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Waste Management

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Waste Management Reviews (3236)

February 12,
*** * ***
*** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
Re: Complaint# ***
WM Account# ***
*** * ***,
Reference made to the above-mentioned
complaint you filed against Waste Management. We would like to provide you with our response
We are in the process of reviewing our internal records and will provide resolution; we appreciate your time and patience
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at ***@*** or by phone at *** option
*** ***
WM cares-Corporate Office

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and appreciate that they are looking into it Hopefully they can come up with a satisfactory resolution Again I do not understand how they can charge customers for unused services as well as collect from a new customer at the same address Surely I can not be the only customer with this concern

July 28,
Samantha ***
*** *** ***
*** ** *** Complaint# ***
Re: Waste Management Account#
Samantha ***
Reference is made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste Management.
We are in the process of reviewing our records and will provide you with a response; we appreciate your time and patience
Should you have questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at [email protected] or by phone at *** *** **
Very Respectfully,
Nancy ***
Waste Management Corporate - WM Cares

August 6,
*** ***
** ***
*** ***, ** ***
Re: Complaint# ***
WM Account# ***
*** ***,
Reference made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste Management. We would
like to provide you with our response
We are in the process of reviewing our internal records and will provide resolution; we appreciate your time and patience
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at *** or by phone at *** option
Nancy G***
WM cares-Corporate Office
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint
Waste Mgmt knows that we are in the City of Celina's ETJ and that the City has contracted with Progressive for trash servicesWe were able to get the City to allow us to keep Waste Mgmt until our contract was upWe contacted them in November to let them know we would be moving and would not sign a new contract, at that time we were told we could pay monthly until it was picked upAt one time, Thanks to Waste Mgmt, we were getting bills from both them and Progressive for the dumpster we have because Waste Mgmt gave them our name and address along with everyone else on our streetIt t*** months to clear that up as wellNow, they are arguing the whole thing again not to mention they say they recorded the conversation that day about us not signing a contract, so I'd like to hear it myselfI know what was said, why would we sign a new contract when we were moving? This company has numerous complaints against them, they weren't even charging us for a contract amount, so how could they have a new contract? They are unfair, and extremely unreasonableThey were told back in November that we were selling the house and movingNow they want more money because THEY decided to auto renew our contract AFTER being notified we were selling the houseSomeone needs to regulate them, and I have sent copies of all complaints to TCEQ as well

July 19,
*** ***
*** *** **
*** *** ** *** Complaint# ***
Re: Waste Management Account#
*** ***,
Reference is made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste Management.
We are in the process of reviewing our records and will provide you with a response; we appreciate your time and patience
Should you have questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at [email protected] or by phone at 713-512-option *
Very Respectfully,
Nancy ***
Waste Management Corporate - WM Cares

October 13,
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** ** ***
Re: Complaint# ***
WM Account# ***
*** *** ***,
The has contacted us to let us know about the complaint you filed against Waste ManagementI apologize that you experienced issues with your billing and appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns
Due to a contract between your township/borough and Waste Management, we are unable to credit your account, as you are required to use our serviceTherefore, the charges for the following invoice are validApril 2014, July 2014, April,2015, July and October Please accept our apologies for the frustration caused by this situation
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at *** or by phone at *** *** **
Nancy G***
WM Cares-Corporate Office

September 25,
*** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ** ***
Re: Complaint# ***
WM Account# ***
*** ***,
Reference made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste Management. We
would like to provide you with our response
We are in the process of reviewing our internal records and will provide resolution; we appreciate your time and patience
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at [email protected] or by phone at 713-512-option
Nancy ***
WM cares-Corporate Office

April 4, case * ***
Re: Waste Management Account* ***
Hello Will,
In response to your last comment, upon reviewing your account, the only reported miss was on September of In and 2017, there are no recorded service issues on your accountPer our refund policy, it states on your invoice’s, that you are paying for a subscription service; by paying your invoice, you agree to continue service during the specified timeIf you request to cancel your service early, you forfeit your prepaymentIf you would like, we can resume your services, for the remaining period
Should you have additional questions or concerns or if I may be of further assistance, you may reach me at 713-512-option
Very Respectfully,
Nancy Giblin
Customer Experience Agent- WM Cares

June 21,
*** ***
*** * *** ***
*** ** *** Complaint# ***
Waste Management Account# ***
*** ***,
Reference is made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste Management.
We are in the process of reviewing our records and need additional time to resolve your complaintI appreciate your patience
Should you have questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at [email protected] or by phone at 713-512-option
Very Respectfully,
Nancy ***
Waste Management Corporate - WM Cares

July 30,
*** ***
*** NHoliday Hills Drive
Liberty Lake, WA ***
Re: Complaint# ***
WM Account# ***
*** ***,
Reference made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste
Management. We would like to provide you with our response
We are in the process of reviewing our internal records and will provide resolution; we appreciate your time and patience
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at [email protected] or by phone at 713-512-option
Nancy G***
WM cares-Corporate Office

Terrible! "ITSeasytotakeyourmoneythendontexpectathing" should be the nameZero customer serviceZero communication! Expect to pay more, be ignored, and MANY delays! First they gave me their old address which *** told me was undeliverable after attempted delivery Stuck me with that shipping double chargeThen they didn't process my paperwork or my credit card and told me I didn't pay yet Then they used my credit card info and made another random charge several days later!

January 28,
Re: Complaint# ***
Waste Management# ***
Hello Ms***,
I wanted to take this opportunity to most importantly, apologize for your recent service experience and appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns
Account Manager Jose confirmed your account will be canceled today and the dumpster removed within 3-business days
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with us at [email protected] or by phone at 713-512-option *
Nancy ***
WM Cares-Corporate Office

August 15,
Re: Complaint # ***
Waste Management Account #***
Hello ***,
We will continue to monitor your account for the next month to ensure there are no service failuresAgain, please accept our apologies for the frustration caused by this situation
Should you have additional questions or concerns or if I may be of further assistance, you may reach me at 713-512-option
Very Respectfully,
Nancy ***
Customer Experience Agent- WM Cares

October 11, Complaint # ***
Waste Management Account # ***
*** ***
I wanted to take this opportunity to most importantly, apologize for your recent service experienceWe take these concerns very seriously and will immediately take
action to correct them
I alerted our operations team and they confirmed the container was removed yesterdayShould you have questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at [email protected] ** ** *** ** *** *** **
Very Respectfully,
Nancy G***
Waste Management Corporate - WM Cares

January 26,
*** ***
*** * *** ***
*** *** ** ***
Re: Complaint# ***
*** ***,
Reference made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste Management. We would like to
provide you with our response
We are in the process of reviewing our internal records and will provide resolution; we appreciate your time and patience
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at [email protected] or by phone at 713-512-option *
Nancy ***
WM Cares-Corporate Office
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint
[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]I have been billed for a full amount of service for February Will this bill be adjusted?
*** ***

April 25,
*** ***
*** ** *** *** ***
*** *** ** *** Complaint# ***
Waste Management Account#***
*** ***,
Reference is made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste
We are in the process of reviewing our records and will provide you with a response; we appreciate your time and patience
Should you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at [email protected] or by phone at 713-512-option *
Very Respectfully,
Nancy ***
Customer Experience Team Lead - WM Cares

January 6,
*** *** ***
*** *** **
*** ** ***
Re: Complaint# ***
WM Account# ***
*** *** ***,
Reference made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste Management. We would like to provide you with our response
We are researching your account and will respond as quickly as possible
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at [email protected] or by phone at *** option
Nancy G***
WM cares-Corporate Office

February 8,
Re: Complaint # ***
Waste Management Account #***
Hello ***,
I apologize that you experienced issues with your billing and appreciate the opportunity address your concernsOn January 5, 2017, you called and spoke to
your account manager Kourtni and requested to cancel your accountShe advised that the contract was on a month to month and would be canceled days after we receive your certified letter. We received your certified letter post marked January 5, and your account canceled as of February 5, 2017.
Should you have additional questions or comments or if I may be of further assistance, you may reach me at 713-512-option
Very Respectfully,
Nancy ***
Customer Experience Agent- WM Cares

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Description: Rubbish & Garbage Removal

Address: 3279 N Coley Rd, Belden, Mississippi, United States, 38826-6201


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