Express Flooring Reviews (275)
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Description: Floor Laying, Refinishing & Resurfacing
Address: 901 West Airline Highway, Laplace, Louisiana, United States, 70068
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Should our customer view the back of her order form, she will be able to see the guidelines regarding refunds. This being said, we again are very sorry if there was an confusion regarding this matter. Mrs. [redacted] refund was processed this morning and a check will be going out in the mail today for her. As we stated in our last response, both our customer and the can be assured that this customer is receiving 100% of her deposit back. While we understand that this most recent request from the asks that we make some sort of offer to resolve the matter, please realize that we agreed to refund this customer in full even before this complaint was ever filed. We trust that this matter can be considered as closed, and again we are very sorry if this matter frustrated our customer in any way. Have a wonderful day and please feel free to contact us if we be of any additional assistance.
I felt they were overpriced, but liked the product we were to have installed. We have been lied to from the beginning. The sales person said the tear out was approx. a $500.00 job They are trying to charge $2000.00 for tear out and restocking charge of a product that was not in stock. We Cancelled the order after 1 no show and 2 shows with inadequate material to complete the job. During cancellation I was basically threatened with a lein on my house because I am disputing the credit card charge. I was told on several occasions that I was cutting off my nose despite my face. This company is shady. I asked for cancellation department and was sent to installation manager. I also overheard a conversation with one of the workers to the manager where he was told to speak with my husband because he is more reasonable when they wanted to install only half of the floor. I wouldn't recommend this company to my worst enemy
Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. We are very sorry to have received this complaint from Mrs. [redacted] and please know that that she states in her complaint, we have been trying to work with her through...
her issues. While we understand Mr. [redacted] concerns, we feel that she is misunderstanding some facts regarding her order and regarding this complaint. To begin, the product Mrs. [redacted] purchased is sold by an American Company. The product is however physically manufactured in China. Many companies in this countryoutsource the manufacturing of the products they sell. This is common in any industry in today’s marketplace. Many flooring products are manufactured in Italy, Mexico, Turkey, China, and dozens, if not hundreds of other countries. Each of these countries makes a variety of products that vary in quality and price. We have spoken to our sales rep whom helped Mrs. [redacted] through her purchase and he has verified that he never said anything that would give Mr. [redacted] the idea that all of our products are made in America. Unfortunately, from time to time, customers develop certain ideas or make assumptions during the sales process. We certainly are not mind readers and had we known that Mrs. [redacted] had any misconceptions, we most certainly would have discussed those with her. The important reality of the matter is that Mrs. [redacted] got the exact product she purchased. It is a very high quality and durable product and we are sure she will be happy with for many, many years to come. In regards to the change order Mr. [redacted] speaks of, we ask that anyone reading this realize that as Mr. [redacted] states, it is not unreasonable to charge a customer for unforeseen costs that occur during aninstallation of this nature. The change order was not “incorrect” as Mr. [redacted] implies. With all due respect, if it was, Mrs. [redacted] would not have signed it and paid the monies in regards to it. We charged her for a service that needed to be done to complete her project. We were upfront about it and went over those costs and the need for them prior to her paying any monies and prior to any of that work being done. If she had an issue with the monies quoted or the needed work, we easily could have discussed that and hashed it out prior to us getting this point. In respects to Mrs. [redacted] claims regarding her cabinets, the work in her home was completed and signed off on over two weeks ago. There was no mention of any damages to her cabinets until well after the fact. Mrs. [redacted] did email us some photos of the alleged issues and we showed those to the installation team whom performed the labor on this project. They adamantly deny that these damages happened due to their actions. Naturally this puts us between a rock and a hard place. We have a customer on one hand whom we want to keep happy. On the other hand, we have a good installation crew whom has been part of our team for years. No matter what side we take, we are going to make someone unhappy and the reality is that we will never know what really happened. Without taking sides, we have no problem making some concessions to make this customer happy to resolve this complaint. We understand that Mrs. [redacted] has requested $2000.00 back on this purchase. We regretfully cannot agree to a refund of that nature due to the circumstances at hand. With this being said, one of Mrs. [redacted] concerns is over the change order monies she paid, which amounted to $500.00. In the essence of good customer relations, we are prepared to split these costs with this customer on that end of things. In regards to cabinets, we are prepared to also refund her an additional $100.00 for that matter as well which she can use to have the paint touched up on the cabinets. Assuming these actions will resolve this complaint, we will refund her a total $350.00. We thank you for your time in regards to this complaint. We naturally would have preferred that everything went smoothly with Mrs. [redacted] order, however it is important to us to resolve this complaint. We trust that the actions we have taken and the offer we have presented will suffice in accomplishing just that. Please feel free to contact us if you require any further assistance regarding this matter.
Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. We are very sorry that Mrs. [redacted] is unhappy in any way and had known after all this time that that she was still frustrated with the situation, we naturally would have...
been in contact with her. As Mrs. [redacted] stated in her complaint, some time has certainly passed. It was roughly a year and a half ago that we addressed this matter for her. At that time our customer contacted us with concerns over the way her carpet was "wearing". We in turn arranged for a third party to perform an inspection and evaluation of her carpet. This inspection was done and the results showed that the carpet was not defective in any way and that some simple changes to the way it was maintained would resolve the issues this customer was having.Based off the statements in this complaint, it is clear that Mrs. [redacted] has completely misinterpreted this report. We have attached a copy for your viewing. In her complaint, she indicates that we stated that her vacuum was the reason for her problems. As you will read, this is NOT the case. The report states that the vacuum does not have an adjustable beater bar/brush, and that the use of a vacuum that did would be recommended. Vacuums of different brands are set at different heights. This particular vacuum, which is not adjustable, does not allow for the brushes on the vacuum to hit and agitate the fibers of the carpet. Essentially, Mrs. [redacted], who had this carpet installed in August of 2012, had basically never vacuumed her carpet in over a year's time, as of the date of that inspection. Further, since this inspection took place, Mrs. [redacted] has taken no steps to change this fact. We contacted her upon receiving this complaint, and she has not changed the vacuum as per the advice on this report, which mind you, was issued by a licensed and certified expert in this field. We have additionally attached a photo from this inspection. This photo shows that with the use of a simple hand brush, the inspector was able to restore the pile of this carpet to the point in which it looked almost brand new. Maintenance is a very important aspect in caring for carpeting to ensure it performs to the best of its ability for as long as it possibly can. We are a retailer by nature. We supply and install flooring materials for our customers. We are not however responsible for the maintenance of these products. Carpet is just like any other product you purchase; it will be as good you to as you are to it. It is very unfortunate that we all find ourselves in this situation. We understand that not every consumer is as schooled on this subject as we are. We try very hard to educate our customers on the needed maintenance to the products they purchase. This customer was given care and maintenance instructions when they made their purchase. We make info of this nature readily available on our website. We are here to answer any questions our customers' have as well. And in this particular case, a year and half ago we informed this customer on steps she could take to help fix the problem. Regretfully, these suggestions have not been acted on. While we can certainly sympathize with this customer, we simply do not know what more could possibly be expected of us.We always want to do everything we can resolve a complaint of this nature. While we cannot assume the responsibility of the day to day maintenance of this carpeting, we are willing to help Mrs. [redacted] correct some the practices that got her to this point. From a customer service standpoint, we are willing to reimburse her up to $200.00 towards the purchase of a new vacuum cleaner that has an adjustable beater bar/brush as the inspector recommenced. Further, we are willing to offer Mrs. Daugherty a 50% discount on a carpet cleaning, which is something she needs to have done at least once a year as per the manufacturer's warranty instructions. We again are very sorry that this customer is upset or frustrated in any way. We are here to work with her through these problems and we feel that if she follows the steps we have recommended, that she can drastically improve the appearance and useful life of the carpeting she has purchased.
Express Home Services, LLC is a reputable and professional companywhose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. This matter regarding Mr. [redacted] is veryunfortunate and we ask that you please understand that we are very sorry thathe is frustrated in any way. Mr. [redacted]contacted us...
earlier this month. Weinstalled a new floor for him back in February of 2013, which at this point isjust about 2 years ago. Mr. [redacted]stated that his toilet began leaking recently and he wanted us to address theissue for him. At that time we explainedto Mr. [redacted] that toilets leak for many reasons and most all cases, if the leakwas caused by one of our installers, than that leak would have been evidentupon the completion of our installation and would not just turn up 2 yearsafter the fact. However, with this beingsaid, we suggested that he contact a plumber and if that plumber found thematter to be from our installation team, than we would be happy to addressand/or fix the problem for him and we asked him to notify us if that was thecase. At that point the conversationended. A couple of week s later, Mr. [redacted] contacted our officerequesting to be reimbursed almost $400.00 in relation to plumber’s bill heclaims to have paid. We asked him toforward over the information on that he did email us a receipt, however this receiptwas illegible and could not be read. We askedMr. [redacted] what it said and he explained that the plumber replaced a waxring. To anyone with any generalknowledge of the process of replacing a wax ring, a price of almost $400.00 isabsurd. A new wax ring costs less than$20 and you average plumber will charge anywhere between $50.00 and $100.00 forthe labor to simply pick up the toilet and reset it. Further, if the wax ring was not sealedproperly, again the toilet would have been leaking immediately. That is not something that would develop overtime. Either the toilet was sealed or itwas not. Had the ring not been installedcorrectly the first time, the toilet would have leaked the very day it wasset. By Mr. [redacted] own admittance, thiswas not the case. Based off the circumstances, I think anyone can understandwhy we simply did not cut a check for this customer for the monies he wasasking for. However, we did try to bereasonable with this customer. Mr.[redacted] did spend good money with our company and he was and is a valuedcustomer. Even though it is simplyimpossible for this to be our responsibility, we offered him a token refund inthe amount of $125.00 simply to try to resolve his concerns. Obviously this was not acceptable resolutionto the matter for him at that time and he went ahead and filed this complaint. The circumstances regarding this situation have not changedand we still simply cannot agree to just refund this customer almost $400.00based on this complaint. However, justas we did before, we would like to give the matter some closure and we stillprepared to offer this customer a refund of $125.00 to help cover the costsinvolved in this matter. We feel we aregoing above and beyond what can reasonably be expected of us and we sincerely hopeMr. [redacted] is willing to agree to this course of action. If he does, he may either notify us of thisvia this complaint, or he can always feel free to contact us directly. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter andplease do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any furtherassistance.
I had some outdoor carpet put in in 2008. I felt it was a high price but worth it because of the 25 year warranty. I asked at the time about the sun damage and he said it was fine, still under the warranty. I thought that was awesome. After about 6 six years I could see the damage and knew I needed to fix it. But, during 2014 I had a baby girl who had open heart surgery at 5 months old and then passed away. This took a toll on our family and I was unable to think about the carpet at that time. Now, in 2016, I am looking to fix it. We were declined to have it repaired by Express Flooring with the warranty. He said that the warranty was a different time frame for outdoor carpet. The paperwork says 25 years. He said without the cause they couldn't do anything. We know it was sun damage. I reminded him that if I would have called him 2 years earlier to fix it they would probably be fixing it again in a few years anyway with the sun damage. He still declined. I know that the sun damage made a big hole but I feel that they didn't keep up their end of the bargain and because their warranties are not fulfilled I can't see myself doing business with them again.
originally my resoulution was for Express Flooring to complete the job at the contracted price. I have found another company that will do the job for 6500. I will take your $350 apology and use it towards my new floors. that will resolve this dispute. the check can be mailed to my home adress.
Express Home Services, LLC is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. We pride ourselves on our workmanship and our warranties. For us to receive a complaint of this nature is very regretful and please know we are very sorry that this customer is...
frustrated in any way. However, please understand that warranty work and repairs are a part of any and every construction trade. To give our customer's ongoing peace of mind we warranty the labor we perform for a lifetime. However, we cannot fix something if we are not given access to a job site to complete an ongoing repair. We would also like to point out that we have already visited this job site to assess the issues at hand and we have placed over half a dozen calls to this customer since then to schedule the work. To date, they have failed to return our calls. A company who does not honor their warranties does not take the time to inspect a problem and then spend weeks trying to reach a customer. While we again are very sorry this customer is having any issues, we feel their statements regarding our service are simply inaccurate. On 9/12/14, 9/16/14, 9/19/14, 9/23/14, 9/30/14, & 10/6/14 we attempted to reach this customer. We will continue to try to reach our customer to schedule the needed work and upon us being allowed access to this job site, we have no doubt this minor service will easily be taken care of. Naturally, Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] can feel free to contact our office as well. We look forward to touching base with them and working with them through this matter.Thank you for your time and considerations and please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any further assistance.
In response to Mr. [redacted] comments, we are very sorry to hear that our offer of resolution was not agreeable to him. We are not going to engage in a debate with this customer over who is right or wrong here. Obviously both parties involved feel their side of the story has merit or else this complaint never would have been filed in the first place. We always go out of way to accommodate our customers, regardless of weather or not we feel we are right or wrong. This is precisely why we made the offers we did well before this complaint was ever filed. Under normal circumstances we would have no problem making a small concession so as to resolve a complaint, however we have already agreed to make thousands of dollars of concessions to this customer. We feel we are being MORE than reasonable by offering to essentially replace his flooring and we think that any reasonable and unbiased party would agree. With this in mind, we respectfully request that this complaint be closed as resolved as we have agreed to make some very large concessions to this customer as a result of their concerns. If Mr. [redacted] refuses to accept these offers, we cannot control that fact. But the reality is we have again agreed to donate thousands of dollars worth of materials and labor to resolve this matter. If the does not feel that the offers we have made to resolve this complaint are sufficient, we ask that they communicate to us their thoughts on a fair and reasonable resolution, considering the facts surrounding this matter. We are always open to an outside opinion and please know that resolving this complaint is again of the utmost importance to us.
Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. Let us begin by apologizing if this customer is frustrated in any way. Naturally we enter into every relationship with every customer with nothing but the best intentions. In...
this particular case, we believe there is some confusion in the work that was actually performed for Mr. [redacted]. Please know that had we realized that he was confused in any way, we would have addressed this some time ago. However, as you can see on the attached document, the needed sub floor work on Mr. [redacted]'s project was clearly outlined for him in writing. And as you can see on this document he has clearly signed off on it and additionally provided the payment to go along with that change order. There was more than just grinding that was needed. Over 70 feet of subfloor cracks had to be treated with an anti-fracture membrane and we also had to pour 10 bags of a self-leveling compound to ensure the floor was flat and smooth and ready to accept the installation of the flooring this customer purchased.
If Mr. [redacted] was under the impression that all we did was perform a few hours of grinding, we can understand why we would be upset. But the reality is that we performed quite a bit more work than that. We hope this clarifies everything for our customer. Should they have any other questions or need an explanation on anything, we are happy to speak with them. Thank you for your time and please don't hesitate to contact us if we can be of any future assistance.
Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. Please know we are very sorry that Mrs. [redacted] felt the need to file this complaint. We tried very hard to address this customer issues previously, but it seems she was not 100%...
satisfied. As the knows there are two sides to every story. Mrs. [redacted]'s comments in this complaint do not fairly represent the events leading up to this complaint and are extremely one sided. That said, the goal here is to resolve the matter and not to argue it. We did contact Mrs. [redacted] upon receiving this complaint and worked out an arrangement with her. She will be receiving a small refund as a token of our desire to give this matter closure. We trust that our actions will suffice in resolving this complaint. Thank you for your time.
Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. We understand that [redacted] are frustrated with the fact that an alarm wire was damaged during their installation. We feel that anyone can relate to those feelings and...
understand them. With this being said, we ask that anyone reading this please understand that there are two sides to every story. As a contractor whom [redacted] hired to replace their flooring, we feel it is unreasonable for us to be responsible for something that we were never notified of. We have attached a checklist that our sales reps use on each and every sale they make. It covers a broad range of topics related to the upcoming installation of flooring that a customer purchases from us. As you will see on this document, item #5 clearly reads:"If you have burglar alarm wires under your existing flooring, be sure to advise the Design Consultant and Installer as we can not be responsible for damages."Please note that [redacted] initialed by this statement and signed the form at the bottom of the page. We have forms of this nature specifically to avoid uncomfortable situations of this nature. In all fairness, we feel that we should not be responsible for these costs that we have been asked to refund to this customer. That said, our customers are important to us and we always want to resolve any and every complaint we ever received, regardless of our opinions on the validity of the complaint. From a customer service standpoint, we are willing to make an exception for this consumer. We ask that our customer please forward us a receipt or some sort of documentation on the costs involved in repairing this alarm wire. Once received, we will issue a refund in that amount, up to $160.00. We trust that these actions should suffice is resolving this complaint.Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact us if you require any additional assistance regarding this matter.
Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. It is always unfortunate when a situation of this nature arises and we would like to begin by apologizing to this customer for any frustrations he has experienced. Please know that...
our warranties are the best in our business. But as with any warranty on any product, there are limitations to what is covered and what is not. Our lifetime installation warranty covers the labor provided to install the flooring a customer purchases from us. We warranty what we can control and the paperwork this customer was presented at the onset of our relationship with them clearly outlines the warranty which SPECIFICALLY states that damages of this nature are not covered. We can control and stand behind the work we do. But what we can't control is how a customer treats and/or cares for their flooring once we install it. We can take responsibility for our own actions, but we cannot reasonably be expected to take responsibility for the actions of a third party.Again, we are very sorry this customer is unhappy and we while our stance on this matter is firm, we believe in working with our customers in a situation like this to try to give the matter some sort of resolution and we do not mind making concessions for a valued customer. If this customer would like to have these repairs completed, we will happily perform them at a discounted rate. We cannot do it for free, as again, we were not the cause of this issue, but we will work with the customer from a financial standpoint in a reasonable manner. If this course of action is acceptable to this customer, they can feel free to contact our office at [redacted] and ask for [redacted] who can help them through this process. Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact us if we can be of any further assistance.
Express Home Services, LLC is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. Please know that both Mrs. [redacted] and us both want the same thing, and that is for her repairs to be completed. Regretfully, the installation team did...
accidentally damage some of the adjacent flooring to the flooring that we installed. We showed this to our customer and without hesitation agreed to replace the flooring in that area. We showed her a large number of samples that were of a comparable quality to the flooring she had, and Mrs. [redacted] picked out the pattern she liked best. That particular pattern regretfully was not readily available as it was out of stock from the manufacturer and wouldn't be available until early April. This was explained to Mrs. [redacted] right away and we offered to let her pick a different pattern that we could get sooner or even get right away if we had it in stock. Mrs. [redacted] said she loved that pattern and that was what she wanted. We agreed that if she loved it, than there was no sense in her settling for something she didn't like as much, but we made it clear that it would be a couple months before we could install it. She said she understood and she agreed to wait. Since this took place, Mrs. [redacted] has called our office on multiple occasions. She has made demands for discounts and money back as well, all in relation to something we was made aware of the moment she picked out this specific product. We have respectfully declined these requests in the past, as if this situation was so unpleasant and so frustrating, we don't understand why Mrs. [redacted] would have insisted on this specific product. Additionally, we have offered to allow her to pick out a new product multiple times over the last number of weeks and she refuses to even look at a different product. The reality is that this work could have been done over a month ago if Mrs. [redacted] would simply pick a different a pattern. At this time, and in an effort to resolve this complaint, we again are willing to revisit Mrs. [redacted] and have her pick a different pattern of a product that is readily available. If she picks something we have in stock, we can install it the next day. If Mrs. [redacted] insists on waiting for the product she originally choose, we naturally cannot install something we do not have, and all we can do is contact her once it arrives and arrange the installation. We feel we are being more than fair and reasonable with this customer and we look forward to completing the needed repairs once the product needed arrives.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
We reject the response on at least three of their claims. The most glaring is that my wife was relieved that it was delayed as she was reconsidering the color! That is as far from the truth as you can get. We cancelled as they could not meet our time line as promised. We were told that they were out of stock but they found a piece in [redacted]. When it arrived we were told that it came in damaged. They said they expected a new roll to be delivered but could not give us a time and could not do it within the time we required. We were offered a discount in the future but when we requested something in writing, we heard nothing further from them. They incurred no cost with our cancellation as the carpet was being restocked because they were out of stock. This company has not been reputable, ethical or professional in their dealings with us.
I wish to warn others to never use Express Flooring. They spend their money on advertising saying that you have lifetime warranties but when you have a problem, they find ways of not being responsible. I contacted them in 2009 to come out and give me an estimate on flooring for my home. I was interested in wood laminate to replace flooring in two bathrooms that had carpeting put in by previous owners.
The salesman tried to up sell which is a sales tactic but I could not afford the exorbitant prices so I finally settled on wood laminate at two entries, two bathrooms and a small hallway. The work was fine and the flooring looked good but when I had other work done by another handyman who referred me to a local store for product, they told me that wood laminate should never be used in rooms with water sources like bathrooms because you don't notice any issues until damage has been done. Jump forward to 2015 and I noticed my toilet leaking one morning so I shut off the water and looked closely at the flooring and it was all bubbled up in small areas between the toilet and sink. This did not happen overnight nor did it happen when I first noticed the leak. When I called Express Flooring they told me a Frank in Tucson would call me back. It took 4 days before I received a call and then there was a game of call back tag until I finally emailed Express again and Frank got through to me. He had all kinds of excuses but in the end only offered to connect me with an installer. I told him I wasn't interested and would be filing a complaint with the I subsequently hired a handyman to come in and remove the flooring in that bathroom which with Express Flooring cost about $1500. My handyman installed wood TILE that looks the same and the total cost for removal, product and reinstall, AND replacing the toilet and seal CORRECTLY, was less than $300.00. Shame on EXPRESS FLOORING. The marketing company whose daughter and husband SING the ads should be ashamed of themselves for accepting money from Express and associating themselves with vendors like this. I will never do business with Express and I will continue telling everyone about my bad experience. In the beginning I did refer them to several others and they also had bad experiences with Express. It always amazes me when this type of business stays in business. Shame on them.
In response to this complaint, please know that Express Home Services, LLC is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. We are very sorry to hear that this customer is frustrated and we would like to begin by assuring both the & our...
customer that we have every intention on handling Ms. [redacted]' concerns. We would like to point out some facts surrounding this matter in relation to our response to this customer and her concerns. This installation was completed in the middle of January of this year. It was not until July 2, 2014 that they reported the issues to our office. As a policy, we respond to any and all requests for service within 2 business days. This has been our policy for over a decade. Naturally, we always respond inside that 2 business day window whenever possible, but we do run a very busy and high volume operation. Please also realize that different times of the year and even different days of the week result in varied levels of availability of our staff. In short, some days are busier than others, and when it is not as busy, the response time is less. When are overly busy, that response time may become slightly longer.
In this case, as we stated, Ms. [redacted] contacted us on 7/2/14, at roughly about 2pm. Her call was returned on 7/4/14 at roughly 9:30am. So essentially, Ms. [redacted]' call was returned in roughly 1.5 days from when she contacted us. We feel that this type of response to our customers is more than reasonable and is not something that should generate a complaint of this nature. That being said, if our customer is unhappy, we are unhappy. We again are very sorry that things did not transpire in a manner that this customer was expecting.
In regards to the issues with Ms. [redacted]' carpeting, our service tech did report back to our office that there is a possible manufacturing related issue and he has recommended a claim be filed with the manufacturer of the product Ms. [redacted] purchased. We have in turn filed this claim and are awaiting the results from the manufacturer. Please understand that we are a retailer and we do not manufacturer any of the goods we sell. We are in the process of working with the manufacturer to resolve this issue and will notify Ms. [redacted] of the results of this claim once we receive them.
Thank you for your time and please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any further assistance.
Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction. It is always regretful to received a complaint of this nature from one of our customers. We enter into every relationship with our customers with nothing but the best intentions....
Please understand that we are a retailer by nature and we do not manufacturer any of the products that we sell. To address a situation of this nature, we must work through and with the manufacturer of the products that our customer purchases. This is a process, and the reality is it does not sometimes take longer than either we and/or our customers would ideally like. We fully understand Mrs. [redacted] frustration. With that being said, we did file a claim on her behalf in a timely manner upon us being notified of the issue. We can assure both our customer and the that we will aggressively pursue this claim with the manufacturer of these goods until we receive a fair and reasonable disposition on the matter. We are here for this customer and any of our customers if they ever need us. Mrs. [redacted] simply needs to allow this process to run its coarse and we have no doubt that the matter to be resolved to her satisfaction. We will be in touch with her once we get a response on the claim we have filed, which we hope to be some time this week. Thank you for your time and if you require any additional information and/or documentation, please do not hesitate to contact us.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
I felt they were overpriced, but liked the product we were to have installed. We have been lied to from the beginning. The sales person said the tear out was approx. a $500.00 job They are trying to charge $2000.00 for tear out and restocking charge of a product that was not in stock. We Cancelled the order after 1 no show and 2 shows with inadequate material to complete the job. During cancellation I was basically threatened with a lein on my house because I am disputing the credit card charge. I was told on several occasions that I was cutting off my nose despite my face. This company is shady. I asked for cancellation department and was sent to installation manager. I also overheard a conversation with one of the workers to the manager where he was told to speak with my husband because he is more reasonable when they wanted to install only half of the floor. I wouldn't recommend this company to my worst enemy