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Handy Technologies, Inc.

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Reviews Handy Technologies, Inc.

Handy Technologies, Inc. Reviews (953)
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]
 I had a $116 credit in my account prior to 2/** which I was planning on using for my cleaning scheduled for 2/** as a one time clean. After the house cleaner arrived at my house on 2/** without notice and did not clean because I was out of the country, the $116 credit disappeared from my account. Handy, in their response to me mentions a cleaning on Jan. * which I have  no knowledge of and which does not show on my  calendar.  No one contacted me about this supposed cleaning and it was never done .I just returned home from traveling and noticed that Handy charged my credit card on 2/** for $116.  In there response to me, Handy states they are returning $116 to my credit card but now they owe me another $116 as well since they have used my account credit for $116 and also charged my credit card an additional $116.   I would like a total of $232 returned to my credit and no further charges to be made.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.

Hi [redacted],
We sincerely apologize for the poor experience you've had with us. We've refunded your card for the $81 that was charged for your September [redacted] booking. You'll receive it in 3 to 5 business days. Typically if a professional calls off last minute or there is high demand in your...

area and limited professional availability your booking may get rescheduled to the earliest available time slot. We then email you to notify you of the change. You can always cancel the booking if it does not work for you. If you need further assistance feel free to visit our help center [redacted].  
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.

Hi [redacted],
 We're sorry for any inconvenience caused by this. Checking your account you canceled a booking on October [redacted] that was scheduled for 12:30pm at 11:43am. Since you canceled the booking within 2 hours of the scheduled date and time the charge is nonrefundable per our...

cancellation policy. When you placed your order for service you also had to agree to our terms of service. We also do have a cancellation policy you can find in our help center [redacted]. We send 7 day reminder emails as well as secondary 24 hour reminder emails for all upcoming bookings. This gives you ample time to cancel any unwanted bookings and avoid any additional fees. If you need further assistance with this feel free to contact us using [redacted].  

Hi [redacted],I apologize for the drawn out process that comes with filing a claim. We have approved your claim and are sending a release form to you today. Just fill that our and return it to us and we can complete providing compensation for the damages caused. If you have any questions...

please let us know. We appreciate your patience through out this process.Very best,[redacted]

Hi [redacted],We're primarily a subscription service and require all customer signing up for our cleaning service to schedule regularly scheduled cleaning. When you place your order you're also required to agree to our terms of service. Checking your account I see you emailed us and your service was...

canceled on August [redacted]. Just a reminder you can cancel your service anytime using our help center [redacted]. Best,Dinis
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.

[redacted] was paid $75 for jobs worked in her last pay period.  The $75 posted on January * to the account she put on file, a Visa ending in [redacted].[redacted]'s payment for the most recent pay period was sent this morning in the amount of $30 and will post in 1-3 business days. Our payment...

processor has no indication that the payments failed, or that there were any other issues.

Hi [redacted],Checking your account I do see on your June [redacted] booking you sent a text to the professional an hour before the booking to say you wanted to cancel it. Per our cancellation policy the charge is nonrefundable. We provide with the tools to cancel bookings directly in your bookings...

page. If you want to cancel your regularly scheduled service you can do so anytime using our help center [redacted]. We also send 7 day reminder emails and secondary 24 hour reminder emails. These are courtesy emails but the customer that signs up for our service is responsible for managing their bookings. We are primarily a subscription service and if you're booking with us online you are required to choose regularly scheduled service. You can however, book one time cleanings at full price using our mobile apps for iPhone and Android. Best,Dinis

Hi [redacted],
We apologize for the inconvenience and for any frustration caused. Checking your account we do see all future bookings have been canceled and the recurring cycle has been deactivated. You also reached out to us on [redacted] and have been refunded for the $87 on...

October [redacted]. You'll receive it in 3 to 5 business days from the date the refund was processed. We send 7 day reminder emails and secondary 24 hour reminder emails for all upcoming bookings with us. These are courtesy emails and are not required. We give you the tools to manage your booking directly in your bookings page. You can also cancel your service anytime directly in your profile page. As requested, we've deactivated your account. If you're signed in on any devices please sign out to complete the process. We've also requested for your credit card information to be removed from the system. This typically takes 1 to 2 business days to complete. Just a reminder you can request to close your account and remove your credit information by contacting us through our help center [redacted]. If you need further assistance please visit our help center. 

Hi [redacted],
We apologize for any inconvenience and frustration trying to cancel your service with us. We've canceled all future bookings and deactivated the recurring cycle on your account. You'll no longer have any future bookings with us unless you place a new order for...

service. Just a reminder, you can cancel your service with us anytime directly in your profile page. If you need further assistance please visit our help center [redacted].  

Hi [redacted],
We sincerely apologize for any added inconvenience or frustration getting this matter resolved. We also apologize for the professional not showing up to your scheduled booking. Since you've disputed the charge we're unable to process the refund for you until the...

process has been completed. We'll follow up with the previous agent who assisted you previously. If you need further assistance feel free to contact us using our help center [redacted]. 
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

I also received an email directly from Handy and wrote a response email on 10/**/2015, but I have yet to hear back from them.In my response email, I added screenshots of the charge to my finance's CC as well as the receipt from their website charging my CC. I have added attachments here as well.Thank you,[redacted]
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.

I'm sorry to hear about this issue and do apologize for any inconvenience caused. When you request a professional it is up to the professional to accept that request. They can also accept a request and at the last minute remove themselves from the booking. Once they've removed themselves the booking...

is opened up for other professionals to view and accept. We do not assign any professionals to your booking. Our professionals are independent contractors that create and manage their own schedules. We also have a cancellation policy. If you cancel a booking within 24 hours of the scheduled date and time you will be charged a cancellation fee. As a courtesy we've refunded the cancellation fee to your card. You can expect to receive it in 3 to 5 business days. If you need further assistance feel free to reach out to us using our help center [redacted]. Best,[redacted]

Your request ([redacted] has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff.To add additional comments, reply to this email.

The customer has now been refunded in full for all 5 bookings, totaling a refund of $405. As mentioned, the cancellation of individual bookings does not cancel a cleaning plan.  Cleaning plans can be cancelled through the Accounts page of a Handy profile, selecting the plan from a drop down menu and following instructions to complete the cancellation. Handy is a growing web based company and has transitioned to an online Help Modal via [redacted], we do not provide phone support. The customers cleaning plan has been successfully cancelled, there are no bookings confirmed for future dates nor will any be generated automatically.

Hi [redacted],
We apologize for the inconvenience and any frustration caused by this issue. We've refunded your card for $40 at this time. You'll receive it in 3 to 5 business days. You also have $40 in credit in your Handy account that will be automatically applied towards any future booking...

with us. If you need further assistance please visit our help center [redacted].  

My apologies that the professional never showed up to your appointment. Please reach out to [redacted] so that we can properly evaluate the situation for you and issue a refund.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.

Hi [redacted], We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion with your service. You initially signed up for a cleaning plan on May **, 2015 that repeats every 4 weeks. We do see you've been canceling individual bookings but did not cancel your cleaning plan until November **, 2015. The...

$217 charge came from a booking that was scheduled for November **, 2015. We've canceled that booking and refunded your card for $217 at this time. You can expect to receive it in 3 to 5 business days. If you need further assistance please visit our help center [redacted].  Best, Dinis

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Address: PO Box 1122, New York, New York, United States, 10159-1122


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