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International Markets Live

348 W 57th St # 247, New York, New York, United States, 10019-3702

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Reviews Education, Online Trading School International Markets Live

International Markets Live Reviews (351)

If you honestly want to learn how to trade the classes and training is top notch. This is an honestly a great opportunity and I'm glad I took a chance on it!

As of the *** which is today I canceled my subscription with IMarketsLive. My billing cycle is due on the ***. Today they charged my card with was $194.00. I sent numerous of emails and spoke with a rep from there chat service. They do not have a customer service rep you can talk to and I asked why they don't he couldn't answer that question. They authorized a payment the day before it was due. I have emails that I sent to them and they still charged my card. Can you please help me with this issue.

Customer Response • Oct 03, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


Ignore the people saying this is a scam.
This is a legitimate educational platform with tools to help you succeed you won't find elsewhere. Most are not licensed financial investors, then again they're not trading your money. They are only telling you what they know about trading *** and what they see in the charts. Do your own research or ask a licensed financial advisor if you're not sure. But don't blame the company for you not putting in the work to learn a new skill.
Is there an MLM / network marketing / direct sales side? Yes. That does NOT make it a ponzi scheme. In fact, all that means is that you have the opportunity to make money when someone else buys the product/service. You don't have to build that side if you don't want to - you can focus on trading.
Let's say your phone company said they would pay you $5 for every new phone line someone got through your referral. Would you share your company and referral link to someone looking for a new service? Same deal.
This company is selling EDUCATION and a platform that provides trade suggestions based on data. If you only use the training and tools, you will be learning a skillset that could allow you to create your desired lifestyle.
Just as with any investment, there is always a financial risk. If you blow through your trading account because you didn't follow the training? Again - that's on you. Not the company.

The value of IML TV alone covers the membership fee. Whether you pay more attention to the builders or traders of IML is what you’ll see more of. There are tons of resources to help with both. I’m a member and I do agree that some people portray *** in a deceiving way, but no company is 100%. Amazing changes within the past few months of 2018. Looking forward to the next years

Stay away from this company. The people giving advice are not licensed advisors. It's a Ponzi scheme. Look, you don't need to be part of a multi-level marketing company to learn trading. Trading is trading. I use AmeriTrade, do I expect them to pay me when I tell people to use it? No! Do I want them to? No. The whole pay $200 a month until you get two people under you is not something you need to do to make money with FOREX or any type of trading.

On June , 2018, I paid IML $250.60 for a Platinum membership. On July , 2018, IML charged me additional $199. In the midst of this, IML claims I have not paid them any money and they have not provided me with a membership, claiming they do not have a credit card on file for me.
Your ID:***
Below are my payments and dates:

3. Date of charge-------6//18 for $250.61

Date of charge------7//18 for $194.92
7//18 for $4.87(foreign fees)

International Markets Live Response • Jul 25, 2018

Hello ***,

We apologize for the confusion and inconvenience.

Can you reach out to me directly at *** so we can find these orders and get your account set up for you.

When we check your email ***, you have a profile but it is showing only one canceled order that you attempted June , 2018 via ACH was canceled so we did not collect a payment on that order.

We look forward to connecting you with you and getting you fixed.

Thank you!

Customer Response • Jul 26, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]

IML is still not acknowledging my credit card payment of a total of $450.00. All they are saying is my first attempted payment was an ACH payment which was cancelled. So I then went on to have two payments paid to them, $250.61 and $199.79.
IML Wrote:

When we check your email ***, you have a profile but it is showing only one canceled order that you attempted June , 2018 via ACH was canceled so we did not collect a payment on that order.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.


International Markets Live Response • Jul 26, 2018

We need your help to find your payments, which is why I asked you to contact me directly so we may work together on this.

We need your card used, first 6 and last 4 so we can check through our gateways for your payment.

We did acknowledge we have your profile but the order is not showing there which is why we want to look it up with you.

Please contact me directly at *** so we can get this resolved asap.

Thank you!

Customer Response • Sep 13, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]

I made two payments to learn the Forex trading system, one payment for $250.61 and one for $194. The problem was, the company claimed they had not received any payments from me and did not provide me with any service. After months of going back and forth with this company and Gerard L Field Specialist, iMarketsLive, *** | ***, Gerard finally admitted they had received the money from me and refunded me $194 but I am still fighting to get him to refund me my $250.61. I have emails from him stating he sees the payment and claims he sent the money July *** or *** but I have never received any money or any service.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.


Hi I would recommend this learning platform. I was actually homeless when introduced to this learning platform. I have learned how to utilize my phone and earn. I have no regrets whatsoever. I will not look back.

Great education company I've learned so much in the last few weeks it's awesome

IML is a great trading school platform. Unfortunately at the forefront is a lot of sales pitch and get rich quick deception. Learn the skill, don't get distracted by the media, and earn your trade .

Great company been with them for the past year have been consistently getting the results. And seeing the success of others I see a lot of haters who probably couldn’t follow instructions be the first to complain.

This company is strictly a multi level marketing company using *** products as the enticement tool to lure unsuspecting victims to this scam. IML has hundreds of marketers aggressively jamming their products down people's throats making bold claims such as "make $50k in 30 days with only $50!". They are all over ***, ***, *** and *** promoting their unlicensed and unregistered company products.
Recently, they shut down their *** copier services due to their very poor trading performance. Their lies are STAGGERING! They cover up their bad trades and keep good ones up.
Their Web Analyzer seems to pick up a lot of traction as of lately, but I'm sure it's nothing new. Just another hyped up product to blow people's accounts.
IML has been warned and banned from various countries for soliciting unregistered securities. None of their IBO's have a series license to advise in Forex. Furthermore, their CEO is a convicted felon who was involved in another scam "Zeek Rewards" that was shut down by the SEC. People went to jail.
Say far away ffrom this company. Forex and MLM simply does not mix.

International Markets Live Response • Dec 27, 2018

Hello ***,
We apologize that you had a negative experience with IML. We assure you we do not make any income claims when it comes to trading and do instruct our customers to let us know of anyone who is.
I would love to look at your profile if you would be willing to provide your IML ID number to see how we can assist.

I am writing to inform you of the deceptive practices in Des Moines IA and what appears to be widespread throughout your company. I have attached a version of the email that was sent to the Iowa Attorney Generals Office, FTC and the SEC addressing these concerns and a few others. I will also include a couple of the exhibits presented to state and federal governing bodies. I am sure that you business model does not allow or tolerate these business practices as it has severe repercussions on conducting business in the United States.
Message to Agencies
I am writing regarding a business operating in the Des Moines area. It is promoted as a foreign currency trading company under the company name iMarketslive . The business model consists of two components. They claim to be a forex trading company offering tools for trading and the other is networking or multi level marketing.
The leader of the Des Moines based group, ***. My friends signed up for their program but I was able to convince one of them of their illegal practices but my other friend is still a part of the group and is brainwashed by *** and is convinced everything is in compliance based on conversations with ***.
My intent is to provide you as much information as I can in hopes that you will review the companies business practices and bring them into compliance or ban them altogether from doing business in Iowa or the US.
I’m short here is a list of business practices that are in question.
• Advertising deception
• Recruiting - cross marketing
• Trading tools in their website
• Trading Challenges
Advertising Deception
The information used in the sales pitch is misleading. A lot of the success stories and CEO information is misrepresented and used to lure people into joining. They usually have recruitment meetings every Monday. I attended a meeting and one thing I noticed about this group is that they prey upon minorities looking to get rich quick due to financial hardships. I have attached a photo advertisement and it reads “no sales or recruiting required”. The majority of the presentation is based on the multi level marketing. The cost is $179.00 to sign up and $149.00 a month. There are feature add ons offered at an additional price per month. However if you get two or three people to join your membership is free.
Recruiting - Cross Marketing
*** has built his client base off of the illegal actions of Cross Marketing. He is and continues to manipulate new clients by placing new clients under another trader and vice versa for himself so they can climb up the ranks faster. I have include messages and that demonstrate this in action. This is a clear violation of their IBO contract.
Trading Challenges
In early January 2018, there was a big push to join this $200.00 Challenge. There was a promotion offered to join in and follow a 7-Figure ***. He was going to be trading a $200.00 live account on iMarketsLive. If you're in iMarketsLive, it will allow you to trade along and grow your account to 6 figures in a year. They encouraged and recruited new members to join and invest $200.00 into a new *** trader account in order to follow along. *** is not a regulated trader and operates offshore. All traders were steered toward using *** as a broker and no other options were mentioned or offered. A lot of people were having issues with their banks (clearing houses) rejecting the transactions and calling them fraud triggering a consumer call in to verifying the charges. Some credit unions flat out refused to approve the transactions due to the country originating the charge. Those people were encouraged to use a credit card, use a family members credits or open a new card. On the scheduled date and time of the call, traders were trying to log into the Live feed and it did not work for most people. The call had to be rescheduled and was still riddled with technical issues. The disclaimers below were on the original advertisement. However, all of IML participated in the event.
“This is for people who are not currently customers of iML only.” and “Disclaimer Past Results Do Not Guarantee Future Profits”
Trading tools in their website
There are trading tools only available on the their website *** The Harmonic Scanner and FX Signals Live are trading devices (not tools) used in active trading. Because of this they should be regulated by the SEC.
The *** issued a public warning on August 2nd 2017.
On October 10th 2017, The Financial Superintendence of Colombia warned the general public that the ?rm domiciled abroad and identi?ed as iMARKETSLIVE is subject to the supervision of this Superintendency, which is why they are not authorized to o?er products or services from the ?nancial sector or the stock market in Colombia.
On December 5, 2017, *** filed a lawsuit against a iMarketslive and a number of individuals alleging corporate espionage and misappropriation of corporate information.
The lawsuit alleges that International Markets Live Ltd., dba iMarketslive, conspired with a number of individuals affiliated with *** (a subsidiary of InvestView) to steal the Company's confidential information, intellectual property, and trade secrets. Investview is seeking injunctive relief to protect its business and damages of not less than $300,000.
*** and his wife *** have developed a large network using ***, Words Taylor and others in the Des Moines area.
They have recently acknowledged their wrong doing in the form of an email. I have attached a copy for review.
Thank you for attention on this matter.!

I am now going into month 6 of my involvement with IML and it has been a blessing for our family and many others. This is an educational platform that makes no promises whatsoever of income earnings or potential. Trading of any kind involves risk, but the community, trainers, products and ongoing improvements to the company have blown me away.

worse company ever. They promise a lot profits and they promete their services with a lot profits been made. And at the end they just trow investors money done the hole. I have lost over 100k with their services. When I asked them about why they flash tons of pips been made with their services . Just fishing for more stupids . BEACUSE that’s how I feel after throwing most of savings into this company for their services , They never answer and blocked me . That what’s he answer I got from them . Block and banned from their services . (1Start is way to much for this ***)

Yes I was approached on *** by a Slick MLM Marketer about Imarkets Live. He told me that if I Joined and Invested Money into their Forex Investment Auto Trader that I would make a Bunch of Money. Well things did not turn out that way I followed all their Advice and took their Trading Signals like I was told and withing 5 day's I lost all my Money with them.
I have seen many different Government Agencies all around the World issuing Warnings to Stay away from this Company because they are not Licensed advisors to be giving out Investment Advice. I would Stay away from this Company imarkets Live!

Used to be affiliated with iml until they started scamming people giving them false hope in the Forex market I used the autotrader and they blew my account and didn’t even use proper risk management. I don’t know how their Still operating with no legal licenses and the company just a number game for your commission if people were truly learning Forex why would you need to sell a false hope making people think you can make money instantly.

My debit card was hacked and my money was stolen from my account and spent on imarketslive. Imarketslive is disputing my dispute and will not give my money back to my credit union. We are having to fight with them and it is ridiculous because my name is not on any of their "stocks" that they sold to my credit card. This is most definitely a fraudulent business that needs to be shut down.

On top of paying an outrageous monthly fee IML lost over $2500 in their auto trader alone. The recruiters would post large gains and when I would confront them they would say it was something that I was doing wrong, even after setting up the account exactly like they had I was still losing large amounts of money. They promised education, then the educational videos would never load or were always “almost finished”. Their swipe trades is absolutely the worst, a trade would be sent out and almost immediately get stopped out, then ten minutes later the app would update showing large wins. This company needs to be banned! The higher ups make large amounts of money off preying on innocent hard working people promising them large amounts of income and showing fake accounts. This is a glorified Ponzi scheme, don’t join! I wish I never would have, but I bought the dream and it bit me right in the butt. I was with IML for a year with promises that it would get better and tweaking my trading style and accounts with NO results. Please let me know when they start handing out law suit settlements I would like to be in that line.

I have been with this company for 5 months now. From the CEO to the up and coming leaders within the organization have been life changing. I hope people do their research before making the assumption that IML is the company it was while trying to maintain legs under the business.

Great educational platform and services. Using it daily and very happy with that.

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Address: 348 W 57th St # 247, New York, New York, United States, 10019-3702


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