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FMR Reviews (925)

Movement Recovery (“FMR”) has reviewed Ms***’s above referenced response
and would like to respond.
FMR explained to Ms***, we are a collection agency attempting to collect on
a personal loan in our office in her
name. The original creditor that
provided to us in our portfolio is *** Processing. The last four account digits are ***.
Our agent spoke with Ms
*** only on November 9, 2015.
Reviewing the only call, FMR’s agent was very courteous to Ms*** and
tried numerous times to work with her.
After verifying Ms***’s information as required by federal law, Ms***
stated she did not recognize the above information for the personal loan. Our representative worked with Ms*** to
try to resolve her issues. Ms***
stated that in the past she was subject to identity theft. Our representative immediately informed her
that her account would be closed and apologized for any issues she may have
At no time was our agent
rude to Ms***, but we have nonetheless placed a note in our representatives
file and will increase monitoring of their calls. We will honor Ms***’s desired resolution
and will reiterate that her account is closed and we will not contact her again
regarding this account
contact the undersigned if we can be of any additional help in this matter
Nick W
Representative of
Movement Recovery

Dear Mr***, FMR makes outbound calls for location and tracing efforts so we can provide the consumer we are looking to speak with all information that was provided to usThe allegation that there was a message left stating anyone was looking to sue you is simply not true as I have reviewed all
calls made on this fileIf you have proof to the contrary, please provide it as any employee would be immediately terminatedAs for the account in question, it has been documented disputed and all collection efforts have been permanently discontinuedYou will receive no further contact from this officeFMR would like to apologize for any inconvenienceRegards, Nick W

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear belowI still stand by my complaint of harassing and threatening tones in the caller's voice. They have removed my phone number which is fine however, if I find out they are doing this as well to my family member, I will pursue other actions. The family member is under medical care and is not able to take care of or handle this kind of situation. If they leave a message, which they won't, then arrangements perhaps could be made but I don't know what to do if I don't have the information. The family member has a number of debts and does not know which debt this is in regards toYou catch more flies with honey than vinegarThese collectors are mean and hateful and threateningRegards,
*** ***

Dear Ms***, As stated in our response, we had been contracted to collectWe do not own the debtWe can assure you that this will be reported properly to the institution that had placed the debt with our officeYour friends, family or references will not be contacted againRegards, Nick W

Dear Mr***, FMR is a third party collection agencyWe do not purchase "out of date inaccurate phone lists", rather we have contracts placed with us and then use extremely current methods within the confines of state and federal law to obtain location information for the consumer we are
attempting to locateWe apologize if we had the wrong numberYou will not be bothered again

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***

Dear Ms***, We have reviewed the call again, never was bank fraud mentionedIf you have proof to the contrary please provide itAs was stated previously your account with this office has been closed, and the representative you spoke with faced our company protocol as far as their actions on the callThere is nothing more we are able to doAgain, FMR would like to apologize for the inconvenienceRegards, Nick W

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I really hope you guys mean what you said
*** *** **

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***

Dear Ms***, FMR had been contracted to collect on debt attached to your nameThe account in question was placed with us due to it not being closed out properly if you did in fact pay it priorFMR will take you at your word that the account in question has been paid and will update
accordinglyYou will receive no further calls from this officeRegards, Nick W

Dear sir, At this time we have made sure that your number has been romoved from our sytem. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. we have only recently received the file you are indicating and it is possible you may have received calls from other companies looking for the same...

individual. None the less we have taken the steps necessary to make sure your number has been removed. Thanks Forward Movement Recovery

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to handle a personal business matter attached to your name. Federal law requires our representatives to properly identify the consumer we are seeking prior to disclosing any information. The matter we are handling has nothing to do with the state of Texas....

The conduct of the employee you spoke with will be reviewed and handled accordingly. We apologize for any inconvenience. All documentation has been sent to the address we have on file.  Regards, Nick W.

Dear Mr. [redacted], Your number has been permanently removed from our system. FMR had never attempted to contact you prior to 06/20/2016 as we have reviewed our phone records from the past 12 months. We apologize if you felt the representative was rude in any way. That situation will go through our...

customer service protocol. FMR would like to apologize for any inconvenience and assures you that we will not contact you again. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to handle a person business matter for a [redacted]. This matter was placed with our office on March 10, 2017; therefore whoever you spoke with last year was not this company. On March 15, 2017 your phone number was removed as per your request. You have...

not received any more phone calls from this office since that request. We can assure you that you will not receive any further calls from this office. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], You state in your complaint that no such loan exists, but in the email you sent you clearly acknowledge said loan and state that is was cancelled. FMR is a third party collection agency who collects on behalf of its clients. We had no way of knowing this was "cancelled" and will...

take you at your word that it was. Collection activity has been permanently discontinued. Your debit information has been permanently deleted from our database. For the sake of any confusion, your email is available below. Regards, Nick W. John S.---As I told you before this debt was cancelled six years ago.  There is nothing to resolve.  You cant even tell me the original creditor.  I have contacted all go government agencies including the FBI for fraud and harassment.  You will be notified at a future date.  Now it is internet fraud and identity theft.  If that debit is taken out of our bank account you will be getting a warrant for federal district court in [redacted]. [redacted].  No more emails or phone calls.  You have been given enough chances to discontinue all contact. Better watch out John S.

Dear Ms. [redacted], We apologize as we were unaware that your identity had been compromised. FMR has permanently discontinued all collection activity and again, would like to apologize for any inconvenience. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Mr. [redacted], FMR would like to apologize for any phone calls that you have received from our office in an attempt to locate someone that you do not know. Any phone calls prior to October 21st were not from this office, therefore, you must have spoken with someone at different company when...

it was stated your number was removed. However we would like to assure you that you will not receive any more calls from this office. Again we apologize for any inconvenience. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to collect on a debt attached to your name. You spoke with a representative of FMR on 05/02/2016 where you acknowledged the debt and set up an arrangement for repayment. A letter outlining the repayment schedule, and providing the other information you...

requested was sent on 05/03/2016. FMR has removed all payments on file will treat this as a disputed file. All communication has ceased. FMR would like to apologize for any inconvenience.  Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to collect on a debt attached to your name. The steps taken here were not necessary. If you were disputing the debt all you needed to do was inform the representative you spoke with. The docusign is sent as a security protocol for your protection. As far as...

the account in our office it has been closed, all collection efforts have been discontinued. FMR would like to apologize for any inconvenience. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to collect on a loan attached to your name. After reviewing the complaint, FMR will be closing the account with monetary relief. Nothing will be reported to the credit bureaus. I would like to apologize on behalf of FMR for any inconvenience. Regards,...

Nick W.

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Address: 1902 Ridge Rd Ste 115, West Seneca, New York, United States, 14224-3312


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