Express Flooring Reviews (275)
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Description: Floor Laying, Refinishing & Resurfacing
Address: 901 West Airline Highway, Laplace, Louisiana, United States, 70068
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[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
Attached are the hard surface care and maintenance instructions from the manufacturer of the flooring this customer purchased. We are very sorry if there was a disconnect and/or delay on this matter, however our records show this information was mailed out to this customer some time ago....
If there is any additional information this customer needs, they can feel free to contact us at [redacted] during normal business hours.
I had a estimate for vinyl flooring, plus install. For 648 sq feet, the amount was 11,000.00! 16$ per square foot for! Can get hi end laminate from home Depot w install for 7$ ..salesman was rude once I told him I wasn't able to afford it.
AWFUL EXPERIENCE! I promise you this will be worth the read. The sales representative was amazing. Personable, well kempt and professional. I paid in full in cash and scheduled 2 weeks in advance.
They were supposed to be here between 9-11 am. No call, no show so I called to check at noon. They said they would be at my house at 2pm. Again, no call, no show so I called again at 3pm. The representative said the manager would call me as soon as he was off the other line. AGAIN, did not call. 2 men finally showed up at 6PM. I had already pulled up all of the carpet in one room and moved all furniture except for a mattress out of both rooms. (Something not required and typically done by the installers.) My dad asked the installers to move the mattress out of the room prior to beginning. Instead, they cut the carpet away from the wall, THREW IT ON MY BED and then pulled my matress away from the wall on top of more carpet scraps they had just cut up. When I came home from work, one of the workers had taken off his dirty over shirt and put it on my bed and along with all of his papers.
Infuriated at the disrespect of my personal belongings and realizing there was no way these 2 men were going to finish the job before midnight, I called the 800 number to explain my situation. The customer service representative asked to speak with the installers. After speaking with the rep, the installer looks at me and asks why I didn't talk to him about it in a highly confrontational manner. He then goes in the room where the carpet is on my mattress, picks up the papers on the bed and sarcastically says "so these papers are what are bothering you?" I abruptly explained to him that he doesn't need to belittle me or my concerns. He replied by asking me if I wanted him to leave and I returned to my conversation with the customer service representative who over heard the conversation. The customer service representative said he was mortified and ended up calling the installers manager at home. In the meantime, I asked the installers to collect their things and leave. The confrontational one of the two looked at me, shook his head and uttered "Jesus." He then proceeded to call someone, explain he was being "kicked out of the job" and that I was "crazy."
I had to ask them twice more to leave my house because they were not promptly collecting their things and leaving.
I am absolutely mortified that a company would treat a customer like this and that an employee would be brazen enough to talk to someone like that in person especially in front of my 6 year old child. I would highly recommend not being deceived by this company's reputable looking commercials and find someone else to work with.
Over the Summer 2016, we decided to replace 100% of the flooring in our >3000 sq ft home. This required both carpet and 24x24 tile, with the tile representing about 2/3 (or 2000ft) of the job, I'm guessing. We chose Express Flooring (Express Home Services LLC). Here are some pointers, and an interesting twist, which results in my positive review:
Sales Process, Contract, Payment Terms:
1) Understand that when the salesperson shows up, THIS is your opportunity to get your needs into the contract. The salespeople want the signature, and they want it on that first visit. My perception is that Express gives a lot of autonomy to their salespeople. Virtually anything can be handwritten and initialed (signed off) by them. What is critical is that you TAKE ALL THE TIME NEEDED and read the front and back of that contract completely.
2) The contract calls for 50% down at that time the salesperson is there and the order is placed. This strikes me as normal and fine. It then calls for the balance to be paid WHEN THE INSTALLER(S) ARRIVE. Get this waived. This isn't critical of Express Flooring per se, it's just ridiculous on the whole for any contractor to require. If you owe them nothing before they even do the job, you have absolutely no leverage, period. And there's no reason to pay until the job is complete. Have your salesperson waive that requirement with a note that says you will pay upon completion and satisfaction. It's that simple. They will do so in order to get your business.
3) After the job is completed, if there's something pending, do not make that final payment until your job is complete. In the event this is drawn out, note that any contractor could begin the Mechanics Lien process. This is a relatively normal thing to have happen. Do not let this stress you, but if that process HAS started, be sure and remit your payment only to an EMPLOYEE of Express Flooring (not a subcontractor) and require that they sign an "Unconditional Waiver And Release On Final Payment". If you do not have an attorney, I believe this form is readily available via Google. This signed document removes their right to ever file a lien on that job, and protects you against any subcontractors doing the same.
4) Verbal promises or "Oh yeah, sure!"s from the salesperson? Have each one of them pointed out to you in the contract, and if it's not there, have it written-in and initialed.
5) Pay particular attention to their list of items (on the back of the contract) that they will not move for you. Either get those waived or be sure and make your own arrangements.
6) Be sure you have a CLEAR copy of your contract before the salesperson leaves, which clearly includes any handwritten agreements.
1) Express Flooring's installer representatives are subcontractors, not employees. My sense is they like to claim ignorance of the contract, especially any items that may have been written-in. Have it handy from #6 above.
2) Express Flooring runs a good deal of advertisement about how they'll move all your stuff (remember to pay attention to those exceptions on the back of the contract). But the subcontractors like to say, "we don't move furniture" and if you press them, "Okay, we'll help you move stuff". "No. I'm not looking for your help moving stuff. You need to move the furniture". Having said that...
3) Be reasonable. All loose items, knick-knacks, vases, contents of shelves, contents of drawers (or the drawers themselves), items on top of surfaces, furniture cushions, contents of closets whereby flooring is affected, etc, etc need to be moved by YOU! Express Flooring will not be packing your house up, nor should they. They are not responsible for these items, neither in moving them nor in replacing them if there is damage.
4) This was a big job. We decided to move out to a local motel for about nine days to allow the installers complete access unimpeded. This seemed like a good idea at the time, both for our sanity and theirs. It was not difficult to do as there were only us two adults in the house. In hindsight, this was a mistake. Even if moving most of the family out, one adult needs to stay behind. This will give you the opportunity to take note of anything which doesn't *appear* to be right. Because something "not right" could snowball, and it could snowball into the whole job. This happened in our case. And while it turns out that the details of this are not important (because of Express's commitment to customer satisfaction), that snowball could be huge; it could cause someone (or both parties) a lot of frustration, money, anxiety, etc. So that's my advice. One person stays behind, and yes, perhaps gets in the way, but everybody just needs to deal with that. If you see something that doesn't appear right and your installer doesn't explain to your comfort, require that they stop and call Express Flooring right away.
5) Follow all instructions with regard to walking on newly-surfaced areas. If there is a 12-hour waiting period, wait the 12 hours. No one wants to dig up and reset tiles or other flooring because your premature use caused an issue.
6) If you have existing tile that's being demolished, understand this: There is going to be a mess after it's all said and done and they've left. This is going to be true even if installers work very hard to tape areas off for you. The particles from that demolished tile are so small that even the air circulation system will move them into your cabinets and onto your dishes and utensils even. And I'm not talking a small film... it's a mess, and it's in every crevice. Accept that you're going to be cleaning that up for quite some time, and do not blame the company or installers. Certain measures can be taken, however, it's simply a matter of the nature of demolishing existing flooring. It's unavoidable and not their fault. And ultimately, over time, you will have gotten it all.
Result: There was indeed that snowball problem in the case of the subcontractor laying tile. But here's the thing: In dealing with Express Flooring's management team, they wanted only one thing: Us as satisfied customers. They solved the issue, and trust me, not in a way which was most cost effective for them. They solved it in the way that gave us complete satisfaction, and in a way that did not undercut the job. We were left with an installation that is absolutely pristine. It's truly gorgeous, and we could not be happier with it. And I would invite Express Flooring to send any prospect to our site so that they could show off their work.
Express Flooring is a reputable and professional companywhose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. Please know it deeply saddens us to receivethis complaint. We are well aware of[redacted] frustrations, and we want nothing more than to hear her say thatshe is...
happy with her experience with us in general and with the products shepurchased. Please understand that [redacted]
[redacted] frustrations lie in the carpeting she selected to purchase from ourcompany. We naturally always do our bestto manage a customer’s expectations as that is the key to creating and keeping happycustomers. In this particular case, hadwe known that [redacted] was going to be unhappy, we naturally would have triedto steer her in a different direction. With this being said, the reality of the situation is that there isnothing wrong with her carpeting, with the exception of the fact that she isunhappy with it. Attached to this correspondence are some photos of [redacted]
[redacted] carpeting, along with a letter from the manufacturer of the carpeting,and a report that was issued by a certified inspection company. [redacted] main issue is the fact that hercarpet mats down in the areas she commonly walks on. This is completely normal with the type ofcarpeting she purchased, and as you can see based on the attached report andthe attached photos, the nap of the carpet can be restored to its original lookwith simple, basic, common & every day maintenance procedures such asvacuuming or even running your hand over the nap of the carpet. We understand that [redacted] saysdifferently in her complaint, but there is a photo of this being done that wastaken during the inspection we arranged when [redacted] concerns were firstaddressed. The reality here is that we cannot fix something that is notbroken. This matter would be muchsimpler and easier to address if it was a black and white repair that had to bedone. The problem is that there is nothingto be fixed. Please know that we arehere for our customer and we want nothing more than to resolve thismatter. We are happy to show [redacted]new samples of different carpets. If shefinds something she likes, we are happy to replace her carpeting for her and wewill perform the labor on this replacement for our customer at no charge. She would simply be responsible for the costsof the materials she chooses. If [redacted]
[redacted] would like to take us up on this offer, we can be reached during normalbusiness hours at [redacted] and she may ask to speak to our OperationsManager, [redacted]. Thank you very much for your time and please do not hesitateto contact us if we can be of any further assistance on this matter.
Carpet installer were very professional
We are very sorry to hear that Mr. [redacted] is unwilling to accept out offer to resolve this matter. We sense from his most recent response that he is angry and/or upset in relation to our response. Please know this was in no way our intention and we are very sorry if he interpreted it that way. We are simply trying to give closure to these unfortunate circumstances. We also ask that Mr. [redacted] realize that he has put us in a position in which are forced to defend ourselves. He must expect and cannot be upset if we simply state our side of the story. As we pointed out in our last response, Mr. [redacted] states he had 4 other estimates prior to placing this order with our company. We do everything on the "up and up" and we are extremely up front with our customers when it comes to pricing. Mr. [redacted] knew exactly what his financial obligation was when he entered into this agreement. Nothing was hidden from him in any way. We in turn lived up to our end of the bargain and we delivered and installed his flooring. Now, he has gone back on his end of the bargain and does not want to pay the monies he agreed to pay. Mr. [redacted] may not like hearing this, but that is the reality of the situation. We certainly do not like being put into this situation, but this regretfully is a part of business and we are doing our best to deal with it. We did speak to Mr. [redacted] before this complaint was filed. He did tell us that if we didn't give him $2,000.00 that he would file this complaint. We simply were unwilling to do that as if Mr. [redacted] had told us he wanted to pay $2,000.00 less than what he agreed to pay, we never would have filled his order and we simply would have gone about our business. He has unfairly put us in a position in which we have to work for less monies than we agreed to originally with this customer. Again, this may be something Mr. [redacted] doesn't like hearing, but it is the reality of the situation he as created. Please do not forget that he again had 4 other estimates prior to him placing his order with us. It makes no logical sense why this has turned into an issue in which a complaint of this nature was filed, considering the statements he has made. To try to resolve this matter prior to this complaint being filed, we did offer Mr. [redacted] $500.00 if he agreed to not to file any complaints of this nature. He choose, of his own free will, to turn that down. Again, we were very up front on this and nothing was hidden. Mr. [redacted] again is trying to go back on agreement that was previously discussed. As you can see there is a history here with this customer. It appears he simply does not feel he is obligated to live up the agreements he makes. Consumers have rules and ethics that they ideally should live under just like businesses do. Our society is much more lenient when it comes to the consumer than they are in relation to a company of our nature, but that does not mean that any customer is simply allowed to just randomly decide a month after they receive a product how much they want to pay for it. Our industry does not work that way, nor does any other industry we have every heard of. We are sorry to be so blunt about the matter, but again, this is the reality of the world we live in.We offered Mr. [redacted] a refund in the amount of $250.00 in our last response. We offered this in the nature of good customer relations and in an effort to resolve this complaint. Please realize that if any monies were actually legitimately owed to this customer, that we would have refunded those well before this complaint was ever filed. We have only charged this customer the monies we agreed to charge him at the onset of our relationship, and not a penny more, and we delivered to him everything he purchased. With this being said, and despite the history of broken promises and agreements, as we explained in our last response, we do very much want to resolve this matter. We will honor the $500.00 refund we spoke of previously to this customer. We will have to insist that for this to happen, that an agreement be in place and signed by both parties that outlines the terms of this refund. We would request that this complaint be closed and we would ask that Mrs. [redacted] refrain from filing any future complaints, of any kind, against us. We make this offer simply to resolve this matter. It is not to be construed as an admission of guilt in any way. We have done nothing but live up the agreements we have made since our relationship with this customer began and respectfully need to ensure that these actions give the matter closure once and for all.Mr. [redacted] may contact us directly to work out the details of this agreement if he is willing to move forward. He may call our office during normal business hours and ask for [redacted] to make the necessary arrangements. We thank you again for your time and for your considerations regarding this matter and we look forward to hearing from Mr. [redacted].
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
To begin with if I would of checked the before hiring this company, I would not of hired them. I do see now they have 161 complaints. They say they take pride in their business and customers. If they do this how do they have this many complaints. They say flooring can have mistakes after the first day. I know dozens of people with their flooring never had this problem. The furniture is leaving big dimples in the floor and their are rips down to the cement flooring under the flooring. They are talking out of the side of their mouths about coming out here and checking my floor. They never showed up and we actually waited outside in the garage with the door open waiting for them. I will try to send some pics of everything later today, but not sure if everything will show up on the camera, but I will try. The main thing I want is a new floor from them, like I wanted in the beginning. We wanted wood floors or cermanic tile that looked like wood. They did a complete bait and switch on us. They took advantage of me being sick. The saleman new what we wanted and never brough out of his car wood or cermanic tile. He brought out something call a new age product called fiberglass. He explained to me this is tougher than anytime type of wood and tile and even took his key and scratched over the product that was on hardboard underneath, showing it didn't scratch. We thought it was going to be laid with the board underneath, but this product came in a roll, no board underneath like the sample. Well before 30 days this product bubbled up and actual holes in the product. To me this looks like regular vinyl linoleum. They took advantage of me and did the switch and bait with me. The salesman had several phone calls to his manager and now seeing they fooled me pretending to talk to him and telling him what a great couple we are. He told us a story how lucky we are about a bank flooding and was using this product for the bank and they canceled because of the flood and it was our lucky day. Please help me with this mess and help me get my money back so I can get the flooring I want. This has been very stressful to me, especially since I am not suppose to have any stress. I am a senior citizen and a Viet Nam Vet with many health issues.
This company promises things that they aren't prepared to agree to when something happens to the product. In this case, the salesman that came out and sat at our table, as we chose the carpet we were going to go with and told us verbatim, "If the carpet ever gets stained by say your cat or dog, no problem! We will take care of the issue no questions asked guaranteed". Well not so much. We have been trying to be patient but it has been 2 months and still here we sit with soiled carpet, stained and stinks! We have done everything they have asked for: Receipts of carpet cleanings, receipt of new pad...still no answers. What a JOKE!!! DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY
Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. Let us begin by expressing our most sincere apologies that Ms. [redacted] is anything less than 100% satisfied with her purchase. We feel horrible that she is unhappy and we want her...
to know that we are here to help her. With this being said, please know that we have already tried to address this matter for her. Ms. [redacted] purchased carpet from us in September of 2013. Roughly 6 months later she contacted with concerns stating that the carpeting was matting down in the high traffic areas. We in turn sent a tech out to inspect the condition of her flooring. At that time there were areas that were matted down, however please understand that this is normal for any cut pile carpet. If you refer to any source of information regarding carpeting, you will know that no carpet manufacturer will warranty their carpet against matting and/or crushing. The reason for this is simply physics. Carpet is a textile. It is made of yarn that is woven through a recycled backing. When you walk on carpet you are naturally putting weight onto the fibers that are under your feet. This causes the carpet to move and/or lay down. There is nothing in the carpet to cause it to spring back into place. This is usually done when a homeowner vacuums their floor. As Ms. [redacted] described, our tech ran his hands through the carpet in the matted areas. When he did this he was able to return the carpet to its original pile height and luster. This is totally normal and is what should be expected of any cut pile carpet of this quality. However, Ms. [redacted] did express her dissatisfaction with her carpeting. We in turn contacted the manufacturer to file a claim on her behalf. We figured that if nothing else, her receiving a report from the manufacturer reassuring her that there was nothing was wrong with her carpet would give her some peace of mind on the matter. The manufacturer did arrange for it to be inspected and did issue a report confirming that the carpeting was not defective in any way (See attached copy of report). Upon receipt of this report, we contacted Ms. [redacted] to go over it with her. Her response was to hang up on our service manager and refuse to communicate with us. It seems she then went ahead and filed this report.Like we stated earlier, we are here to help our customer. One thing we cannot do is go back in time and change the product that Ms. [redacted] decided to purchase. Naturally had known she was going to be this unhappy, we would have suggested she purchase a different product. But obviously we can't do that, so we must deal with the reality that is before us. If it will help resolve this matter for our customer, we are wiling to allow Ms. [redacted] to select a new carpet that we can install in her home. We will credit her order for the costs of her original materials assuming she is willing to pay for the labor on the new installation and any costs regarding any upgrades in the product she picks. We feel this offer is more than reasonable on our behalf and we sincerely hope Ms. [redacted] will work with us to give this matter a quick and positive resolution. Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact us if we can be of any further assistance.
Please be advised that we have been in touch with Ms. [redacted] regarding this matter. We would like the aware that we feel this complaint has been filed prematurely as Ms. [redacted] did not even give us 24 hours to respond to her complaint when she contacted us. As we told her, there...
are multiple disclaimers that Ms. [redacted] signed off on at the onset of our relationship with her that clearly state that we are not liable for damages of this nature. These damages were reported to our office after her installation was completed and when she signed off, she made no mention of any issues. This puts us into a position in which we can not verify when those damaged took place. For all we know they could have been present prior to our installation crew performing the work they did perform for Ms. [redacted], or they very well could have happened after the installation took place. Our goal here is not to deny anything, we are only trying to explain that there is no way for us to verify when and how these damages occurred.
With this being said, we always strive to satisfy our customers. We are currently working with Ms. [redacted] to come to a reasonable and fair solution to her issues. We have no doubt that if everyone is reasonable here, we will have no problem resolving this matter to our customer's satisfaction.
Thank you for your time regarding this matter and please feel free to contact us if you require any further assistance.
When I was deciding to have my house re-tiled, I chose to hire Express Flooring for the job. I signed a contract stating that my furniture would be moved and tile would be placed. I paid a deposit after all the dates were agreed upon.
In the early morning on the day of installation, I received a call saying they were cancelling the provided service that day. I rescheduled it a week later. With my house in disarray that week, two men arrived and moved my furniture to install the tile. They did not have the tile with them before coming to my house, so they had to leave, but then never returned. They claimed to have returned, but someone was there the entire day and the installer DID NOT come back. The next day, only ONE man came to install the tile, and it took twice as long as they said it would. I had to hire someone to stay at the house because of the delays.
While I was at work, I was told that there was a crack in my foundation. I gave the installer my approval to have it fixed, however he informed me that I needed to pay extra immediately. I called Express Flooring to tell them I was not home to pay the installer, and they said if I didn’t pay right then, the man would be removed from the job. I found this to be very threatening.
The installer came to my place of work after completing the job. I gave him a cashier’s check for the full amount, including the crack repair. I returned home to see that none of my furniture had been moved back as was stated in the agreement and contract. I threatened to complain, and that evening after 6:00 PM, two men came and moved the furniture back.
This company was very difficult to deal with. There were multiple miscommunications and it cost me extra because of this. I would HIGHLY recommend for others to seek flooring from another company.
Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. We are very sorry to have received this complaint from Mrs. [redacted] We want nothing more than for our customers to be happy and satisfied with both the products they select for...
their home and with service they receive from us. Please realize that we do not select flooring for our customers. We provide them with samples of the products we sell and help to guide them in the selection process by answering any questions they may have, but ultimately it is the customer who makes the decision on what product they purchase. We naturally would never want to sell a customer a product if we know they are going to be unhappy with it. In all fairness, if a customer selects a product and pays for those materials, there is simply no way for us to know that we may end up in this type of situation six months down the road. If we had a crystal ball and could predict the future, we would have taken steps to avoid this. The reality of the matter is that, while we sympathize with Mrs. [redacted]s frustrations, she is not upset with any we did. She is upset with the carpet SHE selected. Please know we have tried to work with her through this matter. Mrs. [redacted]s main complaint has been that the carpet does not meet up to her tile flooring that is adjacent to the carpet we installed. The existing tile flooring is a fraction of an inch higher than the carpeting. This is not an uncommon occurrence in our industry. Tile is installed on top of mortar and is generally a thicker product than carpeting. To account for this, there are products available called "carpet ramps" or "carpet shims" that are used to taper off the height difference of the two types of flooring. We have offered on numerous occasions to install this for Mrs. [redacted], free of charge. For some reason she has refused to allow for this to happen and instead she has demanded that we replace her carpet with a thicker product. While we always want to help our customers, her expectation of us just replacing her flooring is simply not reasonable in our opinion. Our business deals with custom ordered and custom installed goods. We cannot just put her carpet back on a shelf and sell it to someone else. It is custom cut and custom installed her home and it is the product she said she wanted. We understand that Mrs. [redacted] is unhappy with the carpet she selected, but again, her unhappiness lies solely in a decision she made. As we stated earlier, customer satisfaction is always our goal. We are always reasonable and fair with our customers and we expect same in return from them. Resolving this complaint is important to us and in an effort to achieve just that, we have a couple of options for Mrs. [redacted] As we explained, we are happy to supply and install the carpet ramps that we discussed earlier, at no charge to this customer. If this course of action is not agreeable to Mrs. [redacted], and she still wants to pick out a new carpet, we will provide the labor on that replacement, free of charge. Mrs. [redacted] would be responsible for the cost of the materials she selects, however we will do everything we can to help her keep those costs down. If Mrs. [redacted] would like to take us up on either of those offers, she may contact [redacted] Jaffe in our office at her convenience. He can be reached at [redacted] during normal business hours. Thank you for your time and considerations regarding this matter and please feel free to contact us if we can be of any further assistance.
I wish to warn others to never use Express Flooring. They spend their money on advertising saying that you have lifetime warranties but when you have a problem, they find ways of not being responsible. I contacted them in 2009 to come out and give me an estimate on flooring for my home. I was interested in wood laminate to replace flooring in two bathrooms that had carpeting put in by previous owners.
The salesman tried to up sell which is a sales tactic but I could not afford the exorbitant prices so I finally settled on wood laminate at two entries, two bathrooms and a small hallway. The work was fine and the flooring looked good but when I had other work done by another handyman who referred me to a local store for product, they told me that wood laminate should never be used in rooms with water sources like bathrooms because you don't notice any issues until damage has been done. Jump forward to 2015 and I noticed my toilet leaking one morning so I shut off the water and looked closely at the flooring and it was all bubbled up in small areas between the toilet and sink. This did not happen overnight nor did it happen when I first noticed the leak. When I called Express Flooring they told me a Frank in Tucson would call me back. It took 4 days before I received a call and then there was a game of call back tag until I finally emailed Express again and Frank got through to me. He had all kinds of excuses but in the end only offered to connect me with an installer. I told him I wasn't interested and would be filing a complaint with the I subsequently hired a handyman to come in and remove the flooring in that bathroom which with Express Flooring cost about $1500. My handyman installed wood TILE that looks the same and the total cost for removal, product and reinstall, AND replacing the toilet and seal CORRECTLY, was less than $300.00. Shame on EXPRESS FLOORING. The marketing company whose daughter and husband SING the ads should be ashamed of themselves for accepting money from Express and associating themselves with vendors like this. I will never do business with Express and I will continue telling everyone about my bad experience. In the beginning I did refer them to several others and they also had bad experiences with Express. It always amazes me when this type of business stays in business. Shame on them.
Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. We are very sorry that this customer is frustrated to the point in which they felt the need to file this complaint. We work very hard to create and keep happy customers and please...
let us begin by saying that we fully understand why this customer is unhappy with the current situation we all find ourselves in. With this being said, the details of the agreement they entered into were very clear and laid out for them, in writing, at the onset of our relationship. We ask that anyone reading this please realize that while we can understand this customer's frustrations, that does not mean that we have done anything wrong and/or treated this customer unfairly in any way, shape, or form. This customer placed an order with our company back on March 24, 2015 for $11,889.91 of custom flooring that was to be installed in their home in Tucson, AZ. This order, along with each and every order we have accepted over the history of our company, has a clearly defined cancellation policy listed on that contract. This policy states that any customer has three (3) business to cancel their order and receive a full refund of any deposit they have supplied to us. This very same contract also states that should a customer cancel an order outside of the three (3) business day period, that the order is subject a "restocking fee". In order to understand why this type of policy is in place, one must look at a matter of this nature from both sides of the fence. Please realize that there is a very REAL set of costs that are involved in filling an order of this nature. Once a customer places an order with out company, they set into motion a chain of events that causes a company like to us to invest thousands of dollars in man hours, materials, shipping, warehousing, and other costs related to preparing and shipping that order for the installation. Once these costs are committed, they can not be recouped or reversed. This is precisely why we ask our customers to sign a legal and binding contract when they place an order with our company. We want them to be 100% sure that they want to move forward with the order and with their purchase. We have attached our agreement with Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] for your viewing. As you will see, there are two documents attached to this response. These two documents are actually printed on the same page of the original document, which is double sided. If you refer to the first attached page, you will see roughly 2 inches above Mrs. Davis' signature the statement, "I have read the contract including the terms and conditions on the reverse side and agree to be bound by them.". The second attached page is those "terms and conditions". The bottom of the page, in BOLD letters, is the customer's "NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL". This policy clearly outlines the customers right to cancel the order, without penalty, within 3 business days of the date that they placed the order. As we stated earlier, this order was placed on 3/24/15. Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] did not notify us of their intent to cancel this order until 6 days later, which was well outside of the three business day period from the date the order was signed. In the complaint that was filed, the customer has stated that we have neglected to contact her regarding this matter. Respectfully, this simply is not the case. It was on 3/30/15 that this customer notified us of their intent to cancel. On 3/31/15, Mrs. [redacted] spoke to [redacted] in our office regarding the matter. During this conversation, [redacted] agreed to significantly reduce the total contract price of this order for our customer. The reality at that point was that we had already fulled processed this order. We had purchased and/or cut all the needed materials from our inventory at our headquarters in Phoenix, and paid to have those goods shipped down to our Tucson location. We had committed a very significant amount of money and resources into this order and we were trying to do what we could to salvage a bad situation. At first Mrs. [redacted] agreed to move forward and we scheduled her installation for the following week on 4/9/15, as per her request. On 4/8/15, we called our customer to confirm their installation for the following day, which is standard on any and all installations. During this conversation, Mrs. [redacted] told us that she was having second thoughts and she decided to cancel the order completely at that time. The following day, [redacted] from our office again contacted Mrs. [redacted] to inquire on the matter. During this conversation, Mrs. [redacted] simply stated she did not want to move forward and she instructed us to cancel her order, which is exactly what we did. Regretfully, due to the circumstances surrounding this order, the order was subject to the restocking fee that this customer agreed to pay when she placed this order. As you can see on the terms and conditions of our contract with this customer, we are entitled to retain up to 25% of the contract price, and the deposit we received on this order didn't even cover 25% of the contract price. Therefore, we have not processed any refunds for this customer in relation to this order. As we stated previously, we fully understand why this customer is unhappy. The reality is that no customer who incurs fees of this nature are ever happy about it. But the truth of the matter is that this was something the customer was aware from the moment they began their relationship with us. We hid nothing from them and rather were very up front regarding the details and policies involved in the purchase. With this being said, we are a reasonable company and we want to work with our customer through this matter. Resolving this complaint is of the utmost importance to us and we have no problem making some arrangements so that Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] are more comfortable with this situation. Typically, any restocking fees that are assessed to an order are not refundable, nor are they redeemable on a future purchase. However, in the nature of good customer relations and in an effort to give this matter some closure, we are prepared to make an exception for this customer. We can allow this customer to use the monies we have retained from their previous order towards a future purchase, with no penalty. That essentially means they have the full use of a in store credit they can use to redeem 100% of the monies in question. We feel that under the circumstances, this is a more than reasonable offer on our behalf and we sincerely hope that Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] can rest assured that we will do everything we can to take care of them. They can contact our office during normal business hours to make arrangements to redeem this credit. We ask that they simply ask to speak to [redacted], our Operations Manager, when they contact us. We trust that these actions will suffice in resolving this complaint, however if you need any further assistance and/or information, please do not hesitate to contact us. 33
Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. Let us begin by saying that it saddens us to hear that this customer, or any customer for that matter, is anything less than 100% satisfied with their experience with us. We pride...
ourselves on our customer service and our warranties and please know that we want nothing more than to take care of this customer's concerns. As we are sure you are aware, there is no flooring type that exists today that is bulletproof and/or indestructible. Every product has its positives and negatives. You average customer doesn't realize that a new floor is just a prone to be damaged the day it is installed as it is 2, 5, or 10 years down the road. If you walk through any home and really look at someone's flooring you will most certainly find signs of damage and wear & tear in any home.
Our warranties are the best in our business, but as with any warranty, we cover what we can control. We cover the labor we perform and we do it for a lifetime. We cover the warranties on the materials as those are backed by the manufacturer of the product a customer chooses. But what those warranties don't cover, as with most any product warranty of any kind, is normal wear & tear and customer abuse. This customer contacted saying that they ripped their new floor. Naturally since our installers didn't rip it, and the manufacturer of the product didn't rip it, than damage of that nature is not covered under a warranty. We naturally explained to this customer that would be a charge to repair this, as would any company in this type of situation. Regretfully, Mr. [redacted] became upset with this and expressed his concerns to our representative. In turn, us being the customer service oriented company that we are, agreed to waive any repair charges on this incident and explained to Mr. [redacted] that in the future he needed to be more careful, as typically repairs that are not covered under warranty do involve a cost to the customer. Mr. [redacted] agreed to accept our gesture of customer service and we set up an appointment with him to have the repair done on 6/12/14.
On 6/12/14 we showed up at this home and Mr. [redacted] didn't answer the door. We called him on a few occasions that day and he never returned our calls. We also called him again the following day, and again he didn't return any of our calls. In fact, since that date, the only form of communication we received from Mr. [redacted] has been this complaint. We again called him upon receiving this complaint, and still he has refused to communicate with us.
We are happy to handle this service for our customer, free of charge. We are very sorry that Mr. [redacted] is frustrated, but all we have done since we learned of his issues is try to help him. All he needs to do is contact us to schedule an appointment for the repairs to take place, and we will happily get him taken care of. We trust our willingness to help here will suffice in resolving this complaint and we hope to hear from Mr. [redacted] here very soon.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
It is felt that the flooring issue was addressed within the 2 year warranty time period and the $1,465.41 that Express Flooring was asking to install new flooring was unacceptable. They did offer a $250.00 discount but we felt that too was more than we should be responsible for. We felt we weren't asking for any more than a company standing behind the product they installed.
A NEW development today: As of today, June 27, 2014, [redacted], Manager of Installations, called with the offer of $750.00 to replace all the flooring. We accepted his offer so we can move on. We will keep detailed records of this new installation and any subsequent repairs need. Hopefully, there will not be a need for any further negotiations.
As we stated in our previous response, we understand this customer is frustrated and we feel horrible that we find ourselves in this situation. We fully recognize that no customer every wants to incur fees of this nature. But what is the point of making an agreement if one side has no intention on living up to their end? With this being said, it is very important to us to resolve any complaint one of our customer's has regardless of our position on the legitimacy of that complaint. In the nature of good customer relations and in an effort to give this matter some closure we are willing to waive 50% of the applicable restocking fee. We will have our accounting department issue a refund in the amount of $185.00 to [redacted]. We trust that these actions will suffice is resolving this complaint and again are very sorry that our customer has had anything less than an ideal experience.
We are very sorry that Mrs. [redacted] is still unhappy. We would like to clarify the fact that we have nothing to do with the date in which the product that Mrs. [redacted] will be available. We are not a manufacturer and simply have no control over when a separate company decides to produce the materials they sell. We certainly did not know that that this pattern, which is literally one of hundreds of options, would not only be back ordered, but would be the only pattern Mrs. [redacted] found desirable. Ultimately, all we want here is for our customer to be happy and if Mrs. [redacted] would prefer a refund as opposed to us performing the repairs, than we have no problem accommodating that request. The materials and labor involved in this repair equates to roughly $150.00. In the essence of good customer relations and in an effort to give this matter some closure, we are prepared to refund Mrs. [redacted] $200.00 as opposed to performing the work that we have discussed. If this arrangement is agreeable to Mrs. [redacted], we ask that she please notify us of this fact and we will promptly process a refund for the $200.00.Thank you for your time and we look forward to resolving this matter.