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Handy Technologies, Inc.

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Reviews Handy Technologies, Inc.

Handy Technologies, Inc. Reviews (953)

The recurring set up was first placed on your account on November ** when the customer scheduled their November ** booking with the coupon [redacted], which was redeemable only for recurring services.  The cleaning frequency was biweekly, and was generating 3 hour bookings, per the customer's...

preference when scheduling their first appointment. Though the individual bookings for November ** and December * were cancelled, the recurring set up was not, and continued to generate bookings.  Customers are sent reminder emails seven days before each cleaning, as well as the day before the service is scheduled.  
The next confirmed booking was scheduled for December **, the professional called and texted the customer regarding this appointment.  The January * professional called and had a 93 second conversation with the account holder.  The January ** professional sent 3 texts and called 5 times, on February 3 the professional called 4 times and sent 1 text.  The February ** professional called twice and sent two texts.
Customers can cancel the cleaning plan at anytime from both the mobile app and through our website; selecting the cleaning plan they wish to cancel, and following the instructions to complete the cancellation.  The customer's cleaning plan was cancelled yesterday, February ** at 10:42 AM. 
The first email we received from the was on February **, after the last confirmed booking.  We've refunded three of the five bookings as a courtesy, for a refund of $243 ($81 x 3).  For more information on our cancellation policy, please refer to 4D in our Terms and Conditions [redacted].

The Company rescheduled my appointment without my consent to a time that was convenient only to the company. The Company rescheduled my appointment for a time that didnt work for me so I immediately replied to cancel the appointment. They charged my credit card the full amount as if I had the appointment.
I request an immediate refund of the $72 charged for services I did not order.
I request confirmation in writing that my services have been terminated (effective immediately 10/**/15). I request in writing that I will no longer be enrolled in using any of your services at any point in the future.
I've given the Company the worst possible rating on and [redacted]. In exchange for the requests above I agree to completely remove or change my reviews from negative to positve

Hi [redacted],We're sorry to hear you're having issues with the Handy platform as an independent service provider. We have a help center available in the Handy Pro app that you can use to report any issues. Checking your account we do see your previous inquiries have been responded to. During...

orientation, you should have been provided with information regarding any professional withholding. Also covered during orientation, your pay tier is determined by the amount of jobs you complete and the rating from customers over the past 28 days. If you continue to have any issues going forward, please contact us through the help center in the Handy Pro app for assistance. Best,Dinis
IMPT! When I cancelled my Handy account the site would not allow me delete my credit card information. Please have Handy remove all my credit card and personal information from any and ALL records. I have zero trust in this company and request everything related to my profile be deleted. I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the [redacted]er has been resolved.

At this time, I have been contacted...

directly by Handybook, Inc. regarding complaint ID [redacted], however my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
To get through to them, I had to badger them every day, embarrass them on the internet, and contact their [redacted] directly.  I finally received the money they owed me, but they don't seem to have made any changes to their business practices.  They also made no effort to compensate me for the hundreds of hours I spent trying to get them to pay me what I was owed. It is VERY important to me that people are warned of the issues with this company before they consider doing business with Handy. It's also annoying that they didn't know about the complaint. They seem to be ignoring one of the most important consumer protection organizations! I only got partial satisfaction by driving them crazy for months.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.I was finally able to resolve the matter thanks to your website where I found their telephone...

number. My account has been deleted but anyways, they should solve their customer service issues. 

Hi [redacted], We're sorry for any inconvenience caused. You can cancel your service with us anytime directly in your profile page. You can also contact us anytime using our help center [redacted]. Checking your account all future bookings have been canceled and the recurring cycle has...

been deactivated. Regarding the two charges for $38 the charges are nonrefundable per our cancellation policy. Anytime you cancel a booking within 24 hours of the scheduled date and time the charge is nonrefundable. We send 7 day reminder emails for all upcoming bookings and give you the tools in your account to cancel any unwanted bookings. Since a professional was scheduled to come to your home both times they have to be compensated for the last minute cancellations.  Best, Dinis

We appreciate your feedback regarding our help center. We're always working to improve it. You can contact us using the help center. You can also contact us on [redacted], or [redacted] if you use any of those services. 

Hi [redacted],
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or frustration caused trying to cancel your service with us. All future bookings have been canceled and the recurring cycle has been deactivated. We also see your account has been deactivated. If you're signed in on any...

devices you'll need to sign out to complete the process. If you need further assistance please contact us using our help center [redacted].  
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]
 I was still charged a $15 cancellation fee due to your error.  That needs to be refunded.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.I have also attached the requested receipt for shipping costs.
Sincerely, [redacted]

Hi [redacted],We've requested your credit card information be removed from the system. This typically takes 1 to 2 business days to complete. If you need further assistance feel free to visit our help center [redacted]. Best,Dinis

We sent this customers claim payment check out on the week of the [redacted] of March. They should have received the check any day now.

Hi [redacted], We have reissued your refund for your [redacted]. Because this was done through a third party vendor we are dispatching the refund via check with should arrive at your home in 2-3 weeks. If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to reach out again.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.

Hi [redacted], Sorry to hear you had a bad experience with a professional. We work really hard to ensure only the best of the best are approved to use the Handy platform, so we’re disappointed whenever pros let their customers down. We've taken steps to ensure you do not get this professional again...

for any future booking with us. We've also added credit to your Handy account for this huge inconvenience. This credit can be automatically applied towards any future booking with us. If you need further assistance, please visit our help center [redacted]. Best, Dinis

Hi [redacted],We've canceled all future bookings and deactivated the recurring cycle on your account. As requested we've also deactivated your account. If you're signed in on any devices please sign out to complete the process. Just a reminder you can cancel your service anytime using our help...

center [redacted]. Best,Dinis

I have given this business numerous chances to live up to the expectations of a cleaning company, and they have continuously let me down. I have had everything from a cleaning professional just not showing up, after I was charged, to a cleaning professional leaving at least 45 minutes earlier than the amount of time I had paid for. When contacting Handy (via e-mail because the phone number that is listed will not even work), they expressed to me that they could not do anything for me because I booked the cleaning person for the minimum number of hours which is 2. I paid for these 2 hours and the cleaning "professional" stayed for an hour and 15 minutes. The worst customer service experience I have ever had, especially out of a small business such as this.

Hi [redacted],We're very sorry for any inconvenience and frustration caused. Checking your account a refund for a total of $58 was processed on November [redacted] to your card. Typically refunds take 3 to 5 business days to process. On your end you'll see two refunds of $29 making a total of $58. If...

you need further assistance please visit our help center [redacted]  Best,Dinis
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.[redacted]...

[redacted] Hello, I was finally able to reach a person at, who reimbursed my credit card. This complaint can be closed out.  FYI the support person says that they are aware of all the complaints, and that there are flaws on their website that are causing these issues. I don't find it excusable, but at least its good to know they're trying to resolve the problems at the core. Please confirm receipt of this email. Thanks, [redacted]

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Address: PO Box 1122, New York, New York, United States, 10159-1122


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