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Express Flooring

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Express Flooring Reviews (275)

Should our customer view the back of her order form, she will be able to see the guidelines regarding refunds.  This being said, we again are very sorry if there was an confusion regarding this matter.  Mrs. [redacted] refund was processed this morning and a check will be going out in the mail today for her.  As we stated in our last response, both our customer and the can be assured that this customer is receiving 100% of her deposit back.  While we understand that this most recent request from the asks that we make some sort of offer to resolve the matter, please realize that we agreed to refund this customer in full even before this complaint was ever filed.  We trust that this matter can be considered as closed, and again we are very sorry if this matter frustrated our customer in any way.  Have a wonderful day and please feel free to contact us if we be of any additional assistance.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.


I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.


From the first phone call to schedule an in home visit, to the installers waving goodbye, it was an excellent experience! Our flooring was carefully installed the very next day by two friendly, English speaking, professional installers who knew exactly what they were doing. We love our new flooring!

Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. We have been speaking to Mr. [redacted] over the last week or so regarding this matter. Let us please first apologize to this customer for the simple fact that he is frustrated and that we were...

unable to resolve this matter prior to this complaint being filed. We work very hard here to create and keep happy customers and please understand that we tried to be fair and reasonable with this customer since the beginning of our relationship with him. So that anyone reading this complaint can understand our position, we would like to point out a few points. Mr. [redacted] states in his complaint that he had “received 4 quotes” prior to meeting with our representative. Common sense would tell you that after receiving 4 quotes from other companies and then deciding to move forward with a purchase with our company that there had to be a reason why he choose to contract with us. Once can only conclude that one of two scenarios were in place. Either the 4 other quotes were for similar products of those Mr. [redacted] selected from us, and our pricing was better and more appealing to him. Or, Mr. [redacted] found a product he liked better with our company that was not offered from the other companies he meet with.  Mr. [redacted] has refused to share with us which one it was, but it is blatantly clear that he was a well-informed consumer going into this relationship who had clear options on how to proceed. He choose of his own free will to place an order with our company and he did so under a certain set of financial terms. By Mr. [redacted] own admittance, he is very happy with the products we provided and with the quality of the workmanship that was displayed during the installation. His only concern that he has expressed is in regards to the price. Let us please point out that the pricing of this order was discussed and agreed to prior to Mr. [redacted] signing a contract for the work that was to be done. If he had issues with the price, especially considering he had already obtained 4 other quotes, the time to have expressed those concerns would have been at the point of sale with his sales rep. Rather, Mr. [redacted] waited until he is in receipt of 100% of the goods and services he purchased from us and then decided to contact us threatening to file complaints of this nature against us if we didn’t immediately give him $2,000.00.  Mr. [redacted] also states in his complaint that he concluded that he is entitled to a $2,000 refund because he wants to be reimbursed for a carpet removal charge. The reality of this is that we did perform that service for him. It is not common practice in our industry, or any industry for that matter, to reimburse a customer for a service that was performed. Mr. [redacted] also states that he wants a $400 discount that he was promised at a “home show”. To address this point, please read back through his complaint. As you will see, he was given $3,000.00 is promos and discounts. He received this discount and much, much more. Mr. [redacted] then requests an additional refund stating he was “overcharged”. Again, Mr. [redacted] was in receipt of 4 quotes prior to meeting with our company. He was not overcharged in any way, and if our price was that much higher than our competition, than why did he place the order with us in the first place?  With all this being said, the reality here is that we have a customer whom is less than satisfied. Our philosophy in relation to matters of this nature is that we always want to resolve any and every complaint we ever receive, regardless of our personal feelings on the validity of the complaint. We take our customer service seriously and in the end here, we are prepared to take some steps to resolve this matter with our customer. We simply cannot agree to refund Mr. [redacted] $2,000.00 based off this complaint due to the facts and circumstances surrounding it. However, we are prepared to offer him a $250.00 discount in the essence of good customer relations and in an attempt to resolve this complaint. If Mr. [redacted] is willing to accept this gesture of good will we do ask that an agreement be in place outlining the arrangement. We can provide this to him upon his request. We thank you for your time and considerations regarding this matter and we look forward to working with our customer to resolve this unfortunate situation. If you require any further assistance and/or information please do not hesitate to contact us.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.



 I have no trust in this company anymore. They have now changed there story three times. As I had stated before, I was told it would cost me twice the price, then the $1700 would be a restocking fee. Today I stated I just wanted my money back and do not wish to do any further busiiness with them. They are just trying to get out of refunding my

$1700. I'm sorry they keep provoking me to get angry....

Please be advised that this customer has been refunded in full.  We fully understand that consumers are very sensitive to the timeliness of refunds of this nature, but we do ask that you understand that any and every company has policies and procedures in regards to outgoing monies....

 This customer has been refunded in full and well within the guidelines regarding their order with us.  We are very sorry that they felt the need to file this complaint, however we can assure them and any other customer we have that we are in no way interested in any monies that are not due to us.  As we have stated, this customer has been refunded in full and we trust that this fact will suffice in resolving this complaint.  Please feel free to contact us if we can be of any additional assistance.

Mrs. [redacted]'s refund was processed on her credit card.  It does take some banks up to three business days to post transactions of this nature.  With the holiday upon us, we ask that she please give this until Monday, 1/4/16.  If the refund does not show on her account, she can feel to contact our office and ask for [redacted] for assistance.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Express Flooring is not interested in this customers satisfaction. Your attempt to blame my porch for the problem is ignoring the facts.I  asked your salesman to recommend a flooring appropiate for my porch. He had eyes to see that it was screened and susceptibleto rain. I relied on his knowledge of his business. It was his responsibility. I have another compliant with the salesman - I don't knowhis name. it was not legible on the paper he gave me. When the work was half done he said - by the way it will cost another $500to install plywood on the foor. (Of course he didn't know this when he wrote the job on the paper - ha ha).  There were no details onthe paper, only a final price. I will never again do business without a signed contract and will advise my friends & family also. Hiswriting was so bad I could not read 90% of it. Also the huge discounts I fell for did not appear on the paper. I suppose people fall for them just like I did. It was not a very (professional ?) experience. I was taken to the cleaners.


Eugene [redacted]


I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I have been contacted by a carpet cleaning business and have the appointment arranged for them to come out. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter and for responding in a timely fashion.


Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.  Let us start by apologizing, as we never want to hear of a customer being frustrated in any way and we can assure Mrs. [redacted] and the that getting her taken care of is a...

priority to us.  We are pleased to report that we have an appointment scheduled with our customer for today to get her minor repairs wrapped up and completed.  Naturally, we cannot go back in time and change the products she purchased.  Nor is refunding her for this purchase an option either.  As Mrs. [redacted] is aware, she is in receipt of thousands of dollars in custom goods that have been installed in her home.   We deal is goods that are customized to our customer's homes.  It is not as if we sold her a TV or another item that could be put back into a box and resold.  We are very sorry that we cannot comply with this request, again, w can not go back in time and change the materials this customer decided to purchase.  Naturally, she always has the option of purchasing new flooring, if she chooses to go down that road. 

Thank you for your time and considerations regarding this matter and please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any future assistance.

I do not except Express Flooring's offer!
I am not spending another three thousand on more carpet, when I thought I was 
getting quality carpet, with a ' lifetime' warranty. My carpet is by no means the quality I was promised
by the Sales Manager.  This is misrepresentation!  
As for the 3rd party carpet test... Any carpet would look good after spending one minute brushing
a 18 inch sq.!!  After 2-3 months of wear, I shouldn't have to looking at matted carpeting!!
What I really would like is my carpet replaced (without any cost ) with another make of carpet.
 But, would settle for half our money back!
Sincerely, [redacted]

Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.  We are a little confused as to why this customer filed this complaint, as they are fully aware that we cancelled their order per their request.  We also spoke with them earlier this...

week and had a very pleasant conversation with them.  As it turns out, their son is going to install their flooring for them, which will save them a significant amount of money.  Everyone should be so lucky to have someone capable of this type of work.  It is no surprise that this customer, or any customer for that matter, is going to save money by purchasing their own products and then installing them themselves.  We wish the [redacted]'s nothing but the best of luck in the future and hope they have a good holiday season.  We are not exactly sure what they are trying to accomplish with this complaint, but as we are sure they are aware, we are here for them if need any future assistance.

Good Morning,Thank you for your swift response to complaint. While reading Henry's reply I am amazed at how vastly inaccurate his interpretation is. Considering he was not involved in any part  of the sales cycle or installation I am curious how he has so much information from 3 party that he...

claims in accurate. Lets outline the facts; I the consumer purchased wood flooring from Express Flooring that was not installed not only to my specifications, but to industry standard. I have attached photos of the install that are soar spots proving the quality of workman ship, but hat is not my complaint. I simply did not get what I aid for. Henry finally admits that this all went wrong with the start of the salesmen. I made it quite clear what I wanted, which did not occur. The bottom line is I did not and never wanted quarter round along my baseboards. I agreed to having it around my fireplace where the flooring could not be undercut because it cement, that is what I singed off on. It is an industry standard to undercut flooring to git under the existing baseboard, clearly this did not occur. I did explain that I did not want my baseboards lifted being uneven with the rest of the house. All of this being identified, why was my direction ignored? Additionally, proving Henty is in fact untruthful he explained to me that to replace my flooring would cost them $2700. In his rebuttal, he claims it is $7,000, which is the truth? I assure this is not an isolated incident, and hundreds of others have been taken advantage of  by their smoke in the mirror tactics also displayed in Henry's cunning rebuttal.        Again, I jsut want what I paid for, no crusies, no payout and no paynets off.

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.


In order for me to have Express Flooring come out and give me an estimate, they need to know my marital status and if both parties will be home at the appointment. Why does it matter my marital status? They also will not come out and provide me with an estimate without me making a decision right on the spot. Otherwise they will charge me a $75 fee. I'm sorry but this is a lot of money that is being spent and most people will need time to absorb and think about it. I will be taking my business elsewhere and I will also tell all my friends the same thing. This company sounds vary shaddy

This company will rip you off and installs terrible materials. They use illegal citizens and children to install the materials. I had a child working in the house as the translator for the two adults so I couldn't even communicate directly with my installers. The work is awful, I have had the materials repaired 8 times in less than a year. When I didn't want "remnants" as they called them, or scraps as everyone else calls them, they raised my price by 30%. The carpet was installed damaged but they never made any attempts to rectify the situation they created. The installation was very poor and very sloppy. The carpet is not stapled down or around the edges of the stairs and is constantly lifting up when I vacuum. It has already had to be stretched in less than 6 months of being installed and I am the only person living in the house. WATCH OUT FOR THIS COMPANY!!!!!!!!!!! They will rip you off and use terrible materials that will break down in a few months.

BEWARE they use high pressure " you have to sign today to get todays price" more then double my other estimates , the ads are all misleading ,I wasted an hour of MY time with this clown BEWARE!!!!!

Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.  In our industry, one of our biggest challenges is managing customer's expectations.  We can sell the same product to 1,000 customers and inevitably we will get 1,000 different...

views of feedback on that same product.  This particular product that Mr. & Mrs. [redacted]) purchased has been a very popular product that carries over a 99% satisfaction rate.  When it comes to carpeting, customer's can and will form their own opinion of any particular product.  When that opinion is anything less than positive, it is always and unfortunate situation.  In this particular case, Mrs. [redacted] contacted our office concerned with the performance of those goods.  Upon us visiting her home and assessing the situation, we were of the opinion that the carpeting she purchased was not only performing positively, we thought the carpeting looked very good in her well maintained and clean home.  Mrs. [redacted]'s main concern was that the carpeting showed track marks in the traffic areas.  As most people know, any cut pile and very plush carpeting will move around under foot traffic.  When you turn vacuum over it or manipulate it with our hand, the carpet goes right back to its originally luster.  This is simply how carpet works and these products are manufactured to do just that.  This being said, Mrs. [redacted] disagreed with this assessment and insisted that something was wrong with her carpeting.  We in turn worked with the manufacturer of the carpeting who arranged for a third party to perform an inspection/assessment of the current condition of those goods.  This company was again a third party and an expert in this industry.  They are full certified and trained to make determinations of this nature.  We have attached a copy of the report they issued in regards to Mrs. [redacted]'s claim.  As you will see on this document, not only does this show the carpet is performing as it should, but the inspector using a field evaluation scale, developed by the Carpet & Rug Institute (CRI) whom is the industry's leading resource when it comes to standards of carpet and carpet installation.  This evaluation showed the highest possible grade for appearance change in the carpeting.  This means the look of the carpeting during this inspection was comparable to brand new and uninstalled carpeting.  The inspector goes on to state that no manufacturing and/or installation related defects were present.  
From a warranty standpoint, it is easier to take care of a customer whom has a legitimate and clear cut issue.  You can simply fix the problem.  In cases of this nature, it is hard to fix something that is not broken and therefore makes the situation more complicated and harder to deal with.  We are very sorry that Mrs. [redacted] is unhappy and sincerely wish this was not the case.  But under the circumstances and considering the facts at hand, what could any reasonable person expect us to do?  From a customer service standpoint we do want to make this customer happy, but she did receive the materials she purchased and we have been able to verify and document that those materials are performing for her as they should be.  Therefore we simply cannot agree to just give her thousands of dollars back.  That said, we do want to give her a few options on how to proceed that would be agreeable to us.  
If Mrs. [redacted] wishes to have the carpeting replaced, we would be willing to provide the labor for the installation of any new materials at no charge to her.  We would expect her to pay for the costs of the materials invovled, but again, we will perform the labor at no charge.  Or, if Mrs. [redacted]'s only route to happiness through this complaint involves money, we would be willing to refund her $200.00 from a customer service standpoint in order to resolve the matter and give this complaint some closure.  We feel that both of these offers are reasonable considering the facts at hand and we feel we are going above and beyond what anyone could reasonably expect of us.  We look forward to hearing back from Mrs. [redacted] on what she decides.
Thank you please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any additional information and/or documentation regarding this matter.

What Express Flooring is stating in their response is not quite true. Here in part is their response " They responded to us by asking for new carpet padding, one that was better than the one they had purchased.  When we asked what type of padding they wanted, they responded by telling us that they didn't know and told us were the experts and to "figure it out".  Needless to say, how can a customer accuse us of giving them something other than what they purchased when they couldn't even tell us what they wanted?  This being said, we worked through the issue with them.  We agreed to upgrade their padding at no charge."
1. We did ask for better padding
2. We did not, I repeat, we did not say we didn't know what type of padding we wanted, and that they were the experts, and for them to figure it out! This is a lie! What we told them was that John had told us we would be getting "Memory Foam padding" THAT is NOT what we got! What we were told by Henry the district manager was that they would not lay memory foam padding without charging us more money, even though that is what John told the 3 of us we would be getting when he sold us the carpet and padding! Therefore they did not work through this issue completely!

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Description: Floor Laying, Refinishing & Resurfacing

Address: 901 West Airline Highway, Laplace, Louisiana, United States, 70068


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