Dear [redacted]: Comenity Bank has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues Venus credit card accounts. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns. Your complaint states that you notified the Bank that a...
charge on your account was being disputed because you had not received the item. However, your account was charged late fees and finance charges while you were disputing the charge. You are requesting that the fees be waived and any delinquencies on your credit bureau report be removed. I understand your concerns, and apologize for any confusion or frustration this may have caused you. Our records indicate that on May 30, 2017, a total credit of $39.35 was issued to your account. As of the date of this letter, please be advised that your account balance is zero. Furthermore, please be advised that your account was not reported as delinquent to the national credit-reporting agencies. I hope you found this information to be helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, [redacted]
[redacted] Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses
Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues the Roamans credit card. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns.I understand from your correspondence that you paid your account in full; however, two...
separate late fees were charged to your account. I also understand that you requested that your account be closed, and that action was not done. I do apologize for any inconvenience or frustration this matter may have caused you. After a thorough review, our records indicate the payment due date on your Roamans account is the 1st of every month. Please keep in mind, when payments are not received, are received after the due date, or are made for less than the minimum required, the account will be assessed a late fee and finance charge, as explained in the Credit Card Agreement The Bank removed a late fee in the amount of $24.96 on March 20, 2017. Due to not receiving your payment by the due date, your account was assessed another late fee. Bank records indicate your account was paid in full on March 24, 2017. Please find enclosed, copies of the billing statements that show how the account balance was comprised. If you find any discrepancies, please contact me, and I’ll be happy to review the account further. As of the date of this letter, your account balance is zero and, per your request, we have closed your account . I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Kristina W[redacted] Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses cc: Enclosures
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find the resolution is satisfactory to me.
Dear [redacted]Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referencedaccount. Comenity Bank issues the Herberger’s credit card accounts. We are here to answer yourquestions and assist with your concerns.We previously received and responded to your correspondence submitted to the Better BusinessBureau regarding this same matter. Please find enclosed copies of our responses sent to you onMarch 31, 2017, and May 24, 2017.As previously stated in the letter sent to you on March 31, 2017, your payment was received;however, those funds were returned to your Bank. Please contact your Bank regarding thatpayment.I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, pleasefeel free to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Jenny W[redacted]May 24, 2017Dear [redacted]Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referencedaccount. Comenity Bank issues the Herberger’s credit card accounts. We are here to answer yourquestions and assist with your concerns.We previously received and responded to your correspondence submitted to the Bank regardingthis same matter. Please find enclosed a copy of our response sent to you on March 31, 2017.Furthermore, please be advised that the Bank issued a total credit of $52.11 on May 9, 2017.Your current balance is $891.56 and you have a minimum payment of $66.00 due by June 1,2017.I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, pleasefeel free to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Jenny W[redacted]
Dear Daniel E. S[redacted]:Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues the Pottery Barn credit card. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns.We previously received and responded to correspondence submitted to the regarding this same matter and previously advised you the inquiry on your credit bureau was valid.However, please be advised the Bank was able to determine you were not advised your credit bureau would be pulled when you requested a credit limit increase via our Interactive Voice Response system on April 8, 2017. Therefore, the Bank has submitted a request to have that inquiry removed. Please allow up to 45 days for the credit-reporting agencies to update their records.We apologize for this situation and appreciate you bringing this matter to our attention.I hope you found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Jenny W[redacted]Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses
We received your additional complaint, addressed to the, regarding the credit card account referenced above. Comenity Bank issues POTTERY BARN credit card accounts and we respond to account-related questions. Your correspondence was forwarded to my attention, and I appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. We understand from your additional complaint that you never received the statements letting you know when your zero interest plan was going to end. You state that you had planned to pay of entire balance prior to being charged $350.00 in interest charges. You state that you wish to pay the balance and close the account. We apologize for any inconvenience this matter may have caused you. After careful review, we have determined that you enrolled in paperless statements on August 27, 2015, when you registered your account in our online Account Center. Your monthly statements were being sent to the email address you provided at registration, [redacted]@YAHOO.COM. We have no record of your statement ready email notifications being returned as undeliverable. Information regarding your promotional plans can be found on page 3 of your billing statement in the. “details of your plans” section. Bank records indicate that a credit in the amount of $175.00 was issued to your account as courtesy to reverse half of the previously assessed interest charges. A payment of $25.00 was received on November 6, 2016. Please be advised that as of the date of this letter, the balance on your account is now zero. Thank you for continuing to shop with Pottery Barn. We hope you find this information helpful. If you have any other questions or concerns regarding this account, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####). I will be happy to assist you. Sincerely, Ashley H[redacted] Consumer Relations Specialist
Thank you very much for your help and support with respect to my complaint ID # [redacted]My concern is that Comenity Bank approach by charging me irrational and unreasonable interests of $601.79 for the remaining balance of $878.58, was seriously shocking, that affected me and my husband, causing a serious heart attack and chest pain, due to emotional stress.When we called the bank they explain this outstanding and improbable interest charges, that this is correct and represent the cumulative interest charges on the initial debt for 12 months, (with a rate of 29.99%) since we didn’t complete the payment of the debt within the 12 months as agreed for, without interest. We disputed this charges since: 1. We called the bank before the end of the 12 months to extend the agreement for 6 months, to complete the payment without interest, as advised by a supervisor of the bank.2. To add a cumulative interest on the whole debt, if we didn’t complete the payment within the ascertained period, is a punishment that we have never heard about it in any financial organizations, all over the world, and we have never agreed for such policy.3. We have never been informed in advance of such policy which would never been accepted. 4. Irrespective of this cumulative charges, which is not accepted, the interest rate they used was aggravating.When we called Comenity Bank back, they tried to bargain the amount of charges, by reducing it by 20% and then by 30%, and of course this approach was absolutely refused; but it indicates that these charges are wrong, and this bargain is an acknowledgment that this action and the charges were absolutely hazardous error. A persuasive evidence of the error of the bank, is the final approval of the bank, after complaining the bank to the and to the Department of Financial Institutions in the State of Utah, that we are not responsible for such charges.I respectfully request charging the Comenity Bank with a reasonable amount of Emotional Stress Damages and Punitive Damages, that could be determined by the Thank you[redacted]
Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account.Comenity Bank issues the Marathon credit card. We are here to answer your questions and assist with yourconcerns.We understand from your complaint, address to the, that you assumed by...
addingyour banking information on our Account Center, that automatic payments would be set up. You found thatthis was not the case, and the account was assessed a late fee. You state you made the payment anddestroyed the Marathon credit card. After receiving an email advising you that the account still had abalance of $34.00, you reached out to the Bank and were advised that the balance was a late fee. You arerequesting the account closed and the late fee removed.Please keep in mind that when payments are not received, are received after the due date, or are made forless than the minimum required, the account will be assessed a late fee, as explained in the Credit CardAgreement.Although we found no billing errors on the Bank’s part, as a courtesy, a credit of $34.00 have been appliedto the account for the late fee and finance assessed to the account due to this matter. This credit will bringthe account balance to zero.On March 9, 2017, the account was closed per your request.I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel freeto contact me at ###-###-####.
Dear [redacted]: We received your complaint, submitted to the, regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues EXPRESS credit card accounts, and we are here to help answer account-related questions. I appreciate this opportunity to address your...
concerns. We understand from your complaint that the account was charged a $55.00 late fee in November of 2015. You state you made an in-store payment and after two hours on the phone with the Bank, the Bank realized the mistake and the late fee was removed. You recently received a call advising you that the account was past due. You explained that a family member fell ill and passed away and you were not paying much attention to your bills. You offered to pay what was owed, minus the late fee. However, you were advised by the Bank representative that because a courtesy late fee credit was provided in November, the Bank was unwilling to credit the recent late fee that had been assessed. You are dissatisfied with the service you have received when calling the Bank. You have since made a payment in full and closed the account. At this time you are requesting reimbursement for the $55.00 in late fees. We have reviewed the concerns in your complaint, as well as the applicable telephone conversations. We apologize if you felt you did not receive the best customer service. We never intend to treat our customers in a less-than-satisfactory manner. We are committed to providing the best customer service and are disappointed when a customer feels this standard was not met. Please keep in mind that when payments are not received, are received after the due date, or are made for less than the minimum required, the account will be assessed a late fee, as explained in the Credit Card Agreement (CCA). Bank records indicate you placed a call to the Bank on November 27, 2015, in which you stated that you received a call from the Bank about being late on a payment. You stated that you made an in-store payment for the full balance in September. You were advised that the $100.00 payment made on September 26, 2015, was not for the full balance, as the balance at the time was $153.27. You requested that the late fee be removed due to the mix up. As a courtesy, the representative removed the late fee, which was for $25.00. As no Bank errors were found, we respectfully decline your request to reimburse you $55.00 for the assessed late fees. We hope this information is helpful. Should you have any other questions or concerns regarding this letter, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####). I will be happy to assist you. Sincerely, Kaija M[redacted]
Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referencedaccount. Comenity Bank issues the Marathon credit card. We are here to answer your questionsand assist with your concerns.Your correspondence indicates previous arrangements were made with the Bank to enroll...
youraccount into the Hardship Program by making an initial payment in the amount of $100.00 andsetting up 12 payments in the amount of $30.00 each to be automatically deducted each month.You also were advised by the Bank that after three consecutive on time payments, late fees wouldbe removed. You explain your first monthly payment was automatically deducted; however, youlater received an email indicating your account was charged off and sent to the Bank’s Legalteam. In addition, when you contacted the Bank in regard to the matter, you were advised thearrangement is no longer valid, because payment was received a day after your account cycled.Lastly, you request that the Bank honor the arrangement and enroll your account into the HardshipProgram, that the Bank update your account to reflect a good standing, and that the Bank reportyour account as such to the credit reporting agencies.We understand the concerns mentioned in your correspondence and apologize for anyinconvenience or frustration you may have experienced. We never intend to treat our customersin a less-than-satisfactory manner. We are committed to providing the best customer service andare disappointed when a customer feels this standard was not met.We have reviewed the concerns mentioned in your correspondence along with all applicablephone calls and would like to provide you with the following information. On December 27, 2017,you spoke to a Bank representative in regard to your above-referenced account. Therepresentative advised you of the Bank’s Hardship Program. The Hardship Program is a servicethe Bank may offer to customers which provides special terms in order to help bring the accountcurrent. You expressed you wanted to enroll your account into the Hardship Program and as aresult, you submitted an initial enrollment payment in the amount of $100.00 and set up 12payments to be automatically deducted from your personal bank account on the 21st of eachmonth for 12 consecutive months. Additionally, the representative issued a credit in the amountof $200.00 as a courtesy. Later the same day, December 27, 2017, your account wrote off beforesuccessfully completing the enrollment into the Hardship Program. Your correspondence mentioned you received communication from the Bank via email. Pleasebe advised on July 29, 2014, you enrolled the above-referenced account into paperlessstatements. As a result, the Bank provided you with notification via email when your billingstatements were ready to be viewed. The emails were sent to [redacted]@YAHOO.COM, whichis the email address you listed on the account. After review, we have confirmed when yourDecember 2017 statement generated, the Bank provided you with a statement ready email. Thestatement indicated your account has been charged off and is being handled by the Bank’sRecovery team.On January 30, 2018, you contacted the Bank and expressed the concerns mentioned above.The representative explained that the account wrote off prior to successful enrollment in theHardship Program and as a result, the above-mentioned automatic payments were cancelled.Additionally, the representative presented you with two settlement offers; however, you did notaccept either offer. The representative also offered the option for you to set up additionalpayments and you agreed. As a result, the representative scheduled 12 consecutive payments of$50.00 each to be deducted on the 21st of each month beginning February 21, 2018. A letterdated January 31, 2018, was sent to confirm the agreement. A copy of the letter is enclosed foryour convenience.Please be advised we have submitted a request to the credit reporting agencies to remove theabove-mentioned account from your credit file. Please allow up to 45 days for this change to bereflected with the credit reporting agencies. Unfortunately, we are unable to present you with theoption to enroll your account into the Hardship Program. As of the date of this letter, your accountremains charged off with a balance in the amount of $1,233.57. As previously stated, paymentsof $50.00 each have been scheduled for the 21st of each month beginning February 2018 throughJanuary 2019. Once these payments have been processed, you may contact our Recovery teamat (800) 695-7444 to schedule additional payments to satisfy the account balance.I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, pleasefeel free to contact me at (800) 820-8932.Sincerely,Zachary B[redacted]Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses
Comenity Capital Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above referencedaccount. Comenity Capital Bank previously issued the Ideal Image VIP credit card.We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns.In your correspondence, you indicate payment was made on the...
due date, yet a late fee wascharged. You state the Bank posted the payment one day after it was submitted, but refuses tocredit the late fee. You are unhappy with the customer service you received.We have reviewed the concerns noted in your correspondence, and we would like to provide youwith the following information.The online payment you made on December 7, 2017, for $300.00 was submitted at 8:59 p.m.Eastern Time (ET), which was after the cut-off timeframe of 8:00 p.m. ET for same-dayprocessing; therefore, the payment was not posted to your account until the following day. Pleasebe advised that our payment cut-off timeframes are disclosed on your monthly billing statementunder a section called "Payments". All fees are valid and they were assessed in accordance toyour Credit Card Agreement.We have reviewed the concerns in your correspondence, as well as the applicable AccountCenter secure messages. We apologize if you felt you did not receive the best customer service.We never intend to treat our customers in a less-than-satisfactory manner. We are committed toproviding the best customer service and are disappointed when a customer feels this standardwas not met.I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, pleasefeel free to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Rachel R[redacted]
Dear [redacted]Comenity Capital Bank has received your correspondence, on behalf of your husband, [redacted], regarding the above-referenced credit card account. Comenity Capital Bank issues the Zales credit card. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns.We understand...
your concerns explained in the complaint. Please be aware, as you are not the primary accountholder and the Bank does not have documentation that you have Power of Attorney over [redacted], we are unable to assist you with your request and/or make changes to the account. As such, we are responding directly to [redacted], the primary accountholder.I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Shawnda Y[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]: We have received your complaint, addressed to the, regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues New York & Company credit cards, and we are here to answer all of your account-related questions....
Your complaint was forwarded to my attention, and I appreciate the opportunity to assist you. We understand your concerns regarding the late fees, and that you did not receive monthly billing statements in the mail. We apologize for any inconvenience or frustration that this matter may have caused you. Our records indicate that your New York & Company account was registered with our Account Center, which provides accountholders the ability to view statements and make payments online. Additionally, the paperless statement option was chosen. Statement ready emails were sent to the email address you provided at registration:[redacted] Please understand that Comenity Bank does not have the ability to enroll customers into paperless statements; this option can only be chosen by the customer via Account Center. Additionally, should an account that is enrolled in paperless statements become two billing periods past due, a paper statement will also be issued. Please keep in mind that your payment due date is the 3rd of each month. If payments are not received, are received after the due date, or are less than the minimum due, a late fee will be assessed to the account as per the Credit Card Agreement. In the interest of customer service, we have issued credit in the amount of $28.46 for the previously assessed fees on your account. At this time the account balance is zero. I hope you find this information to be helpful. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please contact me at the address noted above, or by calling toll free at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####). I will be happy to assist you. Sincerely, Melissa L[redacted]
1) The credit union has already submitted the documentation. The check image is attached (and is also included in the message they submitted to the directly). 2) I just checked my Transunion and Equifax credit reports. Both show the following: Worst Payment Status: 30-59 days lateTimes 30/60/90 days late: 1/0/0Please correct and confirm. I have attached a PDF for each. I think it's safe to assume that the same information is also reported to Experian. If this is not the case, can you please provide documentation that shows otherwise.
Dear [redacted] Comenity Bank has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced accounts. Comenity Bank issues the NY&C Rewards and Victoria’s Secret Angel credit card accounts. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns. Your...
complaint states that you set up bill pay through your financial institution and your payments are debited from your bank account on the 25th of each month. However, your NY&C Rewards account was recently charged a late fee, but your Victoria’s Secret account was not. You further state that you contacted the Bank regarding the late fee and spoke to a supervisor who was rude, and when you requested to have your account closed, the supervisor offered to remove the late fee. Furthermore, you state that your accounts were assessed late fees in the month of March 2017 and you wrote a letter requesting that the late fees be waived; however, you were advised that the additional late fees would not be waived. You are requesting that the late fees assessed in March 2017 be waived. I understand your concerns, and apologize for any confusion or frustration this may have caused you. We apologize if you felt you did not receive the best customer service. We never intend to treat our customers in a less-than-satisfactory manner. We are committed to providing the best customer service and are disappointed when a customer feels this standard was not met. Bank records indicate that on March 28, 2017, you scheduled a payment of $27.00 on your NY&C Rewards account and a payment of $29.81 on your Victoria’s Secret Angel account; however, as a result of the payments being scheduled after 8 p.m. ET, and posting the following day, a late fee was assessed to each of your accounts. Bank records further indicate that your Victoria’s Secret Angel account received a courtesy late fee credit on February 27, 2017, and your NY&C Rewards account received a courtesy late fee credit on May 4, 2017; neither account is eligible for an additional late fee credit. Comenity Bank has not found any errors on your account, and we are unwilling to waive any additional fees, as they are valid. To provide the best customer service possible, we offer multiple ways to make a payment. Choose a payment method that's right for you. In-store: If the retailer listed on your card has a store near you, you may be able to drop off your payment in the store so it can be applied to your account on the same day. Check the back of your billing statement to see if in-store payments are available for your account. Online: Online payments submitted through the Bank’s online Account Center before 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) will be credited to your account on the same day, unless you select a date in the future. Online payments submitted after 8:00 p.m. ET will be credited the following day (or on a future scheduled payment date). Mail: Send your payment and payment coupon in the envelope that came with your billing statement. We recommend allowing up to 10 days for the payment to arrive. If you’re a paperless customer, print out a payment stub on the online account management site so your payment is processed as quickly as possible. Please review the payments section on the back of your statement for additional information. Phone: If you need to make a same-day payment, you may call us at the phone number on the back of your billing statement before 8:00 p.m. ET to speak to a customer care representative. A fee may apply to same-day, expedited payments made with the representative. The above information and more can be found by visiting:⇄ hope you found this information to be helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Jenny W[redacted]
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find the resolution is satisfactory to me.
Dear [redacted]We received your complaint submitted to the regarding the above-referencedaccount As the bank that issues Express credit card accounts, we respond to all account-relatedquestions Your correspondence was forwarded to my attention, and I appreciate the opportunity...
torespond to your concerns.We understand from your complaint, you believe you were improperly charged a pay-by-phone fee of$15 00, for a payment you made with a Bank associate over the telephone to cover an outstandingbalance on your Express credit card account You also state during that same telephone call, you werenot given the correct balance information in order to bring your Express account current Additionally, youhave asked the Bank to close your account.We recently responded to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), regarding this complaint onMay 8,2015 Enclosed is a copy of the response for your records.We hope this information is helpful Should you have any other questions or concerns regarding thisaccount, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext [redacted] (TDD/TTY ( ###-###-####) I will be happy to assist you.Sincerely,[redacted]
My complaint was based on their findings that they said they sent out, however to this date (3/14/16), I have still not received anything in the mail. They settled and closed the case based on being verbally told by the merchant it was delivered, but never checked with me or asked for confirmation of delivery, simply took their word for it. I have since contacted both the merchant and Comenity AGAIN, and Comenity is currently investigating, however this has become such a hassle considering it is as simple as I used their card to purchase and item with promised delivery in writing by a certain date, that never happened and now I can not get my money back from the company and Comenity is holding the money from my available funds.Comenity has also been sent a copy of a receipt I was given in person when purchasing my item and my receipt shows purchase and signature for $200, however company charged $800, and Comenity is holding $800 of my available credit. I should have some insurance given it is an insured company using the MasterCard logo and I should be protected from instances like this. I would think it is as simple as they legally broke their contract with me by one charging a different amount and two not delivering by their specified date. So I would be entitled to my money back or returned to the credit available on my credit card.
Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues the Lane Bryant credit card. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns. Thank you for your additional correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. You state that you do not want your payment history removed and you want your credit privileges restored. You state if this happens, then Comenity Bank/Lane Bryant discriminated against you for filing a complaint of discrimination and losing your job through no fault of your own. You further state the third party debt collector information needs to be removed from all reporting agencies. We have reviewed your account and we are happy to share our findings. We have enclosed copies of your monthly billing statements, for your review. Please be advised that when payments are not received, are received after the due date, or are made for less than the minimum required, a late fee and a finance charge may be assessed to the account, as explained in the Credit Card Agreement. On February 15, 2016, a billing statement was issued reflecting a balance of $1,258.99, and a minimum payment of $121.00 due by March 12, 2016. On March 15, 2016, a benefit payment of $121.00 was applied to the account from AON, the vendor for Account Assure. Please be advised this payment was made as a courtesy while AON waited for your paperwork regarding your unemployment claim. As no additional payments were received, the account was permanently closed and charged off as an unpaid debt. On October 19, 2016, the account was sold to [redacted]. Letters were sent by the Bank in response to your concerns on March 2, 2017, March 8, 2017, and March 16, 2017. We have enclosed copies of these letters for your review. Once an account is charged off, we are unable to have an account reopened. Please be advised we are in the process of purchasing your account back from [redacted]. Once this process is complete, we will issue credit for the accrued late fees and finance charges to bring the account to a zero balance. We will also submit a request to the credit reporting agencies to delete the account from your credit file. Since the account went to a charged off status, this is the only action the Bank can take to remove the derogatory information from your credit report. We are sorry that you feel you may have been discriminated against. Please be assured, Comenity Bank does not take your filing a complaint of discrimination, because you lost your job through no fault of your own, or any other prohibited basis criteria into consideration when making credit decisions. If you are interested in having a new Lane Bryant account, you are welcome to reapply. I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Laura R[redacted] Laura R[redacted] Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses cc: Enclosures
Dear [redacted]: Comenity Bank has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues Venus credit card accounts. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns. Your complaint states that you notified the Bank that a...
charge on your account was being disputed because you had not received the item. However, your account was charged late fees and finance charges while you were disputing the charge. You are requesting that the fees be waived and any delinquencies on your credit bureau report be removed. I understand your concerns, and apologize for any confusion or frustration this may have caused you. Our records indicate that on May 30, 2017, a total credit of $39.35 was issued to your account. As of the date of this letter, please be advised that your account balance is zero. Furthermore, please be advised that your account was not reported as delinquent to the national credit-reporting agencies. I hope you found this information to be helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, [redacted]
[redacted] Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses
Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues the Roamans credit card. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns.I understand from your correspondence that you paid your account in full; however, two...
separate late fees were charged to your account. I also understand that you requested that your account be closed, and that action was not done. I do apologize for any inconvenience or frustration this matter may have caused you. After a thorough review, our records indicate the payment due date on your Roamans account is the 1st of every month. Please keep in mind, when payments are not received, are received after the due date, or are made for less than the minimum required, the account will be assessed a late fee and finance charge, as explained in the Credit Card Agreement The Bank removed a late fee in the amount of $24.96 on March 20, 2017. Due to not receiving your payment by the due date, your account was assessed another late fee. Bank records indicate your account was paid in full on March 24, 2017. Please find enclosed, copies of the billing statements that show how the account balance was comprised. If you find any discrepancies, please contact me, and I’ll be happy to review the account further. As of the date of this letter, your account balance is zero and, per your request, we have closed your account . I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Kristina W[redacted] Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses cc: Enclosures
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find the resolution is satisfactory to me.
Dear [redacted]Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referencedaccount. Comenity Bank issues the Herberger’s credit card accounts. We are here to answer yourquestions and assist with your concerns.We previously received and responded to your correspondence submitted to the Better BusinessBureau regarding this same matter. Please find enclosed copies of our responses sent to you onMarch 31, 2017, and May 24, 2017.As previously stated in the letter sent to you on March 31, 2017, your payment was received;however, those funds were returned to your Bank. Please contact your Bank regarding thatpayment.I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, pleasefeel free to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Jenny W[redacted]May 24, 2017Dear [redacted]Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referencedaccount. Comenity Bank issues the Herberger’s credit card accounts. We are here to answer yourquestions and assist with your concerns.We previously received and responded to your correspondence submitted to the Bank regardingthis same matter. Please find enclosed a copy of our response sent to you on March 31, 2017.Furthermore, please be advised that the Bank issued a total credit of $52.11 on May 9, 2017.Your current balance is $891.56 and you have a minimum payment of $66.00 due by June 1,2017.I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, pleasefeel free to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Jenny W[redacted]
Dear Daniel E. S[redacted]:Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues the Pottery Barn credit card. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns.We previously received and responded to correspondence submitted to the regarding this same matter and previously advised you the inquiry on your credit bureau was valid.However, please be advised the Bank was able to determine you were not advised your credit bureau would be pulled when you requested a credit limit increase via our Interactive Voice Response system on April 8, 2017. Therefore, the Bank has submitted a request to have that inquiry removed. Please allow up to 45 days for the credit-reporting agencies to update their records.We apologize for this situation and appreciate you bringing this matter to our attention.I hope you found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Jenny W[redacted]Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses
We received your additional complaint, addressed to the, regarding the credit card account referenced above. Comenity Bank issues POTTERY BARN credit card accounts and we respond to account-related questions. Your correspondence was forwarded to my attention, and I appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. We understand from your additional complaint that you never received the statements letting you know when your zero interest plan was going to end. You state that you had planned to pay of entire balance prior to being charged $350.00 in interest charges. You state that you wish to pay the balance and close the account. We apologize for any inconvenience this matter may have caused you. After careful review, we have determined that you enrolled in paperless statements on August 27, 2015, when you registered your account in our online Account Center. Your monthly statements were being sent to the email address you provided at registration, [redacted]@YAHOO.COM. We have no record of your statement ready email notifications being returned as undeliverable. Information regarding your promotional plans can be found on page 3 of your billing statement in the. “details of your plans” section. Bank records indicate that a credit in the amount of $175.00 was issued to your account as courtesy to reverse half of the previously assessed interest charges. A payment of $25.00 was received on November 6, 2016. Please be advised that as of the date of this letter, the balance on your account is now zero. Thank you for continuing to shop with Pottery Barn. We hope you find this information helpful. If you have any other questions or concerns regarding this account, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####). I will be happy to assist you. Sincerely, Ashley H[redacted] Consumer Relations Specialist
Thank you very much for your help and support with respect to my complaint ID # [redacted]My concern is that Comenity Bank approach by charging me irrational and unreasonable interests of $601.79 for the remaining balance of $878.58, was seriously shocking, that affected me and my husband, causing a serious heart attack and chest pain, due to emotional stress.When we called the bank they explain this outstanding and improbable interest charges, that this is correct and represent the cumulative interest charges on the initial debt for 12 months, (with a rate of 29.99%) since we didn’t complete the payment of the debt within the 12 months as agreed for, without interest. We disputed this charges since: 1. We called the bank before the end of the 12 months to extend the agreement for 6 months, to complete the payment without interest, as advised by a supervisor of the bank.2. To add a cumulative interest on the whole debt, if we didn’t complete the payment within the ascertained period, is a punishment that we have never heard about it in any financial organizations, all over the world, and we have never agreed for such policy.3. We have never been informed in advance of such policy which would never been accepted. 4. Irrespective of this cumulative charges, which is not accepted, the interest rate they used was aggravating.When we called Comenity Bank back, they tried to bargain the amount of charges, by reducing it by 20% and then by 30%, and of course this approach was absolutely refused; but it indicates that these charges are wrong, and this bargain is an acknowledgment that this action and the charges were absolutely hazardous error. A persuasive evidence of the error of the bank, is the final approval of the bank, after complaining the bank to the and to the Department of Financial Institutions in the State of Utah, that we are not responsible for such charges.I respectfully request charging the Comenity Bank with a reasonable amount of Emotional Stress Damages and Punitive Damages, that could be determined by the Thank you[redacted]
Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account.Comenity Bank issues the Marathon credit card. We are here to answer your questions and assist with yourconcerns.We understand from your complaint, address to the, that you assumed by...
addingyour banking information on our Account Center, that automatic payments would be set up. You found thatthis was not the case, and the account was assessed a late fee. You state you made the payment anddestroyed the Marathon credit card. After receiving an email advising you that the account still had abalance of $34.00, you reached out to the Bank and were advised that the balance was a late fee. You arerequesting the account closed and the late fee removed.Please keep in mind that when payments are not received, are received after the due date, or are made forless than the minimum required, the account will be assessed a late fee, as explained in the Credit CardAgreement.Although we found no billing errors on the Bank’s part, as a courtesy, a credit of $34.00 have been appliedto the account for the late fee and finance assessed to the account due to this matter. This credit will bringthe account balance to zero.On March 9, 2017, the account was closed per your request.I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel freeto contact me at ###-###-####.
Dear [redacted]: We received your complaint, submitted to the, regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues EXPRESS credit card accounts, and we are here to help answer account-related questions. I appreciate this opportunity to address your...
concerns. We understand from your complaint that the account was charged a $55.00 late fee in November of 2015. You state you made an in-store payment and after two hours on the phone with the Bank, the Bank realized the mistake and the late fee was removed. You recently received a call advising you that the account was past due. You explained that a family member fell ill and passed away and you were not paying much attention to your bills. You offered to pay what was owed, minus the late fee. However, you were advised by the Bank representative that because a courtesy late fee credit was provided in November, the Bank was unwilling to credit the recent late fee that had been assessed. You are dissatisfied with the service you have received when calling the Bank. You have since made a payment in full and closed the account. At this time you are requesting reimbursement for the $55.00 in late fees. We have reviewed the concerns in your complaint, as well as the applicable telephone conversations. We apologize if you felt you did not receive the best customer service. We never intend to treat our customers in a less-than-satisfactory manner. We are committed to providing the best customer service and are disappointed when a customer feels this standard was not met. Please keep in mind that when payments are not received, are received after the due date, or are made for less than the minimum required, the account will be assessed a late fee, as explained in the Credit Card Agreement (CCA). Bank records indicate you placed a call to the Bank on November 27, 2015, in which you stated that you received a call from the Bank about being late on a payment. You stated that you made an in-store payment for the full balance in September. You were advised that the $100.00 payment made on September 26, 2015, was not for the full balance, as the balance at the time was $153.27. You requested that the late fee be removed due to the mix up. As a courtesy, the representative removed the late fee, which was for $25.00. As no Bank errors were found, we respectfully decline your request to reimburse you $55.00 for the assessed late fees. We hope this information is helpful. Should you have any other questions or concerns regarding this letter, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####). I will be happy to assist you. Sincerely, Kaija M[redacted]
Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referencedaccount. Comenity Bank issues the Marathon credit card. We are here to answer your questionsand assist with your concerns.Your correspondence indicates previous arrangements were made with the Bank to enroll...
youraccount into the Hardship Program by making an initial payment in the amount of $100.00 andsetting up 12 payments in the amount of $30.00 each to be automatically deducted each month.You also were advised by the Bank that after three consecutive on time payments, late fees wouldbe removed. You explain your first monthly payment was automatically deducted; however, youlater received an email indicating your account was charged off and sent to the Bank’s Legalteam. In addition, when you contacted the Bank in regard to the matter, you were advised thearrangement is no longer valid, because payment was received a day after your account cycled.Lastly, you request that the Bank honor the arrangement and enroll your account into the HardshipProgram, that the Bank update your account to reflect a good standing, and that the Bank reportyour account as such to the credit reporting agencies.We understand the concerns mentioned in your correspondence and apologize for anyinconvenience or frustration you may have experienced. We never intend to treat our customersin a less-than-satisfactory manner. We are committed to providing the best customer service andare disappointed when a customer feels this standard was not met.We have reviewed the concerns mentioned in your correspondence along with all applicablephone calls and would like to provide you with the following information. On December 27, 2017,you spoke to a Bank representative in regard to your above-referenced account. Therepresentative advised you of the Bank’s Hardship Program. The Hardship Program is a servicethe Bank may offer to customers which provides special terms in order to help bring the accountcurrent. You expressed you wanted to enroll your account into the Hardship Program and as aresult, you submitted an initial enrollment payment in the amount of $100.00 and set up 12payments to be automatically deducted from your personal bank account on the 21st of eachmonth for 12 consecutive months. Additionally, the representative issued a credit in the amountof $200.00 as a courtesy. Later the same day, December 27, 2017, your account wrote off beforesuccessfully completing the enrollment into the Hardship Program. Your correspondence mentioned you received communication from the Bank via email. Pleasebe advised on July 29, 2014, you enrolled the above-referenced account into paperlessstatements. As a result, the Bank provided you with notification via email when your billingstatements were ready to be viewed. The emails were sent to [redacted]@YAHOO.COM, whichis the email address you listed on the account. After review, we have confirmed when yourDecember 2017 statement generated, the Bank provided you with a statement ready email. Thestatement indicated your account has been charged off and is being handled by the Bank’sRecovery team.On January 30, 2018, you contacted the Bank and expressed the concerns mentioned above.The representative explained that the account wrote off prior to successful enrollment in theHardship Program and as a result, the above-mentioned automatic payments were cancelled.Additionally, the representative presented you with two settlement offers; however, you did notaccept either offer. The representative also offered the option for you to set up additionalpayments and you agreed. As a result, the representative scheduled 12 consecutive payments of$50.00 each to be deducted on the 21st of each month beginning February 21, 2018. A letterdated January 31, 2018, was sent to confirm the agreement. A copy of the letter is enclosed foryour convenience.Please be advised we have submitted a request to the credit reporting agencies to remove theabove-mentioned account from your credit file. Please allow up to 45 days for this change to bereflected with the credit reporting agencies. Unfortunately, we are unable to present you with theoption to enroll your account into the Hardship Program. As of the date of this letter, your accountremains charged off with a balance in the amount of $1,233.57. As previously stated, paymentsof $50.00 each have been scheduled for the 21st of each month beginning February 2018 throughJanuary 2019. Once these payments have been processed, you may contact our Recovery teamat (800) 695-7444 to schedule additional payments to satisfy the account balance.I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, pleasefeel free to contact me at (800) 820-8932.Sincerely,Zachary B[redacted]Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses
Comenity Capital Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above referencedaccount. Comenity Capital Bank previously issued the Ideal Image VIP credit card.We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns.In your correspondence, you indicate payment was made on the...
due date, yet a late fee wascharged. You state the Bank posted the payment one day after it was submitted, but refuses tocredit the late fee. You are unhappy with the customer service you received.We have reviewed the concerns noted in your correspondence, and we would like to provide youwith the following information.The online payment you made on December 7, 2017, for $300.00 was submitted at 8:59 p.m.Eastern Time (ET), which was after the cut-off timeframe of 8:00 p.m. ET for same-dayprocessing; therefore, the payment was not posted to your account until the following day. Pleasebe advised that our payment cut-off timeframes are disclosed on your monthly billing statementunder a section called "Payments". All fees are valid and they were assessed in accordance toyour Credit Card Agreement.We have reviewed the concerns in your correspondence, as well as the applicable AccountCenter secure messages. We apologize if you felt you did not receive the best customer service.We never intend to treat our customers in a less-than-satisfactory manner. We are committed toproviding the best customer service and are disappointed when a customer feels this standardwas not met.I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, pleasefeel free to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Rachel R[redacted]
Dear [redacted]Comenity Capital Bank has received your correspondence, on behalf of your husband, [redacted], regarding the above-referenced credit card account. Comenity Capital Bank issues the Zales credit card. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns.We understand...
your concerns explained in the complaint. Please be aware, as you are not the primary accountholder and the Bank does not have documentation that you have Power of Attorney over [redacted], we are unable to assist you with your request and/or make changes to the account. As such, we are responding directly to [redacted], the primary accountholder.I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Shawnda Y[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]: We have received your complaint, addressed to the, regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues New York & Company credit cards, and we are here to answer all of your account-related questions....
Your complaint was forwarded to my attention, and I appreciate the opportunity to assist you. We understand your concerns regarding the late fees, and that you did not receive monthly billing statements in the mail. We apologize for any inconvenience or frustration that this matter may have caused you. Our records indicate that your New York & Company account was registered with our Account Center, which provides accountholders the ability to view statements and make payments online. Additionally, the paperless statement option was chosen. Statement ready emails were sent to the email address you provided at registration:[redacted] Please understand that Comenity Bank does not have the ability to enroll customers into paperless statements; this option can only be chosen by the customer via Account Center. Additionally, should an account that is enrolled in paperless statements become two billing periods past due, a paper statement will also be issued. Please keep in mind that your payment due date is the 3rd of each month. If payments are not received, are received after the due date, or are less than the minimum due, a late fee will be assessed to the account as per the Credit Card Agreement. In the interest of customer service, we have issued credit in the amount of $28.46 for the previously assessed fees on your account. At this time the account balance is zero. I hope you find this information to be helpful. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please contact me at the address noted above, or by calling toll free at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####). I will be happy to assist you. Sincerely, Melissa L[redacted]
1) The credit union has already submitted the documentation. The check image is attached (and is also included in the message they submitted to the directly). 2) I just checked my Transunion and Equifax credit reports. Both show the following: Worst Payment Status: 30-59 days lateTimes 30/60/90 days late: 1/0/0Please correct and confirm. I have attached a PDF for each. I think it's safe to assume that the same information is also reported to Experian. If this is not the case, can you please provide documentation that shows otherwise.
Dear [redacted] Comenity Bank has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced accounts. Comenity Bank issues the NY&C Rewards and Victoria’s Secret Angel credit card accounts. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns. Your...
complaint states that you set up bill pay through your financial institution and your payments are debited from your bank account on the 25th of each month. However, your NY&C Rewards account was recently charged a late fee, but your Victoria’s Secret account was not. You further state that you contacted the Bank regarding the late fee and spoke to a supervisor who was rude, and when you requested to have your account closed, the supervisor offered to remove the late fee. Furthermore, you state that your accounts were assessed late fees in the month of March 2017 and you wrote a letter requesting that the late fees be waived; however, you were advised that the additional late fees would not be waived. You are requesting that the late fees assessed in March 2017 be waived. I understand your concerns, and apologize for any confusion or frustration this may have caused you. We apologize if you felt you did not receive the best customer service. We never intend to treat our customers in a less-than-satisfactory manner. We are committed to providing the best customer service and are disappointed when a customer feels this standard was not met. Bank records indicate that on March 28, 2017, you scheduled a payment of $27.00 on your NY&C Rewards account and a payment of $29.81 on your Victoria’s Secret Angel account; however, as a result of the payments being scheduled after 8 p.m. ET, and posting the following day, a late fee was assessed to each of your accounts. Bank records further indicate that your Victoria’s Secret Angel account received a courtesy late fee credit on February 27, 2017, and your NY&C Rewards account received a courtesy late fee credit on May 4, 2017; neither account is eligible for an additional late fee credit. Comenity Bank has not found any errors on your account, and we are unwilling to waive any additional fees, as they are valid. To provide the best customer service possible, we offer multiple ways to make a payment. Choose a payment method that's right for you. In-store: If the retailer listed on your card has a store near you, you may be able to drop off your payment in the store so it can be applied to your account on the same day. Check the back of your billing statement to see if in-store payments are available for your account. Online: Online payments submitted through the Bank’s online Account Center before 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) will be credited to your account on the same day, unless you select a date in the future. Online payments submitted after 8:00 p.m. ET will be credited the following day (or on a future scheduled payment date). Mail: Send your payment and payment coupon in the envelope that came with your billing statement. We recommend allowing up to 10 days for the payment to arrive. If you’re a paperless customer, print out a payment stub on the online account management site so your payment is processed as quickly as possible. Please review the payments section on the back of your statement for additional information. Phone: If you need to make a same-day payment, you may call us at the phone number on the back of your billing statement before 8:00 p.m. ET to speak to a customer care representative. A fee may apply to same-day, expedited payments made with the representative. The above information and more can be found by visiting:⇄ hope you found this information to be helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Jenny W[redacted]
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find the resolution is satisfactory to me.
Dear [redacted]We received your complaint submitted to the regarding the above-referencedaccount As the bank that issues Express credit card accounts, we respond to all account-relatedquestions Your correspondence was forwarded to my attention, and I appreciate the opportunity...
torespond to your concerns.We understand from your complaint, you believe you were improperly charged a pay-by-phone fee of$15 00, for a payment you made with a Bank associate over the telephone to cover an outstandingbalance on your Express credit card account You also state during that same telephone call, you werenot given the correct balance information in order to bring your Express account current Additionally, youhave asked the Bank to close your account.We recently responded to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), regarding this complaint onMay 8,2015 Enclosed is a copy of the response for your records.We hope this information is helpful Should you have any other questions or concerns regarding thisaccount, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext [redacted] (TDD/TTY ( ###-###-####) I will be happy to assist you.Sincerely,[redacted]
My complaint was based on their findings that they said they sent out, however to this date (3/14/16), I have still not received anything in the mail. They settled and closed the case based on being verbally told by the merchant it was delivered, but never checked with me or asked for confirmation of delivery, simply took their word for it. I have since contacted both the merchant and Comenity AGAIN, and Comenity is currently investigating, however this has become such a hassle considering it is as simple as I used their card to purchase and item with promised delivery in writing by a certain date, that never happened and now I can not get my money back from the company and Comenity is holding the money from my available funds.Comenity has also been sent a copy of a receipt I was given in person when purchasing my item and my receipt shows purchase and signature for $200, however company charged $800, and Comenity is holding $800 of my available credit. I should have some insurance given it is an insured company using the MasterCard logo and I should be protected from instances like this. I would think it is as simple as they legally broke their contract with me by one charging a different amount and two not delivering by their specified date. So I would be entitled to my money back or returned to the credit available on my credit card.
I have no idea what they are referring to.
Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues the Lane Bryant credit card. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns. Thank you for your additional correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. You state that you do not want your payment history removed and you want your credit privileges restored. You state if this happens, then Comenity Bank/Lane Bryant discriminated against you for filing a complaint of discrimination and losing your job through no fault of your own. You further state the third party debt collector information needs to be removed from all reporting agencies. We have reviewed your account and we are happy to share our findings. We have enclosed copies of your monthly billing statements, for your review. Please be advised that when payments are not received, are received after the due date, or are made for less than the minimum required, a late fee and a finance charge may be assessed to the account, as explained in the Credit Card Agreement. On February 15, 2016, a billing statement was issued reflecting a balance of $1,258.99, and a minimum payment of $121.00 due by March 12, 2016. On March 15, 2016, a benefit payment of $121.00 was applied to the account from AON, the vendor for Account Assure. Please be advised this payment was made as a courtesy while AON waited for your paperwork regarding your unemployment claim. As no additional payments were received, the account was permanently closed and charged off as an unpaid debt. On October 19, 2016, the account was sold to [redacted]. Letters were sent by the Bank in response to your concerns on March 2, 2017, March 8, 2017, and March 16, 2017. We have enclosed copies of these letters for your review. Once an account is charged off, we are unable to have an account reopened. Please be advised we are in the process of purchasing your account back from [redacted]. Once this process is complete, we will issue credit for the accrued late fees and finance charges to bring the account to a zero balance. We will also submit a request to the credit reporting agencies to delete the account from your credit file. Since the account went to a charged off status, this is the only action the Bank can take to remove the derogatory information from your credit report. We are sorry that you feel you may have been discriminated against. Please be assured, Comenity Bank does not take your filing a complaint of discrimination, because you lost your job through no fault of your own, or any other prohibited basis criteria into consideration when making credit decisions. If you are interested in having a new Lane Bryant account, you are welcome to reapply. I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Laura R[redacted] Laura R[redacted] Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses cc: Enclosures