Dear [redacted] We have received the additional complaint that you sent to the, regarding the above-noted account. Comenity Bank issues Ann Taylor/LOFT credit card accounts, and we are here to helpanswer account-related questions. Your complaint was forwarded to my attention, and I appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns. We understand from your complaint that you processed a payment on February 19, 2015, through your credit union bill pay system, and the payment has not posted to your account. In addition, you request the late fees to be credited and the inaccurate payment history deleted from your credit report. Bank records indicate that the LOFT account was opened on January 23, 2015; use of the account or failure to close the account within 30 days of receiving the Credit Card Agreement (CCA), indicated your acceptance of the terms of the agreement, including the assessment of any finance charges and fees. On January 26, 2015, a purchase for $38.37 was applied to the account. As payment was not received for the March 3, 2015, and April 3, 2015, payment due dates,the account accrued late fees and finance charges. The account was two billing cycles past due and was reported to the credit-reporting agencies as 30-days past due. On May 4, 2015, a payment for $50.00 was received and on June 6, 2015, a payment for $25.00 was applied to your account. Because the payments were received after the due dates, late fees and finance charges were assessed to the account. If payment is received after the due date, or made for less than the minimum due, your account will be assessed a late fee and a finance charge; in accordance with the Credit Card Agreement (CCA). On July 3, 2015, a payment for $40.00 was applied to your account. This payment brought your account current. As of theate of this correspondence, the account balance is $184.78. Enclosed is a copy of the account CCA, as well as copies of your billing statements which show the account activity that comprised the account balance and delinquencies. Comenity Bank is required by law to report factual data to the credit bureaus with regard toaccount activity. At this time, Comenity Bank finds no errors in its reporting of your LOFT account. Delinquent accounts typically will report for seven years from the date the account first became delinquent. In order to further research the payment, please ask your financial institution to trace the payment and provide us with the electronic transmittal inquiry form. Please understand that we are unable to resolve this matter without this information. Once we receive the documentation, we will be happy to further research the payment and any additional concerns. We hope this information is helpful. Should you have any further questions or concerns regarding this letter, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####); I will be happy to assist you. Sincerely,Tionna M[redacted]
We received your complaint, addressed to the, regarding the above-noted account. Comenity Bank issues New York & Company credit cards, and we respond to all account-related questions. Your correspondence was forwarded to my attention, and I appreciate this...
opportunity to assist you. I understand your concerns regarding the due date on your account, and the late fees that have been assessed. We apologize for any inconvenience or frustration this matter may have caused you. Previously, due to system constraints, account due dates were unable to be changed. However, we are pleased to inform you that, due to recent system enhancements, Comenity Bank now has the capability to offer due date changes for customer accounts when available. A review of your account indicates that you have already requested, and been approved for, a due date change from the 2nd of each month to the 16th of each month. Your next monthly payment will be due on December 16, 2015. Please keep in mind when payments are not received, are received after the due date, or are made for less than the minimum required, the account will be assessed a late fee and finance charge, as explained in the Credit Card Agreement. Enclosed, please find copies of your monthly billing statements for the months of December 2013 through October 2015. During this time-frame, your payment due date was the 2nd of each month. A review of the statements indicates the following information with regard to your payments: No payment received for due date: February 2014, June 2014, September 2014, November 2014, January 2015, March 2015, May 2015, and August 2015 Payment received after the due date: July 2014 and October 2015Payment received for less than the minimum required for due date: March 2014, April 2014, and September 2015 The late fees assessed to your account, due to the payment information noted above, are valid; however, as a one-time courtesy, we have issued credits totaling $70.00 for the two most recently assessed fees. We respectfully decline your request for further adjustments. I hope you find this information to be helpful. Should you have any further questions, you may contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####). I would be happy to assist you. Sincerely, Melissa L[redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: Thank you for your response to this matter. It mystifies me as to why an entire staff at the customer service center for the Comenity Pottery Barn credit card said the hard inquiry in question was made for accepting the card, and not due to a credit line increase. I have chosen to reject this business response, because IF this hard inquiry was made because of the credit line increase on their automated system, I am disputing the hard inquiry again because the automated system never informs the customer that a hard inquiry will be made. A customer deserves the right to not proceed with a credit line increase if it would result in a hard inquiry.
Dear [redacted]Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referencedaccount. Comenity Bank issues the Victoria’s Secret Angel credit card. We are here to answeryour questions and assist with your concerns.We understand from your correspondence, submitted to the..., that youattempted to set up an automatic payment and the payment was not made. At that time youcontacted the Bank to request the fee removed from the account. You state that you were advisedthat due to having a fee removed previously, the Bank is unwilling to remove an additional fee asthe Bank only permits the removal of late fee every 18 months. You are requesting this additionallate fee removed.Please keep in mind that when payments are not received, are received after the due date, or aremade for less than the minimum required, the account will be assessed a late fee, as explainedin the Credit Card Agreement.As of the date of this letter, the balance on the account is $679.00, and the account is current. Asyour account was issued a credit for the Bank fee previously, please understand that we areunwilling to credit your account any additional late fees at this time.I hope you found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feelfree to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Renee S[redacted]
Thank you for contacting the regarding the
above-mentioned account. As the bank
that issues Bon-Ton credit card accounts, we are here to assist in answering
any credit-related questions. Your
inquiry was forwarded to my attention,...
and I appreciate this opportunity to
assist you.
We understand from your complaint, you made a
mail order purchase for $68.00 through Bon-Ton, which was shipped via UPS to
[redacted]. Furthermore, you state
that the package was not received; however, UPS indicates it was delivered. Lastly, you are requesting a credit on the above amount and an apology from United Parcel Service (UPS).
We understand your concerns and apologize for
the frustration and inconvenience this may have caused you. At this time, we would like to explain our
findings below.
On July 10, 2014, you contacted Comenity Bank
informing us that the purchase for $68.00 was shipped; however, the receiving party did not receive the package. On July 21, 2014, Comenity Bank contacted
Bon-Ton, on your behalf, advising them the package was not received. Our request for verification was answered by
Bon-Ton stating UPS delivered the item and [redacted] with phone number
###-###-#### accepted the delivery. On
September 8, 2014, we sent a letter to your previous address, 304 Terrace Boulevard,
acknowledging their reply and that if you felt this was fraudulent to contact
our Account Protection Department.
On November 7, 2014, we received another
dispute regarding the same situation from the July dispute. At which time we updated your address to the
Kay Street address listed above and resent a letter stating the above
Please understand that Comenity Bank and
Bon-Ton are two separate entities. The
Bank issues and is responsible for addressing questions related to your credit
card account. Bon-Ton is responsible for
handling matters related to sales, merchandise processing, returns and
During the investigation of your dispute, we
determined this is a store/mail order issue and would need to be investigated
by Bon-Ton. Please contact Bon-Ton
corporate office regarding this matter at ###-###-####; and they will be
happy to assist you with your concerns.
We hope you find this information helpful. Should you have any other questions or
concerns regarding this letter, please feel free to reach me directly at ###-###-####,
ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####); and I will be happy to assist you
Dear Ms. [redacted]We are in receipt of your complaint regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issuesdressbarn credit card accounts, and we respond to all account-related questions. Your complaint,addressed to the, was forwarded to my attention, and I appreciate the...
opportunityto respond to your concerns.We understand from your complaint, you made two payments to Cornenity Bank and received confirmationnumbers for both payments. However, both payments were returned. You were originally contacted byComenity Bank on June 24, 2016, advising that your payment scheduled on June 10, 2016, for $45.00,was returned. You were advised the bank account number ending in 2970, was entered incorrectly, causingthe payment not to be processed. You state you made another payment of $45.00, with our representative,and received a second confirmation number for the payment. However, this payment was also returned.To ensure your payment would post to your account, you chose to make your next payment at the dressbarnretail store. In the meanwhile, you received a letter from Cornenity Bank stating your dressbarn credit cardaccount was frozen due to the two returned payments. You then contacted Comenity Bank to discuss thismatter, and were advised that your account had been corrected. Later that week, you received anotherletter from Comenity Bank advising fees resulting from this matter, had been removed. You later tried toutilize your dressbarn credit card account for purchases and your purchases were declined. You wereadvised that your card was declined due to payments being returned on your account.Lastly, you state you were advised by our representative, that you would receive documentation advisingwhy the dressbarn payments had been returned. While waiting for this information, your bank informedyou that a payment from Comenity Bank was never received or returned from their office.You are requesting Comenity Bank provide you with documentation that your bank returned both of yourpayments. Also, you are requesting Comenity Bank reestablish your dressbarn credit card account.We apologize for the inconvenience and frustration this matter may have caused you. Please be assured,Comenity Bank has reviewed and investigated the concerns in your complaint as well as the applicabletelephone conversations.Our findings show that your payment scheduled on June 10, 2016, through our Interactive Voice Responsesystem, was entered with the incorrect bank account number. Additionally, the payment scheduled on June24, 2016, with a Bank representative, was also returned due to an incorrect bank account number. Pleasenote, your payments were not returned due to insufficient funds. The payments were returned becausewhen we presented the payments to [redacted], they were unable to locate the account numberprovided. Therefore, when you asked your bank about any returned payments, they had no record of thepayments being presented, as they were not presented with your bank account number. Please understandthat communication with your bank was done electronically; therefore, we are unable to provide you withthe notification from your bank regarding the inability to locate an account with the information provided.Please note, in the interest of customer service, all fees resulting from this matter have been credited backto your account. Additionally, all restrictions resulting from this matter have been removed, and accountutility has been restored.You are a valued customer, and I hope you find this information to be helpful. Should you have additionalquestions or concerns about the account, please contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY###-###-####). I would be happy to assist you.Sincerely,Geanine M[redacted]
Dear [redacted]We have received your complaint regarding the above-noted account. Cornenity Capital Bankissues Gardner-White Furniture credit card accounts, and we respond to all account-relatedconcerns. Your complaint, addressed to the, was forwarded to myattention,...
and I appreciate the opportunity to assist you.In your complaint, you state that you made a purchase for $2,300.00 and financed $1,500.00 ofthe purchase on your Gardner-White Furniture credit card account. You further state that youhave been making payments of approximately $50.00 a month; however, your balance is notdecreasing. You are requesting that the late fees and finance charges be waived and to haveyour account reflect a reasonable pay off amount. I understand your concerns and apologizefor any inconvenience or frustration this matter may have caused you.Our records indicate that on July 19, 201 3, a purchase of $1,500.00 posted to your account andwas placed on a 6-month deferred interest, payment required plan that was set to expire onJanuary 19, 2014. For purchases on these plans, the customer is required to make paymentson the promotional plan balance based on the standard repayment terms for their account.Interest is accrued (calculated, but not added to the balance) and if the balance is not paid in fullby the plan end date, the accrued finance charges, which were calculated from the date of theoriginal purchase, will be added to the deferred balance, and this balance will be moved to thecustomer's revolving balance. This information appeared on your monthly billing statements,under the heading, "Details of your plans". I have enclosed your billing statements for yourreview.Upon further review, our records indicate that payments of $25.00 were made for the months ofSeptember 201 3, October 201 3, November 201 3, December 201 3, and January 2014. Pleasebe advised that a statement was issued to you on January 15, 2014, showing a balance of$1,375.00 with a minimum payment of $25.00 due by February 10, 2014. Under the "details ofyour plan" section of your January 15, 2014, statement, it stated that the promotional balance of$1,375.00 needed to be paid in full by January 19, 2014, to avoid the accrued finance charge.As a result of the promotional balance not being paid in full by the plan expiration date, theaccrued interest of $239.06 was assessed to your account on January 19, 2014, and theremaining promotional balance of $1,350.00 was moved to revolving, which is subject to normalmonthly finance charges.Our records further indicate that statements continued to be sent to you showing your balance,minimum payment required, and due date. However, for the months of April 2014, September2014, October 2014, January 2015, February 2015, March 2015, April 21315, May 2015, Junebecause the Bank either did not receive a payment by the due date, or the minimum payment was not met.Comenity Capital Bank has not found any errors with the account, and we are unwilling toremove any fees that were assessed to the account, as they are valid.We hope this information is helpful. Should you have any additional questions or concerns,please do not hesitate to contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted], (TDD/TTY ###-###-####). I would be happy to assist you.Sincerely,Jenny W[redacted]
Dear [redacted] ** * * Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding an account. Comenity Bank issues multiple retail credit card accounts. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns. We understand from...
your correspondence that you are being charged excessively for bed(s). You state that you have missed one payment and you receive a phone call every day including Sundays. We are unable to locate the account you are referencing regarding this matter. To further research your concerns, we request the following: Comenity Bank Account NumberFull social security numberAny previous addressesTelephone number as listed on the account Once this information is received, we should be able to locate the account and further research your concerns. I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. ...⇄ Sincerely, Kaija M[redacted] Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses
Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referencedaccount. Comenity Bank issues the Victoria’s Secret Angel credit card. We are here to answeryour questions and assist with your concerns.We previously received and responded to your correspondence submitted to the Better BusinessBureau regarding this same matter. Please find enclosed a copy of our response sent to you onMarch 15, 2017.As stated in the previous response, after reviewing the account, our records indicate that apayment of $70.00 was made via our Account Center on March 1, 2017. This payment wasreturned to the Bank on March 9, 2017, as “no bank account or unable to locate”. As you placedyour call to the Bank regarding the fee assessment and payment on March 7, 2017, which wastwo days before the payment was returned to the Bank and at that time the fee had not yet beenapplied to the account. As such there was no fee to remove, at the time of the call, please keepin mind that it may take up to seven days for payments to be returned from a banking institution.Additionally, you were advised that a credit of $25.00 has been applied to the account for thereturn payment fee that was applied to the account on March 8, 2017, as a courtesy.I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, pleasefeel free to contact me at (800) 820-8932.Sincerely,
Dear [redacted]: Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues the Victoria’s Secret Angel credit card. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns. We understand from you correspondence,...
submitted to the, that you’ve had the Victoria’s Secret Angel credit card for over ten years. In December 2016 the account was closed due to a bankruptcy seven years ago, without you being notified of the closure. You state that you were very upset to find out that the account was closed while trying to make a purchase. You are requesting the account reopened as you do not want you credit run again and do not want to apply for a new account. We are sorry for the frustration this matter has caused you. Please be assured as of June 2, 2017, the Victoria’s Secret Angel account has been reopened, per your request. I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, [redacted]
[redacted] Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses
Dear Ms. [redacted]We received your complaint, addressed to the, regarding the accountreferenced above. Cornenity Capital Bank issues My BJ's Perksm MastercardB credit cards,and we are here to assist you with all account-related questions. I appreciate the opportunity torespond to...
your concerns.We understand from your complaint that you made a purchase in the amount of $800.00, thatwas not delivered by the deadline date on your receipt, and you are requesting the refundedamount of $800.00.Our records indicate that the situation referenced in your complaint has been investigated and aresponse has been previously issued explaining our findings and resolution. Comenity CapitalBank's position remains the same, as addressed in the response dated February 26,2016. Wehave enclosed a copy of our previous response for your records.Should you have any further questions please contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted](TDDiTTY ###-###-####]. I will be happy to assist you.Sincerely,Kristina W[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]We received your additional complaint, submitted to the, regarding the above-noted account. Comenity Bank issues Victoria’s Secret/PINK credit cards, and we are here to help answer your account-related questions. I appreciate the opportunity to assist you.Your complaint states that we have not helped you and that we are collecting interest and fees although you have not received the account information. You advised that you will not pay all of the late fees and that you expect the Bank to come up with an offer about the late fees or you will go through small claims court. Once we make you an offer about the late fees, then you would be willing to talk with the Bank.Please be advised that the position of Comenity Bank remains unchanged. As previously indicated, the monthly statements are being sent to the address listed at the top of this letter. Additionally, we are unable to send statements to you by email and by mail via the post office. However, we are sending your statements via the post office and an email is being sent to [redacted] to advise that your statement is available to view on Account Center.As of today’s date, the account is five billing periods past due, and has a balance of $958.19.The account may still qualify for a Hardship Program or settlement. To take advantage of the programs that may be available to you by Comenity Bank, we urge you to call our Payment Solutions team, toll free, at ###-###-#### (TDD/TTY ###-###-####), or you may contact the consumer credit counseling agency, Money Management International (MMI), at ###-###-####, and speak to a credit counselor.We apologize for any inconvenience you have been caused, and we hope this information is helpful. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please contact our Payment Solutions team at the number provided. They will be happy to assist you.Sincerely,[redacted]Consumer Relations Specialist
I am rejecting this response because: For the last 12 months I was never late. I explained to the customer representative that I was in the hospital and we were discharged on 5.25.17. Victoria Secret is the only account which doesn't have automatic payment and was the only account that I was unable to set up for automatic payments. I contacted them twice to get that fee removed on the first week of June but their CS is very hostile. See attached the discharge document from the hospital. The previous late fee was assigned to my acccount over 16 months ago because they switched my account to receive the statements over the email instead of mail without my consent. Please waive the fee of $27 so I can process the payment.
The bank information had be inputted twice-were they both incorrect. The fees that the bank has access on my account should be reversed, because as you stated it was not your fault and neither was it mine. I understand that the fees help run Comenity and the funding of the making of the clothes. And for what reason were you quoting when my payment is due......I do believe I made the previous one.
Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referencedaccount. Comenity Bank issues the Lane Bryant credit card. We are here to answer yourquestions and assist with your concerns.We understand from your correspondence that you have been contacted multiple times...
duringnon-business hours from an unmarked telephone number and have encountered rude customerservice. You state you should only be contacted Monday through Friday, on a traceable number,between the hours of nine to five Eastern Standard Time.We have reviewed the concerns in your correspondence as well as the applicable telephoneconversations. We apologize if you felt you did not receive the best customer service. We neverintend to treat our customers in a less-than-satisfactory manner. We are committed to providingthe best customer service and are disappointed when a customer feels this standard was not met.When an account is delinquent, we will make proactive attempts to contact the customer,communicate the situation and work out payment arrangements to minimize any negative creditreporting. Many times a payment is overlooked, and reminder calls or payment discussions arehelpful to bring the account back to a current status. We appreciate your business, and we wantto share with you some options that may be available to you in this type of situation.We understand customers may experience difficulty making their payments due to economicfactors. You may be eligible for enrollment in our 12-Month Customer Hardship Program or in ourCustomer Long-Term Workout Program. These programs can provide customers with specialterms in order to help bring the account current. If you are interested in obtaining information onwhether you qualify for one of these programs, please call ###-###-####.Also, customers who are experiencing financial difficulties are urged to contact a non-profitConsumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) organization for assistance. Their programs canprovide options such as reducing the interest rate and the minimum payment requirement andcould include all of your creditors. We support and participate in the programs provided by theCCCS agencies. Should you wish to obtain information regarding their programs and for amember agency located near you, please contact the National Foundation for Credit Counselingat ###-###-####.You mentioned that you would prefer to only be called between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Mondaythrough Friday. Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to adapt our call schedules to individualspecific requests.Additionally, please understand the Bank does not always have full control of the information thatis displayed on your caller ID. Caller ID information may vary by phone number; for example, yourphone service carrier may have limitations on what information is passed through to your callerID.I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, pleasefeel free to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Rosa M[redacted]Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find the resolution is satisfactory to me.
Dear [redacted]We received your additional complaint, addressed to the, regarding theabove-noted account. Comenity Bank issues Crate&Barrel credit accounts, and we are here tohelp with your account-related questions. Your complaint was forwarded to my attention, and Iappreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns.We have reviewed your account, and our records indicate that we previously responded to acomplaint on May 15, 2015, regarding the same issue. We have enclosed a copy of ourprevious response for your records.In your recent complaint you state that you made a purchase and earned an $80.00 rewardcertificate, which did not expire for one year; therefore, that reward certificate should have beenapplied towards your new purchase. Furthermore, you are requesting a check for $80.00 beissued to you for the reward certificate. I understand your concerns and apologize for anyconfusion or inconvenience this situation may have caused you.As previously stated in your May 15, 2015 letter, our records indicate that a purchase of$1,740.32 posted to your account on November 15, 201 3. Please be advised that you did earnan $80.00 reward certificate for this purchase. The reward certificate was attached to yourstatement that was issued on December 8, 2013. Please be advised that this reward certificatehad an expiration date of March 8, 2014.Furthermore, when you made your purchase of $1,455.30 on November 14, 2014, the rewardcertificate of $80.00 that was issued to you in December 2013 had already expired. Therefore,it was not applied towards this purchase.Please note that all reward certificates earned will be included at the top of the monthly billingstatements. Furthermore, certificates will expire within 90 days. Crate&Barrel does not acceptexpired rewards and will not reissue expired reward certificates.Please be advised that the Bank has reviewed the email correspondence that you provided andsee that on April 8, 2015, you were advised that an $80.00 reward certificate was issued to youand it would be attached to your February 2015 statement. As this reward certificate wasissued after your purchase in November 2014, it was not applied towards your purchase.Although, Comenity Bank has found no billing errors on your account, in the interest of customerservice, we added 800 points to your account on May 27, 2015, to generate a new rewardcertificate.We hope this information is helpful. Should you have any additional questions or concernsregarding your account please do not hesitate to contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext.[redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####). I would be happy to assist you.Sincerely,[redacted]Consumer Relations Specialist
Dear [redacted]: Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues the Victoria’s Secret Angel credit card. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns. We understand that while visiting the...
Lakeland Victoria’s Secret store in October 2016, you applied for an account and were approved. However, the store associate entered someone else’s address on the application. You never received the credit card or billing statements, and in February 2017 you were contacted by the Bank stating you had not paid your bill and three billing statements had been sent. You state the representative was nasty and accused you of lying as the statements had not been returned. You were directed to the Account Protection (Fraud) Department in which the representative confirmed that the address on the account was in Davenport Florida. At this time you requested to have the account closed. Two months later when speaking to an Account Protection representative you were advised the account wasn’t cancelled, and late fees were assessed. On May 19, 2017, you received a letter from the Bank advising that there hasn’t been any fraud in the matter. We have reviewed the concerns in your correspondence as well as the applicable telephone conversations. We apologize if you felt you did not receive the best customer service. We never intend to treat our customers in a less-than-satisfactory manner. We are committed to providing the best customer service and are disappointed when a customer feels this standard was not met. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me on May 25, 2017, to resolve this matter. As discussed we sent a request to the credit reporting agencies to remove the delinquency reported in April 2017. Please allow the credit reporting agencies up to 45 business days to update their records. Please be assured all Bank fees were previously credited to the account. The Victoria’s Secret Angel credit card account has been closed per your request as of January 12, 2017. I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, [redacted]
[redacted] Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find the resolution is satisfactory to me.
Dear [redacted] We have received the additional complaint that you sent to the, regarding the above-noted account. Comenity Bank issues Ann Taylor/LOFT credit card accounts, and we are here to helpanswer account-related questions. Your complaint was forwarded to my attention, and I appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns. We understand from your complaint that you processed a payment on February 19, 2015, through your credit union bill pay system, and the payment has not posted to your account. In addition, you request the late fees to be credited and the inaccurate payment history deleted from your credit report. Bank records indicate that the LOFT account was opened on January 23, 2015; use of the account or failure to close the account within 30 days of receiving the Credit Card Agreement (CCA), indicated your acceptance of the terms of the agreement, including the assessment of any finance charges and fees. On January 26, 2015, a purchase for $38.37 was applied to the account. As payment was not received for the March 3, 2015, and April 3, 2015, payment due dates,the account accrued late fees and finance charges. The account was two billing cycles past due and was reported to the credit-reporting agencies as 30-days past due. On May 4, 2015, a payment for $50.00 was received and on June 6, 2015, a payment for $25.00 was applied to your account. Because the payments were received after the due dates, late fees and finance charges were assessed to the account. If payment is received after the due date, or made for less than the minimum due, your account will be assessed a late fee and a finance charge; in accordance with the Credit Card Agreement (CCA). On July 3, 2015, a payment for $40.00 was applied to your account. This payment brought your account current. As of theate of this correspondence, the account balance is $184.78. Enclosed is a copy of the account CCA, as well as copies of your billing statements which show the account activity that comprised the account balance and delinquencies. Comenity Bank is required by law to report factual data to the credit bureaus with regard toaccount activity. At this time, Comenity Bank finds no errors in its reporting of your LOFT account. Delinquent accounts typically will report for seven years from the date the account first became delinquent. In order to further research the payment, please ask your financial institution to trace the payment and provide us with the electronic transmittal inquiry form. Please understand that we are unable to resolve this matter without this information. Once we receive the documentation, we will be happy to further research the payment and any additional concerns. We hope this information is helpful. Should you have any further questions or concerns regarding this letter, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####); I will be happy to assist you. Sincerely,Tionna M[redacted]
We received your complaint, addressed to the, regarding the above-noted account. Comenity Bank issues New York & Company credit cards, and we respond to all account-related questions. Your correspondence was forwarded to my attention, and I appreciate this...
opportunity to assist you. I understand your concerns regarding the due date on your account, and the late fees that have been assessed. We apologize for any inconvenience or frustration this matter may have caused you. Previously, due to system constraints, account due dates were unable to be changed. However, we are pleased to inform you that, due to recent system enhancements, Comenity Bank now has the capability to offer due date changes for customer accounts when available. A review of your account indicates that you have already requested, and been approved for, a due date change from the 2nd of each month to the 16th of each month. Your next monthly payment will be due on December 16, 2015. Please keep in mind when payments are not received, are received after the due date, or are made for less than the minimum required, the account will be assessed a late fee and finance charge, as explained in the Credit Card Agreement. Enclosed, please find copies of your monthly billing statements for the months of December 2013 through October 2015. During this time-frame, your payment due date was the 2nd of each month. A review of the statements indicates the following information with regard to your payments: No payment received for due date: February 2014, June 2014, September 2014, November 2014, January 2015, March 2015, May 2015, and August 2015 Payment received after the due date: July 2014 and October 2015Payment received for less than the minimum required for due date: March 2014, April 2014, and September 2015 The late fees assessed to your account, due to the payment information noted above, are valid; however, as a one-time courtesy, we have issued credits totaling $70.00 for the two most recently assessed fees. We respectfully decline your request for further adjustments. I hope you find this information to be helpful. Should you have any further questions, you may contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####). I would be happy to assist you. Sincerely, Melissa L[redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: Thank you for your response to this matter. It mystifies me as to why an entire staff at the customer service center for the Comenity Pottery Barn credit card said the hard inquiry in question was made for accepting the card, and not due to a credit line increase. I have chosen to reject this business response, because IF this hard inquiry was made because of the credit line increase on their automated system, I am disputing the hard inquiry again because the automated system never informs the customer that a hard inquiry will be made. A customer deserves the right to not proceed with a credit line increase if it would result in a hard inquiry.
Dear [redacted]Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referencedaccount. Comenity Bank issues the Victoria’s Secret Angel credit card. We are here to answeryour questions and assist with your concerns.We understand from your correspondence, submitted to the..., that youattempted to set up an automatic payment and the payment was not made. At that time youcontacted the Bank to request the fee removed from the account. You state that you were advisedthat due to having a fee removed previously, the Bank is unwilling to remove an additional fee asthe Bank only permits the removal of late fee every 18 months. You are requesting this additionallate fee removed.Please keep in mind that when payments are not received, are received after the due date, or aremade for less than the minimum required, the account will be assessed a late fee, as explainedin the Credit Card Agreement.As of the date of this letter, the balance on the account is $679.00, and the account is current. Asyour account was issued a credit for the Bank fee previously, please understand that we areunwilling to credit your account any additional late fees at this time.I hope you found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feelfree to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Renee S[redacted]
Dear Mr. [redacted]
Thank you for contacting the regarding the
above-mentioned account. As the bank
that issues Bon-Ton credit card accounts, we are here to assist in answering
any credit-related questions. Your
inquiry was forwarded to my attention,...
and I appreciate this opportunity to
assist you.
We understand from your complaint, you made a
mail order purchase for $68.00 through Bon-Ton, which was shipped via UPS to
[redacted]. Furthermore, you state
that the package was not received; however, UPS indicates it was delivered. Lastly, you are requesting a credit on the above amount and an apology from United Parcel Service (UPS).
We understand your concerns and apologize for
the frustration and inconvenience this may have caused you. At this time, we would like to explain our
findings below.
On July 10, 2014, you contacted Comenity Bank
informing us that the purchase for $68.00 was shipped; however, the receiving party did not receive the package. On July 21, 2014, Comenity Bank contacted
Bon-Ton, on your behalf, advising them the package was not received. Our request for verification was answered by
Bon-Ton stating UPS delivered the item and [redacted] with phone number
###-###-#### accepted the delivery. On
September 8, 2014, we sent a letter to your previous address, 304 Terrace Boulevard,
acknowledging their reply and that if you felt this was fraudulent to contact
our Account Protection Department.
On November 7, 2014, we received another
dispute regarding the same situation from the July dispute. At which time we updated your address to the
Kay Street address listed above and resent a letter stating the above
Please understand that Comenity Bank and
Bon-Ton are two separate entities. The
Bank issues and is responsible for addressing questions related to your credit
card account. Bon-Ton is responsible for
handling matters related to sales, merchandise processing, returns and
During the investigation of your dispute, we
determined this is a store/mail order issue and would need to be investigated
by Bon-Ton. Please contact Bon-Ton
corporate office regarding this matter at ###-###-####; and they will be
happy to assist you with your concerns.
We hope you find this information helpful. Should you have any other questions or
concerns regarding this letter, please feel free to reach me directly at ###-###-####,
ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####); and I will be happy to assist you
Consumer Relations Specialist
Dear Ms. [redacted]We are in receipt of your complaint regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issuesdressbarn credit card accounts, and we respond to all account-related questions. Your complaint,addressed to the, was forwarded to my attention, and I appreciate the...
opportunityto respond to your concerns.We understand from your complaint, you made two payments to Cornenity Bank and received confirmationnumbers for both payments. However, both payments were returned. You were originally contacted byComenity Bank on June 24, 2016, advising that your payment scheduled on June 10, 2016, for $45.00,was returned. You were advised the bank account number ending in 2970, was entered incorrectly, causingthe payment not to be processed. You state you made another payment of $45.00, with our representative,and received a second confirmation number for the payment. However, this payment was also returned.To ensure your payment would post to your account, you chose to make your next payment at the dressbarnretail store. In the meanwhile, you received a letter from Cornenity Bank stating your dressbarn credit cardaccount was frozen due to the two returned payments. You then contacted Comenity Bank to discuss thismatter, and were advised that your account had been corrected. Later that week, you received anotherletter from Comenity Bank advising fees resulting from this matter, had been removed. You later tried toutilize your dressbarn credit card account for purchases and your purchases were declined. You wereadvised that your card was declined due to payments being returned on your account.Lastly, you state you were advised by our representative, that you would receive documentation advisingwhy the dressbarn payments had been returned. While waiting for this information, your bank informedyou that a payment from Comenity Bank was never received or returned from their office.You are requesting Comenity Bank provide you with documentation that your bank returned both of yourpayments. Also, you are requesting Comenity Bank reestablish your dressbarn credit card account.We apologize for the inconvenience and frustration this matter may have caused you. Please be assured,Comenity Bank has reviewed and investigated the concerns in your complaint as well as the applicabletelephone conversations.Our findings show that your payment scheduled on June 10, 2016, through our Interactive Voice Responsesystem, was entered with the incorrect bank account number. Additionally, the payment scheduled on June24, 2016, with a Bank representative, was also returned due to an incorrect bank account number. Pleasenote, your payments were not returned due to insufficient funds. The payments were returned becausewhen we presented the payments to [redacted], they were unable to locate the account numberprovided. Therefore, when you asked your bank about any returned payments, they had no record of thepayments being presented, as they were not presented with your bank account number. Please understandthat communication with your bank was done electronically; therefore, we are unable to provide you withthe notification from your bank regarding the inability to locate an account with the information provided.Please note, in the interest of customer service, all fees resulting from this matter have been credited backto your account. Additionally, all restrictions resulting from this matter have been removed, and accountutility has been restored.You are a valued customer, and I hope you find this information to be helpful. Should you have additionalquestions or concerns about the account, please contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] (TDD/TTY###-###-####). I would be happy to assist you.Sincerely,Geanine M[redacted]
Dear [redacted]We have received your complaint regarding the above-noted account. Cornenity Capital Bankissues Gardner-White Furniture credit card accounts, and we respond to all account-relatedconcerns. Your complaint, addressed to the, was forwarded to myattention,...
and I appreciate the opportunity to assist you.In your complaint, you state that you made a purchase for $2,300.00 and financed $1,500.00 ofthe purchase on your Gardner-White Furniture credit card account. You further state that youhave been making payments of approximately $50.00 a month; however, your balance is notdecreasing. You are requesting that the late fees and finance charges be waived and to haveyour account reflect a reasonable pay off amount. I understand your concerns and apologizefor any inconvenience or frustration this matter may have caused you.Our records indicate that on July 19, 201 3, a purchase of $1,500.00 posted to your account andwas placed on a 6-month deferred interest, payment required plan that was set to expire onJanuary 19, 2014. For purchases on these plans, the customer is required to make paymentson the promotional plan balance based on the standard repayment terms for their account.Interest is accrued (calculated, but not added to the balance) and if the balance is not paid in fullby the plan end date, the accrued finance charges, which were calculated from the date of theoriginal purchase, will be added to the deferred balance, and this balance will be moved to thecustomer's revolving balance. This information appeared on your monthly billing statements,under the heading, "Details of your plans". I have enclosed your billing statements for yourreview.Upon further review, our records indicate that payments of $25.00 were made for the months ofSeptember 201 3, October 201 3, November 201 3, December 201 3, and January 2014. Pleasebe advised that a statement was issued to you on January 15, 2014, showing a balance of$1,375.00 with a minimum payment of $25.00 due by February 10, 2014. Under the "details ofyour plan" section of your January 15, 2014, statement, it stated that the promotional balance of$1,375.00 needed to be paid in full by January 19, 2014, to avoid the accrued finance charge.As a result of the promotional balance not being paid in full by the plan expiration date, theaccrued interest of $239.06 was assessed to your account on January 19, 2014, and theremaining promotional balance of $1,350.00 was moved to revolving, which is subject to normalmonthly finance charges.Our records further indicate that statements continued to be sent to you showing your balance,minimum payment required, and due date. However, for the months of April 2014, September2014, October 2014, January 2015, February 2015, March 2015, April 21315, May 2015, Junebecause the Bank either did not receive a payment by the due date, or the minimum payment was not met.Comenity Capital Bank has not found any errors with the account, and we are unwilling toremove any fees that were assessed to the account, as they are valid.We hope this information is helpful. Should you have any additional questions or concerns,please do not hesitate to contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted], (TDD/TTY ###-###-####). I would be happy to assist you.Sincerely,Jenny W[redacted]
Dear [redacted] ** * * Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding an account. Comenity Bank issues multiple retail credit card accounts. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns. We understand from...
your correspondence that you are being charged excessively for bed(s). You state that you have missed one payment and you receive a phone call every day including Sundays. We are unable to locate the account you are referencing regarding this matter. To further research your concerns, we request the following: Comenity Bank Account NumberFull social security numberAny previous addressesTelephone number as listed on the account Once this information is received, we should be able to locate the account and further research your concerns. I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. ...⇄ Sincerely, Kaija M[redacted] Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses
Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referencedaccount. Comenity Bank issues the Victoria’s Secret Angel credit card. We are here to answeryour questions and assist with your concerns.We previously received and responded to your correspondence submitted to the Better BusinessBureau regarding this same matter. Please find enclosed a copy of our response sent to you onMarch 15, 2017.As stated in the previous response, after reviewing the account, our records indicate that apayment of $70.00 was made via our Account Center on March 1, 2017. This payment wasreturned to the Bank on March 9, 2017, as “no bank account or unable to locate”. As you placedyour call to the Bank regarding the fee assessment and payment on March 7, 2017, which wastwo days before the payment was returned to the Bank and at that time the fee had not yet beenapplied to the account. As such there was no fee to remove, at the time of the call, please keepin mind that it may take up to seven days for payments to be returned from a banking institution.Additionally, you were advised that a credit of $25.00 has been applied to the account for thereturn payment fee that was applied to the account on March 8, 2017, as a courtesy.I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, pleasefeel free to contact me at (800) 820-8932.Sincerely,
Dear [redacted]: Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues the Victoria’s Secret Angel credit card. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns. We understand from you correspondence,...
submitted to the, that you’ve had the Victoria’s Secret Angel credit card for over ten years. In December 2016 the account was closed due to a bankruptcy seven years ago, without you being notified of the closure. You state that you were very upset to find out that the account was closed while trying to make a purchase. You are requesting the account reopened as you do not want you credit run again and do not want to apply for a new account. We are sorry for the frustration this matter has caused you. Please be assured as of June 2, 2017, the Victoria’s Secret Angel account has been reopened, per your request. I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, [redacted]
[redacted] Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses
Dear Ms. [redacted]We received your complaint, addressed to the, regarding the accountreferenced above. Cornenity Capital Bank issues My BJ's Perksm MastercardB credit cards,and we are here to assist you with all account-related questions. I appreciate the opportunity torespond to...
your concerns.We understand from your complaint that you made a purchase in the amount of $800.00, thatwas not delivered by the deadline date on your receipt, and you are requesting the refundedamount of $800.00.Our records indicate that the situation referenced in your complaint has been investigated and aresponse has been previously issued explaining our findings and resolution. Comenity CapitalBank's position remains the same, as addressed in the response dated February 26,2016. Wehave enclosed a copy of our previous response for your records.Should you have any further questions please contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted](TDDiTTY ###-###-####]. I will be happy to assist you.Sincerely,Kristina W[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]We received your additional complaint, submitted to the, regarding the above-noted account. Comenity Bank issues Victoria’s Secret/PINK credit cards, and we are here to help answer your account-related questions. I appreciate the opportunity to assist you.Your complaint states that we have not helped you and that we are collecting interest and fees although you have not received the account information. You advised that you will not pay all of the late fees and that you expect the Bank to come up with an offer about the late fees or you will go through small claims court. Once we make you an offer about the late fees, then you would be willing to talk with the Bank.Please be advised that the position of Comenity Bank remains unchanged. As previously indicated, the monthly statements are being sent to the address listed at the top of this letter. Additionally, we are unable to send statements to you by email and by mail via the post office. However, we are sending your statements via the post office and an email is being sent to [redacted] to advise that your statement is available to view on Account Center.As of today’s date, the account is five billing periods past due, and has a balance of $958.19.The account may still qualify for a Hardship Program or settlement. To take advantage of the programs that may be available to you by Comenity Bank, we urge you to call our Payment Solutions team, toll free, at ###-###-#### (TDD/TTY ###-###-####), or you may contact the consumer credit counseling agency, Money Management International (MMI), at ###-###-####, and speak to a credit counselor.We apologize for any inconvenience you have been caused, and we hope this information is helpful. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please contact our Payment Solutions team at the number provided. They will be happy to assist you.Sincerely,[redacted]Consumer Relations Specialist
I am rejecting this response because: For the last 12 months I was never late. I explained to the customer representative that I was in the hospital and we were discharged on 5.25.17. Victoria Secret is the only account which doesn't have automatic payment and was the only account that I was unable to set up for automatic payments. I contacted them twice to get that fee removed on the first week of June but their CS is very hostile. See attached the discharge document from the hospital. The previous late fee was assigned to my acccount over 16 months ago because they switched my account to receive the statements over the email instead of mail without my consent. Please waive the fee of $27 so I can process the payment.
The bank information had be inputted twice-were they both incorrect. The fees that the bank has access on my account should be reversed, because as you stated it was not your fault and neither was it mine. I understand that the fees help run Comenity and the funding of the making of the clothes. And for what reason were you quoting when my payment is due......I do believe I made the previous one.
Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referencedaccount. Comenity Bank issues the Lane Bryant credit card. We are here to answer yourquestions and assist with your concerns.We understand from your correspondence that you have been contacted multiple times...
duringnon-business hours from an unmarked telephone number and have encountered rude customerservice. You state you should only be contacted Monday through Friday, on a traceable number,between the hours of nine to five Eastern Standard Time.We have reviewed the concerns in your correspondence as well as the applicable telephoneconversations. We apologize if you felt you did not receive the best customer service. We neverintend to treat our customers in a less-than-satisfactory manner. We are committed to providingthe best customer service and are disappointed when a customer feels this standard was not met.When an account is delinquent, we will make proactive attempts to contact the customer,communicate the situation and work out payment arrangements to minimize any negative creditreporting. Many times a payment is overlooked, and reminder calls or payment discussions arehelpful to bring the account back to a current status. We appreciate your business, and we wantto share with you some options that may be available to you in this type of situation.We understand customers may experience difficulty making their payments due to economicfactors. You may be eligible for enrollment in our 12-Month Customer Hardship Program or in ourCustomer Long-Term Workout Program. These programs can provide customers with specialterms in order to help bring the account current. If you are interested in obtaining information onwhether you qualify for one of these programs, please call ###-###-####.Also, customers who are experiencing financial difficulties are urged to contact a non-profitConsumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) organization for assistance. Their programs canprovide options such as reducing the interest rate and the minimum payment requirement andcould include all of your creditors. We support and participate in the programs provided by theCCCS agencies. Should you wish to obtain information regarding their programs and for amember agency located near you, please contact the National Foundation for Credit Counselingat ###-###-####.You mentioned that you would prefer to only be called between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Mondaythrough Friday. Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to adapt our call schedules to individualspecific requests.Additionally, please understand the Bank does not always have full control of the information thatis displayed on your caller ID. Caller ID information may vary by phone number; for example, yourphone service carrier may have limitations on what information is passed through to your callerID.I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, pleasefeel free to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Rosa M[redacted]Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find the resolution is satisfactory to me.
Dear [redacted]We received your additional complaint, addressed to the, regarding theabove-noted account. Comenity Bank issues Crate&Barrel credit accounts, and we are here tohelp with your account-related questions. Your complaint was forwarded to my attention, and Iappreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns.We have reviewed your account, and our records indicate that we previously responded to acomplaint on May 15, 2015, regarding the same issue. We have enclosed a copy of ourprevious response for your records.In your recent complaint you state that you made a purchase and earned an $80.00 rewardcertificate, which did not expire for one year; therefore, that reward certificate should have beenapplied towards your new purchase. Furthermore, you are requesting a check for $80.00 beissued to you for the reward certificate. I understand your concerns and apologize for anyconfusion or inconvenience this situation may have caused you.As previously stated in your May 15, 2015 letter, our records indicate that a purchase of$1,740.32 posted to your account on November 15, 201 3. Please be advised that you did earnan $80.00 reward certificate for this purchase. The reward certificate was attached to yourstatement that was issued on December 8, 2013. Please be advised that this reward certificatehad an expiration date of March 8, 2014.Furthermore, when you made your purchase of $1,455.30 on November 14, 2014, the rewardcertificate of $80.00 that was issued to you in December 2013 had already expired. Therefore,it was not applied towards this purchase.Please note that all reward certificates earned will be included at the top of the monthly billingstatements. Furthermore, certificates will expire within 90 days. Crate&Barrel does not acceptexpired rewards and will not reissue expired reward certificates.Please be advised that the Bank has reviewed the email correspondence that you provided andsee that on April 8, 2015, you were advised that an $80.00 reward certificate was issued to youand it would be attached to your February 2015 statement. As this reward certificate wasissued after your purchase in November 2014, it was not applied towards your purchase.Although, Comenity Bank has found no billing errors on your account, in the interest of customerservice, we added 800 points to your account on May 27, 2015, to generate a new rewardcertificate.We hope this information is helpful. Should you have any additional questions or concernsregarding your account please do not hesitate to contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext.[redacted] (TDD/TTY ###-###-####). I would be happy to assist you.Sincerely,[redacted]Consumer Relations Specialist
Dear [redacted]: Comenity Bank (Bank) has received your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Comenity Bank issues the Victoria’s Secret Angel credit card. We are here to answer your questions and assist with your concerns. We understand that while visiting the...
Lakeland Victoria’s Secret store in October 2016, you applied for an account and were approved. However, the store associate entered someone else’s address on the application. You never received the credit card or billing statements, and in February 2017 you were contacted by the Bank stating you had not paid your bill and three billing statements had been sent. You state the representative was nasty and accused you of lying as the statements had not been returned. You were directed to the Account Protection (Fraud) Department in which the representative confirmed that the address on the account was in Davenport Florida. At this time you requested to have the account closed. Two months later when speaking to an Account Protection representative you were advised the account wasn’t cancelled, and late fees were assessed. On May 19, 2017, you received a letter from the Bank advising that there hasn’t been any fraud in the matter. We have reviewed the concerns in your correspondence as well as the applicable telephone conversations. We apologize if you felt you did not receive the best customer service. We never intend to treat our customers in a less-than-satisfactory manner. We are committed to providing the best customer service and are disappointed when a customer feels this standard was not met. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me on May 25, 2017, to resolve this matter. As discussed we sent a request to the credit reporting agencies to remove the delinquency reported in April 2017. Please allow the credit reporting agencies up to 45 business days to update their records. Please be assured all Bank fees were previously credited to the account. The Victoria’s Secret Angel credit card account has been closed per your request as of January 12, 2017. I hope you have found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, [redacted]
[redacted] Compliance Dept. – Consumer Responses
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find the resolution is satisfactory to me.
....Please see attached response......