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Reviews Alder

Alder Reviews (1771)

To the, We have attempted to contact Mr*** about his complaint, but was not able to reach him We apologize that he is having issues with his alarm system and would like to get it fixedWe have been working with our scheduling department and we could get someone
out there July 27,at am - 2pm with no tech feeAdditionally as a gesture of goodwill offering free months of credit Please have Mr*** give us a call at EXT Sincerely, Alder mentioned a premium plan, I was never offered this option I will accept this offer, Alder should also ask the complaintents gender before referring to them as her/himIf Alder would like to talk to me about a premium plan, I would be open to hear about it.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

November 22, 2016RE: *** ***To the of Utah,We spoke with Ms*** on 11/21/and she expressed frustration for having to pay a service fee in order for a technician to be dispatchedIn order to be accommodating we agreed to send her a technician at no chargeThank
you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Brandt N*** | Alder Compliance Manager
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
I would like to make them aware in this writing, however that I will my renew my contract once it is completeI would also like to request a Monthly bill be sent via email being that I might have to change my method of payment from time to timeI do not feel I should be charged for a monthly bill email.
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November 23, 2016RE: *** *** To the of Utah, Ms*** signed the month contract on 2/3/With having just begun the sales representative mistakenly wrote on one line of the
agreement that it was but everywhere else on the contract and the website which displays when her system went online shows Ms*** also dated the agreement next to her signature as being 2/3/The contract end date is 8/3/and we will be happy to release her at that time if she so wishes. Sincerely, Brandt N*** | Alder Compliance Manager

December 5, 2017RE: *** *** To the,Thank you for contacting usAs Ms*** mentioned the cost is too high we have reduced her rate from $to $Please let us know if we can do anything else for Ms***.Sincerely, Brandt N*** |
Alder Compliance Manager

March 23, 2018RE: *** *** To the,Thank you for contacting usWe reached out to the ***s several times after the installation to make sure everything was working well for themOn one occasion we were hung up on before we could explain the reason for our call
The next time an individual yelled at us to “lose his number” after which he disconnected the callA month after our final attempt Ms*** called upset that her previous contract hadn’t been resolvedWe explained that we needed a copy of her contract and the final billOnce we received these documents we issued her a check in the amount of $275.28.Despite the past due balance we are willing to send a technician at no chargeAdditionally, as a sign of goodwill, we have waived the ***’s past due balancePlease let us know if we can do anything else for the ***s.Sincerely, Brandt N*** | Alder Compliance Manager

To the, Thank you for contacting us. We have reviewed Mr. ***'s account, during the time of install our customers are required to do a welcome survey that goes over the terms and conditions, in the call Mr*** agreed that
he understood that he is in a 60-month agreement termMr*** mentioned that his copy of the contract says years instead of yearsPlease have him send us a copy for review.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

To the, Thank you for contacting usThe copy of the letter we have received for those cameras shows $we will be sending the client a check in that amount, there has been a return shipping label to the site address we have on filePlease have Mr*** send all our equipment's back. If Mr*** would like a confirmation on when the check is mailed out is this email correct? "***Please let us know Thank you

March 30, 2018RE: *** ***To the, Again, this deal was done on February 27, and Ms*** stated she discovered the alarm a few days laterThen the alarm was moved to her home on August 7th, and now, two and a half years later these allegations are being madeIf Ms*** believed we took advantage of her mother and that this account was set up dishonestly why have us move the system into her own home? We deny the allegations but we would also like to remind Ms*** that we are dedicated to serving her mother and to please contact us if she needs anything.Sincerely, Brandt.N | Alder Compliance Manager

Unfortunately we are unable to cancel Ms***'s account at this time

November 16, 2017RE: *** *** To the, Thank you for contacting usWe have spoken with Mr*** and we were able to resolve the matter.Sincerely, Brandt N*** | Alder Compliance Manager

November 8, 2017RE: *** *** To the, We have addressed each of Ms***’s concerns in the complaint that was filed and we believe we have been more than fairTo reiterate, we offered to move the system from one location to another at no cost to herThis is a time consuming process and the usual fee is $We also gave Ms*** months of service at no charge, a value of $We are also not requiring her to renew her contractThis is the most we can do for Ms*** at this time.Sincerely, Brandt N*** | Alder Compliance Manager

To the, Thank you for contacting usWe have reviewed Mr**'s account and at this point will not be releasing him from the agreementHe did verbally renew his agreement for months in and is still receiving monitoring services to the residence in AlaskaMr** has
been a great customer with us and for that, we would like to offer him a lower rate at $a month in addition to waiving his past dueIf this resolution is acceptable to Mr**, we ask that he calls back in order for us to make these changes and help him with whatever else he might need Sincerely, DanielC | Alder Compliance Specialist

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I cannot trust this company to fulfill any of their obligations At the time of signing the contract, I thought July 11th was Tuesday (my mistake) In talking with the sales rep, I specifically asked, business days starts on Friday and not at the time of signing on the evening of (Thursday, July 7th) When I signed and saw July 11th, no day indicator, I immediately thought, that was Tuesday, not Monday As business days are counted as Monday through Friday. The first response to this complaint by Alder on August 17th indicated things would happenCustomer Service would reach out to discuss the issue and try to resolve them That has not happened A credit for the month of service would be issued This also has not happened As a matter of fact, I was just charged for an additional month of service I was charged in full for the entire package I signed up for, when only the doorbell camera ever worked and it barely works Alder should not be charging me for the additional cameras that were never activated Based on the continued failure, from the first technician (Elijah) who instructed me to call him directly when the range extender was installed, only to then push me off on technical support A practice I suspect is common place to keep people hanging on in order to allow the business day clause to expire To this process with the where over a week ago, it was stated customer service would reach out and I would receive a bill credit. This is not a company I can trust and do not wish to be a partner in my home security for the next several years There are too many options, many far more reputable than Alder who would go to great lengths to be open and honest to earn my business 40+ years and I have never felt a need to turn to the for help with a dispute That says something about how horrible this situation is and has been It should come as no surprise this company has multiple complaints filed with the Maybe, customer service reaching out and bill credit did not happen due to my rejecting the first response Regardless, as a good faith offer and true willingness to work this issue out at minimum the bill credit should have happened Especially, when it is known the agreed camera installment did not happen.
*** ***

August 2, 2017RE: *** *** To the, Thank you for contacting usAt the time of installation we offer a premium service plan which includes waiving the technician feeIn the event that system is having an issue we often waive this feeThe alarms Ms***
refers to in her complaint occurred on 7/6/17, 7/8/17, and 7/23/When a sensor malfunctions it typically doesn’t happen in this random, spread out patternAlso, a remote diagnostics test indicated that the alarm system is functioning properlyHowever, as a sign of good faith we have credited Ms*** a month of service at no chargeThank you for your assistance with this matter.Sincerely, Brandt N*** | Alder Compliance Manager

May 10, 2017RE: *** *** To the, Thank you for contacting usWe have spoken with Ms*** and resolved this issueThank you for your assistance.Sincerely, Brandt N*** | Alder Compliance Manager

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I cannot trust this company to fulfill any of their obligations At the time of signing the contract, I thought July 11th was Tuesday (my mistake) In talking with the sales rep, I specifically asked, business days starts on Friday and not at the time of signing on the evening of (Thursday, July 7th) When I signed and saw July 11th, no day indicator, I immediately thought, that was Tuesday, not Monday As business days are counted as Monday through Friday. The first response to this complaint by Alder on August 17th indicated things would happenCustomer Service would reach out to discuss the issue and try to resolve them That has not happened A credit for the month of service would be issued This also has not happened As a matter of fact, I was just charged for an additional month of service I was charged in full for the entire package I signed up for, when only the doorbell camera ever worked and it barely works Alder should not be charging me for the additional cameras that were never activated Based on the continued failure, from the first technician (Elijah) who instructed me to call him directly when the range extender was installed, only to then push me off on technical support A practice I suspect is common place to keep people hanging on in order to allow the business day clause to expire To this process with the where over a week ago, it was stated customer service would reach out and I would receive a bill credit. This is not a company I can trust and do not wish to be a partner in my home security for the next several years There are too many options, many far more reputable than Alder who would go to great lengths to be open and honest to earn my business 40+ years and I have never felt a need to turn to the for help with a dispute That says something about how horrible this situation is and has been It should come as no surprise this company has multiple complaints filed with the Maybe, customer service reaching out and bill credit did not happen due to my rejecting the first response Regardless, as a good faith offer and true willingness to work this issue out at minimum the bill credit should have happened Especially, when it is known the agreed camera installment did not happen.
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
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Address: 450 N 1500 W, Orem, Utah, United States, 84057


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