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Jefferson Capital Systems

700 17th St Ste 1400, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80202-3533

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Jefferson Capital Systems appears on all of my credit reports. I have never been notified, in any fashion, of the listed debt, thus, violating the FDCPA, as I was not given time to dispute or validate the alleged debt within the allowed 30-day time frame that is allowed by law. All attempts I have made to rectify this matter with this "business" have been futile. The debt shown is completely fraudulent.

I request that Jefferson Capital verify the following information with legally verifiable documentation:
1. Full original account number & date the alleged account was opened;
2. Any written and signed contracts between myself and the creditor reflecting this alleged debt is owed;
3. Complete account summary and itemized calculation of alleged debt;
4. Proof of the date of the first alleged delinquency;
5. Verifiable legal documentation of the dates and times of any communication attempts made to me, in attempt to contact me concerning the alleged debt BEFORE it was reported to an agency, and the method of communication (including providing the phone numbers and/or address(es), if applicable).

Failure to furnish the requested information requires Jefferson Capital to delete this account from each credit report immediately.

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Sep 04, 2019

September 4, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Jesse Schaffer:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we are responding directly to *** via US mail to attempt to resolve this matter. Attached is a copy of the response sent to ***.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

I received a letter in the mail from Jefferson Capital that I had an account in collections with them. I was able to verify this debt was in fact mine as my husband and I had fallen on hard times due to a Tropical Storm and flood that destroyed everything we had. I promptly called Jefferson Capital to take advantage of the settlement I received. ( Balance: 258.08, Payment Required: 168.00, 90.08 forgiven and account would be settled as "Paid In Full") The date of this call and payment was 05/28/2019. I have in my possession, the original letter of this settlement proposal, my bank statement showing the payment as made on above listed date to provide as needed. Further I also have a letter from Jefferson Capital dated 07/25/2019 that this debt is closed as paid in full.

I was told within 60 days this account would be removed as a collection from my credit reports, however here we are and 3 months later and it is still reflecting on all of my reports (experian, equifax, and transunion) I have called Jefferson Capital multiple times regarding this to no avail and finally, a supervisor on or about July 25,2019 agreed and mailed me a letter stating this account is CLOSED AND PAID IN FULL, however they still will not remove this debt from my 3 reports. I have even attempted to dispute the debts with credit bureaus and they simple re-verify to them that I owe the debt.

This needs to be removed as an outstanding debt from all of my credit reports immediately. Thank You

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 29, 2019

August 29, 2019




Re: ***


Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we are responding directly to *** via US mail to attempt to resolve this matter. Attached is a copy of the response sent to ***.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

Jefferson Capital is sending me a bill for debt that I did not accrue. Then they sold my information to another company to collect the debt that I did not accrue.

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 30, 2019

August 30, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we responded directly to *** via US mail to attempt to resolve this matter on or about August 21, 2019.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

I was trying to settle with this company, and when I went to call them to get it set up, my gut told me to call Verizon directly first. I called Verizon on August 13th at 7:58 pm PST and was told they have no record of me owing a debt at all. I told them about Jefferson Capital being on my credit report, and the girl told me she would ask her supervisor. She came back on the line and said I don't owe anything and that they would notate that I called in to settle the account and what their findings were. I'm trying to clean up my credit and don't mind paying what's owed, but I don't appreciate falsely being accused of owing money to a collection agency. That's shady.

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 23, 2019

We look forward to the opportunity to address the concerns expressed in your review. However, we are unable to locate an account with the information provided. We have associates available to assist you. Please contact us toll-free at ***, Monday – Friday 8am to 3pm CST. We look forward to hearing from you.

This company calls my parents home regarding a debt with Bank of America which was paid directly to the bank a decade ago. This company is trying to scam my parents with threatening language.

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 23, 2019

August 23, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we responded directly to *** via US Mail to attempt to resolve this matter on or about August 19, 2019. A copy of that letter is attached.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

I have settled and paid off the account that was placed with them for collection. Part of the agreement was to remove this from all credit reporting agencies. I received verification of satisfying the terms of the agreement and they removed it from my credit for a short time. Now it is reappearing again with the original amount minus the settlement amount I paid when the agreement was that it was settled in full. This has impacted my score by over 60 points. When I call them they claim they can't do anything and ask me to send them my credit report to prove it.

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 23, 2019

August 23, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we responded directly to *** via US Mail to attempt to resolve this matter on or about August 15, 2019. A copy of that letter is attached.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

Customer Response • Aug 23, 2019

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because: I received the letter on 8/21 and was asked to submit a copy of my credit report which was mailed on 8/22 and I am still waiting on action on their part removing the item from my credit report.


Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 30, 2019

August 30, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we responded directly to *** via US Mail to attempt to resolve this matter on or about August 30, 2019. A copy of that letter is attached.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC has added a collection to my credit reports without my knowledge! They are not registered in the state of Indiana per NMLS, which is required by Indiana law. That is an FDCPA violation. I have received no notice from Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, which is required by the FDCPA if they are going to report this to the CRA’s. By not sending a letter giving the consumer time to dispute or validate the alleged debt within the allowed 30-day time frame that is allowed by law, this is another violation of the FDCPA.

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 22, 2019

August 22, 2019
3801 E. Florida Avenue, Suite 350
Denver, CO 80210

Re: *** / ID# ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we responded directly to *** via US mail to attempt to resolve this matter on or about August 13, 2019.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC sent a letter in direct response to the credit bureaus removal of debt that expires the statute of limitations. The credit agencies completed this action on July 28th, 2019.

A postmarked envelope dated August 5th, 2019 contained a debit validation letter that was dated July 19th, 2019.

It is an abuse of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The validation letter is required to be sent 5 days of the first contact. This debt is over 7 years old as we have already established due to the action taken by the credit agencies.

Further, backdating the letter July 19th, 2019 is an attempt to deny me the legal required 30 days to respond.

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 22, 2019

August 22, 2019
3801 E. Florida Avenue, Suite 350
Denver, CO 80210

Re: *** / ID# ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we responded directly to *** via US Mail to attempt to resolve this matter on or about August 14, 2019. A copy of that letter is attached.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

I was just notified that they added collection to my credit reports without my knowledge.

Jefferson Capital has put an account in collections and I was never even informed there was an account with them. They put collection on my credit reports without my knowledge and in doing so, this violated the FDCPA Collection Practice by placing a collection account on my credit report without sending a letter to me, calling or attempting to contact me at all. Plus there is NO verification from the NM Secretary of State that they are registered in New Mexico which is also against the FDCPA! I am not accepting or agreeing to any debt being claimed but require clarification of these claims. In addition the report states that they acquired the debt from Verizon Wireless and I have not had an account with them since 2016. The statute of limitations on collecting debt for cell phone is 2 years and this is well past the amount of time legally allowed to attempt to collect a debt.

I request that Jefferson Capitol verify the following information.
1. Full original Account Number
2. Date original Account was opened
3. Any written agreements between myself and the original creditor stating this debt is owed
4. Full account summary and itemized calculation of alleged debt
5. Date of the first delinquency
6. Dates and times of any phone calls made and to what number in attempt to contact me concerning the alleged debt before it was reported to an agency, and so proving that these calls were made in the times governed by FDCPA law.

If Jefferson Capital Systems is unable to provide the above identifying account information, this account must be deleted from all CRAs and cease collection.

Jefferson Capital Systems also failed to follow FDCPA by not sending a letter giving the consumer time to dispute or validate the alleged debt within the allowed 30-day time frame that is allowed by law.

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 19, 2019

August 19, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we responded directly to *** via US Mail to attempt to resolve this matter on or about August 13, 2019, and a copy of that letter is attached.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

Customer Response • Aug 24, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


I have a unpaid debt with this company.I acknowledge that however the dates that are being reported of when I opens that account are completely false and hindering my current credit score.I have disputed this fact multiple times and it has yet to be resolved.This account was opened back in 2011 so the fact that it state that I opened this account in 3015 is completely false.They are suppose to collect debt not commit fraud on how long the account has been open in order to further crush my credit

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 19, 2019

August 19, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we responded directly to *** via US Mail to attempt to resolve this matter on or about August 13, 2019, and a copy of that response is attached.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

No evidence, no written contract or signature on any paper saying I owe Jefferson capital systems llc. I have never had services with Jefferson.

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 21, 2019

August 21, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we responded directly to *** via US Mail to attempt to resolve this matter on or about August 13, 2019. A copy of that letter is attached.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

10 yrs ago I had a cell phone with Verizon that I didn't pay for the bill when I went into the air force and Verizon charged it off then a debt collector picked it up and it stayed on my credit for 7 yrs then last month I received a very nasty and demanding letter from Jefferson capital stating that I owe them $1,100 for Verizon this has been over 10 yrs now and they are on my credit report now like it was just put on yesterday like its a new debt so I called them and they told me they don't care how long ago it was they just purchased this account and now the only way to get them off of my credit is to pay them I requested proof of the original date and they sent me their own bill not the original Verizon contract which now is 10 yrs old I know that it is illegal to re-age accounts but they have done it and this is not fair I have read about how junk debt buyers operate by illegal re-aging old accounts i've sent them a certified letter requesting the original documents with the original date on it can you please help me to remove this 10 yr old debt from my credit report I would appreciate it very much thank you

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 12, 2019

August 12, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we are responding directly to *** via US mail to attempt to resolve this matter. Attached is a copy of the response sent to ***.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

I called jefferson capital systems to set up a settlement but they wouldn't work with me I told them I needed proof they would remove the account and they said they couldn't send me a letter or receipt of me paying settlement amount

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 13, 2019

August 13, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

We regret to learn of ***’s financial difficulties and appreciate his interest in resolving the $512.05 balance on his account. We are willing to accept $179.22 in resolution of the debt. It is our policy that we will request the credit bureaus delete the tradeline approximately 30 days after the final payment has been posted that resolves the account as paid in full or paid in full for less than the full balance. If *** would like to take advantage of this offer, he may remit his payment to Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, ***. Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC also accepts check by phone at no additional charge. If he is interested in this payment method, he may call us toll-free at ***.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

Customer Response • Aug 14, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


My auto loan was purchased by Jefferson Capital from US Auto early this year due to a dismissed chapter 13 bankruptcy. I was behind on the payment and they repossessed my car. I paid the $2490 to receive my car back but no one could explain the new terms and conditions, who I would speak to if I need billing assistance, how to make a standard payment....nothing. My car payment is due, I'm not behind several payments, just the most current payment is due since I redeemed the car and they have picked my car up. No letter, no calls. So now I'm dealing with their ridiculous process again of redeeming my car for a most recent payment that is due. How can I be in violation of terms to the point of repossession for an agreement I'm not technically under with Jefferson Capital. I never signed any documentation, I'm not a direct client of theirs.

This is bullying and unethical behavior.

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 16, 2019

August 16, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we responded directly to *** via US Mail to attempt to resolve this matter on or about August 12, 2019.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

Customer Response • Aug 16, 2019

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:The letter was never received. I have received correspondence from them previously except this document. In addition I do not have a signed contract with this company which I ha e requested to know terms of agree.agreement since they were not my original finance company. I was then told by a supervisor to request in writing what I would like for the terms to be. Why do I have to tell a company what their terms and contract should be. If they are the responsible finance company this should already be in place.

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 19, 2019

August 19, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we responded directly to *** via US Mail to attempt to resolve this matter on or about August 12, 2019. We regret any delay that occurred in the U.S. Postal Service processing of our letter. Attached is a copy of the letter sent, along with supplemental documents enclosed alongside that letter.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

This company has started collections on a disputed account from over two years ago with Verizon Wireless. Verizon Wireless had fraudulently charged me an additional billing cycle's worth of charges, despite verbal assurances from the assistant manager at the local Verizon Wireless store that if I paid my last month's bill, along with assorted fees, I would be in good standing in my termination with their contract.

Jefferson Capital has placed derogatory marks on my credit reports, without notifying me in any way, and it is impossible to reach them via telephone. I have attempted to call twice to speak to a representative to get dispute the collection, and inquire about the cessation of collections, and the deletion of any derogatory mark on any one of the credit bureaus.

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 06, 2019

August 6, 2019
3801 E. Florida Avenue, Suite 350
Denver, CO 80210

Re: Robert Young / ID# ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we are responding directly to Robert Young via US Mail to attempt to resolve this matter. Attached is a copy of the response sent to Robert Young.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector


Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 13, 2019

August 13, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we responded directly to *** via US Mail to attempt to resolve this matter on or about August 6, 2019.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

This business has failed to provide me adequate validation that I owe on a debt that was placed on my credit files from their company, MULTIPLE TIMES!! In the amount of $3331.00 I have done no business with this company, ever. They have failed to send me adequate proof. Their response to me was only a detailed bill from the original creditors “Verizon Wireless.” This company has no contract with me for goods or services nor do they have the adequate proof to provide me with. I am not obligated to pay for the alleged debt that is reporting to my credit files with the credit bureaus, that is damaging my credit worthines I

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 13, 2019

August 13, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we responded directly to *** via US Mail to attempt to resolve this matter on or about August 8, 2019.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

Today I was notified by the HR department they had received a notice of garnishment from Jefferson Capital Systems. A company I have never heard of. For a debt I did not know I had in the amount of almost $900.00. I was never notified of this debt and when I called the number on the website I was very rudely told by a representative that the person handling my account works between the hours of 7 am and 4 pm. I stated that I noticed there is an office in Colorado where I live and asked to be transferred. The Representative stated no that I need to call back with an account number during the hours he had previously stated. I advised I do not have an account number. I was never notified or given a written letter of intent of garnishment. I was never summoned to attend a garnishment hearing as is my right. I live in Colorado and surely if this company could track down my employer they could have found an address for me. I was never given the opportunity to see if this debt is truly mine and if so was denied the opportunity to set up any type of payment arrangements. This is not a good practice and I feel as a consumer my rights under the fair act are being sorely violated and I am being harrassed and coerced into paying a debt I had no idea existed.

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 01, 2019

August 1, 2019
3801 E. Florida Avenue, Suite 350
Denver, CO 80210

Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

Our records reflect that the account is currently the subject of a lawsuit filed on September 26, 2017, in Weld County Court, case ***. As a result, this matter is beyond the purview of the We would respectfully request that the, pursuant to it is national complaint acceptance guidelines, close this matter and dismiss this complaint. *** is more than welcome to contact us at *** to discuss the garnishment between 8am MST and 5:30pm MST.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

Jefferson Capital is collecting on a debt that was discharged during my bankruptcy to all 3 credit bureaus. It is being reported as a new collection when in fact it is 5 years old. This is damaging my credit and I will reopen my bankruptcy if they continue to attempt to collect on a discharged debt. I want something showing this is going to be deleted, not transfered or resold again and removed from my report in the next 10days.

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 08, 2019

August 8, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we responded directly to *** via US mail to attempt to resolve this matter on or about August 1, 2019.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

Customer Response • Aug 11, 2019

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:


I spoke with a representative Corey in the payments department. She stated that per your website and policy the trade line is deleted within 30 days of payment. All you did was update as paid. This needs to be REMOVED from my credit. I paid this in full and you are not holding up to your end of the deal. Remove this from all 3 bureaus immediately!

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 16, 2019

August 16, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your additional correspondence sent on behalf of *** concerning the above-referenced account.

This letter will confirm we responded to ***’s rebuttal with an additional letter sent via U.S. mail on August 16, 2019. A copy of that letter is attached.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

This company is "re-aging" a charged off and closed Verizon cell phone account. This account was charged off and closed on November 30, 2016. It now shows as a new unpaid account on my credit as of 4/3/2019.

Last Reported
Nov 30, 2016
Creditor Name
Account Type
Account Status
Opened Date
Jun 16, 2012
Closed Date
Individual Account.
Highest Balance
Payment Status
Amount Past Due

Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 08, 2019

August 8, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your correspondence sent on behalf of the above-referenced customer.

This letter will confirm that we are responding directly to *** via US mail to attempt to resolve this matter. Attached is a copy of the response sent to ***.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

Customer Response • Aug 08, 2019

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because: I have not had an explanation how a debt from 11/30/2016 can now show as a brand new debt in 2019 simply because a company purchased it. It appears as if I opened an account, placed a debt on it and refuse to pay. I had heard nothing from this company on this until I saw it on my credit report and called them. I provided my address and received a letter saying simply that they have purchased the debt from Verizon and I owe the money. How is this legal? Is this not what is described as credit re-aging?


Jefferson Capital Systems Response • Aug 14, 2019

August 14, 2019




Re: ***

Dear Accreditation Team:

We are in receipt of your additional correspondence sent on behalf of *** concerning the above-referenced account.

This letter will confirm we responded to ***’s rebuttal with an additional letter sent via U.S. mail on August 14, 2019. A copy of that letter is attached.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Consumer Relations Staff
On behalf of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, A Debt Collector

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Address: 700 17th St Ste 1400, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80202-3533


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