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FMR Reviews (925)

Movement Recovery (FMR) is in receipt of the complaint referenced above.  Thank you for giving us the opportunity to
respond to this matter.
did contact Ms. [redacted] regarding a debt in her name.  As she states, the personal loan she took out
is from [redacted] Lending,...

account number [redacted].  All documents sent to Ms. [redacted] were in
compliance with federal law. We would like to note that Ms. [redacted]’ concern over
our envelopes is misguided as federal law proscribes what we can and can’t
place on an envelope. We
at FMR want to stress that we place a premium on legal compliance and engaging
the public in a civil and courteous manner at all times.  At no time did our representative threaten to
take Ms. [redacted] to court or that she would be hearing from an attorney.  These allegations are simply unfounded.  We are not sure if Ms. [redacted] is being
contacted by other agencies, but we can assure Ms. [redacted] that our
representatives did not do this. FMR
will treat this as a cease and desist and we will not call Ms. [redacted] again
regarding this account.  Please contact
the undersigned if we can be of any additional help in this matter.
Nick W.
Representative of
Movement Recovery

Hi Ms. [redacted], Mr. Nick here, not that I looked into a computer and saw that it was closed, I went through days of call records to find your number, or anyone associated with the closed file. Calls were not made to any of the numbers after the previously mentioned date.  If you can provide that proof, please do. That would mean I have thousands of dollars in faulty software and vendors. Again, your account has been closed. There will be no further communication. Regards, Mr. Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR attempted to contact you on 03-10-2016. We have a location and tracing department that attempts to verify location information using references or relatives, all done within the confines of state and federal law. This process is used to provide you with the information we have...

been contracted to inform you of. FMR has made the decision based on your unfounded allegations to permanently discontinue communication regarding this situation. You will not be contacted by this office again. FMR would like to apologize for any inconvenience. Regards, [redacted]

Movement Recovery (“FMR”) has received the above complaint and appreciates the
opportunity to respond in kind.
is a collection agency and the current creditor and owner of an unpaid personal
loan in Ms. [redacted]’ name.  The personal
loan Ms. [redacted] took out, originated...

with [redacted]. The last four account
number digits are [redacted]. 
We did contact Ms. [redacted]
at her place of employment.  However, we
were unable to reach her.  We were
attempting to locate Mr. [redacted] and all contact to her place of employment and co-workers
were done in accordance with federal law. 
We made sure not to disclose the purpose of our call and not disclose
our company name unless specifically asked. 
After our first contact with Mr. [redacted]’ place of employment, we were
asked not to contact them anymore and all calls immediately ceased there. 
We respectfully disagree
with Ms. [redacted]’ account of what took place when we spoke with her.  We only placed calls to Ms. [redacted] on August
28, 2015.  We never made contact with Ms.
[redacted] unfortunately.  We are not sure if
Ms. [redacted] is receiving calls from other agencies but we can assure your office
and Ms. [redacted] that our representatives did not threaten garnishment.  Further, as stated above, we only contacted
Ms. [redacted] on August 28, 2015.  We
certainly did not contact her for multiple days “every two hours.”  We are not sure how else
we can assist Ms. [redacted], but we assure her that FMR will not contact her
regarding this account again unless she calls back into FMR to resolve the
issue herself as her loan remains unpaid.
contact the undersigned if we can be of any additional help in this matter.
Nick W.
Representative of
Movement Recovery

Dear Mr. [redacted], FMR has been contacted to collect on debt attached to your name. Contacting you an attempt to notify ou of a debt placed with our office is no way illegal. You did speak with a representative, verified you were the correct party, and acknowledged the debt. When you stated that the...

debt was paid prior with a different company you were offered a fax number and email to send documentation showing such. At the time that you refused to do so and your account was documented appropriately and closed. Your allegations against this company are libel and unfounded. We can assure you at this time that you will not receive any more phone calls from this office. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to handle a personal business matter attached to your name. Foremost, any recorded message that you may have received does not disclose the nature of our business due to federal privacy law. In addition, when you did contact our office you told the...

representative you were not the correct party. Again, due to federal privacy law we cannot disclose the nature of the phone call unless the correct party has been verified.  The representative remained professional and followed protocol.  At this time we have closed and returned this matter. You will not receive any more phone calls from this office. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Mr. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to handle a personal business matter attached to your name. We would first like to address the multiple phone calls you are claiming to receive daily. Our phone system prevents a phone number from being called more than once per day. Federal law prevents any...

details of the matter to be left on a voicemail for privacy reasons.  This matter has been closed. We can assure you that you will not be contacted again from this office. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Mr. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to collect on a debt attached to your name. You spoke with a representative on 01/26/16, at no time did you dispute the debt. You had stated you were going to "speak with your wife because she handles the finances". This account is being closed with no...

further collection activity from this office. We apologize for any inconvenience. Regards, Nick W.

Dear [redacted], FMR has been contracted to collect on a debt attached to your name. You contacted this office a total of three times on 09-27-2016. After reviewing the account and phone calls, our representatives were nothing but professional with you at all times, you were very difficult on all three...

calls and did not provide our representatives any time to answer your questions. The allegations that you are making are unfounded, untrue, and basically slander. The representative attempted to update your address for the proper correspondence to be sent, at that point you terminated the phone call prior to us being able to verify. Documentation was sent to the address on file. If you have not received any documentation we must have a previous address on file. We apologize for the inconvenience and can assure you that you will not be contacted from this office again. Regards,  Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to handle a personal business matter attached to your name. On August 22nd you contacted our office and spoke with a representative who was not able to verify that you were the correct party or explain the details of the matter to you.  The...

documentation that you requested has been mailed to the address we have on file. As per your request your account has been documented as dispute and closed with this office. You will not receive any more calls from FMR. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], All phone calls made from FMR are done so in the confines of state and federal law. At no time was there a call placed disclosing anything to anyone, all calls were placed to verify location information which is permitted by both the FDCPA as well as Iowa debt collection law. FMR...

would like to apologize for any inconvenience and will be permanently discontinuing communication with you, and your family or references. Regards, Nick W.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

Movement Recovery (“FMR”) is in receipt of the complaint referenced above.  Thank you for giving us the opportunity to
respond to this matter.
is required to send a letter to a consumer with the same name as Ms.
[redacted].  All calls to the consumer’s
family are made for...

the purposes of seeking location information, and FMR takes
great measures to ensure that no information regarding the purpose of the call
is disclosed as required by federal law. FMR vehemently disagrees
with Ms. [redacted] accusations that our representatives “harassed” her,
specifically in regards to the amount of calls being claimed.  These accusations are plainly untrue.  FMR reviewed its call logs as well as spoke
with the representative and we believe Ms. [redacted] is misguided.  We are not sure if she is receiving calls
from other companies, but can assure her and your office that this type of
practice did not occur from our office as it is strictly prohibited by company
guidelines and training.  However, FMR
has placed a note in the representatives file and appropriate discipline will
take place. 
FMR is unsure how it can
best assist Ms. [redacted] other than our assurance that we will treat this
complaint as a cease and desist and not contact her again regarding this
account. Please
contact the undersigned if we can be of any additional help in this matter. Sincerely, Nick W.
Representative of
Movement Recovery

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. To not contact me or my family and to check their phone records for whoever ever else handled my supposed case with them and check their records because calls were placed to other people regarding me stating they consider slander for speaking the truth of their actions which is harassment. I would greatly like for them to drop this matter and leave me and my family alone I do not have any business with them. they are correct I did disconnect the call after realizing they have been the same people hounding on a matter that has been handled and clears for quiet sometime.

Dear Ms. [redacted],  FMR has again reviewed any phone calls made to our office from the phone number you provided. This matter was placed with our office on October 9, 2017 and your phone number was removed when you spoke with a representative on October 16, 2017 because you advised it was a wrong phone number. Also, in our previous response we are not claiming a phone call did not take place, but that the content of the phone call is incorrect. Your allegation this office is a scam of any sort is untrue and unfounded. We apologize again for any inconvenience, you have not and you will not receive any more phone calls from this office.  Regards, Nick W.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
They are still calling me but from a different number ###-###-#### or ###-###-#### or ###-###-#### or ###-###-####  when I called the number someone answers and I ask to speak with Jacob (hes the guy who left me the message) but every time they say he cant come to the phone. They have changed the name of their company to "[redacted] _____" They are still harassing me and my parents stating that I took out a payday loan. This time they are saying I took a payday loan out in 2013 and but they give an address of a place that I lived in in 2009. Please have them stop calling immediately!!

Dear Mr. [redacted], We would like to apologize for the inconvenience to you and your family. The file in our office was placed in a status showing active. The issue has been resolved and we can assure you that you or your family will no longer be contacted. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to collect on debt attached to your name. Most importantly, you were not contacted 20-30 times or at 9:00 at night. This office operates Monday thru Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm eastern standard time and does not contact a phone number more than once per...

day. You in fact contacted our office four times on February 1, 2016 and each conversation has been reviewed. During the first call you made to our office you refused to verify we had the correct party on the line. This, by law, is required before you can be provided the details of the debt. On your second phone call to our office you were extremely combative, yelling, and interrupting the representative, when she was finally able to verify you were the correct party, she gave you the details of the debt which you disputed. It is unfortunate that the representative had to terminate this call when you became extremely irate.  At this time your account was documented as a refusal.  On your 3rd and 4th phone call you were provided the same exact information, including our companies name, location, and you were told that the account would be documented as a refusal and closed. Each representative did their best to assist you and remained professional. Unfortunately you were unable to discuss the matter. Your account has been closed and returned. You will not receive any further calls from this office. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Mr. [redacted], FMR has been contacted to handle a personal business matter attached you your name. As you stated, we are attempting to locate you to discuss the details of this matter with you. However you have not spoke with anyone if our office. No one claims you owe anything as you have not...

spoken a representative of this company. Your allegations that we are a scam and targeting unsuspecting people are libel and unfounded. We have made to decision to discontinue all contact with you. Regards, Nick W.

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Address: 1902 Ridge Rd Ste 115, West Seneca, New York, United States, 14224-3312


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