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Endurance Warranty Services

400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937

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Endurance Warranty Services Reviews (%countItem)

I would not recommend Endurance Warranty Business if you want prompt customer service. I am trying to get a refund on a policy I purchased 5/29/18 by credit card over the phone. So far I have none of my money back. I had to wait for snail mail for them to send me their official cancelation letter/form and my refund amount is based on when they receive my reply so after waiting 10 days I finally received their letter and filled it out and had it notarized and sent it certified mail for $11 back to them. They received it 7/13/18 but evidently the cancelation date is not documented until someone actually looks at it.... more of my money gone! After 2 more calls and waiting at least 25 minutes per call on hold, I am being told that I will be sent a refund check through the snail mail and it will be sent no earlier than 8/15/18! Fifteen days from today!!! Minus $250. Since I paid with my credit card I am not sure why a "modern" company could not just put my refund back on my card like 99% of other companies do...I guess the longer they keep my money the more they make on it??? I am thoroughly irritated by this refund policy so just beware....

I contacted Edurance because the Tow company said they could not find me in the System. So I had to pay AAA to tow my vehicle to the shop but I had to pay for the cost of the tow. Once the SUV was there insurance would not cover anything. So insurance gave me a credit on my account. I attempted to put the vehicle in the Shop about a week ago but known it's a the Chevy dealership repair shop. But before I put it in the shop for the 3rd time I attempted to have it towed using there company and the tow company advised me that they could not find me in the system. So again I had it towed by AAA. I contacted the Chevy repair facility today and was advised Endurance wanted them to take apart the transmission to see if they would cover the Transmission but if they didn't it would cost me $3,200. I have a warranty and everything so far I have had to pay out of my own pocket. I have emails about the 2nd time. I have spoke to reps multiple times. All I want them to do is pay for The Transmission job. My contract #:*** and I have a 2003 Chevrolet Trailblazer. The claims customer service # and regular customer service# . If they don't cover my Transmission I will lose my vehicle.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 09, 2018

On 7/25, the consumer's repair facility contacted the claims administrator, Interstate National Dealer Services, to file a claim on the customer's vehicle. Interstate requested partial disassembly to determine the exact cause of failure to the vehicle. The repair facility determined that the cause of failure was worn out clutch packs in the transmission. Unfortunately, the worn clutch packs are not eligible for coverage and the claim was subsequently denied by the administrator.

Please be advised the Endurance is the selling agent. The claims administrator is Interstate National Dealer Services. Interstate is responsible for any approval or denial of claims and Endurance is not involved in this process.

Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance's Customer Service Manager reached out to the consumer. In the interest of customer service, Endurance will be providing total compensation of $530 to the customer to offset the cost of the required disassembly ("tear-down") requested by Interstate. This compensation includes a goodwill check of $200, a waived monthly charge, and a policy discount. The consumer indicated that he understood and accepted this resolution.

The consumer's contract is currently active and eligible for future claims. Endurance is committed to the highest level of customer service for each and every consumer.

Customer Response • Aug 16, 2018
I accepted the offer from this Warranty company. I still think this company is a rip off. The part that went bad was The Transmission gear which is part of the Transmission. Known I half to pay out of pocket for a new Transmission that Will cost at least $1,300 plus labor. The only thing they covered was just to have the vehicle inspection to see if it would be covered under the Warranty. I think this warranty company finds ways not to pay claims. I hope nothing ever happens that I need this company again. I wouldn't recommend anyone in buying a warranty from this company.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.



I was told by Daniel no issues with water pump and Radiator found then I was told car was disqualified because 1 tire is oversized by 1% which is so unrelated to the issue Also I was told by Derek *** that if I pay a $500 surcharge my car would be covered for repairs listed. Also you guys honored the starter but not the the other repairs which makes no sense Also no changes were made to the car sense signing up with Endurance. Claim should be covered Dodge and Mienike car shops agree based on items covered and tire being a acceptable size not requiring any modifications

Claim # ***
How can I requalify my vehicle? I was told paying a surcharge would work but havent heard from Endurance in 4 days Last 6 of VIN *** talked to Derek

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jul 30, 2018

Upon receipt of the complaint, Endurance performed an audit of the claim and the contract, including reviewing any phone calls involved in the activation of the coverage. The Select Premier contract does not allow for any alterations whatsoever to the vehicle from factory stock conditions, regardless of the type or extent of the alteration. The vehicle's placard shows the factory stock tire size of 225/55R19. The tires currently mounted to the vehicle are a size of 235/55R19. As the vehicle is in a modified state, the provisions contained within the contract prevent the authorization of claims.

On 7/16, the consumer's repair facility called in a claim for a replacement of the starter. As it was not known to Endurance that the vehicle was in a modified state, this part was authorized.

On 7/17, the consumer's repair facility called in to add additional items to the claim. As part of the claims process for the more extensive repairs, a third party inspector was sent to confirm the new failures. In the course of this inspection, the vehicle was discovered to be modified as stated above and these repairs were subsequently declined. As authorization had already been provided for the starter, Endurance will still furnish payment to the repair facility for the starter repair once a completed invoice has been submitted.

On 7/30, the Customer Service Manager reached out to the consumer to provide clarity on the reason for the denial, and to confirm that the starter repair will still be paid as authorized. The consumer disputed that the tires were a modification from stock, despite the placard listing not matching the mounted tire size. The mounted tire size is not listed in the vehicle's owner's manual as a factory option. Please note that although the tires and wheels physically fit on the vehicle, they do not match the factory stock size and are therefore an alteration. The claim will remain denied until such time as the consumer can submit documentation from the manufacturer confirming that the current size of tire is a factory stock option. Please note that the contract may be eligible for a pro-rata refund, and that this refund is calculated less claims paid. Should the repair facility submit a completed invoice, the starter motor repair will be paid as agreed and deducted from the pro-rata refund.

Customer Response • Jul 30, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me as long as I’m refunded months paid as stated



EWS sends predatory and misleading letters in the mail in hopes of deceiving and tricking elderly and otherwise mentally challenged individuals into buying their overpriced and unnecessary services.

In the letter they state 'No other notices will be sent for this offer. This will be our only attempt to contact you about your expiring factory warranty"

This is a blatant lie, as I have received 3 of these 'offers' in the last 4 months. Two of which were addressed to the same Person and covered the same vehicle.

The first of said notices also stated "Our records indicate you have received multiple notices and have not contacted us to updated your auto file"

This is also a blatant lie, as it was the initial letter sent. The letters are crafted to look like an urgent matter that needs to be taken care of or else you will be at risk for financial ruin if anything happens to your vehicle.

The company doesn't know the model of the vehicle apparently, as it isn't listed on the letter. the example repair fees are also just random numbers, as the actual repair costs for each item listed are easily found on ***.com if you know the make and model.

I have contacted the company three times over 4 months, each time asking to be removed from their mailing list. Each time I have had an employee collect my information and state that they were removing me from the mailing list.

Each time I have received another notice roughly 1 month later. One of the notices sent to my house was for the deceased previous owner.

These advertising practices are predatory and shameful. They are borderline fraudulent and frankly disgusting. The customer service agents are generally helpful, but don't seem to follow through on what they promise. Putting a tiny disclaimer in an italicized font hidden away in the footer stating that this is indeed an advertisement is a pathetic way to make sure your scare tactic letters are 'legal'.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jul 30, 2018

Please be advised that Endurance vehicle service contracts are offered in over 2,000 automobile dealerships as well as direct-to-consumers via the internet, television commercials, and direct mail promotions.

Endurance is a certified member of the Vehicle Protection Association (VPA). As a certified member, Endurance follows the VPA's Standards of Conduct. The Standards state that any vehicel service contract selling company must identify itself in the mail piece and Endurance abides by this standard.

Please note that neither the consumer's age nor any existing disabilities are known to Endurance and no marketing decision is made based on this information.

We are sorry about any confusion Endurance's mail piece caused the consumer and as a result of the consumer's complaint, our company placed the consumer on our internal "Do Not Mail" database to ensure he does not receive any future direct mail advertisements from our company.

Customer Response • Jul 30, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in referce to complaint ID 12995780, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. They are still an unapologetic predatory company who see legal excuses as justifications for their tactics, but at least they claim to have removed me from the mailing list



Called in regards to canceling my account due to a change of direction for my personal life. Daniel was kind enough to push my next due date out to September. Said if anything changes to let him know and he'd help if able. Had a chat about being helpful with customers being I dealt with that for a combined 8 years. I appreciate and applaud his help and how he handled my situation. Businesses could use more people like Daniel for that reason. He didn't treat me as a number but an individual. That's priceless in this day and age. Thank you so much for the help Daniel.

Il looked up this company fron consumer reports. After learning the better extended warranty companies. I got a look of the sample contract,got a quote and bought it. Based on the sample contract. It showed every item covered. So here I am months down road. My airstart blowing hot air. Didnt think it was my unit because it has always worked great. Nevertheless took it in an authorized dealership for *** Srx. Dropped off the morning appt. Didnt hear anything ttill the following morning. Service ctr. said they called claim at Endurance. I thought maybe just fill up with freon and we're done. Nope ithad a line leak and the condenser was restricting. But bad news Endurance said you are not covered. I said impossible since it says it does cover the A/C. Thats what the sample contract shows online. That the A/C and heated is covered. But BUYERS BE WARNED. WHEN YOU RECIEVEYOUR ACTUAL CONTRACT IT ONLY COVERS THE COMPRESSOR AND LEAVES OFF CONDENSOR. I believe thats a ADVERTISEMENT DUKE OR SCAM. How can you cover the a/c on a sample online contract which is what I use to determined whats covered only to find that some major parts of that in a real contract of that coverage. It is misleading. So now I have to pay out of pocket $ 930.00 to repair. The claim specialist even said that the a/c line is considered a hose and hoses are not cover. Eventhough its an evap line. What gives. I thought ENDURANCE WAS TOP NOTCH. SO IWASNT WORRIED IF SOMETHING MAJOR BROKE DOWN. NOW I AM WORRIED.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 09, 2018

Please be advised that Endurance offers many different levels of coverage, and provides sample contracts based on current information. The consumer's final level of coverage is determined by a number of eligibility factors.

On 5/2, the consumer contacted Endurance to purchase a vehicle service contract. The consumer was provided the Gold policy, administered by United Car Care (UCC). As part of Endurance's 2-stage verification process, a verification agent confirmed the level and type of coverage with the consumer prior to completing the sale. An audit of the call recording confirmed no misconduct. A copy of the consumer's contract was sent and delivered via USPS Critical Mail shortly after activation for the consumer's review. An additional copy was sent to the consumer by request via 2-day *** and arrived on 7/18.

On 7/27, a representative from the consumer's repair facility contacted the claims administrator, United Care Care (UCC) to file a repair claim under the consumer's contract. The representative reported a failure to the condenser, as well as a leak at the fitting. Unfortunately, the failed parts are not listed as eligible on the consumer's contract. The claim was subsequently declined.

Please be advised the Endurance is the selling agent for this contract. It is administered by United Care Care. UCC is responsible for the approval or denial of claims and Endurance is not involved in the claims process.

Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance's Customer Service Manager reached out to the consumer by phone and by email. At the time of this response, Endurance has yet to hear back from the consumer.

Endurance is committed to the highest level of customer service and will continue to attempt to reach the consumer to reach a resolution.

I recently called Endurance Warranty to follow up about a claim that I recently had, but I had to wait on hold for 25 minutes! Because I was at work I had to end the call before I even spoke with a representative.

I purchased the Select Premier 60/1000 plan for my 2013 Maxima that had $108K miles. I specifically purchased this warranty because I knew it was over 100K miles and things may start to break down. 7/18/18 my claim to fix two engine mounts were denied due to wear and tear. I tried call the 19th and 20th and was told their system was down and will remain down for weekend. Monday I called back and spoke with several Endurance customer service rep and explained that my policy shows that engine mounts are covered. They both explained to me to have the mechanic shop call the claims area and let them know in detail why they feel the mounts were broken and not due to wear and tear. The shop did just that and even requested and adjuster to come look at himself. The claim department refused to have someone come and and stated that due to the mileage, the mounts are considered wear and tear. Engine mounts can wear over time on any car, at any mileage. It's very random. How it be deemed "wear and tear" when it can happen at any time? I called today, 07/24/18 and spoke with a supervisor. I told him that when I purchased this warranty, they knew the amount of mileage I had on my car. If they knew from the start they would not cover some of the items, they should have never included it in my policy. All he could do was apologize and state that there is a wear and tear clause in my policy. Yes, I am aware of the statement "wear and tear" clause in the policy. My problem is most things that will break on a car with over 100k, miles will be from wear and tear. It's a used car with high mileage, the whole purpose of an extended warranty!! Don't say something is covered and then don't fix it. It's very misleading and causes me not to know what's really covered on my car.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 03, 2018

On 8/3, an Endurance representative reached out to the consumer to discuss her claim. In the interest of customer service, Endurance will be applying a $400 discount to the consumer's contract cost. The contract remains active and in good standing. Endurance is committed to the highest level of customer service and looks forward to our continuing relationship with Ms.

Customer Response • Aug 05, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 12987484, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.



Alvin *** was a great help to me today. Thanks so much!

On Wednesday July 18 I spoke with Irene *** about a question I had concerning our coverage and a claim that was denied. The policy states that air bags are not covered; my understanding is that an airbag is the device that inflates to protect a vehicle's occupant in a crash. We had a "control module" for an air bag that failed. Since it wasn't the air bag itself that needed to be replaced, I was confused as to why the module wasn't covered.
Irene was very pleasant and very professional. As I had been transferred several times before I reached her, she said that she not transfer me again, she would investigate this while she briefly put me on hold. In a short time, she came back on the line, explained that she had spoken to her supervisor, and explained that it was not only an airbag that was not covered but also anything having to do with an airbag.
She was very nice and, I think, by looking into this and not transferring me again, she put good customer service first and certainly went over and above the minimum she was required to do. Even tho this claim wasn't covered, I hung up the phone understanding the reason it wasn't covered, I had a very positive feeling about Endurance and I thought if all Endurance employees are as dedicated as Irene, then we and our car are in very good hands! Endurance, you are very lucky to have Irene as an employee!
If it were not for the exceptional service that I received from Irene, instead of writing this positive review, I could very well have written a negative review on the fact that a safety component was not worthy of coverage..

I had an issue with a payment and was going to cancel my policy to find another. Tony was very accommodating in resolving my issue.

Alvin was very helpful and efficient. He went beyond my questions by providing information id forgotten and wool need. Delightful phone call

This place is a scam, do not contact them!

I would like to thank Tony *** from Endurance for his tireless efforts in striving to resolve an issue, regarding my extended warranty.
He has been VERY attentive and was available to answer any concerns I may have had, and also reassuring and encouraging when I felt the matter was incomprehensible.

I started a contract with Endurance Warranty and the contract did not take effect until 60 days and 1000 miles. The contract went into effect on June 9th. I had complications with my vehicle on June 16th and had the vehicle towed to Phonka Nissan in Fredricksburg VA. The shop looked at my car on that Monday the 18th, and determined that my car was having transmission problems. I called Endurance to notify them of the claim and they stated that they would be sending a representative out to check the claim. When the representative got to the facility he told Nissan that my claim would be denied because of the burnt fluid and the date that my car was brought in. Nissan called and notified me of the claim denial and told me to call Endurance. Upon calling Emdurance I was told that my claim was denied due to me bringing my car in on the 9th, the day my policy took effect. I explained that my car was at the dealer on the 16th and was checked on the 18th. This back and forth went on for over a week. I was told that each conversation was recorded. I sent a copy of the tow receipt to Endurance and was told that they would consider this, but there is still the issue of the burnt fluid. Nissan stated that they could send the fluid to the Lad for $100. When Nissan received the test results back, the fluid came back good despite the fluid being burnt. I had Nissan send the information to Endurance, so that my claim could be reconsidered due to the fact that I was told on several occasions that my claim was denied for the fluid and the date of service. I was even questioned on the fluid that was tested coming from another vehicle. The representative I spoke to eluded to the fact that myself or the dealer could have switched the fluid. Once I called Endurance back they now told me that I would have to Authorize the tear down of the transmission, and they would not advise that because if there is something else wrong they would not pay. My claim is denied as of now.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jul 27, 2018

The consumer's repair facility contacted Endurance on 6/18 to begin a claim. The service adviser reported that the vehicle entered the repair facility on 6/9, 1 day outside of the consumer's claims waiting period. Endurance's claims agents evaluated all diagnostic information, including a report from a third-party inspector sent to verify failures. As the failures were determined to be long-term and not failures that would occur same-day, the repair was declined as a pre-existing condition.

The consumer subsequently forwarded a tow service invoice to Endurance showing that the vehicle entered the repair facility on 6/16, 8 days outside of the claims waiting period. Upon review of this invoice, Endurance's claims supervisor corrected the loss date on the claim. Upon re-evaluation of the claim information, it was found that the long-term failures noted on the vehicle still would have occurred prior to the end of this claims waiting period. Endurance's Customer Service Manager contacted the consumer and advised him of this information. The consumer indicated that he understood.

Endurance will confirm that the failed components, once replaced by the consumer, are eligible for continuing coverage under the consumer's contract after any implicit parts warranty has expired.

Endurance is committed to the highest level of customer service and looks forward to developing a continuous relationship with each and every consumer.

I signed up with them in May 2018. I explained that at the time I was out of work on workers comp and would not be able to make a payment until the end of June or sometime in July. That said it was no problem and they would work with me on it. Then the cancellation threats started coming in. I called and let them know I could make a payment July 15th. Then I got a cancellation notice that I would be cancelled by the 13th. I called them back and said I could make a $200 payment. My bank notified me of a fraudulent entry of $309.88 that came in as ***. I had no clue who *** was. Then it hit me. I called endurance. They use *** to accept payments. Well, about a month ago they tried taking money out of my account without my consent. They did not have consent to take out more then $200. They drained my bank account leaving me with absolutely NOTHING!. I am done trying to work with them. Their word is no good to me. I've kept my end of the deal but they have not. Now, I want my $135 down payment back and I will seek another car warranty place.
The first time they depleted my bank account without my permission on taking NOTHING from me, it about ruined my account. It went into my overdraft account. I have reported them to the back. I did not approve them to take out anything but $200 today. Therefore, I will not do business with them ever again and I want my $135 down payment back as well! It would be only fair!

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jul 23, 2018

The $309 that had been charged to the customer had already been refunded by the time this complaint. Upon receiving this complaint, the Customer Service Manager for Endurance reached out to the consumer to discuss a resolution. The consumer and the Manager determined that it was mutually beneficial for a fresh restart of the coverage to bring current all outstanding obligations. Additionally, the Manager applied a $130 discount to the consumer's policy to offset any incurred banking fees.

Endurance is glad that we are able to continue building our relationship with the consumer and strives to provide the highest level of customer service.

This is the second time I have filed a complaint on the company for them not honoring the vehicle service contract which I purchased. I have been to 2 different BMW certified repair shops for this very problem and keep getting the run-around from Endurance. The problem is with a covered part, the transfer case of my BMW X3 according to both repair shops. Endurance will not authorize the repair/replacement of the transfer case as they claim that the transfer case has to be taken apart and diagnosed(which is bull***) According to both repair places, no one tears apart a transfer case but instead replaces the whole unit as the parts for that particular transfer case are not available and the standard course of action is to replace the whole transfer case. I am at a place where the practice and policy of Endurance is to not honor there commitment to the warranty by placing demands on the repair shop/customer that are going to make it impossible to get the repair covered. I am asking for a full refund of all the money I have paid to this shotty business on this policy or a full and immediate repair of this vehicle. The contract number for my policy is ***.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jul 24, 2018

Please be advised that the nature of the tear down is not to replace internal parts of the transfer case, but simply to determine the initial cause of failure. Endurance’s claims agent advised the consumer’s service advisor of this and the service advisor indicated their understanding. The service advisor indicated that the consumer’s chosen repair facility refused to perform this tear down and further diagnose the vehicle.

Endurance’s Customer Service Manager reached out to the consumer and advised them of the above. If a repair facility is able to tear down the transfer case to determine the cause of failure, the claims process can continue. Please note that this is not explicit authorization for the claim. If the cause of failure is found to be coverable, diagnostic including the teardown will be eligible for payment. If the cause of failure is found to be non-coverable, the consumer will be liable for the cost of the teardown.

In the interest of customer service, the Manager offered at this time a full refund to the consumer if he chooses to discontinue his coverage. The consumer advised that he would discuss with the other policyholder and contact the Manager with a decision.

Took my 2010 traverse to shop, The initial diagnose was loose timing chain, upon further inspection and tear down the timing chain guide was found to be broke. The shop called back told the warranty company what was found, they still said it was going to be denied, that the timing chain guide was not a lubricated part,(Which it is)and that the chain caused the guide to break ,with out even sending a inspector out to verify which should always be done when there is dispute. They also said it wouldn't be coved anyway due to the high miles I had on my vehicle. Upon inspection of the timing chain guide there is no signs that the timing chain was the cause of the timing chain guide failure , they also said due to high mileage they would not cover any wear and tear part in my engine. If the Administrator, Interstate National Dealer Services of Florida automatically denies claims based on high vehicle mileage then Endurance fraudulently sold us a extended warranty policy that will basically cover nothing in our engine or transmission because they can always find away to blame the cause of failure on a wear and tear part. During the process of try to get my repair covered, we were told to start a new claim on the timing chain guide which Interstate refuse to let us do. Interstate is the one they send there claims to. We were told more than once that our shop were liars from Endurance. We have been treated very badly during this whole process, We bought this Extended Warranty with 274,09 miles on my vehicle and to tell us now that we have to many miles for the warranty to cover is unacceptable, It should of never been sold to us if it wasn't going to cover broken parts. We have all documentation Please call to discuss documentation .We are asking for a full refund and for our claim to be paid we should of never have been put through what we had to go through Thank your time and help in this matter. Terr

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jul 16, 2018

Please be advised, Endurance is strictly the seller of the vehicle service contract. Interstate National Dealer Services (INDS) is the administrator/ obligor of the vehicle service. This means that INDS administers (approves or denies) the claims and is obligated to pay the approved claims. Endurance plays no role whatsoever in the approval or denial of claims.
Our office, as the seller of the policy, gets involved on numerous occasions when the vehicle service contract company denies a claim by calling the company on the consumer’s behalf to ascertain why the claim was denied and to put forth the best case for the warranty company to approve the claim.
On June 11, a representative from Dean’s Automotive called INDS to file a claim on the consumer’s vehicle. They mentioned a rattling noise, but did not have diagnosis available at the time.
On June 13, the repair facility contacted INDS to continue the claim. The repair facility stated that a tech “found the chains worn to point that they are not indexing on the sprockets correctly”. As the consumer’s policy does not cover wear and tear failures, the claim was declined.
On July 11, the consumer contacted Endurance to cancel their INDS vehicle service contract and receive their pro-rata refund. To facilitate this process, Endurance mailed a cancel request form to the customer to collect the final mileage necessary to process the consumer’s refund. In the interest of customer service and to expedite this process, Endurance has used the mileage stated on the claim as the final mileage for the purposes of refund calculation. The consumer’s pro-rata refund is scheduled to be mailed on 7/20.
Again, Endurance is strictly the retail seller of the vehicle service contract. INDS is the obligor of the vehicle service contract for the consumer’s vehicle and approves or denies the claims against the contract.
The contact information for Interstate is as follows:

Interstate National Dealer Services

6120 Powers Ferry Rd NW, Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30339

Customer Response • Jul 16, 2018

Complaint: 12962806

I am rejecting this response because: They are not telling the full story and we did cancel but not for proration, Yes they are the one's who sold the policy which turns out to be sold to us frogilently, Because it won't cover anything on our vehicle engine or transmission with the amount of miles on it at the time of purchase, We are asking for a full refund or claim to be paid.



Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jul 24, 2018

Please be advised that the consumer was sold a coverage for which the vehicle was rightfully qualified. Upon an internal audit of the initial sales call, no misconduct was found to have taken place and no misinformation was provided by any Endurance agent. The contract was found to have been rightly applied and verified as such to the consumer by Endurance’s designated verification agent.

The consumer was given a 30 day period whereby they could review the Interstate Xtra Custom contract and receive a full refund if they did not accept the terms. Per page 3 of the contract,

“Failure” refers to the Failure of a defective part or faulty workmanship as supplied by the Manufacturer or Dealer, but does not include gradual reduction in operating performance due to wear or tear or damage resulting from Failure of non-covered parts.

Please note that, while wear and tear failures do occur, not every failure on a vehicle is a wear and tear failure, and classification as such is based on the specific cause of failure on a case by case basis by the administrator, Interstate National Dealer Services.

The contract has been cancelled by the consumer and, in the interest of customer service, the mailing of the consumer’s contractually-specified pro-rata refund was expedited and the refund was mailed on 7/20/18.

At this time, Endurance has fulfilled all obligations as the seller of the contract. If the consumer wishes to further dispute their claim, Endurance recommends contacting the administrator, Interstate National Dealer Services. As the selling agent, Endurance has no say whatsoever in the administration (approval or denial) of claims.

The contact information for Interstate National Dealer Services is as follows:

Interstate National Dealer Services

6120 Powers Ferry Rd NW, Suite 200

Atlanta, GA 30339

Client Relations: 800-942-0400

Claims: 800-526-0929

Customer Response • Jul 24, 2018

Complaint: 12962806

I am rejecting this response because:
We have been told several times due to mileage things would not be covered, we have this all on recordings, they also said our shop was a liar several times , again a useless extended warranty was sold to us , Again the FAILURE was not due to WEAR AND TEAR IT WAS A FAULTY PART!! Again we want the repair paid for or full refund of premiums made .


They sent misleading letters and scare tactics to try and get you to buy their 3rd party auto warranty. The letter is meant to look like an auto repair bill on your specific vehicle with repairs of almost $13,000. "Call today so you don't have to pay these repairs"

After completing a complaint with the last month I was promised by a manager D. *** that my vehicle would be repaired, a month’s premium was being waived, and my reimbursement for my rental was being rushed. Weeks later and no check has been received. I’ve called multiple times and a manager is never available to speak with or calls back. They told my mechanic that I would only receive partial reimbursement which isn’t what the manager or customer service Rep Zoe told me on 6/20/18. My car was in the shop for over two weeks while they went back and forth over claim information and I only rented a vehicle for one of those weeks. Horrible company and customer service. This company is the biggest thieves and will keep transferring you to no end without resolution. Take your money elsewhere!!! My previous complaint was updated as “resolved” because I wasn’t aware of the time restrictions on replying. This ongoing issue has not been resolved

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jul 13, 2018

Upon resolution of the previous complaint, Endurance agreed to reimburse the consumer for her incurred rental up to the full contractual amount. The consumer returned the vehicle to the repair facility on 7/6/18 to continue the claims process. The eligible reimbursement may take up to 10 days to process and the consumer's reimbursement check was scheduled to be mailed on 7/17/18. In the interest of customer service, this was expedited to 7/11/18.

Endurance apologizes for the frustration expressed by the consumer over this timeline and strives to provide the highest level of customer service.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jul 13, 2018

Upon resolution of the previous complaint, Endurance agreed to reimburse the consumer for her incurred rental up to the full contractual amount. The consumer returned the vehicle to the repair facility on 7/6/18 to continue the claims process. The eligible reimbursement may take up to 10 days to process and the consumer's reimbursement check was scheduled to be mailed on 7/17/18. In the interest of customer service, this was expedited to 7/11/18.

Endurance apologizes for the frustration expressed by the consumer over this timeline and strives to provide the highest level of customer service.

Customer Response • Jul 13, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 12959785, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.



Customer Response • Jul 13, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 12959785, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.



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Address: 400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937


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