account number and automatic bill payments. It does not allow PNC to authorize and pay overdrafts for ATM and everyday debit card transactions. With standard overdraft practice, PNC can charge a maximum of four (4) Overdraft Item Fees per day. If the account remains overdrawn, additional fees may be charged. While no specific activity is referenced in your complaint, my review of your recent Performance Account activity reflects that on December 8, 2014 your beginning balance was $47.20. Two (2) online transfers from your Standard Account, each in the amount of $50.00, credited to your Performance Account. Additionally, an Overdraft Protection Transfer in the amount of $7.54 credited to your Account from your Standard Checking account ending in [redacted]. This left you with a balance to pay items of $154.74. Subsequently, eight (8) transactions totaling $179.43 presented to your Performance Account for posting, leaving you with a negative balance of - $24.69. Three (3) ACH [redacted] transactions; $19.95 to [redacted], $10.59 to [redacted], and $2.99 to [redacted] each overdrew your Performance Account. As these three (3) transactions were ACH transactions, PNC’s standard overdraft practice was utilized and three (3) $36.00 Overdraft Item Fees were appropriately assessed on December 9, 2014, as disclosed in the notice sent to your address of record. Also on December 8, 2014, your Standard Account had an available balance of $101.46. The two (2) above-mentioned transfers to your Performance Account, each in the amount of $50.00, posted to your Standard Account. Additionally, one (1) ACH transaction to [redacted] in the amount of $104.71 posted to the Account, leaving you with a final balance of negative -$103.25. PNC’s standard overdraft practice was utilized and one (1) $36.00 Overdraft Item Fee was appropriately assessed on December 9, 2014, as disclosed in the notice sent to your address of record. It is PNC’s practice to refund any fee assessed as the result of a proven bank error. As no proven bank error occurred, your request for refunds is respectfully denied. PNC Alerts, which in addition to keeping your account register up to date, recording purchases as they are made, and maintaining a positive account balance, may help you effectively manage the account and avoid the assessment of fees. Enclosed for your records are copies of the following: •        Two (2) Overdraft Notices dated December 9, 2014 •        Overdraft Protection Transfer notice dated December 8, 2014 •        Consumer Schedule of Service Charges and Fees - Performance Checking •        Consumer Schedule of Service Charges and Fees - Standard Checking On behalf of PNC, I apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced with this matter. I attempted to reach you by phone on December 15 and 23, 2014 and by email on December 23, 2014 to discuss your account activity, however, I was unsuccessful in reaching you. Thank you for your time in allowing me to clarify our position. If you have any additional questions or specific account activity you would like to review, please call me toll free at ###-###-####. My extension is [redacted], and I am available Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time. Sincerely, [redacted], MSW Executive Client Relations Officer Enterprise Escalation Group Enclosures

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Address: 4300 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States, 27612-4508


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