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Handy Technologies, Inc.

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Reviews Handy Technologies, Inc.

Handy Technologies, Inc. Reviews (953)
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.

Hi [redacted], 
Thank you for your response.
When scheduling a cleaning on the Handy platform, the booking is confirmed based on availability in your area when it is scheduled.  Once it is scheduled, it is released to available Handy professionals in your area, allowing them to attach themselves to your appointments.
Because Handy professionals are independently contracted, they maintain their own schedules, and we are unable to assign them to cleanings.  
If an appointment does not have a professional attached to it shortly before it is scheduled, it is rescheduled to our next available time, as was the case regarding your November ** appointment. 
As listed in section 4e of our Terms & Conditions (screenshot attached), we are unable to guarantee that though a booking is scheduled and paid for, that it is guaranteed to happen as originally scheduled. 
I assure you that this is a rarity, and apologize that it has been your experience.   We understand that this is a frustrating experience, and have refunded you the $58 cost, and credited your account $29 for the inconvenience that this has surely caused you. 

Hi [redacted], We're sorry for any inconvenience trying to cancel your service with us. You can cancel your service anytime directly in your profile page. We've refunded your card for both the $58 & $15 charges at this time. You'll receive it in 3 to 5 business days. If you need further...

assistance please visit our help center [redacted].  Best, Dinis
My complaint appears to have been resolved. I spent several hours searching for Handy's contact information on their site, [redacted], the, and finally my credit card company. I wasted about half of my work day and it put me behind with my clients....

Luckily, a customer service agent with my credit card company had a resource for finding the contact information for companies that make it hard to get in touch with them. It turns out that it was the same number that the had on file. Except the first couple of times I tried that number, the Handy automated phone system would drop my call before putting me in touch with a human being. However, the resource that my credit card company used also indicted that you have to press a very specific number combination to navigate their phone system in order to talk to someone. I finally was able to talk to a representative of Handy and get them to refund my credit card. (They were kind of rude.) That being said, my credit card number is still in their system because they don't provide an option to delete it from my profile. So I need to call them again to get them to delete it. So again, major fail on Handy's part. This is the worst company I've ever dealt with!
P.S. I would include Handy in the CC field of this email, but what do you know? They don't provide an email address to contact them at!

Handy is not a business that I recommend to anyone. They are untrustworthy, and they do not care about their customers.
- Handy sent a cleaner to my house who was afraid of dogs, even though it was noted on my account that I have a golden retriever.
- Handy then failed to respond to my email about how to prevent that in the future.
- A few weeks later Handy then reschedules my cleaning to a week in the future, but gives me only 9 hours notice.
- A week later, at 8am on the day of that rescheduled cleaning, Handy reschedules it again, but this time to 9am. I'm not awake at this point, so a cleaner shows up, waits around and then leaves.
- I wake up, realize what happened, and emailed Handy, asking for a refund and to cancel my service.
- They no longer accept emails, and force me to call them, which I do.
- The woman on the phone takes about 10 minutes to understand what happened, confirms that she cancelled my service, and sends the refund request to a different department.
- A week later, I get another email from Handy about my service scheduled for the next day.
- I immediately call them, and tell them again to cancel my bookings. The woman on the phone hangs up on me.
- I call again, they confirm my bookings are cancelled, but they won't refund tomorrow's booking, citing their cancellation policy (24 hours).
- They have no record that I tried to cancel my future bookings. They acknowledge I called, but refuse to refund the cancellation fee.
- I send them the email I originally sent as proof that I tried to cancel. They say I should have tried to contact them through the phone.
- They still haven't refunded me the original appointment, and I see another appointment fee and a cancellation fee being posted to my credit card.
- They've wasted literally hours of my time, and refuse to give my money back.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

 Hi Dinis, 
I understand your policy; but your actual execution,
in my opinion, had several intentional or unintentional traps to
misinform customer regarding the appointment schedule:
1. Your
cancellation website doesn't provide a way to permanently cancel the
service. And it is very confusing. I cancelled all the services that I
could cancel at the time (which only allow me to cancel the service up
to May). As a normal customer, the UI makes it very easy to believe I
had cancelled all the service (not just the next two or three months)2.
You only send out SMS notification 2 hours ahead of the appointment.
That's the first time I only got to known the appointment. Your email
notification is very unstable (which ended up in my spam box, that I
have no way to find in a timely fashion). If you can send out SMS
notification, why not send it out much earlier when we can still cancel
it. (Especially after the service hasn't been used for months). The way
you choose when and how to send out notification makes me impossible to
cancel the appointment in time.
By the way, I called about this
twice (once in July, once in August) about this issue. And your customer
service promised to refund each time. But they didn't.Thanks,[redacted]
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.

I'm sorry that your moving appointment was cancelled. We had a professional cancel out late in the evening and were unable to find a replacement. We wanted to notify you the moment we found out. I have made sure your refund was processed and it should show up in 3-5 business...

days back to your card. In addition, I have left enough credit on your account for a free home cleaning. My apologies about the inconvenience.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]
 I don't see the response from the business ( the part of your message, I see my previous response to the first response from the business that didn't address my concerns.Thanks,[redacted]
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.

Our claims team has offered a reimbursement of $500 based on the documented damage to the floor. Per our Terms of Use which you accepted when you placed an order with us, any floor damage offer of reimbursement we make is for only the actual damaged areas of your flooring. Any disputes about...

the offer we provided are to be handled with our Claims team, available at [redacted].

This company has canceled my appointments on me twice 30 minutes before the professional is supposed to arrive. There is no way of contacting the company for dispute resolution. All they seem to give me is an email that gets no response from any customer service entity. This company just rescheduled for a day that hat is only convenient for them. it does not matter how far in advance he appointment is made or how long you've been using the service. The fact that there is no customer service to speak to you is a very major inconvenience especially when the appointment is canceled coming up on a holiday with guests arriving the next day. As a result I had to go with another company last minute who charged me a premium for their service in order to get out to me same day. Handy's response when they did this the first time we to only give me $10 off my next appointment and washed their hands of it saying that there was nothing they could do and could not get anyone out to me. . They have still not returned the charges to my card. they charged me a day in advance for the service.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: 
 H Dinnis,
Thank you for your response.  As I mentioned, my bank has NO RECORD of the second transaction.  You need to provide a bank transaction # for the second transaction because as of today it did not go through to my bank.
And it has been more than 120 days since May **.  As a result, please explain your time reference in your email.
Once again, please review my request as well as ALL of the email exchanges under the reference id provided in the original complaint.  I am a fan of Handy but this is not only a disappointing use of my time, but your response shows a lack of research and ultimately is an inefficient use of your time as well.  Please reference attachment of Handy customer service reply on June **, 2015.  Did you just cut and paste?
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
Sana Butler

Hi [redacted], We apologize for the inconvenience and any frustration caused by this issue. Checking your account we see you reached out to us on Facebook and got this matter resolved. You were refunded today November [redacted] for $70. You can expect to receive it in 3 to 5 business days. If you...

need further assistance please visit our help center [redacted].  Best, Dinis

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved I'm sorry but I cannot accept that.  Your booking system is faulty,  there was only one appt remaining on my schedule and it was set for 1pm at area code [redacted].  I have proof to confirm that not only was it the only appointment showing on my schedule but that it was set for 1pm, not 10am.  The doorman did allow the professional into the main entrance and the apartment would have been free of guests, unlocked,  and available to be cleaned had the professional came at the scheduled time of 1pm at zip code [redacted].  Again that is not my error but Handy's. And I'd like to add that it magically disposed from my list of bookings,  there's no record of it.  I'm on a different device at the moment bit I will upload my proof/supporting documents in the morning.

Hi [redacted], We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and frustration caused by this. We've canceled all future bookings and deactivated the recurring cycle on your account. This should have been done correctly upon your initial request. We've also refunded your card for $58. You'll receive it...

in 3 to 5 business days. If you need further assistance please visit our help center [redacted].  Best, Dinis

Hi [redacted],I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or frustration caused. Checking your account on August [redacted] we've refunded $455 back to your card on August [redacted]. You can expect to receive this refund in 3 to 5 business days. Unfortunately due to our cancellation policy I'm unable to refund the...

3 $15 cancellation fees. Our cancellation policy is listed in our help center [redacted]. You do not have any future bookings with us and you can confirm this directly in your bookings page. Best,Dinis
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

Handy has not responded to my question as to how they explain their fraudulent business practice of overbooking and taking money for services prior to completion, when they know they cannot meet the demand.   Unless you can guaranty with reasonable certainty that services can be provided to a customer, you should not take their money.  This is the second time this has happened to me when I book a cleaning for a holiday weekend.  If Handy does not have the staff to cover their appointments and cover any last minute call offs by employees they should not book (and take the money) for such a large amount of services.Right now I can go on their website and book a last minute appointment for tomorrow and ANY TIME. I would like them to explain how that is possible.  It is fraudulent and deceptive and I intend to pursue all legal action including filing a complaint with the Attorney General's Consumer Protection Agency.While I was refunded my money, that does not clear the fraudulent business practices of this company.  I was placed in the position of having to clean my house myself and therefore lose time and energy elsewhere or hire another professional at the last minute, which of course wasn't even possible on a holiday.  

[redacted] was paid $75 for jobs worked in her last pay period.  The $75 posted on January * to the account she put on file, a Visa ending in [redacted]'s payment for the most recent pay period was sent this morning in the amount of $30 and will post in 1-3 business...

days. Our payment processor has no indication that the payments failed, or that there were any other issues.

Hi [redacted],
We're very sorry to hear about this and apologize for the inconvenience. We've refunded the remaining $94 to your card at this time. You'll receive it in 3 to 5 business days. If you need further assistance feel free to contact us using our help center...


Hi [redacted],
We're sorry to hear about your experience on the Handy platform. Checking your account we have records of emails you sent to us regarding the issues you were having and were responded to accordingly. We received emails from you in October, November, and December and can see you...

received support from us. On December [redacted] your information was removed from our database including your banking information as requested. We'll be sure to follow up with our remote office in Miami regarding your claim as well. If you need further assistance, please visit our help center [redacted].  

There was a withholding placed on [redacted] account for not arriving to a scheduled appointment that she attached herself to.  [redacted] had informed us that there was an issue with the customers address bringing her to a place other than the booking location.  
[redacted] confirmed the address with the customer the night before, as seen in the attached image. 
After receiving [redacted] email, a member of our payments team reversed the withholding.  Because [redacted] did not attend the booking nor provide any service to the customer, [redacted] will not be paid for this booking, but the withholding penalty has since been reversed. 
We do not offer phone support to our customers nor professionals and provide them with Help Centers to address any account related issues. 
This reversal of withholdings was a one time courtesy and has been noted on [redacted] account.

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Address: PO Box 1122, New York, New York, United States, 10159-1122


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