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FMR Reviews (925)

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to collect on debt attached to your name. As explained during your conversation with our representative, it is required by federal law that we verify certain pieces of information in order to disclose the details of this matter to you. Any and all information...

including bank information was placed with our office. You ultimately disputed this debt and your account has been returned. Your allegation that this company is fraudulent is untrue and libel. We have made the decision to discontinue all collection efforts. You will not receive any further calls from this office. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Mr. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to handle a personal business matter attached to your name. After reviewing the matter we have for you in our office, it has been verified that you have never contacted us or spoke with anyone.  It seems you have us confused with a company you have...

dealt with prior.  All of this being considered the decision has been made to discontinue all attempts to contact you. You will not receive any further calls from this office. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to collect on a debt attached to your name. On 05/05/2016 you contacted FMR, upon the representative attempting to verify they had the correct party on the line which is required by federal law, you repeatedly refused. At the point in the conversation where...

you started degrading this company and then personally attacking the representative by calling him a "bottom sm feeder" he was instructed to terminate the call. As a result of the call, we have made the decision to close this account and return it to the current creditor. FMR would like to apologize for any inconvenience. You will receive no further calls from this office. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Mr. [redacted], FMR was contracted to collect on a debt attached to your name. Your account has been documented disputed and all collection efforts have permanently ceased as of 12-02-2015. FMR would like to apologize for the inconvenience and delay in response. We are working diligently to...

explore new contract options to avoid issues like this in the future. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to collect on debt attached to your name. The first phone that you made to our office was on September 22, 2016, the recording of your conversation with our representative has also been reviewed.  That representative was professional in attempting to...

provide the information that was placed in our office including the company you owe; unfortunately you did end the call prior to that happening. Your account was immediately document as dispute, closed with this office, prepared to be sent back. That same day you contacted our office again asking us to remove your number and all other phone numbers being called. You were again advised that no more calls would be made and that your account would be closed.  Your family members are not being contacted and we can assure that you will not be either. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to handle a person business matter attached to your name. You have never contacted our office or spoke with anyone to notify them of any wrong phone numbers that have been called. You also do not know what this matter is regarding, however we can assure there...

is a reason we are attempting to contact to you. Your research that this company is a scam is unfounded and untrue.  We can guarantee that you will not receive any more calls. Your account has been documented as disputed and returned.   Regards, Nick W.

Dear Mr. [redacted],
FMR has been contracted to collect on debt attached to your name. This debt was placed with our office on May 31, 2017. When you spoke with the representative on June 2, 2017 you were provided our companies information as well as the creditor from who you obtained the loan. The...

phone call was reviewed and you did dispute the debt almost immediately. At that time your account was documented as such and returned. It is apparent that the phone call was not terminated but dropped by our provider. We do apologize for the inconvenience and we can assure you that you will not receive any more phone calls from this office.
Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR had made attempts to contact you regarding accurate location information. Due to the lack of communication FMR had placed calls to family members attempting to acquire location information in accordance with state and federal laws. It is not our policy to send out letters that...

contain personal information to unverified locations. After reviewing the complaint, FMR has made the decision to cease all communication with you regarding this matter. Please contact the undersigned if you have any further questions. You will not be contacted nor will your family from this office again. Regards, Nick W.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I would still like to point out the person I spoke with was very rude and aggressive towards me. I still have yet to receive any documentation from this company since the initial phone call. 

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to collect on debt attached to your name. On February 13, 2017 you contacted our office and agreed to resolve a debt that you acknowledged. After review of your account and your complaint filed, your payment has been removed. There were no threats of “online...

fraud” made. Your account has been documented as a refusal and returned. You will not be contacted again from this office. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to handle a personal business matter for a specific individual. Unfortunately your phone number was contacted in error. On March 6, 2018 you spoke to one of our representatives who assured you the phone number was removed. You have not received any more phone...

calls from this office. We apologize for any inconvenience. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Mr. [redacted], As we have told you several times you will not receive any further communication from this office. The last attempt we made was in February. Our last conversation you mentioned a phone number that had never belonged to FMR. There is someone else contacting you. We had requested...

that you contact us back as you had stated the attached name to that number was ours, again a number that had never belonged to us. There is another office out there attempting to appear as us and would appreciate any assistance you can provide. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Mr. [redacted], FMR was contracted to collect on a debt attached to your name. After reviewing your account and complaint, FMR has closed the account. There will be no further collection efforts from this office. Regards, [redacted]

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to handle a personal business matter attached to your name. After reviewing the matter, we have come to the conclusion that you have not been into contact with us or spoken to anyone. Therefore you would not know what this matter is regarding and your...

allegations that this company is a scam are unfounded and untrue. We believe that you spoke with a different office. However, as per your request the matter has been closed and sent back. You will not receive any further calls from this office.   Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to collect on a debt attached to your name. The information provided to us was in no way obtained illegally. The debt in question however, has been closed and documented disputed. There will be no further collection efforts from this company. FMR would like...

to apologize for any inconvenience. Regards, Nick W.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.The company states in their reply that it would be "impossible to know" why they were calling, and that I denied my identity.  This is not the case.  I refused to either confirm nor deny my identity.  I was told by the representative that they would be "seeking all possible references" to confirm my identity, and was also told by my parents and other family members that they had received phone calls from this company looking for me (I am 40 years old).  I will not confirm my identity, nor my Social Security number, to anyone over the telephone.  However, when I was told that phone calls had been made to contact me to my family members, I filed the Complaint.  The person that I spoke to told me that they were calling regarding a "payday loan that I had not paid" which is impossible and ridiculous.  I have been receiving calls from fraudulent companies that apparently bought my identity information for the last several months, trying to "scare" people into making payments for money they don't owe.  For them to call family members, work numbers, etc., is beyond embarrassing, and should be against the law.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to handle a personal business matter for a [redacted]. On March 20, 2017 you did contact our office and verified that you were not the correct party. At that time the representative did remove your phone number per your request. We can assure that you...

have not and will not receive any more phone calls from this office. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience.   Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to handle a personal business matter attached to your name. We have reviewed the file and any calls made, at no time was it stated that anyone was “opening a case against you”. Your claim that you are being harassed is untrue. FMR has software in place to...

prevent a number from being called twice a day. We believe you may be getting calls from another company. Your account was placed in our office on September 27, 2016 and as per the date of this complaint, September 28, 2016 you have not received any calls from this office. It is unfortunate to learn that your identity may have been stolen; however, we would have no way of knowing that. In order to assist you we have made the decision to send your account back and it has been closed.  We can assure you that you will not be contacted from this office again. Furthermore, this office has not reported anything credit wise, nor taken anything from you. FMR would like to apologize for the inconvenience. Regards, FMR

Forward Movement Recovery (“FMR”) is in receipt of the complaint referenced above.  Thank you for giving us the opportunity to respond  FMR is a collection agency and the current creditor of an unpaid account in Mr. [redacted] name.  The personal loan originated with [redacted]...

Services, LLC and the last four account number digits are [redacted].  We are attaching the verification of debt letter with our response for Mr. [redacted] convenience. 
FMR only spoke with Mr. [redacted] on June 12, 2015 when Mr. [redacted] called into FMR.  He told FMR’s representative that he did not remember a loan from 2011.  Mr. [redacted] stated he was unsure of FMR’s legitimacy and that he would be contacting an attorney. 
Unfortunately anyone can write anything on the internet and we believe this is where Mr. [redacted] misguided information came from.  We can assure Mr. [redacted] and your office that FMR is a legitimate company registered with the Secretary of State.  As FMR only spoke with Mr. [redacted] on June 12, 2015 where he discussed referring this to his attorney; FMR has since treated this threat as a cease and desist and no contact has taken place since.  We are not sure how else to assist Mr. [redacted] other than to ensure Mr. [redacted] that FMR will continue to honor his request and no further calls regarding this account will take place.
 Please contact FMR if we can be of any additional help in this matter.
 Sincerely,  Forward Movement Recovery

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

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Address: 1902 Ridge Rd Ste 115, West Seneca, New York, United States, 14224-3312


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