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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar remains firm upon the findings of the damage assessment? The solar panels have been installed on the home years without issue until present day? We do not believe the solar install caused damage at the home? The customer has been instructed that she must find a contractor who can provide a written testimony that the solar install did in fact cause the damage at the home? Vivint Solar will not pre-emptively pull off the solar panels without our customer either paying the removal fee or finding a contractor who can determine fault with the panels still on the roof.? ? Regarding the billing situation, the customer sent in and bills for our analysis, whereas the billing analysis that was submitted to the was based upon bills? The KWH rates listed of .10.16, and were pulled directly from recent bills? Vivint Solar does believe the customer is benefiting from the solar production as she is only paying per KWH, the solar power is helping prevent the customer from being charged for higher tiers of energy.?

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: We have been this this process before.? This happened last summer and vivint could not prove any savings as I indicated and then stopped returning my calls.? I am not playing into their stall and delay tactics.?

Vivint Solar has contacted the customer and is actively working toward the best possible solution to repair any damages associated with the solar installation

Vivint Solar will work with our customer however necessary to accommodate their schedule for the final inspection of the system? We sincerely apologize about any inconveniences you may have experienced at this point.?

Vivint Solar has resolved the issues that are within the terms of our agreementThe customer's rate has been changed to $per kWh and a reimbursement check is being issuedThere is however, a request that is not within the term of our agreementAn email has been sent to the customer as well
as the regarding the request that is not within the terms of our agreement.?

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer regarding their complaintWe have agreed upon a satisfactory resolution

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: They have not responded to me and I have
not heard from them in regards of the removal of the panels in which is a broken agreement on their part and puts them in default because they specifically said that we needed to have it removed or pay them to remove itWhen I asked them for assistance that"s when they added more charges and said that they are not responsible of the removal of the mounts and I needed to get a third party contractor involve to have it removed? Vivint installed it so they should be the ones to remove it, that made it difficult for me to have that type of funds available for that serviceSo we went into a stand still and didn't hear from them until just before I sent out this complaint, and Vivint told me that they removed the panels and system and didn't know where it was??? But at the same time they still wanted for me to purchase a system that was already removed from the home and no idea where it is or what kind of condition it is??? Very Unfair and to be put in a predicament where the company is making up rules as the time goes byBottom line was that they stated the system should not be removed unless we are the ones to remove it and they went ahead and removed it, so now they broke our agreement and went into default! Thanks

Vivint Solar has confirmed with the customer that the exterior repairs have been completed.? Vivint Solar is currently working with a third party contractor for an estimate regarding any interior damage, caused by the solar installation.? Vivint Solar will remain in communication with the
customer regarding the damage complaint and any outstanding billing concerns.? ?

We have spoken with the customer regarding their complaintWe will be working with the customer and a Sales Representative in his local area; to determine if the customer meets the minimum qualifications for the additional system.?

Thank you for providing us with this information? Vivint Solar is currently reviewing the customer's account, we attempted to contact the customer to address their concerns, we left a voicemail for a callback

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer on 12/13/and confirmed the payment was refunded on 11/20/

Vivint Solar has been working with the customer to come to a resolution

We have scheduled to have the system reinstalled on 02/27/2016, which has been confirmed with the customer.?

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer via phone on 5/4/We were able to address all billing concerns with the customer, and will continue to work with the customer to ensure they are satisfied

Vivint Solar has coordinated with the customer to move up their appointment to an earlier date mutually agreed upon through phone call confirmationVivint Solar is not in default of the Power Purchase Agreement signed by the customer on 8/24/and will not be removing the system, but will
continue to do all necessary to ensure any system issues are addressed in a timely manner

I got a call from a technician that I had an appointment today? Monday Sept 18th and he wanted to know why I wasn't home.? I told him I have never said that I could do a Monday appointment and that I can only do Saturday.? I do not appreciate Vivint sending someone to my house without my consent or knowledge.?
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:

Vivint Solar since being made aware of the issue performed maintenance on the system, the system issue has been corrected and the panels are now producing power? We are still in progress of working with our customer to provide a resolution that both satisfies their needs and is within the
agreed contractual terms

have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me but would request we do not close this until it actually happens? Actions speak better than words

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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