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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar has scheduled the the requested appointment for a date mutually agreed upon with the customer

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer via phone and email on 5/Vivint Solar apologizes for the billing error and will work with the customer to help address and resolve all billing related concerns.?

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me

We are at the final stages of the compensation review process and we are close to being able to submit it for approvalOnce that is finalized, the compensation will then be applied to the customer's account on the subsequent billing cycleVivint Solar has updated the customer with this status and we will notify them once the approval goes through

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:How and when are they attempting to contact me? I called I think it was last week several times in one evening until I got too tired to
stay up any longer and that was around 10:PM Just ask them, please How is it they are trying to accomplish this "Contact" maneuver? I resent that and find it insulting I keep reaching out to them, only to be ignored with "I am away from my desk but I will get back to you" When? How? Not to mention I just got my usual professional notification of monies owed Yes that was sarcasm It could not get any less professionalThey are dragging this out until one of us, you or me, folds They just might make it, cause I grow weary of the same old line We are trying to contact the client Lawyers play that game, well Vivint isn't all that bad at it eitherI guess to years of bantering should do it!
*** ***

Vivint Solar has reached out to the customer to discuss their concernsWe are going to work with the customer to help resolve their concernsThere system is undergoing a review, so that we can analyze their solar usage and address their savings concerns.?

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response
because: I understand that are reviewing my electric bills, the response from Miranda K[redacted] is NO RESOLUTION
I am not saving money, in fact I am spending more money as now I am paying PNM and Vivintin one monthWe were told by Vivint that we would have a system that would provide 110% of what we would needNow I am being told that I only have 47% which anyone would know is not enough to provide the savings we need and that we were promisedSeveral people have told us there is nothing we can do, Tyler with Customer Care is one of those peoplePoor Poor business if the Vivint Reps are simply telling the customers " there is nothing we can do"We have asked to have the system removed and any necessary repairs to be made as the system is not doing what the contract said it wouldBut they said we would need to buy the system, which makes no sense at allWhy would I buy a system that at this point is uselessVivint has said that PNM will not approve any additional panelsI think this is outrageous, ? sounds like a monopoly (the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service) People are going solar to get away from paying huge electric bills and now they are saying that they wont approve more if the current system does not do what it needs to.We are simply asking for the system to do what it was intended to do? ? ? ? ?

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I do not agree with accepting a response until my unit has been repaired satisfactory and I have been compensated for my time lost on this issue

A member of our Resolutions Team has spoken with the customer, and provided an in depth explanation of how the system was designed and how bills are calculatedThe customer does have a much better understandingOur Resolutions Team and the customer plan to follow up on the account in a few months,
to ensure everything is working out as it was explained

Vivint Solar is currently looking into the issue and will resolve the problem the customer is having

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 2/23/regarding their complaint; the customer was notified Vivint Solar would investigate the promise that was made to him regarding the gift cardThe customer also confirmed he has been in communication with Vivint Solar regarding the process to receiving
Permission To Operate.? Vivint Solar will continue to contact the customer regarding their complaint to discuss a resolution within the terms of the agreement

Vivint Solar has offered a reduction in price from $per watt to $per wattWe are happy to hear you have decided to move forward with the purchase.?

Vivint Solar has credited $to the customer's billing account? $was immediately applied to the outstanding balance, and the remaining $remains on the account and is ready to be applied as a partial payment for this months owed bill?

Spoke with [redacted] ? about the billing issue at handShe was credited with her solar payments and we will continue to work together.?

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory
to meThey have an account repworking directly with me to resolve this issue and have taken me off of the past due list
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint
ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
The system is finally working after months, now it becomes a matter of reimbursement; months of payments made for no service and an adjustment to my electric bill which has been accruing monthly as we have not been able to generate any energy to offset that usageWith the daily sun here in San Diego, SDGE indicated my bill should be some 10% of the current Hopefully they will do the right thing in a timely manner as my request was submitted via fax on 2/
*** ***

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:I asked in
the email I sent to Vivint @[email protected] on 9/25/to be contacted back regarding the inability to access my account via their website.? In this email I attached an email that was sent earlier that day on 9/25/asking about my invoices for July, August and September since I cannot access them.? I was also inquiring about the credits I was to receive for my system being off for the entire month of July.? No one has responded to either email to date.? When I did call, I was told my credits would be cumulative starting in October.? I was told previously that the credits would reflect on September's invoice.? There are conflicting statements being made.? I would like to see my invoices for July, August and September but am unable to access them via the website.? I have asked several times for assistance with this.? I feel that my requests are just ignored yet I am called constantly by the billing department (automated) regarding my balance

Upon further investigation Vivint Solar only ran a pre-screen on the customerThe hard credit check was ran by our third party loan companyWe have notified them to submit a request to the credit bureaus to remove the credit inquiry.?

Vivint Solar has reached out to the customer and has scheduled an appointment to get the customer's system online

Vivint Solar has called and left a voicemail requesting a call back along with emailing our customer? We will continue our attempts to contact the customer and resolve any present issues

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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