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Reviews Molle Automotive

Molle Automotive Reviews (2306)

I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find the resolution is satisfactory to me.

February 17, 2017     [redacted]
*       RE:      [redacted] Complaint ID #11991031   Dear [redacted]...

[redacted]:   Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues the [redacted] credit card. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns.   We understand from your complaint, submitted to the, that your account was assessed a $27.00 late fee in January 2017 and February 2017. You further state your payment of $108.06 for the January 10, 2017, due date was three days late, and your payment of $34.68 for the February 10, 2017, due date was one date late. You contacted the Bank requesting to have both fees removed, but the associate would only remove one fee. You feel this offer was insulting since you have been a cardholder since 2010, and rarely miss making payments for your purchases. You are requesting to have both late fees credited to your account.   Please keep in mind that when payments are not received, are received after the due date, or are made for less than the minimum required, the account will be assessed a late fee, as explained in the [redacted] (CCA).   Bank records indicate that a billing statement was issued to you on December 15, 2016, with a balance of $108.06, and a minimum payment of $27.00, due on January 10, 2017. Your payment of $108.06 was received on January 13, 2017. As the payment was not received by the due date, a late fee and finance charge were assessed to the account in accordance with the CCA.   Bank records further indicate a billing statement was issued to you on January 15, 2017, with a balance of $56.40, and a minimum payment of $27.00, due on February 10, 2017. Your payment of $34.68 was received on February 11, 2017. As the payment was not received by the due date, a late fee and finance charge were assessed to the account in accordance with the CCA.   Bank records indicate a billing statement was issued to you on February 12, 2017, with a balance of $27.61, and a minimum payment of $27.00, due on March 10, 2017. As a courtesy, on February 14, 2017, the Bank issued credit in the amount of $27.00 for one of the previously assessed late fees.   Comenity Bank did not find any errors with the account; therefore we are unwilling to remove any additional fees, as they are valid. As of the date of this letter, the balance on the account is $.61 due on March 10, 2017.   I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####.                                         ... Sincerely,   [redacted]   cc:

Dear [redacted]We received your complaint, addressed to the, regarding the account referenced above.  Comenity Bank issues West Elm credit cardaccounts, and we respond to account-related questions.  Your complaint was forwarded to my attention, and I...

appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns.We understand your concerns regarding the $225.00 reward certificate that was sent to you on December 24, 2014, that was never received and when you contacted us regarding this matter you were provided the reward certificate number and expiration date and the information was not accepted when you attempted to make a purchase. We understand that you would like to have the reward amount applied to your purchase of $790.08 that was placed on May 24, 2015.  I apologize for any inconvenience this mattermay have caused you.We have contacted West Elm on your behalf regarding this issue.  We have been advised that you were contacted regarding placing a new order to have the reward certificate amount applied.  Our records indicate that on June 2, 2015, your purchase of $790.08 was returned and credit was applied to your account for the full amount.  On June 11, 2015, a credit of $225.00 was applied to the account.  As of the date of this letter, your account balance is $565.08.We hope this information is helpful.  Should you have any other questions or concerns regarding this account, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####).  I will be happy to assist you.Sincerely,
[redacted]Consumer Relations Specialist

Dear [redacted]Comenity Capital Bank has received your correspondence regarding the above-referencedaccount. Comenity Capital Bank issues HSN credit card accounts. We are here to answer yourquestions and assist with your concerns.Your complaint states that the balance on your account went from...

$128.00 to $256.00 and youwould like to know why the balance doubled and as a result your credit was affected. Furthermore,you state that you did not ask for the HSN credit card account and used your debit card to makeyour purchase. You are requesting an explanation as to why your balance increased. I understandyour concerns, and apologize for any confusion or frustration this may have caused you.Please understand that Comenity Capital Bank and HSN are separate entities. Comenity CapitalBank issues and responds to questions regarding the HSN credit card account. While HSNresponds to questions regarding merchandise, purchases, returns, and shipping.Our records indicate that your account was opened on June 22, 2016, use of the account or failureto close the account within 30 days of receiving the CCA indicated your acceptance of the termsof the Agreement, including the assessment of any finance charges and fees. The last purchaseof $7.48 was made on November 3, 2016, and the last payment of $30.00 was received onNovember 2, 2016.At least some of your purchases were made using HSN’s optional FlexPay program. FlexPay isa convenient way to shop that allows you to easily divide your purchase into monthly installmentpayments with your credit card. The payments can be made using your HSN credit card or someother form of payment. You arranged to have your monthly payments charged to your HSN creditcard. When a purchase was made using FlexPay, HSN immediately billed your HSN credit cardaccount for the first monthly installment plus any applicable tax and shipping and handling fees.Your purchase was shipped, and the remaining FlexPay installments were automatically billed toyour HSN credit card account every 30 days thereafter, beginning the month after the originalorder date. HSN does not charge interest or fees to use FlexPay; however, if your entire creditcard statement balance is not paid by the due date each month, interest is charged on the accountbalance in accordance with the terms of the Credit Card Agreement (CCA).A statement was issued October 11, 2016, showing a balance of $152.85 with a minimumpayment of $27.00 due by November 6, 2016. The Bank received a payment of $30.00 onSeptember 30, 2016. Please be advised that you had new charges that totaled $128.28 whichposted to your account after that statement was issued.On November 10, 2016, a statement was issued showing a balance of $256.08 with a minimumpayment of $27.00 due by December 6, 2016. The Bank did not receive a payment; therefore, alate fee was assessed to your account.Please be advised that statements continued to be issued showing that a balance was still owingon your account; however, no payments were made and as a result your account was chargedlate fees and finance charges. Furthermore, as a result of your account becoming two billingperiods past due, your account was reported as delinquent to the national credit-reportingagencies. I have enclosed your billing statements for your review.Comenity Capital Bank has not found any billing errors. We understand your concern regardingyour credit report. We have verified we are reporting the account correctly to the credit reportingagencies as we are required by law. We are unwilling to change or remove accurate informationfrom your credit report.I hope you found this information to be helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns,please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Jenny W[redacted]

Comenity Bank has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account.  Comenity Bank issues THE LIMITED credit card.  We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns.   We understand from your complaint that you opened THE LIMITED account, made...

a purchase,  and went online to pay the balance in full.  You received an additional statement ready email; however, you deleted it as you had paid the balance in full.  The next month you received phone calls, and realized the email did have a balance.  After reviewing your statement online, you noticed that the payment made on October 13, 2016, was one day late.  You spoke with the Bank, and were credited one of the two late fees.  Additionally, you paid the other late fee and closed the account.  You want to insure this does not hurt your credit report.  I am happy to share my findings.   Please keep in mind that when payments are not received, are received after the due date, or are made for less than the minimum required, the account will be assessed a late fee, as explained in the Credit Card Agreement.   Bank records indicate that your payment due date is the 12th of each month.  A payment of $450.98 was scheduled on October 13, 2016, via the Account Center website.  This payment posted after the due date; therefore, a late fee was assessed.    A Statement Ready Email (SRE) was sent October 21, 2016, advising of the statement closing on October 17, 2016, which showed a balance of $27.00, due by November 12, 2016.  As no payment was made, an additional late fee was assessed.    An SRE was sent on November 20, 2016, advising of the statement closing on November 16, 2016, which showed a balance of $55.00, and a minimum payment of $32.00, due by December 12, 2016.    On December 6, 2016, you made a payment with a representative for $27.00 for the initial late fee; the finance charge of $1.00, and additional late fee of $27.00 were credited.  This bought the account balance to zero.  Additionally, the account was closed per your request.   Please be advised that this matter did not cause a delinquency to be reported to the credit bureaus.   I hope you have found this information to be helpful.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####.                                         ... Sincerely,     Kaija M

I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find the resolution is satisfactory to me.
Lisa Wilson

Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues the Westgate Rewards MasterCard account. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns.   We understand from your additional complaint that you were not aware of Comenity Bank financing the Westgate Rewards MasterCard. You state that it was not after two weeks when you attempted to cancel it, that you started receiving bills from the Bank. You state the amount owed is the accumulated monthly fee Westgate planned to have charged if you agreed to the contract, however; due to sending all the documents back and never using the benefit of the contract, you have no obligation to pay the Bank.   Additionally, you disagree that the account is being reported correctly to the credit reporting agencies because you do not owe the debt on the account. Also, you state that you left a voicemail at the number provided on the previous correspondence and you were not contacted. You feel the Bank is making it difficult to close this case, therefore; you request compensation and the account removed from your credit report. I am happy to share my findings.   Please be assured I returned your voicemail on April 13, 2017, and left my name and number. There was no returned voicemail left.   As stated in the previous correspondence, Westgate and Comenity Bank are two separate entities. The Bank issues and is responsible for addressing questions related to your credit card account. Westgate is responsible for handling matters related to sales, merchandise processing, returns and shipping.   I have enclosed a copy of the timeline received from Westgate regarding this matter.   The account is seven billings past due, with an outstanding balance of $4,100.35 and a minimum payment of $465.00 due by May 20, 2017. The account wrote off on April 25, 2017.   Please contact our Recovery department at ###-###-#### to set up suitable payment arrangements.    We have verified we are reporting the account correctly to the credit reporting agencies as we are required by law.     We again respectfully decline your request for compensation.   I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####.                                         ... Sincerely,   Kaija M[redacted] Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses   cc:   Enclosure

Dear [redacted]We received your complaint, addressed to the, regarding the accountreferenced above. Comenity Bank issues Express credit card accounts, and we are here toassist with all account related questions. 1 appreciate the opportunity to respond to yourconcerns.We...

understand from your complaint that you believe that Comenity Bank purchased Expresscredit cards, including your account, and your balance was not correct after the transfer. Youstate the Bank has increased your monthly payments for no reason. You further state thatduring your previous dispute, we credited your account for the disputed amount, then removedthe credit. You state we issued credit for two late fees, but we are refusing to credit anyadditional. You would like the late fees removed.Please note, Comenity Bank has been the financer behind Express credit cards since theopening of your Express credit card account on January 19, 2007.During your previous dispute, you stated you would like a full accounting of actual purchasesthat you made with the card, and a complete billing history. Please be advised that ComenityBank retains billing statement records for the period of time required by law, as this timeframehas expired, we are unable to provide you with all copies of your statements; however,enclosed you will find the available billing statements which show the account activity thatcomprised the account balance and delinquencies which are reporting to the credit bureaus,and a copy of the account Credit Card Agreement (CCA).While our dispute team investigates billing disputes, we issue your account a temporary creditfor the disputed amount and, if applicable, any related finance charges. These credits appearon your billing statement as a "provisional credit" and a 'Finance charge credit". You will seeboth credits removed on your next statement, if the dispute was not resolved in your favor. Wealso postpone charging any interest on the disputed amount while we are investigating; ifapplicable, this interest will appear on your statement as "finance charge recovery". Theprevious dispute you are referring to was not resolved in your favor; therefore, the disputedamount, which was your entire balance, was added back to the account.Please be advised, per the terms of your account, billing disputes are to be received within 60days of the disputed item appearing on your billing statement. Your previous dispute letter,dated September 24, 2014, disputed the account balance. The last purchase charged to youraccount was on December 29, 2008.It is important to understand how minimum payments are calculated. Under the minimumpayment section of your Credit Card Agreement, it states, "The Minimum Payment will be thetotal of the minimum payments for the Regutar Revolving and Promotional Credit Plans plus anypast due amounts and fees. The minimum payments for the Regular Revolving Credit Plan andPromotional Credit Plans will be the greater of: (a) $5.00 or (b) 5% of the New Balance shownon your Statement for that Credit Plan.You state from your previous dispute, that during the Customer Hardship Program your interestand late fees would stop. Please find the Customer Hardship enrollment letters enclosed.While enrolled in the Customer Hardship Program, the Bank will reduce your AnnualPercentage Rate on your account to 10%; suspend future late fees from being assessed onyour account; offer you free online or phone payments; reduce your monthly minimum paymentrequirement to 2% of your balance or $10.00, whichever is greater. After three consecutive ontime payments, we will remove your existing unpaid late fees from the balance owed on theaccount. If your late fees exceed the balance owed on your account, the credit of late fees willbe made to bring your account to a zero balance. At the end of your enrollment, the Bankissued a credit totaling $100.00 on May 6, 2013, to remove late fees from your account. Aftercompletion of the Customer Hardship Program, your account returned to the original repaymentterms, and your required minimum payment increased.Also, please keep in mind, when payments are not received, are received after the due date, orare made for less than the minimum required, the account will be assessed a late fee andfinance charge, as explained in the Credit Card Agreement. The Bank has issued additionalcredit for two late fees, in the interest of customer service. After researching your balancedetails, the Bank considers your balance to be valid; therefore, we respectfully decline yourrequest to remove any additional late fees from your balance.We sincerely apologize for the frustration and inconvenience this matter may have caused you.Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####). I would be happy to assist you.Sincerely,[redacted] Consumer Relations Specialist

Dear Ms. [redacted]   We received your complaint, addressed to the, regarding the application referenced above.  Comenity Bank issues burkes OUTLET® credit card accounts, and we are here to assist you with all application-related questions or...

concerns.  I appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns.   We understand from your complaint that you contacted our Customer Care team in order to finish processing your burkes OUTLET® credit card application.  The Customer Care representative advised that the questions would be based off of your current credit bureau report from Equifax.  You state she asked multiple questions to verify your identity including your zodiac sign.  You refused to provide your zodiac sign since that question had nothing to do with your credit report.  We advised that this information would be required to process your application, and you told the representative you would not answer any questions not related to your credit.  You later received a letter stating that you were no longer interested in opening a burkes OUTLET® credit card account, which is not true.  You are requesting to be approved for a burkes OUTLET® credit card based on your credit bureau report.    We apologize that we were not able to approve your application for a burkes OUTLET® credit card.  During our recent phone conversation, we asked some questions in an attempt to verify your identity.  You chose not to answer a question, and stated you no longer wanted the account; therefore, the application process was terminated at that time.  We apologize for any frustration or inconvenience you may have experienced.  Please understand that the additional questions were asked for security reasons.    Should you wish to reapply for the burkes OUTLET® credit card account, please visit us online, at [redacted]   We hope you find this information to be helpful. Should you have any further questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-#### ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####).  I will be happy to assist you.   Sincerely, Amanda R**

Hi,I’m writing to follow up on the complaint number [redacted]. Its been too long since the business asked for an extension on time. I’m planning to sue them in court if they don’t respond positively so please let me know when their clock to respond runs out.Thanks [redacted]###-###-####

Dear [redacted]: Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues the Ann Taylor Mastercard credit card. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns. We understand from your...

correspondence, your points disappeared from the system and you were unable to use your $20.00 reward. You were told that your points would be refunded, and letters were mailed regarding the status of the reward. You are requesting a $20.00 reward and copies of the letters that were mailed. On behalf of the Bank, please accept my apology for the manner in which your account was handled and the incorrect information you received. We apologize if you felt you did not receive the best customer service. We never intend to treat our customers in a less-than-satisfactory manner. We are committed to providing the best customer service, and are disappointed when a customer feels this standard was not met. Please be assured, we have taken steps to coach our associate in providing a more positive experience to our customers. We contacted Ann Taylor, on your behalf, regarding this matter. Due to you were unable to use your $20.00 reward, we have added 2,000 points to your Ann Taylor [redacted] account, to generate a $20.00 reward. It does take about 4-6 weeks for our customers to receive their rewards card once the points are redeemed. The points will be redeemed on July 28, 2017. Unfortunately, Ann Taylor is unable to provide their previous correspondence. I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Tionna M[redacted]

Dear Ms. [redacted]We received correspondence from the regarding the above-mentionedapplication. Comenity Bank issues VICTORIA’S SECRET credit card accounts, and we are here toassist you with your account/application-related questions. Your correspondence was forwarded tomy...

attention, and I appreciate the opportunity to assist you.I understand your concerns regarding the VICTORIA’S SECRET application that was submitted inyour name, and I apologize for the inconvenience and frustration this matter may have caused you.Bank records show that a VICTORIA’S SECRET credit card application was received on August 25,2016, in the name of Rosemarie Sciarrone. Please be assured that the Bank actively monitorsapplications for suspicious activity. Since the application submitted in your name met certain criteria,the Bank sent you a letter, which you enclosed with your complaint. Please be assured that noVICTORIA’S SECRET credit card account was opened in your name, and we did not locate any otheropen credit card accounts in your name with the Bank.Since you state that you did not apply for an account, we sent a request to the credit-reporting agenciesto remove the inquiry that was generated as a result of the application. Please allow 45 days for thecredit-reporting agencies to update their records.Due to their compliance policies, the credit bureaus do not delete inquiries from a consumer’s creditbureau report. However, when the Bank requests that an inquiry be removed, the credit bureaus willchange it to a soft inquiry. This means that the inquiry only appears when the consumer pulls his orher own credit report. A soft inquiry does not appear on a consumer’s credit report that is provided toa lender or any other authorized party, and it does not impact the consumer’s credit score. Therefore,you will continue to see the inquiry on your credit report, but it will not be visible to anyone else whomay pull your credit report.If you feel you have been a victim of identity theft, we encourage you to place a fraud alert on yourcredit file. When a fraud alert is present on your credit file, a lender must contact you at the telephonenumber you provide on the alert, prior to opening any credit account. You may contact any one of thecredit-reporting agencies to add a fraud alert to your credit file. The agency you contact will notify theother agencies. You may reach the credit-reporting agencies using the following information:Experian (TRW)  PO Box 2002701 Experian ParkwayAllen, TX 75013 - 0036###-###-####TransUnion (TRU)PO Box 390Springfield, PA 19064 - 0390###-###-####Equifax (CBI)PO Box 740241Atlanta, GA 30374 - 0241###-###-#### http://www.equifax.comWe hope that this information is helpful. Should you have any additional questions or concerns, pleasecontact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####). I will be happy to assist you.Sincerely,Shawnda Y[redacted]

Dear Ms. [redacted]   Comenity Bank received a complaint, addressed to the, regarding the above-noted account.  As the bank that issues Roaman’s® credit card accounts, we respond to all account-related concerns.  Your complaint was forwarded to my...

attention, and I appreciate the opportunity to assist you.   Thank you for taking the time to speak with me on July 1, 2016, regarding your experiences when you attempted to change your due date.  Based upon our conversation, we were able to determine that your complaint regarding your due date has been resolved after speaking with our Customer Care team on May 14, 2016.  During your previous telephone call, we advised that your due date was changed to the 7th of every month, and that a late fee credit of $35.00 has been issued to the account, in the interest of customer service.         Please understand, when an account becomes past due, we are unable to request a due date change.  Once the minimum payment is received, and the account is brought current, the consumer has the ability to request a due date change.   Please keep in mind when payments are not received, are received after the due date, or are made for less than the minimum required, the account will be assessed a late fee and finance charge, as explained in the Credit Card Agreement (CCA).                                     ...   As of today’s date, the balance on your Roaman’s® account is $231.73.  A $20.00 payment posted to the account on July 1, 2016.   To provide the best customer service possible, we offer multiple ways to make a payment.  Choose a payment method that's right for you.   Online: Online payments submitted before 8 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) can be credited to your account same-day.  Online payments submitted after 8 p.m. ET will be credited the following day (or on your future scheduled payment date).  Please note that it may take up to two business days to complete the financial transfer from your personal bank account to your Roaman’s® account.   Mail: Send your payment and payment coupon in the envelope that came with your billing statement.  We recommend allowing a week for the payment to arrive.  If you’re a paperless customer, print out a payment stub on the online account management site so your payment is processed as quickly as possible.   Phone: If you need to make a same-day payment, you may call us at the phone number on the back of your billing statement before 8 p.m. ET to speak to a customer care representative.  A fee may apply to same-day, expedited payments made with the representative.   The above information and more can be found by visiting:  [redacted]   We value you as a customer, and we hope that you find this information to be helpful.  If you have any further questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####).  I will be happy to assist you.   Sincerely,   Amanda R**

[redacted]Dear [redacted]:Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-noted...

account.Comenity Bank issues the [redacted] credit card. We are here to answer your questions and assistwith your concerns.We understand from your complaint you received an email advertising a one year no-interestpromotional plan and when you went online to use the coupon code that was provided, the websitewould not recognize it. Therefore, you called customer service to place the order and were assuredthe coupon was applied. However, when you reviewed your statement you noticed you had beenassessed interest charges. You are requesting the interest charges be refunded, and not to have anyadditional interest charges as long as your balance is paid by July 2017. We would like to apologizefor any inconvenience this matter may have caused you.We contacted [redacted] on your behalf and we have confirmed that your purchase for $959.65 onJuly 22, 2016, was supposed to be placed on the 12 month deferred interest, payment required plan.To correct this error, we have removed $93.86 in interest charges from your account. Thank you foryour payment of $225.00 which posted to your account on February 21, 2017. Please be assured wetransferred your remaining balance of $9.65 to the 12 month deferred interest, payment required planwhich is scheduled to expire on July 23, 2017. Please be advised that the full balance must be paidby the promotional plan expiration date to avoid accrued interest from being assessed to the account.I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, pleasefeel free to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]
[redacted]Tell us why here...

Dear Mr. [redacted]We received your complaint, addressed to the, regarding the above-noted account.  Comenity Bank issues Gander Mountain
MasterCard® accounts, and we are here to help answer all account-related
questions.  Your complaint was forwarded
to my...

attention for review, and I appreciate the opportunity to assist you. We understand your concerns regarding the
Account Assure charges that have appeared on your account, and that you state these
are not charges that you agreed to.Our records indicate that you enrolled in Account
Assure on April 13, 2013, and the account has received a charge for this product
each month that there was an account balance.  Account Assure was canceled at your request on
November 14. 2014.Please be assured that credits totaling
$1,608.23 have been issued to your account for the Account Assure.  Additionally, a credit of $35.00 was issued
to remove the most recent late fee added to your account and a credit of $31.60
has been issued to credit finance charges added to the account because of the
Account Assure.We value our customers and hope the
information provided is helpful.  If you have
any further questions or concerns regarding the account, please contact me at
###-###-####, ext. [redacted].  I will be
happy to assist. Sincerely,Justina M[redacted]

.Thank you for contacting Comenity Bank regarding the above-referenced account. As the bank that issues
OLD PUEBLO TRADERS® credit card accounts, we are here to help with account-related questions. Your
complaint was forwarded to my attention, and I appreciate the opportunity to assist you.

understand from your complaint that you have been receiving late fees, even though all of the
merchandise was returned. You spoke with Comenity Bank and Old Pueblo Traders, and decided to
request an itemized statement, which you believe showed you were still being charged for a mint dress.
You believe you have paid for everything that you have purchased.
Please understand that Comenity Bank and Old Pueblo Traders are two separate entities. Comenity Bank
is responsible for addressing questions related to OLD PUEBLO TRADERS® credit card accounts, while
Old Pueblo Traders is responsible for handling matters related to sales, merchandise processing, returns,
shipping, and merchandise quality.
When you order merchandise from Old Pueblo Traders, your account is charged for the cost of the
merchandise, sales tax (if applicable), and shipping and handling. When the merchandise is returned, your
account is credited for the merchandise and the applicable sales tax. Old Pueblo Traders does not refund
shipping and handling charges. In addition, if the provided return label is used to return the package, the
return label fee is also charged to your account.
We reached out to Old Pueblo Traders on your behalf and they have issued credits totaling $19.98 to
remove two shipping fees. In the interest of customer service, the Bank has issued additional credits
totaling $157.65 to the account to remove the late fees and finance charges. These credits have processed
and your account balance is zero.
Please be assured, we have sent notification to the national credit-reporting agencies with instructions to
remove the negative payment information, regarding the OLD PUEBLO TRADERS® account, from your
credit bureau report. Please allow the credit-reporting agencies 45 days to update their records.
I hope this information is helpful. If you have any further questions regarding your account, please contact
me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####). I will be happy to assist you.

Dear Ms. [redacted] We have received your complaint, addressed to the, regarding the above-referenced account.  Comenity Bank issues avenue® credit card accounts, and we are here to assist with your account-related questions.  Your complaint was forwarded to my...

attention, and I appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. We understand from your complaint that you made an online purchase using your personal MasterCard and this purchase was applied to your avenue® credit card.  You indicate that you spoke to customer service regarding this matter and were told there was nothing that could be done.  You are requesting that the interest charge applied to your avenue® account be removed. Please be assured that we tried to find the call in question, unfortunately, our records indicate that no calls were placed to the Bank regarding the above-referenced account.  After a thorough review of the account, our records indicate that a purchase of $92.35 for Accessories and Woven Bot on July 23, 2015.  These purchases were made in an avenue® retail store located at The Pavilions, [redacted]  If you feel that the purchases referenced above were placed on your personal MasterCard, please provide a statement from your MasterCard account verifying the purchases were placed on the card.  You may send this information to the address listed above or you may fax the information directly to me at ###-###-####, for further investigation. Please be advised when the account carries a balance, the account will assess finance charges, in accordance with our Credit Card Agreement (CCA).  As such, the Bank is unwilling to remove the finance charge assessed to the account at this time. We value you as a customer, and we sincerely apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this matter has caused you.  If you have any further questions about your account, please contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####).  I will be happy to assist you. Sincerely,                                                                                                             Renee S[redacted]

I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find the resolution is satisfactory to me.
Regards, [redacted]

Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues the Victoria’s Secret Angel and previously issued The Limited credit cards. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns.We understand from the additional correspondence you would like charges to The Limited account removed. You state that a Bank representative gave you incorrect information regarding closure of the account; which you feel is misleading.Please be assured we take your concerns seriously and are committed to providing the best customer service possible. We reviewed the applicable telephone conversations between March 8, 2017, and November 2, 2017, again. With regard to the conversation you referenced in your most recent correspondence, our associate did inform you The Limited store had closed; however, he stated your account remained open. During that conversation, no request was made to close The Limited account. Respectfully, our position remains unchanged, and we decline you request to credit The Limited account balance. .Sincerely,Rachel R[redacted]Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responsescc:

Dear Ms [redacted] I am writing to you in reference to my previous telephonic conversations regarding complains ( previous complaint #: [redacted]) done on official website against comenity bank’s fraud, harassment, abuse during the conversation.  Initially when I called the helpline the representatives their representatives started shouting at me. I was in a shock that what a  Highly non-professional customer services helpline with extremely bad/rude tone of voice. One of the representative told me that their management told them to shout at me so that media and people talk about it and they can use me for marketing and publicity stunts by abusing me. On June, 15 2017 the medication box which I bought from DSW store for around $10.97 dollars was being adjusted with my birthday gift card and the till the month of September 2017 paperless bill statement proof which I have printed and also attached in the email: [email protected] with a subject attention to Mr. [redacted]. In the month of October when I called the helpline to check my credit limit comenity bank employee told me that you got charged a late fee of $24 dollars on $10.97. I said why when it was being adjusted with my birthday gift card. The representative stated misbehaving and told me that either DSW or the bank didn’t adjusted the gift card because of that problem you got charged late fee. I even sent email proofs of $0 bill balance to DSW / comenity bank as a reply to one of the postal mails. I have confirmed by bill via IVR; the bill was $0 till the month of September 2017. But in the month of October when I told the csr of comenity bank that as per IVR and my online emails the balance is $0 and you are saying that its $24 which is a late fee (Basically, they were doing a fraud which I don’t want to be a part of). Disputed Amount which is actually a fraudulent late fee which comenity bank is charging for this month is : $165.72Kindly, look into this issue and help me in getting rid of this abuse and fraud, identity theft which comenity bank or DSW is doing.DSW told me that they have nothing to do with any of comenity bank’s fraud that they are doing and we don’t want to be a part of that fraud. We didn’t gave them the permission if they are trying to convey any indirect fraudulent messages. Thanks & Regards

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