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Handy Technologies, Inc.

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Reviews Handy Technologies, Inc.

Handy Technologies, Inc. Reviews (953)
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
[redacted] this time, my complaint, ID [redacted] regarding Handy has been resolved.
(By clicking "OK", your complaint will be closed as Resolved.)

Hi [redacted],So sorry for the frustration and inconvenience this matter has caused you. We've gone ahead and refunded you for both bookings. You will receive this refund in 3 to 5 business days. As requested we've also deactivated your account. If you're signed in on any devices please sign...

out to complete the process. Best,Dinis

Hi [redacted],
We apologize for the inconvenience and frustration caused trying to cancel your service with us and get this issue resolved. We've refunded your card for the $116 that was charged. You'll receive it in 3 to 5 business days. All future bookings have been canceled and...

your recurring service has been deactivated. If you need further assistance please visit our help center [redacted].  

[redacted] requested to be made not active on the Handy platform on October *.  Applicants are required to submit a copy of their ID to verify their identity as part of the application process, which [redacted] did willingly.  We do require professionals to supply their own materials,...

however, these are not charged through Handy and cannot be refunded by Handy to [redacted].[redacted]'s information is secure in our system and was submitted willingly to our system as part of our application process.

Hi [redacted], We're so sorry to hear about this and apologize for the inconvenience and frustration. Checking your account we do not see a booking that was missed 4 times. We see one booking that was scheduled for October **, 2015. Do you have another account with us? If so, please let us know...

the email address associated with the account.  Best, Dinis

Hi [redacted], We're sorry to hear about this billing issue and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and frustration getting this matter resolved. Checking your account we see a $50 refund was issued to your card on May [redacted] as well as another $50 refund issued on May [redacted]. Typically refunds...

take 3 to 5 business days from the date the refund was processed. You can contact your bank or card company to verify your refund was processed. If you need assistance with anything else feel free to contact us using our help center [redacted].  Best, Dinis
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
Thank you so much for your assistance. I am writing to let you know my money has been refunded. It was a very back and forth experience with this company until you got involved. This company takes your money before the service is rendered, and before details are discussed with the worker coming to you home, and I don't believe that is stressed enough on their website and special promotional emails.
If you have an easy job, that's fine. If it's complicated, you can pay the service guy more money it appears or perhaps end up with a job half done. No way to know details of your particular job and if worker can do more than one job. Also, a worker can change the day before your job, which leaves you with a lot of questions for the new guy and no time to vet the guy out if its your first job. 
There are so many unknowns with this site and there is only a very slow email form for customer service and no real way to get a clear understanding for their process. You must have to go-for-it attitude and hope for the best and get ready to pay more if your work takes more to the service people doing your handy job directly, I believe. It is a very simple, simple job brokering site - almost too simple.
I think Handy's thing is vagueness on their site and in the emails to you, and you lose your money if you cancel the day before because you don't have the information you need yet, and then they say, oh, well, that's our policy, we take money upfront!
However, they did refund my money, with much work on my part and writing to There is so much black and white to their handy man brokering sign up process - that doesn't consider any deviations -  with no customer service phone number available, that that I can't imagine I'm the only one who has had this issue. They need to fix their FAQ's page or inform customer more about these strict policies and honor their 24 hour cancellation policy. They kept my money because they said I cancelled the day before - but I cancelled at 1pm, not at 3pm when my appointment was for the next day.  I was 26 hours before the appt. I was well within the cancellation period, I believed.
Plus, I had no idea they would charge my card before I had the service. Handy is more like living social voucher with credits kept on their site for future services . At least Living Social has a customer service number to work out issues and is very helpful and the customer is always right there. Handy was too difficult to deal with if you have an immediate question or concern and rewarding credits is their first line of defense instead of refunding your money to your credit card.
Thank you very much-

We are currently processing the refund for this cleaning. The $89 will be returned to the customer in the form of a check due to the fact that it was initially purchased through a 3rd party. The check should be processed and sent in 2-3 weeks.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: did refund me the $87.00 after it took extreme measures to do so. But more importantly they claim to send out 24 hour and 7 day prior notices. I checked my SPAM and also my inbox and never received these notices. This is the the main reason why I'm so unhappy with

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.

Hi Bethany, It appears that your claim has been approved and we have sent you a release form. If you fill that information out we will be able to send you a check. I apologize for the inconvenience that this has caused you and I am glad that we could take care of everything moving forward.

Hi [redacted],We're sorry to hear about the issues you've had and apologize for any inconvenience or frustration. As requested we've canceled all future bookings and deactivated the recurring cycle on your account. We've also refunded your card for $50 on July [redacted] and another $50 on August [redacted]....

Typically refunds take 3 to 5 business days from the date the refund was issued. Unfortunately we're unable to refund you for any bank fees. We can only refund you for charges made through our system. Best,Dinis
I have reviewed the response made by the business...

in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.

Hi [redacted]We're very sorry for any inconvenience or frustration caused trying to contact us and appreciate your feedback regarding our service. We've deactivated your account. If you're signed in on any devices you'll need to sign out to complete the process. We've also requested for...

your credit card information to be removed. This typically takes 1 to 2 days. If you need help with anything else feel free to contact us using [redacted].Best,
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.  I still need to send them the receipt for the floor restorer material that their service person applied, but otherwise I consider this matter resolved.
Sincerely, [redacted]

Hi [redacted],I'm very sorry for the inconvenience caused by this. Your refund should have been processed the day you requested cancellation. We've gone ahead and refunded your card for $135. You'll receive it in 3 to 5 business days. I've also requested for your credit card information to be...

removed from the system. Typically this takes 1 to 2 days to complete. You do not have any scheduled booking with us and your recurring service has been deactivated. Best,Dinis

Hi [redacted],
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or frustration caused. We've canceled all future bookings and deactivated the recurring cycle on your account. We've refunded your card for $29 on October [redacted]. You'll receive it in 3 to 5 business days from the date it was...

processed. We only see one charge for $69. If you were charged twice you can provide us with a record of your card statement using [redacted]. As requested, we've deactivated your account. If you're signed in on any devices please sign out to complete the process. We've also requested for your credit card information to be removed from the system. This typically takes 1 to 2 business days to complete. If you need further assistance please visit our help center [redacted]. 
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

 I will send this directly to you Dinis so there is no confusion.  The information you are asking for was already sent to the payment department (please review prior email exchanges).  But it sounds like, from your email, that a letter from the bank will end this poor channel of communication.  I will pick up the letter this email to send off.  
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.

Hi [redacted], 
We're sorry to hear about your experience, and the difficulty you were having with our team here.  We've refunded the $124, $15, and $29 charge to the card on file.  Please allow 3-5 business days for those funds to reflect in your account. 
Your cleaning...

plan has been cancelled, your card removed from our system, and your account deactivated. Best, 

Hi [redacted],We've canceled all future bookings and deactivated the recurring cycle on your account. We've refunded your card for $67. You'll receive it in 3 to 5 business days. We've requested for your account to be removed from all mailing lists. If you do receive any mailing in the near future you...

can ignore it. We've requested your credit be removed from our system. This typically takes 1 to 2 business days to complete. We've also deactivated your account. If you're signed in on any device please sign out to complete the process. Should you need help with anything else, feel free to reach out to us through our help center [redacted]. Best,Dinis

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Address: PO Box 1122, New York, New York, United States, 10159-1122


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