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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar spoke to the customer on 5/31/to go over his concernsWe addressed the damage to his home and opened a case with the correct departmentVivint Solar will continue working with the customer towards a resolution.

Systems are designed based off of usage and available roof space, and not the square footage of a homeFor example, we can only install on certain roof types and do not install on North facing roof sections due to low sun hours due to the earth's tiltThe customer's system was designed based on the customer's provided usage at the time, taking into account additional restraints present for example the customer's system is installed on the available south facing roof spaceVivint Solar is with in the terms and conditions of the Power Purchase Agreement which also states in section 10.b "We do not warrant or guarantee the amount of energy produced by the system for any period...You understand that You may require more electricity than the system may generateIf you need any such additional energy, then You shall be solely responsible to obtain such energy from the Utility at Your cost" Vivint Solar provided the agreed upon system size as was presented in the Customer Welcome Packet and Installation Work OrderThe customer is currently in default of that agreement as they have shut off of their system and refused to work with Vivint Solar to rectify the situation.

Supervisor from Vivint Solar spoke to the Customers on 5/21/
and addressed their complaintsCustomers agreed to reconsider allowing Vivint
Solar to proceed with the remaining steps in receiving Permission to Operate
from the utility companyVivint Solar will continue working with the Customers
in expediting the remainder of the process
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

Vivint Solar is still in the process of building a solution to the customer's concernsWe have been, and will continue to be, in regular contact with her as we reach a full resolution

Vivint Solar is in the process of researching the complaintWe will contact the customer to discuss a satisfactory resolution

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer on 12/27/will continue forward with a mutually agreed upon plan of action

Vivint Solar reached out to the customer to discuss their complaint via telephone on 6/23, a voicemail was left requesting a callbackAdditionally, we emailed the customer on 6/Vivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer regarding the complaint

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:My complain included problems, the response is only about one of the problems. Yes the leak has been repaired and we are in the process of interior damage repairThis problem, if completed, will be resolved to my satisfaction. Reminding complaints, not addressedAbility to get consultation , just like a new client, with opportunity to have explained billing procedures, benefits of the system. Cost analysis , request in September, still not provided.
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Vivint Solar has addressed this matter with the appropriate partiesWe do apologize that this was the experience the customer hadWe takes these situations very seriously, and appreciate the communication

Vivint Solar has since spoken with the customer, and we are in the process of coming to a satisfactory resolution.

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
*** ***vivint solar keeps sending roofers to inspect roof then rejects their findingsBy all means they can send me what they say they have from Simi Valley and I will take it to the city and see what they have to sayTheir latest roofer they were supposed to send never showed upI wasted the day waiting for nothing and they had the nerve to tell me oops u were never scheduledI have documentation of every person I have spoken to since this nightmare started and when I told their damage resolutions person that I was going to file a complaint with the and contractors license she just said ok do what you have to doThey don't seem to care about customer service since they have u on the hook for the leasePutting goop on a roof u damaged does not fix the problem!!!!

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because we feel like the company is trying to threaten and intimidate us; we do not see that as a "solution" by any meansBasically we are being told that if we don't let them turn on the system they should have turned on MONTHS ago, they are prepared to draw out the removal process to jeopardize the sale of our homeMy husband has worked in the solar industry for years and has never heard of ANY company taking months to remove a system (and, yes, he has firsthand experience dealing with removals), so either Vivint is an anomaly or they are lyingAttached are screenshots of the email we received from them.
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
However, we have asked for addition assessment for leaking into ceilings requiring repairs and repaint. We have also asked for an estimate from Vivint's DC General contractors to do the entire roof so shingles MATCH. We (the ***s) will "consider" replacing the back roof if price is reasonable & fair Vivint has also stated they would have an inspector present during the repairs/replacement process!! That I a must for us
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Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer regarding their complaintWe have received copies of the customer's Utility bills, and are in the process of coming to an agreed upon resolution.

Vivint Solar issued a credit to the billing account on 06/03/16, however we removed the credit that same day, as the customer requested that the refund be sent in the form of a check, rather than a credit to their accountThe check was issued on 06/03/Please allow 7-business days to receive
the checkThe Solar system was designed to offset 92% of the customers recorded annual usage, which when the system was designed was 12,kwhThe estimated annual production is 11,We expect that the system will produce the estimated amount

Vivint Solar is working to obtain a bid from the customers recommended Pest Control companyWe have are working to address the issues and will continue to do so until the matter has been resolved to the Customers satisfaction

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 11/22/to discuss the situationThe Power Purchase Agreement signed on 10/2/which the customer assumed responsibility of by signing the Transfer Agreement on 7/15/2017, states in Section 10.C "We do not warrant or guarantee the amount of energy
produced by the system for any period or any cost savings" Vivint Solar will continue to work with the customer to come to a resolution with in the terms of the contract that is beneficial to both the customer and the company

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:The customer service person DID NOT take care of the auto paymentI DID! It would be nice for once if the truth was told instead of liesOnce again, this has been going on for months and all I get are empty apologiesEach time I talk to anyone at the so called "customer service" all I get is "reading of a script" How about trying to understand my frustration of having to deal with this same situation for months? There is no concern for the fact that it has taken this long to get this issue resolved for the moment until next month when their system won't be able to complete the transactionThe amount of time that I have to spend dealing with this substandard customer service is ridiculous considering the fact that all they do is ensure information is entered for an accountIt does not have to be correct information just informationOne of the so called customer service people entered my credit card numbers in wrong resulting in more of my time being wasted.I got a called from the manager in charge of the level customer service which was a complete waste of my time considering all she did was offer the same empty apologies and tell me that the service person took care of entering the credit card info and setting it up for autopay. ONCE AGAIN, I DID THAT MYSELF....JEREMY DID NOTIt bothers me when a person takes credit for something they did not doI don't want a person have they number of completed tickets or calls based on a lie.FYI...I have filed a complaint with the Maryland AG office against VIVINT solar, they like to know when businesses are not treating veterans properly.//signed//
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have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID *** The business has just requested utility bills from me and I have responded to that request However, I would like to keep this complaint open until the issue has been resolved
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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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