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Description: Floor Laying, Refinishing & Resurfacing
Address: 901 West Airline Highway, Laplace, Louisiana, United States, 70068
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Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. We are very sorry to have received this complaint from Mrs. [redacted] We want nothing more than for our customers to be happy and satisfied with both the products they select for...
their home and with service they receive from us. Please realize that we do not select flooring for our customers. We provide them with samples of the products we sell and help to guide them in the selection process by answering any questions they may have, but ultimately it is the customer who makes the decision on what product they purchase. We naturally would never want to sell a customer a product if we know they are going to be unhappy with it. In all fairness, if a customer selects a product and pays for those materials, there is simply no way for us to know that we may end up in this type of situation six months down the road. If we had a crystal ball and could predict the future, we would have taken steps to avoid this. The reality of the matter is that, while we sympathize with Mrs. [redacted]s frustrations, she is not upset with any we did. She is upset with the carpet SHE selected. Please know we have tried to work with her through this matter. Mrs. [redacted]s main complaint has been that the carpet does not meet up to her tile flooring that is adjacent to the carpet we installed. The existing tile flooring is a fraction of an inch higher than the carpeting. This is not an uncommon occurrence in our industry. Tile is installed on top of mortar and is generally a thicker product than carpeting. To account for this, there are products available called "carpet ramps" or "carpet shims" that are used to taper off the height difference of the two types of flooring. We have offered on numerous occasions to install this for Mrs. [redacted], free of charge. For some reason she has refused to allow for this to happen and instead she has demanded that we replace her carpet with a thicker product. While we always want to help our customers, her expectation of us just replacing her flooring is simply not reasonable in our opinion. Our business deals with custom ordered and custom installed goods. We cannot just put her carpet back on a shelf and sell it to someone else. It is custom cut and custom installed her home and it is the product she said she wanted. We understand that Mrs. [redacted] is unhappy with the carpet she selected, but again, her unhappiness lies solely in a decision she made. As we stated earlier, customer satisfaction is always our goal. We are always reasonable and fair with our customers and we expect same in return from them. Resolving this complaint is important to us and in an effort to achieve just that, we have a couple of options for Mrs. [redacted] As we explained, we are happy to supply and install the carpet ramps that we discussed earlier, at no charge to this customer. If this course of action is not agreeable to Mrs. [redacted], and she still wants to pick out a new carpet, we will provide the labor on that replacement, free of charge. Mrs. [redacted] would be responsible for the cost of the materials she selects, however we will do everything we can to help her keep those costs down. If Mrs. [redacted] would like to take us up on either of those offers, she may contact [redacted] Jaffe in our office at her convenience. He can be reached at [redacted] during normal business hours. Thank you for your time and considerations regarding this matter and please feel free to contact us if we can be of any further assistance.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I concluded that Mr. [redacted] had already offered me 500 dollars if I agreed not to forward my complaint to any agency or say anything bad about Express Flooring to anyone. I told him at the time he would have to include the 400 dollar discount from the Maricopa home show, but he refused. so, I will also decline his offer of 250 dollars. I never demanded 2000 dollars as he claims, however I did inform him that I will seek the 2000 dollars if this is escalated to a court appearance. Mr. [redacted] response to my complaint never addressed the issue, it was just scripted words I am sure he uses often. I challenge him to find any big box store, national chain or any private company that would agree that 9500 dollars is a fair price for 570 Sq feet of similar lower to middle of the line tile with installation . He cant and won't do it because no legitimate business would agree with this outrageous price. Mr. [redacted] also made a lot of assumptions in his response as to what I was thinking.this tactic will not work if this should go to court.Express Flooring business practices are meant to deceive and intimidate which is what Mr. [redacted] is still trying to do. Please refer to all the many many customers that have complained in the past as compared to the very few positive comments.Thank you for your attention, and hopefully we can get this resolved.Regards,[redacted]
Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. It saddens us to ever receive a complaint, regardless of the circumstances. We have literally hundreds of people in or affiliated with our organization that spend each and every...
s it seems she is dealing with a matter much more pressing than new flooring, which is exactly why we made the decision to give her what she wanted. However, we feel the circumstances do not make it okay for her to damage our reputation with this complaint, as we have done absolutely nothing wrong. As we have stated, we have given this customer exactly what they wanted and we did this BEFORE we were even aware this complaint had been filed. We understand why this customer did what they did, even though we would have preferred her simply working with us directly, as she would have achieved the same end result. The facts here are very clear and it is obvious that things did not transpire in the manner in which Mrs. [redacted] explained in this complaint. Therefore, we not only respectfully request that this complaint be closed, but we additionally request that this complaint be removed from our record completely. Again we have done nothing wrong and we feel that the facts here clearly show that the circumstances surrounding this complaint are not as Mrs. [redacted] has described.Thank you for your time and please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further assistance on this matter.
day trying to supply our customers with a stress-free and enjoyable experience. With this being said, we, just like any company out there, are not perfect. From time to time mistakes get made and in those cases, we do what is necessary to correct the situation. This matter however, has nothing to do with Express Home Services, LLC or any of its employees. This complaint stems from a consumer who wants to take back a decision they made. We read through their complaint and frankly, the facts here do not support anything this customer has stated in their letter to the on this matter. Attached you will find the order placed by Mrs. [redacted]. This document is a legal and binding contract for the purchase of almost $13,000.00 of custom flooring. As you can see on this document there are clearly specific product selections for different areas of Mrs.[redacted]'s home. There are clearly two separate & SPECIFIC installation dates. The products Mrs. [redacted] purchased were on clearance and there is even a statement that reads, "ALL SALES ARE FINAL". Why would this customer place this order, sign the attached contract with all this detailed and specific information on it, if things were as she described in this complaint? The reality of the situation is consumers will, from time to time, place an order of this nature and then have second thoughts. Frankly, its human nature and any business deals with this type of situation in some way, shape, or form. And when this type of situationoccurs, that consumer feels they need to somehow "get out" of the decision they made. They do not think about how this will affect the company they placed their order with, and even if they did think about that, most people simply don't care. The fact is, when a customer places an order with us and supplies us with a deposit, we have the legal obligation to fill that order. We in turn spend thousands of dollars in materials, man hours, and time in processing and preparing that order for installation. Many customers think that if something is not installed that it doesn't cost us anything. Nothing could be farther from the truth. This particular order was placed on 6/5/14. The installation was set to begin on 6/30/14. We called Mrs. [redacted] on 6/28/14 and left her a message confirming the installation date. We did not receive a return call from her. On 6/30/14 we dispatched our installation team to begin work. When they arrived to Mrs. [redacted]'s home, no one was there. We again attempted to call Mrs. [redacted] who did answer the phone at that point. She stated to us that she was not ready for her installation and she explained that she was in the hospital with her husband. Mrs. [redacted] indicated she would contact us when she was ready for her installation. We accepted that under the circumstances and filed her order awaiting her call. At no point during this call did she ever state that she did not place the order. Three months went by and we received no contact from Mrs. [redacted]. On 9/29/14, Mrs. [redacted] sent us an electronic message via our website that basically said she never signed a contract and she wanted her $400 deposit back. Needless to say, we were puzzled and we immediately contacted our customer. Mr. [redacted] answered this call and stated that he would have Mrs. [redacted] call us back, which she did the following day. Mrs. [redacted] was very aggressive with our staff. We did our best to handle the matter and we asked that Mrs. [redacted] send us a letter documenting her desire to cancel the order and we also explained to her that she should state in that letter that she was disputing the restocking fee.Once we received this, management would discuss it and we would get back to her on what we could do. Mrs. [redacted] refused to do this saying that if she sent in a letter to cancel, that she felt she was acknowledging that she placed an order. We tried to explain that we did have a signed order and we were just trying to follow our procedures, and this is when Mrs. [redacted] stated that she was going to file a complaint with the if we didn't give her back her the deposit she supplied us. At this point it was obvious we were dealing with an out of the ordinary situation and the matter was passed on to management. The following morning, we reviewed the situation and decided to simply cancel this order out and refund Mrs. [redacted] her deposit. We called her to deliver this news and left a message with an individual we assume was her possibly her child. We received no return call. The following day we called her again and left her a voice mail asking her to call us back. Again, we received no return call. The day after that a check was mailed to Mrs. [redacted] for $400.00 which totaled the deposit she placed on this order. Two days after that is when we received this complaint.It is regretful that many consumers use organizations such as the to gain something at a company such as ourselves expense. While we understand the mindset, we find it hard to swallow that our company's name and the reputation of our staff gets dragged through the mud because a customer has a case of buyer's remorse. Our heart goes out to Mrs. [redacted] and her family a
Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. It is always unfortunate when a customer is displeased with a product they purchase and we always try to avoid situations of this nature whenever we can. But we ask that any one...
reading this realize that the problem here solely lies in a decision this customer made and not in any of our actions. Mrs. [redacted] invited our sales rep into her home. She held a sample of the flooring she purchased in her hands and she decided on her own accord to make this purchase. We did nothing more than try to fill the order she placed.
We fully understand that sometimes not all situations are fair and that sometimes in business you need to make exceptions to the rules and do things to keep your customer's happy. In light of the circumstances surrounding this matter and in an effort to resolve this complaint, we do have a laminate flooring product that we can install for this customer. We attempted to contact her today to let her know of this good news, and she hung up on us when a manager from our company identified himself as working for Express Flooring. He called her back a short while later and she proceeded to raise her voice to this gentleman and then hang up on him again. As opposed to calling her back a third time, we figured it was better to communicate via this complaint.
As we stated, we are more than willing to install laminate flooring for this customer. We have one product, which has a number of options in regards to color that we can do for the same price as Mrs. [redacted]'s contract. We are also willing to install any other products she has in mind, assuming they are of an equal or similar price. Should any product she chooses be significantly more expensive, we would naturally expect her to pay for those upgraded costs.
We hope this offer will help this matter move forward so that we all may give it some closure. Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact us if you require any further assistance.
In response to Mr. [redacted] comments, we are very sorry to hear that our offer of resolution was not agreeable to him. We are not going to engage in a debate with this customer over who is right or wrong here. Obviously both parties involved feel their side of the story has merit or else this complaint never would have been filed in the first place. We always go out of way to accommodate our customers, regardless of weather or not we feel we are right or wrong. This is precisely why we made the offers we did well before this complaint was ever filed. Under normal circumstances we would have no problem making a small concession so as to resolve a complaint, however we have already agreed to make thousands of dollars of concessions to this customer. We feel we are being MORE than reasonable by offering to essentially replace his flooring and we think that any reasonable and unbiased party would agree. With this in mind, we respectfully request that this complaint be closed as resolved as we have agreed to make some very large concessions to this customer as a result of their concerns. If Mr. [redacted] refuses to accept these offers, we cannot control that fact. But the reality is we have again agreed to donate thousands of dollars worth of materials and labor to resolve this matter. If the does not feel that the offers we have made to resolve this complaint are sufficient, we ask that they communicate to us their thoughts on a fair and reasonable resolution, considering the facts surrounding this matter. We are always open to an outside opinion and please know that resolving this complaint is again of the utmost importance to us.
We have absolutely NOT received any refund in this matter. My credit card has not been refunded, nor have I received any check in the amount due.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.The carpet is not restored to original non-matted condition after vacuuming. The salesman assured me that this was better quality carpeting than I had in other rooms of the house. To suggest, as the company does, that I knew I was buying cheap carpeting (at +$4000) is insulting, arrogant, dishonest. To suggest, as the company does, that I don't take care of the carpeting well enough is simply insulting. Why in the world they think I would do business with them again is beyond comprehension.
Wow, I guess that is the response I expected. Blame the customer. We notified our sales rep, Richard H[redacted], immediately after both installations regarding the damage to our property. He was our only contact at the time and when we contacted Express, they refused to give out any email contact information (our preferred method of communication). Does the contract limit their liability? Yes, of course it does. We relied on their sales reps express promises that we need NOT remove any of our furniture and they would "take care of everything". Our mistake. Their own "inspector" came over and attempted to fix the bed damage which he could not (he also took pictures and agreed that the bed was damaged). The other damage was corrected by ME because of their lack of timely response.
The repairman from [redacted] did come over on 3/15 (over a month after we reported the damage) and he was successful repairing the bed. The damage to the bedroom closet glide is the only remaining issue but we will resolve that issue ourselves. What a poor way to treat your customers. We would never recommend their service to anyone of our friends or neighbors.
First of all we Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] are not making this difficult. When we initially made the appointment to we requested an afternoon appointment since we both work. We weren't given the option to have a Saturday appointment. We were told that the could come to our home on Thursday 10/15/15 between 2 & 5 PM. Which we told them that would be perfect. We were phoned the night before informing us that someone would be at home the following day between the hours of 2 & 5 PM. In which the gal that phoned said they would call tomorrow. In which I told her that no one would be home and that they should either call my cell or business numbers in which they have on file. When we made the appointment for 10/15 I told them not to call my home because Mr. [redacted] is hearing impaired and doesn't answer the phone. We have told them this repeatedly that to call Mrs. [redacted] on either her cell or business numbers. There was only 1 message on the phone recorder the day of 10/15 in which was someone telling us they would be out between 3 & 5 PM. No other messages were left and no one called Mrs. [redacted] on her cell or business numbers. The following day once again there was a message from someone at Express Flooring telling us they were sorry that life happens. Let me remind you that this wasn't the first time they promised to be at our home. During the initial install they never showed up as promise. Finally Saturday they show up wanting to do the carpeting first and then the tile. We were told it would be better to do the tile first and of course why would we want them to install carpeting and then tile to tramp back across the new tile. Mr. [redacted] took 2 vacations days for this installation. It was only supposed to 1 day which was Friday. Since they didn't have the carpeting ready on Saturday they said they could do it Monday. Once again why make appointments if you don't plan on keeping them. We didn't want to set up another appointment with Express Flooring as we didn't want to wait around again. Or neither did we want to have to remove items from our master bedroom once again. Henry left a message the other day to try and settle this again we are reluctant to because it's the same story over and over again. Why should Mrs. [redacted] have to call them again when nothing is being settled. Not once did they try to reach Mrs. [redacted] on her other numbers that they have on file. To me this is just poor business. Although we have agreed to have them come back to our home in November. We are very reluctant, we shall see what happens. Be reminded Express Flooring that Mr. [redacted] is hearing impaired and won't answer the house phone. You have both Mrs. [redacted] other numbers.
Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. We are very sorry to have received this complaint from Mr. [redacted]. Please know that we always want to address and resolve any complaint we ever receive. We feel it is...
important to anyone reading this complaint that you realize that this complaint is the first we have heard from this customer since October 2012. Their floor was installed in July 2012 which is almost 3 years ago at this point in time. Naturally, it is very difficult for us to address a matter for a customer if they do not communicate with us or even notify us that the issue exists. With this being said, we will contact Mr. [redacted] today to discuss this matter and we are very confident that we will be able to address this matter assuming everyone involved is reasonable in their expectations. Thank you for your time and we look forward to giving this matter some closure.
Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. We are very sorry to hear that this customer is frustrated and/or unhappy. Since receiving this complaint, we have contacted Mrs. [redacted] and we have an appointment scheduled for...
next week to meet with her and address her concerns. As we always do, we will work through any issues she or her husband are having. In regards to the materials installed, we have never, nor will we ever act in the manner Mr. [redacted] is accusing us of. The carpeting installed is precisely the same carpeting that Mrs. [redacted] picked out when she placed this order. We look forward to meeting with her next week so as to clarify this point and address any other issues she may be having.Thank you for your time and please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any further assistance.
I had new carpeting installed it was on the higher quality side and very expensive. It has worn out in less than a year. almost worn thru to the pad. it took serval weeks to get someone out to look at it. then they made me spend money to get it cleaned before they would even submit the complaint. now I have been trying to get a hold of the warranty people to get an answer on what they are going to do to resolve this issue. they never answer there phone or return my messages. I have been calling everyday for a week and only get voice mail and left several messages with no return calls. then anytime I call after four she is gone for the day. this is ridiculous. will never use this company again. more to come if I ever reach someone to find out what if anything they are going to do about my carpeting.
In response to this customer's most recent correspondence, please understand that there are two sides to every story. In their most recent response, they state that they did not even know what kind of padding they wanted. If that was the case, then how did they know it was wrong? We did what we had to do to rectify this matter with this customer during their installation and well before this complaint was ever filed. If you recall our previous message on this complaint, between the upgrades we gave them and the additional refund we are offering in regards to this complaint, they are being compensated more than originally asked for. AND they have gotten exactly what they wanted, which is why they say they filed this complaint in the first place.
We naturally always try to avoid situations of this nature. But in the rare case that a customer is unhappy, we always do anything and everything that can reasonably be expected of us. This customer expecting free work, upgrades, and then $1,000.00 refund on top of that is simply not reasonable. They accepted the upgrades we gave them and they did so with a smile. They waited until they were in receipt of these things, and then they filed this complaint. If our offers to resolve this matter were not sufficient, than frankly they should have said that at the time. At this point, we feel our offer of an additional refund, ON TOP of what we have already done for this customer is more than reasonable and should be sufficient in closing this complaint.
Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact us if you require any additional assistance.
Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. Let us begin by saying that it saddens us to hear that this customer, or any customer for that matter, is anything less than 100% satisfied with their experience with us. We pride...
ourselves on our customer service and our warranties and please know that we want nothing more than to take care of this customer's concerns. As we are sure you are aware, there is no flooring type that exists today that is bulletproof and/or indestructible. Every product has its positives and negatives. You average customer doesn't realize that a new floor is just a prone to be damaged the day it is installed as it is 2, 5, or 10 years down the road. If you walk through any home and really look at someone's flooring you will most certainly find signs of damage and wear & tear in any home.
Our warranties are the best in our business, but as with any warranty, we cover what we can control. We cover the labor we perform and we do it for a lifetime. We cover the warranties on the materials as those are backed by the manufacturer of the product a customer chooses. But what those warranties don't cover, as with most any product warranty of any kind, is normal wear & tear and customer abuse. This customer contacted saying that they ripped their new floor. Naturally since our installers didn't rip it, and the manufacturer of the product didn't rip it, than damage of that nature is not covered under a warranty. We naturally explained to this customer that would be a charge to repair this, as would any company in this type of situation. Regretfully, Mr. [redacted] became upset with this and expressed his concerns to our representative. In turn, us being the customer service oriented company that we are, agreed to waive any repair charges on this incident and explained to Mr. [redacted] that in the future he needed to be more careful, as typically repairs that are not covered under warranty do involve a cost to the customer. Mr. [redacted] agreed to accept our gesture of customer service and we set up an appointment with him to have the repair done on 6/12/14.
On 6/12/14 we showed up at this home and Mr. [redacted] didn't answer the door. We called him on a few occasions that day and he never returned our calls. We also called him again the following day, and again he didn't return any of our calls. In fact, since that date, the only form of communication we received from Mr. [redacted] has been this complaint. We again called him upon receiving this complaint, and still he has refused to communicate with us.
We are happy to handle this service for our customer, free of charge. We are very sorry that Mr. [redacted] is frustrated, but all we have done since we learned of his issues is try to help him. All he needs to do is contact us to schedule an appointment for the repairs to take place, and we will happily get him taken care of. We trust our willingness to help here will suffice in resolving this complaint and we hope to hear from Mr. [redacted] here very soon.